246 resultados para CIS-PROLINE


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Boc-Trp-Ile-Ala-Aib-Ile-Val-Aib-Leu-Aib- Pro-Ala-Aib-Pro-Aib-Pro-Phe-OM(we here Boc is t-butoxycarbonyla nd Aib is a-aminoisobutyriac cid), a synthetica polar analog of the membrane-activefu ngal peptide antibioticz ervamtycinII A, crystallizesi n spaceg roupP 1 withZ =1 and cell parameters a = 9.086 ?0.002 A, b = 10.410 ?+ 0.002 A, c = 28.188 ? 0.004 A, a = 86.13 ? 0.01?, 13 = 87.90 ? 0.01?, and y = 89.27 ? 0.01?;o veralla greementf actorR = 7.3% for 7180 data (Fo > 3cr) and 0.91-A resolution. The peptide backbone makes a continuous spiral that begins as a 310-helix at the N-terminus, changes to an a-helix for two turns, and ends in a spiral of three fl-bends in a ribbon. Each of the fl-bends contains a proline residue at one of the corners. The torsion angles 4i range from -51? to -91? (average value -64o), and the torsion angles ai range from -1? to -46? (average value -31?). There are 10 intramolecularN H...OCh ydrogenb onds in the helix and two directh ead-to-taihl ydrogenb ondsb etween successive molecules. Two H20 and two CH30H solvent molecules fill additional space with appropriate hydrogen bonding in the head-to-tail region, and two additional H20 molecules form hydrogen bonds with carbonyl oxygens near the curve in the helix at Pro-10. Since there is only one peptide molecule per cell in space group P1, the molecules repeat only by translation, and consequently the helices pack parallel to each other.


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The effect of N-terminal diproline segments in nucleating helical folding in designed peptides has been studied in two model sequences Piv-Pro-Pro-Aib-Leu-Aib-Phe-OMe (1) and Boc-Aib-Pro-Pro-Aib-Val-Ala-Phe-OMe (2). The structure of 1 in crystals, determined by X-ray diffraction, reveals a helical (RR) conformation for the segment residues 2 to 5, stabilized by one 4 -> 1 hydrogen bond and two 5 -> 1 interactions. The N-terminus residue, Pro(1) adopts a polyproline II (P-II) conformation. NMR studies in three different solvent systems support a conformation similar to that observed in crystals. In the apolar solvent CDCl3, NOE data favor the population of both completely helical and partially unfolded structures. In the former, the Pro-Pro segment adopts an alpha(R)-alpha(R) conformation, whereas in the latter, a P-II-alpha(R) structure is established. The conformational equilibrium shifts in favor of the P-II-alpha(R) structure in solvents like methanol and DMSO. A significant population of the Pro(1)- Pro(2) cis conformer is also observed. The NMR results are consistent with the population of at least three conformational states about Pro- Pro segment: trans alpha(R)-alpha(R), trans P-II-alpha(R) and cis P-II-alpha(R). Of these, the two trans conformers are in rapid dynamic exchange on the NMR time scale, whereas the interconversion between cis and trans form is slow. Similar results are obtained with peptide 2. Analysis of 462 diproline segments in protein crystal structures reveals 25 examples of the alpha(R)-alpha(R) conformation followed by a helix. Modeling and energy minimization studies suggest that both P-II-alpha(R) and alpha(R)-alpha(R) conformations have very similar energies in the model hexapeptide 1


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The diruthenium(III) complex [Ru2O(O2CAr)2(MeCN)4(PPh3)2](ClO4)2 (1), on reaction with 1,2-diaminoethane (en) in MeOH at 25-degrees-C, undergoes nucleophilic attacks at the carbon of two facial MeCN ligands to form [(Ru2O)-O-III(O2CAr)2-{NH2CH2CH2NHC(Me)NH}2(PPh3)2](ClO4)2 (2) (Ar = C6H4-p-X, X = H, Me, OMe, Cl) containing two seven-membered amino-amidine chelating ligands. The molecular structure of 2 with Ar = C6H4-p-OMe was determined by X-ray crystallography. Crystal data are as follows: triclinic, P1BAR, a = 13.942 (5) angstrom, b = 14.528 (2) angstrom, c = 21.758 (6) angstrom, alpha = 109.50 (2)-degrees, beta = 92.52 (3)-degrees, gamma = 112.61 (2)-degrees, V = 3759 (2) angstrom 3, and Z = 2. The complex has an {Ru2(mu-O)(mu-O2CAr2)2(2+)} core. The Ru-Ru and average Ru-O(oxo) distances and the Ru-O-Ru angle are 3.280 (2) angstrom, 1.887 [8] angstrom, and 120.7 (4)-degrees, respectively. The amino group of the chelating ligand is trans to the mu-oxo ligand. The nucleophilic attacks take place on the MeCN ligands cis to the mu-oxo ligand. The visible spectra of 2 in CHCl3 display an absorption band at 565 nm. The H-1 NMR spectra of 2 in CDCl3 are indicative of the formation of an amino-amidine ligand. Complex 2 exhibits metal-centered quasireversible one-electron oxidation and reduction processes in the potential ranges +0.9 to +1.0 V and -0.3 to -0.5 V (vs SCE), respectively, involving the Ru(III)2/Ru(III)Ru(IV) and Ru(III)2/Ru(II)Ru(III) redox couples in CH2Cl2 containing 0.1 M TBAP. The mechanistic aspects of the nucleophilic reaction are discussed.


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Proton and12C NMR study of molecules related to retinal has been carried out. The characteristic differences in spectral behaviour among 7-trans and 7-cis isomers have been established which would be useful in determining the structure of new isomers and identifying components in a mixture. Through coupling constant measurements and DNMR study it is clearly established that 7-cis isomers of β-ionyl derivatives and in turn 7-cis isomers of retinyl derivatives prefer a non-planar arrangement and this non-planarity brings about resonance destabilisation.


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The structure of bovine prothrombin fragment 1 has been refined at 2.25 Å resolution using high resolution measurements made with the synchrotron beam at CHESS. The synchrotron data were collected photographically by oscillation methods (R-merge = 0.08). These were combined with lower order diffractometer data for refinement purposes. The structure was refined using restrained least-squares methods with the program PROLSQ to a crystallographic R-value of 0.175. The structure includes 105 water molecules with occupancies of >0·6. The first 35 residues (Ala1-Leu35) of the N-terminal ?-carboxy glutamic acid-domain (Ala1-Cys48) of fragment 1 are disordered as are two carbohydrate chains of Mr ? 5000; the latter two combine to render 40% of the structure disordered. The folding of the kringle of fragment 1 is related to the close intramolecular contact between the inner loop disulfide groups. Half of the conserved sequence of the kringle forms an inner core surrounding these disulfide groups. The remainder of the sequence conservation is associated with the many turns of the main chain. The Pro95 residue of the kringle has a cis conformation and Tyr74 is ordered in fragment 1, although nuclear magnetic resonance studies indicate that the comparable residue of plasminogen kringle 4 has two positions. Surface accessibility calculations indicate that none of the disulfide groups of fragment 1 is accessible to solvent.


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X-Ray structural data, as well as semiempirical and ab initio molecular orbital calculations, reveal no systematic and substantial difference between the C–C bond lengths of cis and trans 1,2-diketones. Additional results on various conformations of 1,2-diimines and 1,2-dithiones follow the same pattern. Therefore, lone-pair repulsions cannot be implicated in the observed lengthening of C–C bonds in isatin and several related molecules. Conjugation in these systems occurs peripherally avoiding the participation of the central C–C bond. Negative hyperconjugative interaction between the oxygen lone pairs and the adjacent C–C σ* orbital is suggested to be the principal reason for the relatively long C–C bond in diketones. This effect is found in both the cis and trans conformations.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, an etiological agent of pulmonary tuberculosis, causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Pathogenic mycobacteria survive in the host by subverting host innate immunity. Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen-presenting cells that are vital for eliciting immune responses to infectious agents, including pathogenic mycobacteria. DCs orchestrate distinct Th responses based on the signals they receive. In this perspective, deciphering the interactions of the proline-glutamic acid/proline-proline-glutamic acid (PE/PPE) family of proteins of M. tuberculosis with DCs assumes significant pathophysiological attributes. In this study, we demonstrate that Rv1917c (PPE34), a representative member of the proline-proline-glutamic-major polymorphic tandem repeat family, interacts with TLR2 and triggers functional maturation of human DCs. Signaling perturbations implicated a critical role for integrated cross-talk among PI3K-MAPK and NF-kappa B signaling cascades in Rv1917c-induced maturation of DCs. However, this maturation of DCs was associated with a secretion of high amounts of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, whereas Th1-polarizing cytokine IL-12 was not induced. Consistent with these results, Rv1917c-matured DCs favored secretion of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 from CD4(+) T cells and contributed to Th2-skewed cytokine balance ex vivo in healthy individuals and in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Interestingly, the Rv1917c-skewed Th2 immune response involved induced expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in DCs. Taken together, these results indicate that Rv1917c facilitates a shift in the ensuing immunity toward the Th2 phenotype and could aid in immune evasion by mycobacteria.


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Fourfold helical structures for polypeptides and their association in regular lattices with interchain hydrogen bonds were investigated by model building studies. These studies revealed that stereochemically satisfactory fourfold helical sturctures are possible for polyglycine, polyproline, and copolymers of glycine and proline with two and four units in the monomer. In these structures the unit height h for the backbone has been found to be restricted from 2.7 to 3.1 k, with four peptide units per turn of the helix. Energetically both fourfold and threefold helical structures are equally favorable.


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A series of mixed ligand cobalt(III) complexes having the general formula Co(EA)X [where EA = dianion of N,N′-ethylenebis(acetylacetonimine) and X = anion of isonitroso-acetylacetone, IAA; isonitrosobenzoylacetone, IBA; isonitrosodibenzoylmethane, IDBM; isonitrosoethylacetoacetate, IEA; isonitrosoacetoacetanillide, IAN; isonitrosoethylmethylketone, IEMK; isonitrosobenzylmethylketone, IBMK and isonitrosopropiophenone, IPP] have been synthesised and characterised. A facial-cis-β structure (cis with respect to the coordinated two oxygen atoms of EA) with N,N,N,O,O,O ligational environment has been assigned for the complexes. The characterisation of the complexes has been based upon chemical analysis, electrical conductivity, magnetic moment, IR, PMR and electronic spectra.


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The experimental charge density distribution in three compounds, 2-chloro-3-quinolinyl methanol, 2-chloro-3-hydroxypyridine, and 2-chloro-3-chloromethyl-8-methylquinoline, has been obtained using high-resolution X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K based on the aspherical multipole modeling of electron density. These compounds represent type I (cis), type I (trans), and type II geometries, respectively, as defined for short Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl interactions. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical charge densities using theoretical structure factors obtained from a periodic quantum calculation at the B3LYP/6-31G** level. The topological features derived from the Bader's theory of atoms in molecules (AIM) approach unequivocally suggest that both cis and trans type I geometries show decreased repulsion, whereas type II geometry is attractive based on the nature of polar flattening of the electron density around the Cl atom.


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(I)Lantadene-B: C35H52O5,M r =552.80, MonoclinicC2,a=25.65(1),b=6.819(9),c=18.75(1) Å,beta=100.61(9),V=3223(5) Å3,Z=4,D x =1.14 g cm–3 CuKagr (lambda=1.5418A),mgr=5.5 cm–1,F(000)=1208,R=0.118,wR=0.132 for 1527 observed reflections withF o ge2sgr(F o ). (II)Lantadene-C: C35H54O5·CH3OH,Mr=586.85, Monoclinic,P21,a=9.822(3),b=10.909(3),c=16.120(8)Å,beta=99.82(4),V=1702(1)Å3,Z=2,D x =1.145 g cm–3, MoKagr (lambda=0.7107Å), mgr=0.708 cm–1 F(000)=644,R=0.098, wR=0.094 for 1073 observed reflections. The rings A, B, C, D, and E aretrans, trans, trans, cis fused and are in chair, chair, sofa, half-chair, chair conformations, respectively, in both the structures. In the unit cell the molecules are stabilized by O-HctdotO hydrogen bonds in both the structures, however an additional C-HctdotO interaction is observed in the case of Lantadene-C.


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Reaction of 2-bromomethyl-1-(2′-tetrahydropyranyloxy) benzene 3a with tetrachlorocatechol(TCC) in acetone in presence of anhydrous K2CO3 resulted in the formation of diastereomeric products to which cis- & trans- 6-chloro-8-hydroxy-8-(2-oxopropyl)spiro[9H-benzo[a]xanthen- 9,2′(1′H) benzofuran]-7(8H)-one (7a & 8a) structures were assigned, along with tetrachlorocatechol ethers (5a & 6a). Similar reaction of 3a with tetrabromocatechol(TBC) gave the expected monobromo compounds 7d & 8d along with the ethers 5d & 6d. When the reaction was repeated with substrates 3b–c with TCC/TBC in ketonic solvents(acetone/methyl ethyl ketone), the corresponding compounds 5b–c to 8b–c, 5e–f to 6e–f, 7e–g & 8e–h were obtained. A suitable explanation has been given for the formation of acetonyl compound 6 in this reaction.


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The reaction of fac-[Mo(CO)3(MeCN)3] with the unsymmetrical diphosphazane Ph2PN(iPr)P(Ph)(DMP) (L) gives the complex fac-[Mo(CO)3(MeCN)(L)] (2) in almost quantitative yield. The structure of the complex has been determined by an X-ray diffraction study. The compound reacts with PR3 (where R = Ph, OPh) to give fac-[Mo(CO)3(PR3)(L)] (3a, 4a), which undergoes an intramolecular isomerization to afford mer-[Mo(CO)3(PR3)(L)] (3b, 4b). Synthesis of cis-[Mo(CO)4(L)] (1) and fac-[MO(CO)3L] (2a) and their spectroscopic data are also reported.


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Reactions of the bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)cyclotriphosphazene derivatives gem-N3P3(MeNCH(2)CH(2)O)(2)(dmp)(2) (1) and nongeminal cis-N3P3(OPh)(4)(dmp)(2) (2) with PdCl2 afford complexes of the type [PdCl2.(L)] (L = 1 or 2). In these complexes, the phosphazenes act as bidentate NN-donor ligands with the two pyrazolyl pyridinic nitrogen atoms bonded to the metal, thus forming a six- and an eight-membered chelate ring, respectively. The structures of 2 and [PdCl2.(2)] (4) have been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Crystal data for 2: a = 16.759(2) Angstrom, b = 10.788(3) Angstrom, c = 19.635(9) Angstrom, beta = 101.61(3)degrees, P2(1/c), Z = 4, R = 0.038 for 4688 reflections with F > 5 sigma(F). Crystal data for 4: a = 9.701(3) Angstrom, b = 24.853(4) Angstrom, c = 15.794(4) Angstrom, beta = 101.46(2)degrees, P2(1/n), Z = 4, R = 0.030 for 5416 reflections with F > 5 sigma(F).


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The regulation of eukaryotic gene transcription poses major challenges in terms of the innumerable protein factors required to ensure tissue or cell-type specificity. While this specificity is sought to be explained by the interaction of cis-acting DNA elements and thetrans-acting protein factor(s), considerable amount of degeneracy has been observed in this interaction. Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene expression in B cells and liver-specific gene expression are discussed as examples of this complexity in this article. Heterodimerization and post-translational modification of transcription factors and the organization of composite promoter elements are strategies by which diverse sets of genes can be regulated in a specific manner using a finite number of protein factors