230 resultados para Atomistic Simulation


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Based on the analogy between polytypes and spin-half Ising chains with competing short- and infinite-range interactions, a Monte Carlo simulation of polytypes has been attempted. A general double-layer mechanism connects different states of the polytype chain with about the same probability as the spin-flip mechanism in magnetic Ising chains. It has been possible to simulate various polytypes with periodicities extending up to 12 layers. The Monte Carlo method should be useful in testing different interaction models that may be proposed in the future to describe polytypism.


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In this article we review the current status in the modelling of both thermotropic and lyotropic Liquid crystal. We discuss various coarse-graining schemes as well as simulation techniques such as Monte Carlo (MC) and Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.In the area of MC simulations we discuss in detail the algorithm for simulating hard objects such as spherocylinders of various aspect ratios where excluded volume interaction enters in the simulation through overlap test. We use this technique to study the phase diagram, of a special class of thermotropic liquid crystals namely banana liquid crystals. Next we discuss a coarse-grain model of surfactant molecules and study the self-assembly of the surfactant oligomers using MD simulations. Finally we discuss an atomistically informed coarse-grained description of the lipid molecules used to study the gel to liquid crystalline phase transition in the lipid bilayer system.


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Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to reveal the characteristic features of ethylenediamine (EDA) cored protonated (corresponding to neutral pH) poly amido amine (PAMAM) dendrimers of generation 3 (G3) and 4 (G4) that are functionalized with single strand DNAs (ssDNAs). The four ssDNA strands that are attached via an alkythiolate [-S(CH(2))(6)-] linker molecule to the free amine groups on the surface of the PAMAM dendrimers are observed to undergo a rapid conformational change during the 25 ns long simulation period. From the RMSD values of ssDNAs, we find relative stability in the case of purine rich (having more adenine and guanine) ssDNA strands than pyrimidine rich (thymine and cytosine) ssDNA strands. The degree of wrapping of ssDNA strands on the dendrimer molecule was found to be influenced by the charge ratio of DNA and the dendrimer. As the G4 dendrimer contains relatively more positive charge than G3 dendrimer, we observe extensive wrapping of ssDNAs on the G4 dendrimer than G3 dendrimer. This might indicate that DNA functionalized G3 dendrimer is more suitable to construct higher order nanostructures. The linker molecule was also found to undergo drastic conformational change during the simulation. During nanosecond long simulation some portion of the linker molecule was found to be lying nearly flat on the surface of the dendrimer molecule. The ssDNA strands along with the linkers are seen to penetrate the surface of the dendrimer molecule and approach closer to the center of the dendrimer indicating the soft sphere nature of the dendrimer molecule. The effective radius of DNA-functionalized dendrimer nanoparticles was found to be independent of base composition of ssDNAs and was observed to be around 19.5 angstrom and 22.4 angstrom when we used G3 and G4 PAMAM dendrimers as the core of the nanoparticle respectively. The observed effective radius of DNA-functionalized dendrimer molecules apparently indicates the significant shrinkage in the structure that has taken place in dendrimer, linker and DNA strands. As a whole our results describe the characteristic features of DNA-functionalized dendrimer nanoparticles and can be used as strong inputs to design effectively the DNA-dendrimer nanoparticle self-assembly for their active biological applications.


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The current paper suggests a new procedure for designing helmets for head impact protection for users such as motorcycle riders. According to the approach followed here, a helmet is mounted on a featureless Hybrid 3 headform that is used in assessing vehicles for compliance to the FMVSS 201 regulation in the USA for upper interior head impact safety. The requirement adopted in the latter standard, i.e. not exceeding a threshold HIC(d) limit of 1000, is applied in the present study as a likely criterion for adjudging the efficacy of helmets. An impact velocity of 6 m/s (13.5 mph) for the helmet-headform system striking a rigid target can probably be acceptable for ascertaining a helmet's effectiveness as a countermeasure for minimizing the risk of severe head injury. The proposed procedure is demonstrated with the help of a validated LS-DYNA model of a featureless Hybrid 3 headform in conjunction with a helmet model comprising an outer polypropylene shell to the inner surface of which is bonded a protective polyurethane foam padding of a given thickness. Based on simulation results of impact on a rigid surface, it appears that a minimum foam padding thickness of 40 mm is necessary for obtaining an acceptable value of HIC(d).


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Nano-indentation is a technique used to measure various mechanical properties like hardness, Young's modulus and the adherence of thin films and surface layers. It can be used as a quality control tool for various surface modification techniques like ion-implantation, film deposition processes etc. It is important to characterise the increasing scatter in the data measured at lower penetration depths observed in the nano-indentation, for the technique to be effectively applied. Surface roughness is one of the parameters contributing for the scatter. This paper is aimed at quantifying the nature and the amount of scatter that will be introduced in the measurement due to the roughness of the surface on which the indentation is carried out. For this the surface is simulated using the Weierstrass-Mandelbrot function which gives a self-affine fractal. The contact area of this surface with a conical indenter with a spherical cap at the tip is measured numerically. The indentation process is simulated using the spherical cavity model. This eliminates the indentation size effect observed at the micron and sub-micron scales. It has been observed that there exists a definite penetration depth in relation to the surface roughness beyond which the scatter is reduced such that reliable data could be obtained.


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We propose an iterative algorithm to simulate the dynamics generated by any n-qubit Hamiltonian. The simulation entails decomposing the unitary time evolution operator U (unitary) into a product of different time-step unitaries. The algorithm product-decomposes U in a chosen operator basis by identifying a certain symmetry of U that is intimately related to the number of gates in the decomposition. We illustrate the algorithm by first obtaining a polynomial decomposition in the Pauli basis of the n-qubit quantum state transfer unitary by Di Franco et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 230502 (2008)] that transports quantum information from one end of a spin chain to the other, and then implement it in nuclear magnetic resonance to demonstrate that the decomposition is experimentally viable. We further experimentally test the resilience of the state transfer to static errors in the coupling parameters of the simulated Hamiltonian. This is done by decomposing and simulating the corresponding imperfect unitaries.


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Since the end of second world war, extra high voltage ac transmission has seen its development. The distances between generating and load centres as well as the amount of power to be handled increased tremendously for last 50 years. The highest commercial voltage has increased to 765 kV in India and 1,200 kV in many other countries. The bulk power transmission has been mostly performed by overhead transmission lines. The dual task of mechanically supporting and electrically isolating the live phase conductors from the support tower is performed by string insulators. Whether in clean condition or under polluted conditions, the electrical stress distribution along the insulators governs the possible flashover, which is quite detrimental to the system. Hence the present investigation aims to study accurately, the field distribution for various types of porcelain/ceramic insulators (Normal and Antifog discs) used for high-voltage transmission. The surface charge simulation method is employed for the field computation. A comparison on normalised surface resistance, which is an indicator for the stress concentration under polluted condition, is also attempted.


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The bulk of power transmission from the generating stations to the load centres is carried through overhead lines. The distances involved could span several hundreds of kilometres. To minimize line losses, power transmission over such long distances is carried out at high voltages (several hundreds of kV). A network of outdoor lines operating at different voltages has been found to be the most economical method of power delivery. The disc insulators perform dual task of mechanically supporting and electrically isolating the live phase conductors from the support tower. These insulators have to perform under various environmental conditions; hence the electrical stress distribution along the insulators governs the possible flashover, which is quite detrimental to the system. In view of this the present investigation aims to simulate the surface electric field stress on different types of porcelain/ceramic insulators; both normal and anti-fog type discs which are used for high voltage transmission/distribution systems are considered. The surface charge simulation method is employed for the field computation to simulate potential, electric field, surface and bulk/volume stress.


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We have developed a graphical user interface based dendrimer builder toolkit (DBT) which can be used to generate the dendrimer configuration of desired generation for various dendrimer architectures. The validation of structures generated by this tool was carried out by studying the structural properties of two well known classes of dendrimers: ethylenediamine cored poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer, diaminobutyl cored poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrimer. Using full atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have calculated the radius of gyration, shape tensor and monomer density distribution for PAMAM and PPI dendrimer at neutral and high pH. A good agreement between the available simulation and experimental (small angle X-ray and neutron scattering; SAXS, SANS) results and calculated radius of gyration was observed. With this validation we have used DBT to build another new class of nitrogen cored poly(propyl ether imine) dendrimer and study it's structural features using all atomistic MD simulation. DBT is a versatile tool and can be easily used to generate other dendrimer structures with different chemistry and topology. The use of general amber force field to describe the intra-molecular interactions allows us to integrate this tool easily with the widely used molecular dynamics software AMBER. This makes our tool a very useful utility which can help to facilitate the study of dendrimer interaction with nucleic acids, protein and lipid bilayer for various biological applications. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We have developed a graphical user interface based dendrimer builder toolkit (DBT) which can be used to generate the dendrimer configuration of desired generation for various dendrimer architectures. The validation of structures generated by this tool was carried out by studying the structural properties of two well known classes of dendrimers: ethylenediamine cored poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer, diaminobutyl cored poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrimer. Using full atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have calculated the radius of gyration, shape tensor and monomer density distribution for PAMAM and PPI dendrimer at neutral and high pH. A good agreement between the available simulation and experimental (small angle X-ray and neutron scattering; SAXS, SANS) results and calculated radius of gyration was observed. With this validation we have used DBT to build another new class of nitrogen cored poly(propyl ether imine) dendrimer and study it's structural features using all atomistic MD simulation. DBT is a versatile tool and can be easily used to generate other dendrimer structures with different chemistry and topology. The use of general amber force field to describe the intra-molecular interactions allows us to integrate this tool easily with the widely used molecular dynamics software AMBER. This makes our tool a very useful utility which can help to facilitate the study of dendrimer interaction with nucleic acids, protein and lipid bilayer for various biological applications. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Flap dynamics of HIV-1 protease (HIV-pr) controls the entry of inhibitors and substrates to the active site. Dynamical models from previous simulations are not all consistent with each other and not all are supported by the NMR results. In the present work, the er effect of force field on the dynamics of HIV-pr is investigated by MD simulations using three AMBER force fields ff99, ff99SB, and ff03. The generalized order parameters for amide backbone are calculated from the three force fields and compared with the NMR S2 values. We found that the ff99SB and ff03 force field calculated order parameters agree reasonably well with the NMR S2 values, whereas ff99 calculated values deviate most from the NMR order parameters. Stereochemical geometry of protein models from each force field also agrees well with the remarks from NMR S2 values. However, between ff99SB and ff03, there are several differences, most notably in the loop regions. It is found that these loops are, in general, more flexible in the ff03 force field. This results in a larger active site cavity in the simulation with the ff03 force field. The effect of this difference in computer-aided drug design against flexible receptors is discussed.


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We investigate the effect of bilayer melting transition on thermodynamics and dynamics of interfacial water using molecular dynamics simulation with the two-phase thermodynamic model. We show that the diffusivity of interface water depicts a dynamic crossover at the chain melting transition following an Arrhenius behavior until the transition temperature. The corresponding change in the diffusion coefficient from the bulk to the interface water is comparable with experimental observations found recently for water near 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) vesicles Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 7732 (2011)]. The entropy and potential energy of interfacial water show distinct changes at the bilayer melting transition, indicating a strong correlation in the thermodynamic state of water and the accompanying first-order phase transition of the bilayer membrane. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.018303


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Given the increasing cost of designing and building new highway pavements, reliability analysis has become vital to ensure that a given pavement performs as expected in the field. Recognizing the importance of failure analysis to safety, reliability, performance, and economy, back analysis has been employed in various engineering applications to evaluate the inherent uncertainties of the design and analysis. The probabilistic back analysis method formulated on Bayes' theorem and solved using the Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation method with a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm has proved to be highly efficient to address this issue. It is also quite flexible and is applicable to any type of prior information. In this paper, this method has been used to back-analyze the parameters that influence the pavement life and to consider the uncertainty of the mechanistic-empirical pavement design model. The load-induced pavement structural responses (e.g., stresses, strains, and deflections) used to predict the pavement life are estimated using the response surface methodology model developed based on the results of linear elastic analysis. The failure criteria adopted for the analysis were based on the factor of safety (FOS), and the study was carried out for different sample sizes and jumping distributions to estimate the most robust posterior statistics. From the posterior statistics of the case considered, it was observed that after approximately 150 million standard axle load repetitions, the mean values of the pavement properties decrease as expected, with a significant decrease in the values of the elastic moduli of the expected layers. An analysis of the posterior statistics indicated that the parameters that contribute significantly to the pavement failure were the moduli of the base and surface layer, which is consistent with the findings from other studies. After the back analysis, the base modulus parameters show a significant decrease of 15.8% and the surface layer modulus a decrease of 3.12% in the mean value. The usefulness of the back analysis methodology is further highlighted by estimating the design parameters for specified values of the factor of safety. The analysis revealed that for the pavement section considered, a reliability of 89% and 94% can be achieved by adopting FOS values of 1.5 and 2, respectively. The methodology proposed can therefore be effectively used to identify the parameters that are critical to pavement failure in the design of pavements for specified levels of reliability. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000455. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Experimental and numerical studies of slurry generation using a cooling slope are presented in the paper. The slope having stainless steel body has been designed and constructed to produce semisolid A356 Al alloy slurry. The pouring temperature of molten metal, slope angle of the cooling slope and slope wall temperature were varied during the experiment. A multiphase numerical model, considering liquid metal and air, has been developed to simulate the liquid metal flow along the cooling channel using an Eulerian two-phase flow approach. Solid fraction evolution of the solidifying melt is tracked at different locations of the cooling channel following Schiel's equation. The continuity, momentum and energy equations are solved considering thin wall boundary condition approach. During solidification of the melt, based on the liquid fraction and latent heat of the alloy, temperature of the alloy is modified continuously by introducing a modified temperature recovery method. Numerical simulations has been carried out for semisolid slurry formation by varying the process parameters such as angle of the cooling slope, cooling slope wall temperature and melt superheat temperature, to understand the effect of process variables on cooling slope semisolid slurry generation process such as temperature distribution, velocity distribution and solid fraction of the solidifying melt. Experimental validation performed for some chosen cases reveals good agreement with the numerical simulations.