259 resultados para Ammonia molecule - Inversion spectrum


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Diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase gene from Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium was cloned and the overexpressed enzymes were purified to homogeneity. The k(cat) Values, determined for the recombinant enzymes with DL-DAP, D-serine, and L-serine as substrates, showed that the enzyme from S. typhimurium was more active than that from E coli and the K-m values were found to be similar. The purified enzymes had an absorption maximum (lambda(max)) at 412 nm, typical of PLP dependent enzymes. A red shift in lambda(max) was observed immediately after the addition Of 10 MM DL-DAP, which returned to the original lambda(max) of 412 nm in about 4 min. This red shift might reflect the formation of an external aldimine and/or other transient intermediates of the reaction. The apoenzyme of E coli and S. typhimurium prepared by treatment With L-cysteine could be partially (60%) reconstituted by the addition of PLP. The holo, apo, and the reconstituted enzymes were shown to be present as homo dimers by size exclusion chromatography. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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BaTiO3 and Ba0.9Ca0.1TiO3 thin films were deposited on the p – type Si substrate by pulsed excimer laser ablation technique. The Capacitance – Voltage (C-V) measurement measured at 1 MHz exhibited a clockwise rotating hysteresis loop with a wide memory window for the Metal – Ferroelectric – Semiconductor (MFS) capacitor confirming the ferroelectric nature. The low frequency C – V measurements exhibited the response of the minority carriers in the inversion region while at 1 MHz the C – V is of a high frequency type with minimum capacitance in the inversion region. The interface states of both the MFS structures were calculated from the Castagne – Vaipaille method (High – low frequency C – V curve). Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) was used to analyze the interface traps and capture cross section present in the MFS capacitor. There were distinct peaks present in the DLTS spectrum and these peaks were attributed to the presence of the discrete interface states present at the semiconductor – ferroelectric interface. The distribution of calculated interface states were mapped with the silicon energy band gap for both the undoped and Ca doped BaTiO3 thin films using both the C – V and DLTS method. The interface states of the Ca doped BaTiO3 thin films were found to be higher than the pure BaTiO3 thin films.


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Cobalt (11) phthalocyanine (CoPc) molecules have been encapsulated within the supercage of zeolite-Y. The square-planar complex, being larger than the almost spherical cage, is forced to adopt a distorted geometry on encapsulation. A comparative spectroscopic and magnetic investigation of CoPc encapsulated in zeolite-Y and in the unencapsulated state is reported. These results supported by molecular modeling have been used to understand the nature and extent of the loss of planarity of CoPc on encapsulation. The encapsulated molecule is shown to be the trans-diprotonated species in which the center of inversion is lost due to distortions required to accommodate the square complex within the zeolite. Encapsulation also leads to an enhancement of the magnetic moment of the CoPc. This is shown to be a consequence of the nonplanar geometry of the encapsulated molecule resulting in an excited high-spin state being thermally accessible.


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We consider a framework in which several service providers offer downlink wireless data access service in a certain area. Each provider serves its end-users through opportunistic secondary spectrum access of licensed spectrum, and needs to pay primary license holders of the spectrum usage based and membership based charges for such secondary spectrum access. In these circumstances, if providers pool their resources and allow end-users to be served by any of the cooperating providers, the total user satisfaction as well as the aggregate revenue earned by providers may increase. We use coalitional game theory to investigate such cooperation among providers, and show that the optimal cooperation schemes can be obtained as solutions of convex optimizations. We next show that under usage based charging scheme, if all providers cooperate, there always exists an operating point that maximizes the aggregate revenue of providers, while presenting each provider a share of the revenue such that no subset of providers has an incentive to leave the coalition. Furthermore, such an operating point can be computed in polynomial time. Finally, we show that when the charging scheme involves membership based charges, the above result holds in important special cases.


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We consider a setting in which several operators offer downlink wireless data access services in a certain geographical region. Each operator deploys several base stations or access points, and registers some subscribers. In such a situation, if operators pool their infrastructure, and permit the possibility of subscribers being served by any of the cooperating operators, then there can be overall better user satisfaction, and increased operator revenue. We use coalitional game theory to investigate such resource pooling and cooperation between operators.We use utility functions to model user satisfaction, and show that the resulting coalitional game has the property that if all operators cooperate (i.e., form a grand coalition) then there is an operating point that maximizes the sum utility over the operators while providing the operators revenues such that no subset of operators has an incentive to break away from the coalition. We investigate whether such operating points can result in utility unfairness between users of the various operators. We also study other revenue sharing concepts, namely, the nucleolus and the Shapely value. Such investigations throw light on criteria for operators to accept or reject subscribers, based on the service level agreements proposed by them. We also investigate the situation in which only certain subsets of operators may be willing to cooperate.


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In the design of °ight control system modeling uncertainties in the form of param-eter variations is one of the major problems. It is even more critical for high performance aircrafts,since such aircrafts are purposefully designed unstable to enhance their performance (especially ma-neuverability). Hence the °ight control system needs to be quite e®ective in both assuring accurate tracking of pilot commands, while simultaneously assuring overall stability of the aircraft. In addi-tion, the control system must also be su±ciently robust to cater for possible parameter variations and inaccuracies . The primary aim of this paper is to carry out a robustness study of a dynamic inversion based nonlinear control design for a high performance aircraft, which has been developed recently [1].


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A energy-insensitive explicit guidance design is proposed in this paper by appending newlydeveloped nonlinear model predictive static programming technique with dynamic inversion, which render a closed form solution of the necessary guidance command update. The closed form nature of the proposed optimal guidance scheme suppressed the computational difficulties, and facilitate realtime solution. The guidance law is successfully verified in a solid motor propelled long range flight vehicle, for which developing an effective guidance law is more difficult as compared to a liquid engine propelled vehicle, mainly because of the absence of thrust cutoff facility. The scheme guides the vehicle appropriately so that it completes the mission within a tight error bound assuming that the starting point of the second stage to be a deterministic point beyond the atmosphere. The simulation results demonstrate its ability to intercept the target, even with an uncertainty of greater than 10% in the burnout time


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This paper proposes a new straight forward technique based on dynamic inversion, which is applied for tracking the pilot commands in high performance aircrafts.Pilot commands assumed in longitudinal mode are normal acceleration and total velocity(while roll angle and lateral acceleration are maintained at zero). In lateral mode, roll rate and total velocity are used as pilot commands (while climb rate and lateral acceleration are maintained at zero). Ensuring zero lateral acceleration leads to a better turn co-ordination. A six degree-of-freedom model of F-16 aircraft is used for both control design as well as simulation studies. Promising results are obtained which are found to be superior as compared to an existing approach (which is also based on dynamic inversion). The new approach has two potential benefits, namely reduced oscillatory response and reduced control magnitude. Another advantage of this approach is that it leads to a significant reduction of tuning parameters in the control design process.


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A flexible robot arm can be modeled as an Euler-Bernoulli beam which are infinite degrees of freedom (DOF) system. Proper control is needed to track the desired motion of a robotic arm. The infinite number of DOF of beams are reduced to finite number for controller implementation, which brings in error (due to their distributed nature). Therefore, to represent reality better distributed parameter systems (DPS) should be controlled using the systems partial differential equation (PDE) directly. In this paper, we propose to use a recently developed optimal dynamic inversion technique to design a controller to suppress nonlinear vibration of a beam. The method used in this paper determines control forces directly from the PDE model of the system. The formulation has better practical significance, because it leads to a closed form solution of the controller (hence avoids computational issues).


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Molecules exhibiting a thermotropic liquid-crystalline property have acquired significant importance due to their sensitivity to external stimuli such as temperature, mechanical forces, and electric and magnetic fields. As a result, several novel mesogens have been synthesized by the introduction of various functional groups in the vicinity of the aromatic core as well as in the side chains and their properties have been studied. In the present study, we report three-ring mesogens with hydroxyl groups at one terminal. These mesogens were synthesized by a multistep route, and structural characterization was accomplished by spectral techniques. The mesophase properties were studied by hot-stage optical polarizing microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and small-angle X-ray scattering. An enantiotropic nematic phase was noticed for lower homologues, while an additional smectic C phase was found for higher homologues. Solid-state high-resolution natural abundance (13)C NMR studies of a typical mesogen in the solid phase and in the mesophases have been carried out. The (13)C NMR spectrum of the mesogen in the smectic C and nematic phases indicated spontaneous alignment of the molecule in the magnetic field. By utilizing the two-dimensional separated local field (SLF) NMR experiment known as SAMPI4, (13)C-(1)H dipolar couplings have been obtained, which were utilized to determine the orientational order parameters of the mesogen.


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Pre-whitening techniques are employed in blind correlation detection of additive spread spectrum watermarks in audio signals to reduce the host signal interference. A direct deterministic whitening (DDW) scheme is derived in this paper from the frequency domain analysis of the time domain correlation process. Our experimental studies reveal that, the Savitzky-Golay Whitening (SGW), which is otherwise inferior to DDW technique, performs better when the audio signal is predominantly lowpass. The novelty of this paper lies in exploiting the complementary nature to the two whitening techniques to obtain a hybrid whitening (HbW) scheme. In the hybrid scheme the DDW and SGW techniques are selectively applied, based on short time spectral characteristics of the audio signal. The hybrid scheme extends the reliability of watermark detection to a wider range of audio signals.


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This paper considers the high-rate performance of source coding for noisy discrete symmetric channels with random index assignment (IA). Accurate analytical models are developed to characterize the expected distortion performance of vector quantization (VQ) for a large class of distortion measures. It is shown that when the point density is continuous, the distortion can be approximated as the sum of the source quantization distortion and the channel-error induced distortion. Expressions are also derived for the continuous point density that minimizes the expected distortion. Next, for the case of mean squared error distortion, a more accurate analytical model for the distortion is derived by allowing the point density to have a singular component. The extent of the singularity is also characterized. These results provide analytical models for the expected distortion performance of both conventional VQ as well as for channel-optimized VQ. As a practical example, compression of the linear predictive coding parameters in the wideband speech spectrum is considered, with the log spectral distortion as performance metric. The theory is able to correctly predict the channel error rate that is permissible for operation at a particular level of distortion.