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Film flows on inclined surfaces are often assumed to be of constant thickness, which ensures that the velocity profile is half-Poiseuille. It is shown here that by shallow water theory, only flows in a portion of Reynolds number-Froude number (Re-Fr) plane can asymptotically attain constant film thickness. In another portion on the plane, the constant thickness solution appears as an unstable fixed point, while in other regions the film thickness seems to asymptote to a positive slope. Our simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations confirm the predictions of shallow water theory at higher Froude numbers, but disagree with them at lower Froude numbers. We show that different regimes of film flow show completely different stability behaviour from that predicted earlier. Supercritical decelerating flows are shown to be always unstable, whereas accelerating flows become unstable below a certain Reynolds number for a given Froude number. Subcritical flows on the other hand are shown to be unstable above a certain Reynolds number. In some range of parameters, two solutions for the base flowexist, and the attached profile is found to be more stable. All flows except those with separation become more stable as they proceed downstream. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4758299]


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Systematic measurements pertinent to the magnetocaloric effect and nature of magnetic transition around the transition temperature are performed in the 10 nm Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 nanoparticles (PCMO10). Maxwell's relation is employed to estimate the change in magnetic entropy. At Curie temperature (T-C) similar to 83.5 K, the change in magnetic entropy (-Delta S-M) discloses a typical variation with a value 0.57 J/kg K, and is found to be magnetic field dependent. From the area under the curve (Delta S vs T), the refrigeration capacity is calculated at T-C similar to 83.5K and it is found to be 7.01 J/kg. Arrott plots infer that due to the competition between the ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic interactions, the magnetic phase transition in PCMO10 is broadly spread over both in temperature as well as magnetic field coordinates. Upon tuning the particle size, size distribution, morphology, and relative fraction of magnetic phases, it may be possible to enhance the magnetocalorific effect further in PCMO10. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4759372]


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Metal-based piezoresistive sensing devices could find a much wider applicability if their sensitivity to mechanical strain could be substantially improved. Here, we report a simple method to enhance the strain sensitivity of metal films by over two orders of magnitude and demonstrate it on specially designed microcantilevers. By locally inhomogenizing thin gold films using controlled electromigration, we have achieved a logarithmic divergence in the strain sensitivity with progressive microstructural modification. The enhancement in strain sensitivity could be explained using non-universal tunneling-percolation transport. We find that the Johnson noise limited signal-to-noise ratio is an order of magnitude better than silicon piezoresistors. This method creates a robust platform for engineering low resistance, high gauge factor metallic piezoresistors that may have profound impact on micro and nanoscale self-sensing technology. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4761817]


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We present a method for differential ratiometric measurement of reflectance change due to molecular adsorption using a diffractive microstructure fabricated on a reflectance contrast enhancing substrate for bulk refractometry and surface molecular binding detection applications. The differential method suppresses signal fluctuations due to thermal or concentration gradients in the sample flow cell by more than 40x and enables the real-time measurement of molecular interactions on the surface with a noise floor of about 70 pm. (V)C 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4766190]


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Understanding and controlling growth stress is a requisite for integrating oxides with Si. Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) is both an important functional oxide and a buffer layer material needed for integrating other functional oxides. Stress evolution during the growth of (100) and (111) oriented YSZ on Si (100) by radio frequency and reactive direct current sputtering has been investigated with an in-situ monitor and correlated with texture evolution. Films nucleated at rates <5 nm/min are found to be (111) oriented and grow predominantly under a compressive steady state stress. Films nucleated at rates >20 nm/min are found to be (100) oriented and grow under tension. A change in growth rate following the nucleation stage does not change the orientation. The value of the final steady state stress varies from -4.7 GPa to 0.3 GPa. The in-situ studies show that the steady state stress generation is a dynamic phenomenon occurring at the growth surface and not decided at film nucleation. The combination of stress evolution and texture evolution data shows that the adatom injection into the grain boundaries is the predominant source of compressive stress and grain boundary formation at the growth surface is the source of tensile stress. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4757924]


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Density-functional calculations are performed to explore the relationship between the work function and Young's modulus of RhSi, and to estimate the p-Schottky-barrier height (SBH) at the Si/RhSi(010) interface. It is shown that the Young's modulus and the workfunction of RhSi satisfy the generic sextic relation, proposed recently for elemental metals. The calculated p-SBH at the Si/RhSi interface is found to differ only by 0.04 eV in opposite limits, viz., no-pinning and strong pinning. We find that the p-SBH is reduced as much as by 0.28 eV due to vacancies at the interface. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4761994]


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The detection of sound signals in vertebrates involves a complex network of different mechano-sensory elements in the inner ear. An especially important element in this network is the hair bundle, an antenna-like array of stereocilia containing gated ion channels that operate under the control of one or more adaptation motors. Deflections of the hair bundle by sound vibrations or thermal fluctuations transiently open the ion channels, allowing the flow of ions through them, and producing an electrical signal in the process, eventually causing the sensation of hearing. Recent high frequency (0.1-10 kHz) measurements by Kozlov et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109, 2896 (2012)] of the power spectrum and the mean square displacement of the thermal fluctuations of the hair bundle suggest that in this regime the dynamics of the hair bundle are subdiffusive. This finding has been explained in terms of the simple Brownian motion of a filament connecting neighboring stereocilia (the tip link), which is modeled as a viscoelastic spring. In the present paper, the diffusive anomalies of the hair bundle are ascribed to tip link fluctuations that evolve by fractional Brownian motion, which originates in fractional Gaussian noise and is characterized by a power law memory. The predictions of this model for the power spectrum of the hair bundle and its mean square displacement are consistent with the experimental data and the known properties of the tip link. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4768902]


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Optically generated spin polarized electrons in bulk n-type Ge samples have been detected by using a radio-frequency modulation technique. Using the Hanle effect in an external magnetic field, the spin lifetime was measured as a function of temperature in the range 90 K to 180 K. The lifetime decreases with increasing temperature from similar to 5 ns at 100 K to similar to 2 ns at 180 K. We show that the temperature dependence is consistent with the Elliott-Yafet spin relaxation mechanism R. J. Elliot, Phys. Rev. 96, 266 (1954)]. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4772500]


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This paper reports optical and nanomechanical properties of predominantly a-axis oriented AlN thin films. These films were deposited by reactive DC magnetron sputtering technique at an optimal target to substrate distance of 180 mm. X-ray rocking curve (FWHM = 52 arcsec) studies confirmed the preferred orientation. Spectroscopic ellipsometry revealed a refractive index of 1.93 at a wavelength of 546 nm. The hardness and elastic modulus of these films were 17 and 190 GPa, respectively, which are much higher than those reported earlier can be useful for piezoelectric films in bulk acoustic wave resonators. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4772204]


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Hot uniaxial pressing technique has been adopted for the densification of PZT-PMN system with an aim to yield dense ceramics and to lower the sintering temperature and time for achieving better and reproducible electronic properties. The ceramics having >97% theoretical density and micron size grains are investigated for their dielectric, pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties. The effect of Li and Mn addition has also been studied. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4769889]


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This paper deals with an experimental study of the breakup characteristics of water emanating from hollow cone hydraulic injector nozzles induced by pressure-swirling. The experiments were conducted using two nozzles with different orifice diameters 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm and injection pressures (0.3-4 MPa) which correspond to Rep = 7000-26 000. Two types of laser diagnostic techniques were utilized: shadowgraph and phase Doppler particle anemometry for a complete study of the atomization process. Measurements that were made in the spray in both axial and radial directions indicate that both velocity and average droplet diameter profiles are highly dependent on the nozzle characteristics, Weber number and Reynolds number. The spatial variation of diameter and velocity arises principally due to primary breakup of liquid films and subsequent secondary breakup of large droplets due to aerodynamic shear. Downstream of the nozzle, coalescence of droplets due to collision was also found to be significant. Different types of liquid film breakup were considered and found to match well with the theory. Secondary breakup due to shear was also studied theoretically and compared to the experimental data. Coalescence probability at different axial and radial locations was computed to explain the experimental results. The spray is subdivided into three zones: near the nozzle, a zone consisting of film and ligament regime, where primary breakup and some secondary breakup take place; a second zone where the secondary breakup process continues, but weakens, and the centrifugal dispersion becomes dominant; and a third zone away from the spray where coalescence is dominant. Each regime has been analyzed in detail, characterized by timescale and Weber number and validated using experimental data. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4773065]


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We propose an iterative data reconstruction technique specifically designed for multi-dimensional multi-color fluorescence imaging. Markov random field is employed (for modeling the multi-color image field) in conjunction with the classical maximum likelihood method. It is noted that, ill-posed nature of the inverse problem associated with multi-color fluorescence imaging forces iterative data reconstruction. Reconstruction of three-dimensional (3D) two-color images (obtained from nanobeads and cultured cell samples) show significant reduction in the background noise (improved signal-to-noise ratio) with an impressive overall improvement in the spatial resolution (approximate to 250 nm) of the imaging system. Proposed data reconstruction technique may find immediate application in 3D in vivo and in vitro multi-color fluorescence imaging of biological specimens. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4769058]


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Objects viewed through transparent sheets with residual non-parallelism and irregularity appear shifted and distorted. This distortion is measured in terms of angular and binocular deviation of an object viewed through the transparent sheet. The angular and binocular deviations introduced are particularly important in the context of aircraft windscreens and canopies as they can interfere with decision making of pilots especially while landing, leading to accidents. In this work, we have developed an instrument to measure both the angular and binocular deviations introduced by transparent sheets. This instrument is especially useful in the qualification of aircraft windscreens and canopies. It measures the deviation in the geometrical shadow cast by a periodic dot pattern trans-illuminated by the distorted light beam from the transparent test specimen compared to the reference pattern. Accurate quantification of the shift in the pattern is obtained by cross-correlating the reference shadow pattern with the specimen shadow pattern and measuring the location of the correlation peak. The developed instrument is handy to use and computes both angular and binocular deviation with an accuracy of less than +/- 0.1 mrad (approximate to 0.036 mrad) and has an excellent repeatability with an error of less than 2%. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4769756]


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We report the variation of glass transition temperature in supported thin films of polymer nanocomposites, consisting of polymer grafted nanoparticles embedded in a homopolymer matrix. We observe a systematic variation of the estimated glass transition temperature T-g, with the volume fraction of added polymer grafted nanoparticles. We have correlated the observed T-g variation with the underlying morphological transitions of the nanoparticle dispersion in the films. Our data also suggest the possibility of formation of a low-mobility glass or gel-like layer of nanoparticles at the interface, which could play a significant role in determining T-g of the films provided. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4773442]


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Field emission of reduced graphene oxide coated on polystyrene film is studied in both parallel and perpendicular configurations. Low turn-on field of 0.6 V/lm and high emission current density of 200 mA/cm(2) are observed in perpendicular configuration (along the cross section), whereas a turn-on field of 6 V/lm and current density of 20 mu A/cm(2) are obtained in parallel configuration (top surface). The emission characteristics follow Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling and the values of enhancement factor estimated from FN plots are 5818 (perpendicular) and 741 (parallel). Furthermore, stability and repeatability of the field emission characteristics in perpendicular configuration are presented. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4788738]