144 resultados para synchroton-based techniques


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This paper proposes a denoising algorithm which performs non-local means bilateral filtering. As existing literature suggests, non-local means (NLM) is one of the widely used denoising techniques, but has a critical drawback of smoothing of edges. In order to improve this, we perform fast and efficient NLM using Approximate Nearest Neighbour Fields and improve the edge content in denoising by formulating a joint-bilateral filter. Using the proposed joint bilateral, we are able to denoise smooth regions using the NLM approach and efficient edge reconstruction is obtained from the bilateral filter. Furthermore, to avoid tedious parameter selection, we carry out a noise estimation before performing joint bilateral filtering. The proposed approach is observed to perform well on high noise images.


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Image inpainting is the process of filling the unwanted region in an image marked by the user. It is used for restoring old paintings and photographs, removal of red eyes from pictures, etc. In this paper, we propose an efficient inpainting algorithm which takes care of false edge propagation. We use the classical exemplar based technique to find out the priority term for each patch. To ensure that the edge content of the nearest neighbor patch found by minimizing L-2 distance between patches, we impose an additional constraint that the entropy of the patches be similar. Entropy of the patch acts as a good measure of edge content. Additionally, we fill the image by considering overlapping patches to ensure smoothness in the output. We use structural similarity index as the measure of similarity between ground truth and inpainted image. The results of the proposed approach on a number of examples on real and synthetic images show the effectiveness of our algorithm in removing objects and thin scratches or text written on image. It is also shown that the proposed approach is robust to the shape of the manually selected target. Our results compare favorably to those obtained by existing techniques


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In this work, we study the well-known r-DIMENSIONAL k-MATCHING ((r, k)-DM), and r-SET k-PACKING ((r, k)-SP) problems. Given a universe U := U-1 ... U-r and an r-uniform family F subset of U-1 x ... x U-r, the (r, k)-DM problem asks if F admits a collection of k mutually disjoint sets. Given a universe U and an r-uniform family F subset of 2(U), the (r, k)-SP problem asks if F admits a collection of k mutually disjoint sets. We employ techniques based on dynamic programming and representative families. This leads to a deterministic algorithm with running time O(2.851((r-1)k) .vertical bar F vertical bar. n log(2)n . logW) for the weighted version of (r, k)-DM, where W is the maximum weight in the input, and a deterministic algorithm with running time O(2.851((r-0.5501)k).vertical bar F vertical bar.n log(2) n . logW) for the weighted version of (r, k)-SP. Thus, we significantly improve the previous best known deterministic running times for (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP and the previous best known running times for their weighted versions. We rely on structural properties of (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP to develop algorithms that are faster than those that can be obtained by a standard use of representative sets. Incorporating the principles of iterative expansion, we obtain a better algorithm for (3, k)-DM, running in time O(2.004(3k).vertical bar F vertical bar . n log(2)n). We believe that this algorithm demonstrates an interesting application of representative families in conjunction with more traditional techniques. Furthermore, we present kernels of size O(e(r)r(k-1)(r) logW) for the weighted versions of (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP, improving the previous best known kernels of size O(r!r(k-1)(r) logW) for these problems.


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Three-dimensional (3-D) full-wave electromagnetic simulation using method of moments (MoM) under the framework of fast solver algorithms like fast multipole method (FMM) is often bottlenecked by the speed of convergence of the Krylov-subspace-based iterative process. This is primarily because the electric field integral equation (EFIE) matrix, even with cutting-edge preconditioning techniques, often exhibits bad spectral properties arising from frequency or geometry-based ill-conditioning, which render iterative solvers slow to converge or stagnate occasionally. In this communication, a novel technique to expedite the convergence of MoMmatrix solution at a specific frequency is proposed, by extracting and applying Eigen-vectors from a previously solved neighboring frequency in an augmented generalized minimum residual (AGMRES) iterative framework. This technique can be applied in unison with any preconditioner. Numerical results demonstrate up to 40% speed-up in convergence using the proposed Eigen-AGMRES method.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility to construct tissue-engineered bone repair scaffolds with pore size distributions using rapid prototyping techniques. Design/methodology/approach - The fabrication of porous scaffolds with complex porous architectures represents a major challenge in tissue engineering and the design aspects to mimic complex pore shape as well as spatial distribution of pore sizes of natural hard tissue remain unexplored. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the three-dimensional printing process to study its potential for scaffold fabrication as well as some innovative design of homogeneously porous or gradient porous scaffolds is described and such design has wider implication in the field of bone tissue engineering. Findings - The present work discusses biomedically relevant various design strategies with spatial/radial gradient in pore sizes as well as with different pore sizes and with different pore geometries. Originality/value - One of the important implications of the proposed novel design scheme would be the development of porous bioactive/biodegradable composites with gradient pore size, porosity, composition and with spatially distributed biochemical stimuli so that stem cells loaded into scaffolds would develop into complex tissues such as those at the bone-cartilage interface.


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Signals recorded from the brain often show rhythmic patterns at different frequencies, which are tightly coupled to the external stimuli as well as the internal state of the subject. In addition, these signals have very transient structures related to spiking or sudden onset of a stimulus, which have durations not exceeding tens of milliseconds. Further, brain signals are highly nonstationary because both behavioral state and external stimuli can change on a short time scale. It is therefore essential to study brain signals using techniques that can represent both rhythmic and transient components of the signal, something not always possible using standard signal processing techniques such as short time fourier transform, multitaper method, wavelet transform, or Hilbert transform. In this review, we describe a multiscale decomposition technique based on an over-complete dictionary called matching pursuit (MP), and show that it is able to capture both a sharp stimulus-onset transient and a sustained gamma rhythm in local field potential recorded from the primary visual cortex. We compare the performance of MP with other techniques and discuss its advantages and limitations. Data and codes for generating all time-frequency power spectra are provided.


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We demonstrate all inorganic, robust, cost-effective, spin-coated, two-terminal capacitive memory metal-oxide nanoparticle-oxide-semiconductor devices with cadmium telluride nanoparticles sandwiched between aluminum oxide phosphate layers to form the dielectric memory stack. Using a novel high-speed circuit to decouple reading and writing, experimentally measured memory windows, programming voltages, retention times, and endurance are comparable with or better than the two-terminal memory devices realized using other fabrication techniques.


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Among the multiple advantages and applications of remote sensing, one of the most important uses is to solve the problem of crop classification, i.e., differentiating between various crop types. Satellite images are a reliable source for investigating the temporal changes in crop cultivated areas. In this letter, we propose a novel bat algorithm (BA)-based clustering approach for solving crop type classification problems using a multispectral satellite image. The proposed partitional clustering algorithm is used to extract information in the form of optimal cluster centers from training samples. The extracted cluster centers are then validated on test samples. A real-time multispectral satellite image and one benchmark data set from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) repository are used to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed algorithm. The performance of the BA is compared with two other nature-inspired metaheuristic techniques, namely, genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization. The performance is also compared with the existing hybrid approach such as the BA with K-means. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the BA can be successfully applied to solve crop type classification problems.


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Significant research has been pursued to develop solar selective metallic coatings using a variety of coating deposition techniques, with limited attempts to assess the properties of bulk metallic materials for solar energy applications. In developing bulk solar reflectors with good reflectance in the entire solar range, we report a new class of reflector materials based on Cu-Sn intermetallics with tailored substitution of aluminium or zinc. Our experimental results suggest that the arc melted-suction cast Cu (78.8 at%)-Al (21.2 at%) alloy with nanoscale surface roughness can exhibit a combination of 89% bulk specular reflectance and 83% bulk solar reflectance, together with a hardness of 2 GPa. We show that the present alloy design approach paves the way for further opportunities of tuning the spectral properties of this new class of solar reflector material. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.