256 resultados para single-molecule


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A novel stress induced martenistic phase transformation is reported in an initial B2-CuZr nanowire of cross-sectional dimensions in the range of 19.44 x 19.44-38.88 x 38.88 angstrom(2) and temperature in the range of 10-400 K under both tensile and compressive loading. Extensive Molecular Dynamic simulations are performed using an inter-atomic potential of type Finnis and Sinclair. The nanowire shows a phase transformation from an initial B2 phase to BCT (body-centered-tetragonal) phase with failure strain of similar to 40% in tension, whereas in compression, comparatively a small B2 -> BCT phase transformation is observed with failure strain of similar to 25%. Size and temperature dependent deformation mechanisms which control ultimately the B2 -> BCT phase transformation are found to be completely different for tensile and compressive loadings. Under tensile loading, small cross-sectional nanowire shows a single step phase transformation, i.e. B2 -> BCT via twinning along {100} plane, whereas nanowires with larger cross-sectional area show a two step phase transformation, i.e. B2 -> R phase -> BCT along with intermediate hardening. In the first step, nanowire shows phase transformation from B2 -> R phase via twinning along {100} plane, afterwards the nanowire deforms via twinning along {110} plane which cause further transformation from R phase -> BCT phase. Under compressive loading, the nanowire shows crushing along {100} plane after a single step phase transformation from B2 -> BCT. Proper tailoring of such size and temperature dependent phase transformation can be useful in designing nanowire for high strength applications with corrosion and fatigue resistance. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In an effort to find a simple and common single-source precursor route for the group 13 metal nitride semiconductor nanostructures, the complexes formed by the trichlorides of Al, Ga and In with urea have been investigated. The complexes, characterized by X-ray crystallography and other techniques, yield the nitrides on thermal decomposition. Single crystalline nanowires of AlN, GaN and InN have been deposited on Si substrates covered with Au islands by using the complexes as precursors. The urea complexes yield single crystalline nanocrystals under solvothermal conditions. The successful synthesis of the nanowires and nanocrystals of these three important nitrides by a simple single-precursor route is noteworthy and the method may indeed be useful in practice.


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A simple, low-cost, constant frequency, analog controller is proposed for the front-end half-bridge rectifier of a single-phase transformerless UPS system to maintain near unity power factor at the input and zero dc-offset voltage at the output. The controller generates the required gating pulses by comparing the input current with a periodic, bipolar, linear carrier without sensing the input voltage. Two voltage controllers and a single integrator with reset are used to generate the required carrier. All the necessary control operations can be performed without using any PLL, multiplier and/or divider. The controller can be fabricated as a single integrated circuit. The control concept is validated through simulation and also experimentally on an 800W half-bridge rectifier. Experimental results are presented for ac-dc application, and also for ac-dc-ac UPS application with both sinusoidal and nonlinear loads. The simulation and experimental results agree well.


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This paper presents the effect of nonlocal scaling parameter on the terahertz wave propagation in fluid filled single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The SWCNT is modeled as a Timoshenko beam,including rotary inertia and transverse shear deformation by considering the nonlocal scale effects. A uniform fluid velocity of 1000 m/s is assumed. The analysis shows that, for a fluid filled SWCNT, the wavenumbers of flexural and shear waves will increase and the corresponding wave speeds will decrease as compared to an empty SWCNT. The nonlocal scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in both flexural and shear wave mode where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the wavenumber plots as the region where the wavenumber tends to infinite (or wave speed tends to zero). The frequency at which this phenomenon occurs is called the ``escape frequency''. The effect of fluid density on the terahertz wave propagation in SWCNT is also studied and the analysis shows that as the fluid becomes denser, the wave speeds will decrease. The escape frequency decreases with increase in nonlocal scaling parameter, for both wave modes. We also show that the effect of fluid density and velocity are negligible on the escape frequencies of flexural and shear wave modes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy studies were carried out on single crystals of colossal magnetoresistive manganite Pr0. 68Pb0.32MnO3 at different temperatures in order to probe their spatial homogeneity across the metal-insulator transition temperature TM-I(similar to 255 K). A metallic behavior of the local conductance was observed for temperatures T < TM-I. Zero bias conductance (dI/dV)v=(0), which is directly proportional to the local surface density of states at the Fermi level, shows a single distribution at temperatures T < 200 K suggesting a homogeneous electronic phase at low temperatures. In a narrow temperature window of 200 K < T < TM-I, however, an inhomogeneous distribution of (dI/dV)v=(0) has been observed. This result gives evidence for phase separation in the transition region in this compound.


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Two seven-residue helical segments, Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu, were linked synthetically with an epsilon-aminocaproic acid (Acp) linker with the intention of making a stable antiparallel helix-helix motif. The crystal structure of the linked peptide Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Acp-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe (1) shows the two helices displaced laterally from each other by the linker, but the linker has not folded the molecule into a close-packed antiparallel conformation. Two strong intermolecular NH...O = C hydrogen bonds are formed between the top of the lower helix of one molecule and the bottom of the upper helix in a laterally adjacent molecule to give the appearance of an extended single helix. The composite peptide with Boc and OMe end groups, C76H137N15O18.H2O, crystallize in space group P2(1) with a = 8.802 (1) angstrom, b = 20.409 (4) angstrom, c = 26.315 (3) angstrom, and beta = 90.72 (1)degrees; overall agreement R = 7.86% for 5030 observed reflections (\F(o)\ > 3-sigma(F)); resolution = 0.93 angstrom. Limited evidence for a more compact conformation in solution consistent with an antiparallel helix arrangement is obtained by comparison of the HPLC retention times and CD spectra of peptide 1 with well-characterized continuous helices of similar length and sequence.


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The peptide Boc-Gly-Dpg-Gly-Gly-Dpg-Gly-NHMe (1) has been synthesized to examine the conformational preferences of Dpg residues in the context of a poor helix promoting sequence. Single crystals of 1 were obtained in the space group P21/c with a = 13.716(2) Å, b = 12.960(2) Å, c = 22.266(4) Å, and β = 98.05(1)°; R = 6.3% for 3660 data with |Fo| > 4σ. The molecular conformation in crystals revealed that the Gly(1)-Dpg(2) segment adopts φ, ψ values distorted from those expected for an ideal type II‘ β-turn (φGly(1) = +72.0°, ψGly(1) = −166.0°; φDpg(2) = −54.0°, ψDpg(2) = −46.0°) with an inserted water molecule between Boc-CO and Gly(3)NH. The Gly(3)-Gly(4) segment adopts φ, ψ values which lie broadly in the right handed helical region (φGly(3) = −78.0°, ψGly(3) = −9.0°; φGly(4) = −80.0°, ψGly(4) = −18.0°). There is a chiral reversal at Dpg(5) which takes up φ, ψ values in the left handed helical region. The Dpg(5)-Gly(6) segment closely resembles an ideal type I‘ β-turn (φDpg(5) = +56.0°, ψDpg(5) = +32.0°; φGly(6) = +85.0°, ψGly(6) = −3.0°). Molecules of both chiral senses are found in the centrosymmetric crystal. The C-terminus forms a hydrated Schellman motif, with water insertion into the potential 6 → 1 hydrogen bond between Gly(1)CO and Gly(6)NH. NMR studies in CDCl3 suggest substantial retention of the multiple turn conformation observed in crystals. In solution the observed NOEs support local helical conformation at the two Dpg residues.


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The inertial impaction of Lycopodium spores on single wires lying transverse to the direction of flow has been studied. The equations of particle motion in a potential flow field have been modified for the case when Stokes' law is inapplicable. Solutions to the above equations have been obtained by digital computation. Rec, the Reynolds number based on cylinder diameter, varied from 4 to 240; particle trajectories in a flow field at Rec = 10 have been determined for inertia parameter K = 1, 2, 4, 6, and 10. Ten trajectories were developed for the above cases by the numerical stepwise method. Experiments were performed by depositing Lycopodium spores on adhesive-coated wires of various diameters and at different velocities. The weight of dust deposited was determined with a microbalance. The experimental conditions were:. Wire diameters: 345, 457, 1500 μ. Particle diameter: 35 μ. Air velocities: 20-250 cm/sec. Inertia parameter: 1-60. The particle was considered as a point mass in the theoretical analysis. But in the experiments the ratio of particle size to wire size was not negligible (rp/rc = 0·1) and hence the effect of finite size of particle on collection efficiency due to the direct interception effect has been estimated. The effect of particle size distribution on collection efficiency has also been estimated. The experimental efficiencies obtained compare well with the calculated efficiencies at Rec = 10 when direct interception is taken into account.


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he infrared absorption spectra of glycine silver nitrate (GAgNO3) and glycine nitrate (GHNO3) show that the glycine group exists completely in the zwitter ion form in the former and in both forms in the latter. The spectrum of GAgNO3 at liquid air temperature did not reveal any striking change which can be attributed to a freezing of the rapid reorientation of the NH3+ group taking place at higher temperatures. The position of the COO− stretching frequencies indicate that this group is co-ordinated only weakly to the Ag+ ion. The summation frequencies reported by Schroeder, Wier and Lippincott (1962) for AgNO3 were not observed in the present study on GAgNO3. It shows however that ferroelectricity in GAgNO3 is in all probability due to the motion of the Ag+ ion in the oxygen co-ordination polyhedron and is not directly connected with the ordering of the hydrogen bonds below Curie point.


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A theoretical solution for the gravitational stresses in single span deep beams using Fourier series has been given. Numerical results for different span to depth ratios are given and these have been compared with the photoelastic results given by Saad and Hendry [1], and the finite difference results of Chow et al. [2,3].


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The Raman spectrum of a single crystal of sulphamic acid has been recorded withλ 2537 excitation. Thirty-eight lines have been observed, of which twenty-nine have been recorded for the first time. Seven Raman lines with shifts in the region 50–155 cm.−1 have been assigned to the lattice oscillations, two at 177 and 240 cm.−1 have been attributed to the low-frequency hydrogen bond vibrations.. The splitting of the degenerate modes and the appearance of N-H....O bonded stretching vibrations are consistent with the structural data which expect the presence of the free molecule as a Zwitter ion with only slight distortion from C3v symmetry.


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A miniature furnace suitable for routine collection of x-ray data up to 1000°C from single crystals on the Hilger and Watts linear diffractometer, without restricting the normally allowed region of reciprocal space on the diffractometer, is described. The crystal is heated primarily by radiation from a surrounding current-heated, stationary platinum coil wound on a silica bracket. The coil is split at its middle to provide a 4 mm gap for crystal mounting and x-irradiation. The crystal, mounted on a standard goniometer head, can be rotated and centred freely, as in the room temperature case. There is no need for any radiation shields or water-cooling arrangement. Investigations up to 1500°C are possible with slight modifications of the furnace.


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The out-diffusion of germanium from the core of a photosensitive fiber under elevated temperature is exploited to form a Fabry-Perot filter within a single fiber Bragg grating, by subjecting the diffused region to a single exposure using the standard phase-mask technique. A key aspect of our work is the measurement of the out-diffusion through energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Furthermore, we demonstrate the use of the above single-grating filter for discrimination and simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature. The proposed technique provides a significant advantage over other existing methods that require at least two gratings.


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Raman spectra of single crystals of adipic and sebacic acids have been photographed for the first time using λ 2537 excitation. The spectra have been divided into four regions: (a) internal frequencies; (b) summations and overtones; (c) external vibrations; and (d) low-frequency hydrogen bond oscillations. Tentative correlations have been given for all the internal frequencies and summations and overtones. A series of diffuse weak bands observed in the spectra of both these acids in the not, vert, similar2400–2800 cm−1 have been explained as a superposition of O---H frequencies lowered due to hydrogen bond formation over the summations and overtones of fundamentals mainly in the not, vert, similar1000–1500 cm−1 region. Rotatory type of external oscillations of the two formula units of these molecules in their unit cells have been identified at 76, 99, 118 and 165 cm−1 in adipic acid and 66, 95, 117 and 177 cm−1 in the spectrum of sebacic acid. A brief discussion of the low frequency hydrogen bond vibrations in these acids has been made. Making use of the Lippincott—Schroeder potential and assuming a highly anharmonic potential curve for the hydrogen bond, the vibrational frequencies of the bond have been theoretically evaluated. There is very good agreement between these and the experimental values. The results for adipic acid in cm−1 are: 304 (0 → 1), 270 (1 → 2), 241 (2 → 3), 222 (3 → 4) 201 (4 → 5), 183 (5 → 6). In the case of sebacic acid some of the intermediate and higher transitions are absent in the spectrum recorded by the author. From the above data for adipic acid the dissociation energy of the hydrogen bond was evaluated as 5·9 kcal/mole in fair agreement with the values derived from conventional methods.