262 resultados para replica-exchange molecular dynamics (REMD)


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Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the action of enzymes at the atomic level. Among them, the recent proposals involving short hydrogen bonds as a step in catalysis by Gerlt and Gassman [1] and proton transfer through low barrier hydrogen bonds (LBHBs) [2, 3] have attracted attention. There are several limitations to experimentally testing such hypotheses, Recent developments in computational methods facilitate the study of active site-ligand complexes to high levels of accuracy, Our previous studies, which involved the docking of the dinucleotide substrate UpA to the active site of RNase A [4, 5], enabled us to obtain a realistic model of the ligand-bound active site of RNase A. From these studies, based on empirical potential functions, we were able to obtain the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates of RNase A, bound to the ligand UpA. A quantum mechanical study is required to investigate the catalytic process which involves the cleavage and formation of covalent bonds. In the present study, we have investigated the strengths of some of the hydrogen bonds between the active site residues of RNase A and UpA at the ab initio quantum chemical level using the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates as the starting point. The 49 atom system and other model systems were optimized at the 3-21G level and the energies of the optimized systems were obtained at the 6-31G* level. The results clearly indicate the strengthening of hydrogen bonds between neutral residues due to the presence of charged species at appropriate positions. Such a strengthening manifests itself in the form of short hydrogen bonds and a low barrier for proton transfer. In the present study, the proton transfer between the 2'-OH of ribose (from the substrate) and the imidazole group from the H12 of RNase A is influenced by K41, which plays a crucial role in strengthening the neutral hydrogen bond, reducing the barrier for proton transfer.


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Detailed molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones ellipsoids have been carried out to investigate the emergence of criticality in the single-particle orientational relaxation near the isotropic-nematic (IN) phase transition. The simulations show a sudden appearance of a power-law behavior in the decay of the second-rank orientational relaxation as the IN transition is approached. The simulated value of the power-law exponent is 0.56, which is larger than the mean-field value (0.5) but less than the observed value (0.63) and may be due to the finite size of the simulated system. The decay of the first-rank orientational time correlation function, on the other hand, is nearly exponential but its decay becomes very slow near the isotropic-nematic transition, The zero-frequency rotational friction, calculated from the simulated angular Velocity correlation function, shows a marked increase near the IN transition.


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This is the first comprehensive report on the calculation of segment size, which signifies the asic unit of flow in long chain plasticizing liquids, by a novel multi-pronged approach. Unlike,low molecular weight liquids and high polymer melts these complex long chain liquids encompasses the least understood domain of the liquid state. In the present work the flow behaviour of carboxylate ester (300-900 Da) has been explained through segmental motion taking into account the independence of molecular weight region. The segment size have been calculated by various methods based on satistical thermodynamics, molecular dynamics and group additivity nd their merits analysed.


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We report results of molecular dynamics investigations into neutral impurity diffusing within an amorphous solid as a function of the size of the diffusant and density of the host amorphous matrix. We find that self diffusivity exhibits an anomalous maximum as a function of the size of the impurity species. An analysis of properties of the impurity atom with maximum diffusivity shows that it is associated with lower mean square force, reduced backscattering of velocity autocorrelation function, near-exponential decay of the intermediate scattering function (as compared to stretched-exponential decay for other sizes of the impurity species) and lower activation energy. These results demonstrate the existence of size-dependent diffusivity maximum in disordered solids. Further, we show that the diffusivity maximum is observed at lower impurity diameters with increase in density. This is explained in terms of the Levitation parameter and the void structure of the amorphous solid. We demonstrate that these results imply contrasting dependence of self diffusivity (D) on the density of the amorphous matrix, p. D increases with p for small sizes of the impurity but shows an increase followed by a decrease for intermediate sizes of the impurity atom. For large sizes of the impurity atom, D decreases with increase in p. These contrasting dependence arises naturally from the existence of Levitation Effect.


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At low temperature (below its freezing/melting temperature), liquid water under confinement is known to exhibit anomalous dynamical features. Here we study structure and dynamics of water in the grooves of a long DNA duplex using molecular dynamics simulations with TIP5P potential at low temperature. We find signatures of a dynamical transition in both translational and orientational dynamics of water molecules in both the major and the minor grooves of a DNA duplex. The transition occurs at a slightly higher temperature (TGL ≈ 255 K) than the temperature at which the bulk water is found to undergo a dynamical transition, which for the TIP5P potential is at 247 K. Groove water, however, exhibits markedly different temperature dependence of its properties from the bulk. Entropy calculations reveal that the minor groove water is ordered even at room temperature, and the transition at T ≈ 255 K can be characterized as a strong-to-strong dynamical transition. Confinement of water in the grooves of DNA favors the formation of a low density four-coordinated state (as a consequence of enthalpy−entropy balance) that makes the liquid−liquid transition stronger. The low temperature water is characterized by pronounced tetrahedral order, as manifested in the sharp rise near 109° in the O−O−O angle distribution. We find that the Adams−Gibbs relation between configurational entropy and translational diffusion holds quite well when the two quantities are plotted together in a master plot for different region of aqueous DNA duplex (bulk, major, and minor grooves) at different temperatures. The activation energy for the transfer of water molecules between different regions of DNA is found to be weakly dependent on temperature.


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Three new procedures - in the context of estimation of virial coefficients and summation of the partial virial series for hard discs and hard spheres - are proposed. They are based on the parametrised Euler transformation, a novel resummation, identity and the ε-convergence methods respectively. A comparison with other estimates (molecular dynamics, graph theory and empirical methods) reveals satisfactory agreement.


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It is conjectured that the hard sphere system has several distinct solid phases, all but one of which are metastable. The bifurcation theory analysis of freezing is extended to the description of the transition between a supercooled liquid and a disordered solid by defining a restricted phase space for the disordered solid. This approach leads to the prediction of a first order transition between a supercooled hard sphere fluid and a disordered metastable hard sphere solid. The results of the calculation are in qualitative agreement with the results of Woodcock's molecular dynamics computer simulations. The Journal of Chemical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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We demonstrate a chain length dependent crossover in the structural properties of linear hydrocarbon (n-alkane) chains using detailed atomistic simulations in explicit water. We identify a number of exotic structures of the polymer chain through energy minimization of representative snapshots collected from molecular dynamics trajectory. While the collapsed state is ring-like (circular) for small chains (CnH2n+2; n <= 20) and spherical for very long ones (n = 100), we find the emergence of ordered helical structures at intermediate lengths (n similar to 40). We find different types of disordered helices and toroid-like structures at n = 60. We also report a sharp transition in the stability of the collapsed state as a function of the chain length through relevant free energy calculations. While the collapsed state is only marginally metastable for C20H42, a clear bistable free energy surface emerges only when the chain is about 30 monomers long. For n = 30, the polymer exhibits an intermittent oscillation between the collapsed and the coil structures, characteristic of two stable states separated by a small barrier.


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Self-contained Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics (NEMD) simulations using Lennard-Jones potentials were performed to identify the origin and mechanisms of atomic scale interfacial behavior between sliding metals. The mixing sequence and velocity profiles were compared via MD simulations for three cases, viz.: sell-mated, similar and hard-softvcrystal pairs. The results showed shear instability, atomic scale mixing, and generation of eddies at the sliding interface. Vorticity at the interface suggests that atomic flow during sliding is similar to fluid flow under Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and this is supported by velocity profiles from the simulations. The initial step-function velocity profile spreads during sliding. However the velocity profile does not change much at later stages of the simulation and it eventually stops spreading. The steady state friction coefficient during simulation was monitored as a function of sliding velocity. Frictional behavior can be explained on the basis of plastic deformation and adiabatic effects. The mixing layer growth kinetics was also investigated.


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Extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed in a B2-NiAl nanowire using an embedded atom method (EAM) potential. We show a stress induced B2 -> body-centered-tetragonal (BCT) phase transformation and a novel temperature and cross-section dependent pseudo-elastic/pseudo-plastic recovery from such an unstable BCT phase with a recoverable strain of similar to 30% as compared to 5-8% in polycrystalline materials. Such a temperature and cross-section dependent pseudo-elastic/pseudo-plastic strain recovery can be useful in various interesting applications of shape memory and strain sensing in nanoscale devices. Effects of size, temperature, and strain rate on the structural and mechanical properties have also been analyzed in detail. For a given size of the nanowire the yield stress of both the B2 and the BCT phases is found to decrease with increasing temperature, whereas for a given temperature and strain rate the yield stress of both the B2 and the BCT phase is found to increase with increase in the cross-sectional dimensions of the nanowire. A constant elastic modulus of similar to 80 GPa of the B2 phase is observed in the temperature range of 200-500 K for nanowires of cross-sectional dimensions in the range of 17.22-28.712 angstrom, whereas the elastic modulus of the BCT phase shows a decreasing trend with an increase in the temperature.


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We used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study the reorientational dynamics of water molecules confined inside narrow carbon nanotubes immersed in a bath of water. Our simulations show that the confined water molecules exhibit bistability in their reorientational relaxation, which proceeds by angular jumps between the two stable states. The angular jump of a water molecule in the bulk involves the breaking of a hydrogen bond with one of its neighbors and the formation of a hydrogen bond with a different neighbor. In contrast, the angular jump of a confined water molecule corresponds to an interchange of the two hydrogen atoms that can form a hydrogen bond with the same neighbor. The free energy barrier between these two states is a few k(B)T. The analytic solution of a simplified two-state jump model that qualitatively explains the reorientational behavior observed in simulations is also presented.


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In the present paper, the size and strain rate effects on ultra-thin < 100 >/{100} Cu nanowires at an initial temperature of 10 K have been discussed. Extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed using Embedded atom method (EAM) to investigate the structural behaviours and properties under high strain rate. Velocity-Verlet algorithm has been used to solve the equation of motions. Two different thermal loading cases have been considered: (i) Isothermal loading, in which Nose-Hoover thermostat is used to maintain the constant system temperature, and (ii) Adiabatic loading, i.e., without any thermostat. Five different wire cross-sections were considered ranging from 0.723 x 0.723 nm(2) to 2.169 x 2.169 nm(2) The strain rates used in the present study were 1 x 10(9) s(-1), 1 x 10(8) s(-1), and 1 x 10(7) s(-1). The effect of strain rate on the mechanical properties of copper nanowires was analysed, which shows that elastic properties are independent of thermal loading for a given strain rate and cross-sectional dimension of nanowire. It showed a decreasing yield stress and yield strain with decreasing strain rate for a given cross- section. Also, a decreasing yield stress and increasing yield strain were observed for a given strain rate with increasing cross-sectional area. Elastic modulus was found to be similar to 100 GPa, which was independent of processing temperature, strain rate, and size for a given initial temperature. Reorientation of < 100 >/{100} square cross-sectional copper nanowire into a series of stable ultra-thin Pentagon copper nanobridge structures with dia of similar to 1 nm at 10 K was observed under high strain rate tensile loading. The effect of isothermal and adiabatic loading on the formation of such pentagonal nanobridge structure has been discussed.


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We report molecular dynamics simulations of bilayers using a united atom model with explicit solvent molecules. The bilayer consists of the single tail cationic surfactant behenyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (BTMAC) with stearyl alcohol (SA) as the cosurfactant. We study the gel to liquid crystalline transitions in the bilayer by varying the amount of water at fixed BTMAC to SA ratio as well as by varying the BTMAC to SA ratio at fixed water content. The bilayer is found to exist in the tilted, Lβ′ phase at low temperatures, and for the compositions investigated in this study, the Lβ′ to Lα melting transition occurred in the temperature range 330−338 K. For the highest BTMAC to SA composition (2:3 molar ratio), a diffuse headgroup−water interface is observed at lower temperatures, and an increase in the d-spacing occurs prior to the melting transition. This pretransition swelling is accompanied by a sharpening in the water density variation across the headgroup region of the bilayer. Signatures of this swelling effect which can be observed in the alkane density distributions, area per headgroup, and membrane thickness are attributed to the hydrophobic effect. At a fixed bilayer composition, the transition temperature (>338 K) from the Lβ′ to Lα transition obtained for the high water content bilayer (80 wt %) is similar to that obtained with low water content (54.3 wt %), confirming that the melting transition at these water contents is dominated by chain melting.


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Molecular dynamics simulations of the orientational dynamics of water molecules confined inside narrow carbon nanorings reveal that reorientational relaxation is mediated by large amplitude angular jumps. The distribution of waiting time between jumps peaks at about 60 fs, and has a slowly decaying exponential tail with a timescale of about 440 fs. These time scales are much faster than the mean waiting time between jumps of the water molecules in bulk.


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In order to understand self-diffusion (D) of a charged, flexible, and porous nanoscopic molecule in water, we carry out very long, fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of PAMAM dendrimer up to eight generations in explicit salt water under varying pH. We find that while the radius of gyration (R-g) varies as N-1/3, the self-diffusion constant (D) scales, surprisingly, as N-alpha, with alpha=0.39 at high pH and 0.5 at neutral pH, indicating a dramatic breakdown of Stokes-Einstein relation for diffusion of charged nanoscopic molecules. The variation in D as a function of radius of gyration demonstrates the importance of treating water and ions explicitly in the diffusion process of a flexible nanoscopic molecule. In agreement with recent experiments, the self-diffusion constant increases with pH, revealing the importance of dielectric friction in the diffusion process. The shape of a dendrimer is found to fluctuate on a nanosecond time scale. We argue that this flexibility (and also the porosity) of the dendrimer may play an important role in determining the mean square displacement of the dendrimer and the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation between diffusion constant and the radius.