332 resultados para ion flux


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Meridional circulation is an important ingredient in flux transport dynamo models. We have studied its importance on the period, the amplitude of the solar cycle, and also in producing Maunder-like grand minima in these models. First, we model the periods of the last 23 sunspot cycles by varying the meridional circulation speed. If the dynamo is in a diffusion-dominated regime, then we find that most of the cycle amplitudes also get modeled up to some extent when we model the periods. Next, we propose that at the beginning of the Maunder minimum the amplitude of meridional circulation dropped to a low value and then after a few years it increased again. Several independent studies also favor this assumption. With this assumption, a diffusion-dominated dynamo is able to reproduce many important features of the Maunder minimum remarkably well. If the dynamo is in a diffusion-dominated regime, then a slower meridional circulation means that the poloidal field gets more time to diffuse during its transport through the convection zone, making the dynamo weaker. This consequence helps to model both the cycle amplitudes and the Maunder-like minima. We, however, fail to reproduce these results if the dynamo is in an advection-dominated regime.


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The Landau damping of sound waves in a plasma consisting of ensemble of magnetic flux tubes is discussed. It is shown that sound waves cannot be Landau damped in general but under certain restricted conditions on plasma parameters the possibility of absorption of these waves can exist. The possibility of radiative damping of the acoustic waves along the magnetic filaments is also discussed. It appears that the most plausible mechanism of damping of sound waves in a plasma consisting of magnetic filaments can be due to scattering of a sound wave by the filaments.


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Working under the hypothesis that magnetic flux in the sun is generated at the bottom of the convection zone, Choudhuri and Gilman (1987; Astrophys. J. 316, 788) found that a magnetic flux tube symmetric around the rotation axis, when released at the bottom of the convection zone, gets deflected by the Coriolis force and tends to move parallel to the rotation axis as it rises in the convection zone. As a result, all the flux emerges at rather high latitudes and the flux observed at the typical sunspot latitudes remains unexplained. Choudhuri (1989; Solar Physics, in press) finds that non-axisymmetric perturbations too cannot subdue the Coriolis force. In this paper, we no longer treat the convection zone to be passive as in the previous papers, but we consider the role of turbulence in the convection zone in inhibiting the Coriolis force. The interaction of the flux tubes with the turbulence is treated in a phenomenological way as follows: (1) Large scale turbulence on the scale of giant cells can physically drag the tubes outwards, thus pulling the flux towards lower latitudes by dominating over the Coriolis force. (2) Small scale turbulence of the size of the tubes can exchange angular momentum with the tube, thus suppressing the growth of the Coriolis force and making the tubes emerge at lower latitudes. Numerical simulations show that the giant cells can drag the tubes and make them emerge at lower latitufes only if the velocities within the giant cells are unrealistically large of if the radii of the flux tubes are as small as 10 km. However, small scale turbulence can successfully suppress the growth of the Coriolis force if the tubes have radii smaller than about 300 km which may not be unreasonable. Such flux tubes can then emerge at low latitudes where sunspots are seen.


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Ab initio molecular orbital (MO) calculations with the 3-21G and 6-31G basis sets were performed on a series of ion-molecule and ion pair-molecule complexes for the H2O + LiCN system. Stabilisation energies (with counter-poise corrections), geometrical parameters, internal force constants and harmonic vibrational frequencies were evaluated for 16 structures of interest. Although the interaction energies are smaller, the geometries and relative stabilities of the monohydrated contact ion pair are reminiscent of those computed for the complexes of the individual ions. Thus, interaction of the oxygen lone pair with lithium leads to a highly stabilised C2v structure, while the coordination of water to the cyanide ion involves a slightly non-linear hydrogen bond. Symmetrical bifurcated structures are computed to be saddle points on the potential energy surface, and to have an imaginary frequency for the rocking mode of the water molecule. On optimisation the geometries of the solvent shared ion pair structures (e.g. Li+cdots, three dots, centered OH2cdots, three dots, centered CN−) revealed a proton transfer from the water molecule leading to hydrogen bonded forms such as Li-O-Hcdots, three dots, centered HCN. The variation in the force constants and harmonic frequencies in the various structures considered are discussed in terms of ion-molecular and ion pair-molecule interactions.


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Solid solutions of the formula, A2–xLa2Ti3–xNbxO10(A = K, Rb), exist for the range 0[less-than-or-eq]x[less-than-or-eq]1.0, bridging n= 3 members of the Ruddlesden–Popper series (A2La2Ti3O10) and the Dion–Jacobson series (ALa2Ti2NbO10). For 0[less-than-or-eq]x[less-than-or-eq]0.75, the phases possess body-centred structures characteristic of the Ruddlesden–Popper phases, while the x= 1 members are isostructural with KCa2Nb3O10(A = K) and CsCa2Nb3O10(A = Rb). Protonated derivatives, H2–xLa2Ti3–xNbxO10, which are prepared by ion exchange, retain the structural difference of the parent phases. A difference in the Brønsted acidity of the protonated derivatives revealed by intercalation experiments with organic bases seems to be related to this structural difference.


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The effect of thermal annealing in the range 300–800 °C on the properties of zirconia films prepared by ion assisted deposition was studied. It was found that at low temperature the cubic phase is formed. This phase is stable up to 700 °C. All the films exhibit a monophasic monoclinic structure at 800 °C. The stress, estimated from X-ray patterns, shows a transition from tensile to compressive with increasing ion fluence. The refractive index and extinction coefficient do not seem to change appreciably up to 700 °C, showing a marked degradation thereafter. Single step annealing to the highest temperature was found to result in better stability than multistep annealing.


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The initial boundary value problem for the Burgers equation in the domain x greater-or-equal, slanted 0, t > 0 with flux boundary condition at x = 0 has been solved exactly. The behaviour of the solution as t tends to infinity is studied and the “asymptotic profile at infinity” is obtained. In addition, the uniqueness of the solution of the initial boundary value problem is proved and its inviscid limit as var epsilon → 0 is obtained.


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Some recent observations at Pic-du-Midi (Mulleret al., 1992a) suggest that the photospheric footpoints of coronal magnetic field lines occasionally move rapidly with typical velocities of the order 3 km s–1 for about 3 or 4 min. We argue that such occasional rapid footpoint motions could have a profound impact on the heating of the quiet corona. Qualitative estimates indicate that these occasional rapid motions can account for the entire energy flux needed to heat the quiet corona. We therefore carry out a mathematical analysis to study in detail the response of a vertical thin flux tube to photospheric footpoint motions in terms of a superposition of linear kink modes for an isothermal atmosphere. We find the resulting total energy that is asymptotically injected into an isothermal atmosphere (i.e., an atmosphere without any back reflection). By using typical parameter values for fast and slow footpoint motions, we show that, even if the footpoints spend only 2.5% of the time undergoing rapid motions, still these rapid motions could be more efficient in transporting energy to the corona than the slow motions that take place most of the time.


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Ceric ammonium sulfate, CAS, oxidizes naphthalene to 1,4-naphthoquinone in essentially quantitative yield in CH3CN-dil. H2SO4. Stoichiometric studies indicate that 6 mol of CAS are required for the oxidation of 1 mol of naphthalene to 1,4-naphthoquinone. Kinetic investigations reveal that the reaction takes place through initial formation of a 1:1 complex of naphthalene and cerium(IV) in an equilibrium step followed by slow decomposition of the complex to naphthalene radical cation. Kinetic results on the effects of acid strength, polarity of the medium, temperature and substituents are in accordance with this mechanism. Further conversion of the radical cation into 1,4-naphthoquinone takes place in fast steps involving a further 5 mol of cerium(IV) and 2 mol of H2O.


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A microscopic theory of the statics and the dynamics of solvation of an ion in a binary dipolar liquid is presented. The theory properly includes the different intermolecular correlations that are present in a binary mixture. As a result, the theory can explain several important aspects of both the statics and the dynamics of solvation that are observed in experiments. It provides a microscopic explanation of the preferential solvation of the more polar species by the solute ion. The dynamics of solvation is predicted to be highly non-exponential, in general. The average relaxation time is found to change nonlinearly with the composition of the mixture. These predictions are in qualitative agreement with the experimental results.