153 resultados para cannabis dependence


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Detailed analysis of alternating current impedance data of LiMn2O4 electrodes measured at several temperatures and potentials was carried out. The Nyquist plots generally consisted of semicircles corresponding to two time constants. However, at low temperatures (-10 to 10 A degrees C) and potential region between 3.90 and 4.20 V, three time constants were present. The third semicircle present at the middle to high frequency range was attributed to electronic resistance of LiMn2O4. Impedance parameters were evaluated using appropriate electrical equivalent circuits. From the temperature dependence of resistive parameters, activation energy values for the corresponding processes were calculated.


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Amorphous solids prepared from their melt state exhibit glass transition phenomenon upon heating. Viscosity, specific heat, and thermal expansion coefficient of the amorphous solids show rapid changes at the glass transition temperature (T-g). Generally, application of high pressure increases the T-g and this increase (a positive dT(g)/dP) has been understood adequately with free volume and entropy models which are purely thermodynamic in origin. In this study, the electrical resistivity of semiconducting As2Te3 glass at high pressures as a function of temperature has been measured in a Bridgman anvil apparatus. Electrical resistivity showed a pronounced change at T-g. The T-g estimated from the slope change in the resistivity-temperature plot shows a decreasing trend (negative dT(g)/dP). The dT(g)/dP was found to be -2.36 degrees C/kbar for a linear fit and -2.99 degrees C/kbar for a polynomial fit in the pressure range 1 bar to 9 kbar. Chalcogenide glasses like Se, As2Se3, and As30Se30Te40 show a positive dT(g)/dP which is very well understood in terms of the thermodynamic models. The negative dT(g)/dP (which is generally uncommon in liquids) observed for As2Te3 glass is against the predictions of the thermodynamic models. The Adam-Gibbs model of viscosity suggests a direct relationship between the isothermal pressure derivative of viscosity and the relaxational expansion coefficient. When the sign of the thermal expansion coefficient is negative, dT(g)/dP = Delta k/Delta alpha will be less than zero, which can result in a negative dT(g)/dP. In general, chalcogenides rich in tellurium show a negative thermal expansion coefficient (NTE) in the supercooled and stable liquid states. Hence, the negative dT(g)/dP observed in this study can be understood on the basis of the Adams-Gibbs model. An electronic model proposed by deNeufville and Rockstad finds a linear relation between T-g and the optical band gap (E-g for covalent semiconducting glasses when they are grouped according to their average coordination number. The electrical band gap (Delta E) of As2Te3 glass decreases with pressure. The optical and electrical band gaps are related as Delta E-g = 2 Delta E; thus, a negative dT(g)/dP is expected when As2Te3 glass is subjected to high pressures. In this sense, As2Te3 is a unique glass where its variation of T-g with pressure can be understood by both electronic and thermodynamic models.


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Bulk samples of S40Se60,Sb-x (with x=10, 20, 30 and 40 at. %) were prepared from high purity chemicals by melt quenching technique. The samples compositions were confirmed by using energy dispersive analysis of X-rays. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that all the samples have poly-crystalline phase. The variation in optical properties with compositional has been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The optical band gap of the thin films is found to be decreased with composition. Increasing Sb content was found to affect the structural and optical properties of bulk samples. The intensity of core level spectra changes with the addition of Sb clearly interprets the optical properties change due to compositional variation. The Raman shift and new peak formation in these samples clearly show the structural modifications due to Sb addition.


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The nature of the signal due to light beam induced current (LBIC) at the remote contacts is verified as a lateral photovoltage for non-uniformly illuminated planar p-n junction devices; simulation and experimental results are presented. The limitations imposed by the ohmic contacts are successfully overcome by the introduction of capacitively coupled remote contacts, which yield similar results without any significant loss in the estimated material and device parameters. It is observed that the LBIC measurements introduce artefacts such as shift in peak position with increasing laser power. Simulation of LBIC signal as a function of characteristic length L-c of photo-generated carriers and for different beam diameters has resulted in the observed peak shifts, thus attributed to the finite size of the beam. Further, the idea of capacitively coupled contacts has been extended to contactless measurements using pressure contacts with an oxidized aluminium electrodes. This technique avoids the contagious sample processing steps, which may introduce unintentional defects and contaminants into the material and devices under observation. Thus, we present here, the remote contact LBIC as a practically non-destructive tool in the evaluation of device parameters and welcome its use during fabrication steps. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The influence of absorbed hydrogen on the mechanical behavior of a series of Ni-Nb-Zr amorphous metallic ribbons was investigated through nanoindentation experiments. It was revealed that the influence is significantly dependent on Zr content, that is, hydrogen induced softening in relatively low-Zr alloys, whereas hydrogen induced hardening in high-Zr alloys. The results are discussed in terms of the different roles of mobile and immobile hydrogen in the plastic deformation. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Martensite-ferrite microstructures were produced in four microalloyed steels A (Fe-0.44C-Cr-V), B (Fe-0.26C-Cr-V), C (Fe-0.34C-Cr-Ti-V), and D (Fe-0.23C-Cr-V) by intercritical annealing. SEM analysis reveals that steels A and C contained higher martensite fraction and finer ferrite when compared to steels B and D which contained coarser ferrite grains and lower martensite fraction. A network of martensite phase surrounding the ferrite grains was found in all the steels. Crystallographic texture was very weak in these steels as indicated by EBSD analysis. The steels contained negligible volume fraction of retained austenite (approx. 3-6%). TEM analysis revealed the presence of twinned and lath martensite in these steels along with ferrite. Precipitates (carbides and nitrides) of Ti and V of various shapes with few nanometers size were found, particularly in the microstructures of steel B. Work hardening behavior of these steels at ambient temperature was evaluated through modified Jaoul-Crussard analysis, and it was characterized by two stages due to presence of martensite and ferrite phases in their microstructure. Steel A displayed large work hardening among other steel compositions. Work hardening behavior of the steels at a warm working temperature of 540 A degrees C was characterized by a single stage due to the decomposition of martensite into ferrite and carbides at this temperature as indicated by SEM images of the steels after warm deformation.


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A combination of measurements using photoelectron spectroscopy and calculations using density functional theory (DFT) was applied to compare the detailed electronic structure of the organolead halide perovskites CH3NH3PbI3 and CH3NH3PbBr3. These perovskite materials are used to absorb light in mesoscopic and planar heterojunction solar cells. The Pb 4f core level is investigated to get insight into the chemistry of the two materials. Valence level measurments are also included showing a shift of the valence band edges where there is a higher binding energy of the edge for the CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite. These changes are supported by the theoretical calculations which indicate that the differences in electronic structure are mainly caused by the nature of the halide ion rather than structural differences. The combination of photoelectron spectroscopy measurements and electronic structure calculations is essential to disentangle how the valence band edge in organolead halide perovskites is governed by the intrinsic difference in energy levels of the halide ions from the influence of chemical bonding.


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Quantitative evaluation of the mechanical behavior of molecular materials by a nanoindentation technique has gained prominence recently. However, all the reported data have been on room-temperature properties despite many interesting phenomena observed in them with variations in temperature. In this paper, we report the results of nanoindentation experiments conducted as a function of temperature, T, between 283 and 343 K, on the major faces of three organic crystals: saccharin, sulfathiazole (form 2), and L-alanine, which are distinct in terms of the number and strength of intermolecular interactions in them. Results show that elastic modulus, E, and hardness, H, decrease markedly with increasing T. While E decreases linearly with T, the variations in H with T are not so, and were observed to drop by similar to 50% over the range of T investigated. The slope of the linear fits to E vs T for the organic crystals was found to be around 1, which is considerably higher than the values of 0.3-0.5 reported in the literature for metallic, ionic, and covalently bonded crystalline materials. Possible implications of the observed remarkable changes in H for pharmaceutical manufacturing are highlighted.


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Recent studies, over regions influenced by biomass burning aerosol, have shown that it is possible to define a critical cloud fraction' (CCF) at which the aerosol direct radiative forcing switch from a cooling to a warming effect. Using 4 years of multi-satellite data analysis, we show that CCF varies with aerosol composition and changed from 0.28 to 0.13 from postmonsoon to winter as a result of shift from less absorbing to moderately absorbing aerosol. Our results indicate that we can estimate aerosol absorption from space using independently measured top of the atmosphere (TOA) fluxes Cloud Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization-Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer-Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CALIPSO-MODIS-CERES)] combined algorithms for example.


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The nanoindentation technique has recently been utilized for quantitative evaluation of the mechanical properties of molecular materials successfully, including their temperature (T) dependence. In this paper, we examine how the mechanical anisotropy varies with T in saccharin and L-alanine single crystals. Our results show that elastic modulus (E) decreases linearly in all the cases examined, with the T-dependence of E being anisotropic. Correspondence between directional dependence of the slopes of the E vs. T plots and the linear thermal expansion coefficients was found. The T-dependence of hardness (H), on the other hand, was found to be nonlinear and significant when (100) of saccharin and (001) of L-alanine are indented. While the anisotropies in E and H of saccharin and E of L-alanine enhance with T, the anisotropy in H of L-alanine was found to reduce with T. Possible mechanistic origins of these variations are discussed.


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The reported values of bandgap of rutile GeO2 calculated by the standard density functional theory within local-density approximation (LDA)/generalized gradient approximation (GGA) show a wide variation (similar to 2 eV), whose origin remains unresolved. Here, we investigate the reasons for this variation by studying the electronic structure of rutile-GeO2 using many-body perturbation theory within the GW framework. The bandgap as well as valence bandwidth at Gamma-point of rutile phase shows a strong dependence on volume change, which is independent of bandgap underestimation problem of LDA/GGA. This strong dependence originates from a change in hybridization among O-p and Ge-(s and p) orbitals. Furthermore, the parabolic nature of first conduction band along X-Gamma-M direction changes towards a linear dispersion with volume expansion. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The dependence of shear yield strain, the activation energy and volume of shear transformation zone on the glass transition temperature was investigated through the analysis of statistical distributions of the first pop-in events during spherical indentation of four different thin film metallic glasses. Only the Cu-Zr metallic glass exhibits a bimodal distribution of the first pop-in loads, whereas W-Ru-B, Zr-Cu-Ni-Al and La-Co-Al metallic glasses show an unimodal distribution. Results show that shear yield strain and activation energy of shear transformation zone decrease whereas the volume of shear transformation zone increases with increasing homologous temperature, indicating that it is the activation energy rather than the volume of shear transformation zone that controls shear yield strain. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Detailed experimental and theoretical studies of the temperature dependence of the effect of different scattering mechanisms on electrical transport properties of graphene devices are presented. We find that for high mobility devices the transport properties are mainly governed by completely screened short range impurity scattering. On the other hand, for the low mobility devices transport properties are determined by both types of scattering potentials - long range due to ionized impurities and short range due to completely screened charged impurities. The results could be explained in the framework of Boltzmann transport equations involving the two independent scattering mechanisms.


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The complex nature of the structural disorder in the lead-free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 has a profound impact on the perceived global structure and polar properties. In this paper, we have investigated the effect of electric field and temperature on the local structure around theBi and Ti atoms using extended x-ray absorption fine structure. Detailed analysis revealed that poling brings about a noticeable change in the bond distances associated with the Bi-coordination sphere, whereas the Ti coordination remains unaffected. We also observed discontinuity in the Bi-O bond lengths across the depolarization temperature of the poled specimen. These results establish that the disappearance of the monoclinic-like (Cc) global distortion, along with the drastic suppression of the short-ranged in-phase octahedral tilt after poling B. N. Rao et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 224103 (2013)] is a result of the readjustment of theA-O bonds by the electric field, so as to be in conformity with the rhombohedral R3c structure.