190 resultados para Ultraviolet spectra.


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The authors report a comparative study of the L3-M45M45 Auger spectra of Cu, Cu2O and CuO. The large intensity of the uncorrelated two-hole band-like spectrum in the L3-M45M45 Auger spectra of Cu2O and CuO and the spectral shapes for these transitions indicate strong Cu 3d-O 2p hybridization in the oxides. The L2-L3M45 CK rates obtained for these compounds indicate the stability of the Cu 3d level with increasing oxidation state of Cu. They also provide a quantitative estimate of the contributions of the different processes that lead to the formation of the L3-M45M45 Auger satellite in Cu, Cu2O and CuO.


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The linear quadridentate ligand N,N'-bis(benzimidazoI-2-ylethyl)ethane-l,2-diamine (L') and its 1 - methylbenzimidazole analogue (L2) and homologues form 1 : 1 complexes with Cu(CIO,),; L' also forms complexes of the types CuL'X, where X = NO,, PF,, Br or CI and CuL'(X)Y where X = CI or Br and Y = CIO, or Br. Deep blue CuL1Br,*2H20 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c with Z = 4, a = 9.91 9(2), b = 16.626(3), c = 14.1 02(3) le\ and p = 94.39(2)". The structure was solved by Patterson and Fourier difference methods and refined by the least-squares technique to R = 0.064 for 2195 independent reflections with / > 1.50(/). The molecule lies on a two-fold axis symmetrically around Cu". The co-ordination around Cu" is found to be square planar with two amino nitrogens and two benzimidazole nitrogens forming the equatorial plane [CU-N 1.983(3) and 2.037(4) A]. The bromides are at longer distances [3.349(1) A] in axial sites. Ligand field and EPR spectra indicate that one bromide or chloride ion is axially co-ordinated to Cu" in [CuL1l2+. This ion exhibits quasi-reversible redox behaviour. Electrochemical studies of the dihalides in methanol have established the presence of [CuL'X,], [CuL'(X)]+ and [CuL'I2+ in equilibrium. In complexes with 565 [CuL4I2+ [L4 = N,Nbis( benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl)ethane-l,2-diamine] and 555 [CuL3] [L3 = N,N'-bis(1 -methylbenzimidazol- 2-ylmethyl)propane-l,3-diamine] chelate rings, Cull does not seem to lie in the N, square plane, as revealed by their low A values and irreversible electrochemical behaviour. The Cu"-Cu' redox potentials in methanol are in the order [CuL1I2+ < [CuL3I2+ < [CuL4I2+; this illustrates that sixmembered chelate rings are suitable to stabilize Cu", when CU-N 0 interactions are favourable.


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The 1:1 and 1:2 cooper(II) complexes with the tridentate compound bis(benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl)amine (L(1)) and its benzimidazole (L(2)) and amine (L(3)) N-methyl-substituted derivatives have been prepared and their spectroscopic properties studied. While the 1:1 complexes are of the type CuLX(2) nH(2)O (X = C/O-4(-), NO3-, Cl- or Br-), the 1:2 complexes are of the type CuL(2) (ClO4)(2) nH(2)O (L = L(1) or L(3), n = 0-4). In all these complexes L acts as a tridentate ligand with the amine nitrogen and both the benzimidazole nitrogens co-ordinating to Cu-II. The complex [CuL(2)(1)][ClO4](2) 2H(2)O crystallises in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/c with a = 9.828(2), b = 9.546(2) and c = 19.906(2) Angstrom and beta = 95.71(1)degrees, for Z = 2. The R value is 0.0635 for 2180 significant reflections. The copper(II) ion has an elongated octahedral geometry with four equatorial benzimidazole and two long-distance axial amine N donors. The Cu-N-bzim and Cu-N-amine distances are 2.011(4) and 2.597(6) Angstrom respectively. Factors favouring facial co-ordination to tridentate ligands are discussed. The 1:1 complexes involve meridonal co-ordination of the ligands, with square-based geometry as revealed by ligand-field and EPR spectral properties. The NMe substitution as in CuL(3)(ClO4)(2) confers low V ($) over tilde$$(max) and high E(1/2) for the cu(II)-Cu-I couple. Most of the 1:1 complexes are less reversible but exhibit E(1/2) values more positive than those of the corresponding 1:2 complexes.


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We present photoluminescence and reflectance spectra of GaAs/Al-x Ga-1-x As quantum wells in a magnetic field for the Faraday geometry. The photoluminescence peaks recorded are among the most intense and narrow reported to date. This has allowed us to study the behavior of closely spaced bound exciton lines under a magnetic field. Several new features including magnetic field induced splitting of the bound exciton emission peaks are reported.


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Effects of basis set and electron correlation on the equilibrium geometry, force constants and vibrational spectra of BH3NH3 have been studied. A series of basis sets ranging from double zeta to triple zeta including polarization and diffuse functions have been utilized. All the SCF based calculations overestimate the dative B-N bond distance and considerable improvement occurs when the treatment for electron correlation is introduced. Detailed vibrational analysis for BH3NH3 has been carried out. The mean absolute percentage deviation of the ab initio predicted vibration frequencies of (BH3NH3)-B-11 from the experiment is about 10% for the SCF based calculations and the MP2 method shows better agreement, the overall deviation being 5-6%. The ground state effective force constants of BH3NH3 were obtained using RECOVES procedure. The RECOVES sets of force constants are found to be highly satisfactory for the prediction of the vibrational frequencies of different isotopomers of BH3NH3. The mean absolute percentage deviation of the calculated frequencies of different isotopomers from the experiment is much less than 1%. The RECOVES-MP2/augDZP set of force constants was found to be the best set among the different sets for this molecule. Theoretical infrared intensities are in fair agreement with the observed spectral features.


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The HeI photoelectron spectrum of the hydrogen bonded hetero-dimer H2Scdots, three dots, centeredHCl shows two vertical ionization energies at 10.91 and 12.16 eV. Ab initio MO calculations reveal that these features are due to the sulphur and chlorine lone pair ionizations respectively. Results show that while the ground ionic state is repulsive the first excited ionic state is strongly bound. The photoelectron spectrum of the diethyl sulphidecdots, three dots, centeredHCl complex is similar to that of H2Scdots, three dots, centeredHCl.


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We have studied the temperature dependence of the photoemission spectra of La1-xSrxMnO3 (x=0.0, 0.2, and 0.4) and found that the spectral line shape dramatically changes in the entire valence-band region, particularly for x=0.2 and 0.4. By contrast, the spectra of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3 show no significant temperature dependence. From comparison between the temperature-and composition-(x) dependent spectral changes and the temperature-composition phase diagram of La1-xSrxMnO3, we suggest that the changes are related to the degree of hole localization on oxygen p orbitals, which is influenced by electron-lattice coupling and magnetic correlations.


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We study muon-spin rotation (mu SR) spectra in the mixed phase of highly anisotropic layered superconductors, specifically Bi2+xSr2-xCaCu2O8+delta (BSCCO), by modeling the fluid and solid phases of pancake Vortices using liquid-state and density functional methods. The role of thermal fluctuations in causing motional narrowing of mu SR line shapes is quantified in terms of a first-principles theory of the flux-lattice melting transition. The effects of random point pinning are investigated using a replica treatment of liquid-state correlations and a replicated density functional theory. Our results indicate that motional narrowing in the pure system, although substantial, cannot account for the remarkably small linewidths obtained experimentally at relatively high fields and low temperatures. We find that satisfactory agreement with the mu SR data for BSCCO in this regime can be obtained through the ansatz that this ''phase'' is characterized by frozen short-range positional correlations reflecting the structure of the liquid just above the melting transition. This proposal is consistent with recent suggestions of a ''pinned liquid'' or ''glassy'' state of pancake Vortices in the presence of pinning disorder. Our results for the high-temperature liquid phase indicate that measurable linewidths may be obtained in this phase as a consequence of density inhomogeneities induced by the pinning disorder. The results presented here comprise a unified, first-principles theoretical treatment of mu SR spectra in highly anisotropic layered superconductors in terms of a controlled set of approximations. [S0163-1829(99)08033-9].


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Systematic ab initio molecular orbital studies of the conformational equilibria and vibrational spectra of dipropionamide using the basis sets 6-31g(d) and 6-31++G(d,p) have been carried out. The vibrational spectra of dipropionamide have been satisfactorily interpreted taking into account the agreement between the calculated frequencies, infrared and Raman band intensities and the shifts in the spectra of deuterated molecules with those observed. The previous assignments of most of the vibrational bands are well confirmed, a few bands need reassignment, however. The solvent effects were investigated by self-consistent reaction field theory using dipole and self-consistent isodensity polarized continuum model methods. The introduction of a dielectric medium has only a marginal effect on the conformational equilibria and vibrational spectra. However, the calculated changes in geometry and vibrational spectra on going from the gas phase to the solution phase are in accord with the increasing weight of the dipolar resonance structure in polar solvents. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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p-Benzoquinone and its halogen substituted derivatives are known to have differing reactivities in the triplet excited state. While bromanil catalyzes the reduction of octaethylporphyrin most efficiently among the halogenated p-benzoquinones, the reaction does not take place in presence of the unsubstituted p-benzoquinone (T. Nakano and Y. Mori, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 67, 2627 (1994)). Understanding of such differences requires a detailed knowledge of the triplet state structures, normal mode compositions and excited state dynamics. In this paper, we apply a recently presented scheme (M. Puranik, S. Umapathy, J. G. Snijders, and J. Chandrasekhar, J. Chem, Phys., 115, 6106 (2001)) that combines parameters from experiment and computation in a wave packet dynamics simulation to the triplet states of p-benzoquinone and bromanil. The absorption and resonance Raman spectra of both the molecules have been simulated. The normal mode compositions and mode specific excited state displacements have been presented and compared. Time-dependent evolution of the absorption and Raman overlaps for all the observed modes has been discussed in detail. In p-benzoquinone, the initial dynamics is along the C=C stretching and C-H bending modes whereas in bromanil nearly equal displacements are observed along all the stretching coordinates.


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The infrared spectrum of the matrix-isolated species of thioacetamide has been simulated using the extended molecular mechanics method. The equilibrium structure, vibrational frequencies, dipole moment and infrared absorption intensities of thioacetamide have been calculated in good agreement with the experiment. The vibrational frequencies and infrared absorption intensities for the isotopic molecules (CH2CSNH2)-C-13, (CH3CSNH2)-N-15 and (CH2CSND2)-C-13 have also been calculated consistent with the experiment. The infrared spectra of the matrix isolated species of N- and C- deuterated isotopomers of thioacetamide, CH3CSND2 and CD3CSNH2 have also been simulated in satisfactory agreement with the experimental spectra.


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The infrared spectra of the matrix isolated species of N-methylformamide (NMF) and N-methylacetamide (NMA) and their N-deuterated molecules have been simulated by the extended molecular mechanics method using an empirical force field which includes charges and charge fluxes as coulombic potential parameters. The structural parameters and dipole. moments of NMF and NMA have. also been computed in satisfactory agreement with the experiment. Good agreement between experimental and calculated vibrational frequencies and infrared absorption band intensities for NMF and NMA and their deuterated molecules has been obtained. The vibrational assignments of NMF and NMA are-discussed taking also into account the infrared absorption intensities.


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The optical rotatory features of the beta-structure of the polypeptides in non-aqueous solutions and films cast from these solutions have been investigated. The beta-structure of poly-S-benzyl-L-cysteine, poly-S-carbobenzoxy-L-cysteine and poly-S-benzyl-L-cysteine, poly-S-carbobenzoxy-L-cysteine and poly-O-carbo-bands of their films. The optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) and circular dichroism (CD) spectra of these polypeptides are found to be very similar in both film and solution. In solvents promoting the beta-structure, the polypeptides are characterized by CD troughs in the n-pi* transition region of the peptide chromophore. The ORD spectra are found to be positive in sign throughout the visible and accessible ultraviolet regions and are interpreted in terms of the possible existence of a relatively much larger positive pi-pi* CD bands as compared with the negative n-pi* band. The rotatory data obtained in the non-aqueous solution are compared with those obtained for other poly peptides in aqueous solutions, with respect to the type and extent of beta-structure present.


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Electronic properties of graphene have been studied more extensively than its photonic applications, in spite of its exciting optical properties. Recent results on solar cells, light emitting diodes and photodetectors show its true potential in photonics and optoelectronics. Here, we have explored the use of reduced graphene oxide as a candidate for solution processed ultraviolet photodetectors. UV detection is demonstrated by reduced graphene oxide in terms of time resolved photocurrent as well as photoresponse. The responsivity of the detectors is found to be 0.12 A/W with an external quantum efficiency of 40%. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3640222]