238 resultados para Triple-helix


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Based on X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy it is shown that oxides of the general formula La Ba2Cu3O7−δ become tetragonal when δ deviates slightly from 0. This tetragonal structure is similar to that of La3−xBa3+xCu6O14+δ, with a cubic perovskite subcell and triple periodicity. Electron micrographs of these tetragonal oxides show 90° microdomains. Orthorhombic LaBa2Cu3O7−δ with high Tc (not, vert, similar77 K) is found only when δ reverse similar, equals 0; this sample is subject to formation of twins. Fluorine substitution seems to favor superconductivity.


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The structures of two dehydropentapeptides, Boc-Pro-Delta Phe-Val-Delta Phe-Ala-OMe (I) and Boc-Pro-Delta Phe-Gly-Delta Phe-Ala-OMe (II) (Boc: t-butoxycarbonyl), have been determined by nuclear magnentic resonance (NMR), circular dichroism (CD), and X-ray, crystallographic studies. The peptide I assumes a S-shaped flat beta-bend structure, characterized by two partially overlapping type II beta-bends and absence of a second 1 <- 4 (N4-H center dot center dot center dot O1') intramolecular hydrogen bond. This is in contrast to the generally observed 3(10)-helical conformation in peptides with Delta Phe at alternate positions. This report describes the novel conformation assumed by peptide I and compares it with that of the conserved tip of the V3 loop of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 (sequence, G:P319 to F:P324, PDB code IACY). The tip of the V3 loop also assumes a S-shaped conformation with Arg:P322, making an intramolecular side-chain-backbone interaction with the carbonyl oxygen of Gly:P319. Interestingly, in peptide I, C(gamma)HVal(3) makes a similar side-chain-backbone C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bond with the carbonyl oxygen of the Boc group. The observed overall similarity indicates the possible use of the peptide as a viral antagonist or synthetic antigen. Peptide 11 adopts a unique turn followed by a 3(10)-helix. Both peptides I and II are classical examples of stabilization of unusual structures in oligopeptides.


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We report the results of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study, carried out on a hot-pressed TiB2-20 wt.%MoSi2 composite. One of the important microstructural observations includes the detection of crystalline TiSi2 at triple grain junctions. The densification mechanism is discussed, based on experimental observations and thermodynamic analysis


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The crystal structure of a hexamer duplex d(CACGTG)(2) has been determined and refined to an R-factor of 18.3% using X-ray data up to 1.2 angstrom resolution. The sequence crystallizes as a left-handed Z-form double helix with Watson-Crick base pairing. There is one hexamer duplex, a spermine molecule, 71 water molecules, and an unexpected diamine (Z-5, 1,3-propanediamine, C3H10N2)) in the asymmetric unit. This is the high-resolution non-disordered structure of a Z-DNA hexamer containing two AT base pairs in the interior of a duplex with no modifications such as bromination or methylation on cytosine bases. This structure does not possess multivalent cations such as cobalt hexaammine that are known to stabilize Z-DNA. The overall duplex structure and its crystal interactions are similar to those of the pure-spermine form of the d(CGCGCG)(2) structure. The spine of hydration in the minor groove is intact except in the vicinity of the T5A8 base pair. The binding of the Z-5 molecule in the minor grove of the d(CACGTG)(2) duplex appears to have a profound effect in conferring stability to a Z-DNA conformation via electrostatic complementarity and hydrogen bonding interactions. The successive base stacking geometry in d(CACGTG)(2) is similar to the corresponding steps in d(CG)(3). These results suggest that specific polyamines such as Z-5 could serve as powerful inducers of Z-type conformation in unmodified DNA sequences with AT base pairs. This structure provides a molecular basis for stabilizing AT base pairs incorporated into an alternating d(CG) sequence.


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PTFE specimens were slid against an EN24 disc. The unworn and worn surfaces as well as the wear debris were examined by X-ray diffraction. Sliding was found to introduce (i) shrinkage of the unit cell, (ii) enlargement of crystallites and (iii) residual stresses in the slid PTFE surface. No conformational changes in the 157 helix could be observed due to sliding. The wear debris was found to be 1 mgrm thick warped laminates.


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The crystal and molecular structure of the ammonium salt of deoxycytidylyl-(3'-5')-deoxyguanosine has been determined from 0.85 A resolution single crystal X-ray diffraction data. The crystals obtained by acetone diffusion technique at -20 degrees C, are orthorhombic, P212121, a = 12.880(2), b = 17444(2) and c = 27.642(2) A. The structure was solved by high resolution Patterson and Fourier methods and refined to R = 0.136. There are two d(CpG) molecules in the asymmetric unit forming a mini left handed Z-DNA helix. This is in contrast to the earlier reported forms of d(CpG) where the molecules form self base paired duplexes. There are two ammonium ions in the asymmetric unit. The major groove NH+4 ion interacts with N7 of guanines through water bridges besides making H-bonded interactions directly with the phosphate oxygen atoms. A second NH+4 ion is found in the minor groove interacting directly with the phosphate oxygen atoms. Symmetry related molecules pack in such a way that the cytosine base stacks on cytosine and guanine base on guanine. Our structure demonstrates that alternating d(CpG) sequences have the ability to adopt the left handed Z-DNA structure even at the dimer level i.e., in a sequence which is only two base pairs long.


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The selective hydroxylation of proline residues in nascent procollagen chains by prolyl hydroxylase (EC can be understood in terms of the conformational feature of the -Pro-Gly-segments in linear peptides and globular proteins. The folded beta-turn conformation in such segments appears to be the conformational requirement for proline hydroxylation. The available data on the hydroxylation of native and synthetic substrates of prolyl hydroxylase are explained on the basis of the extent of beta-turn formation in them. Taken in conjunction with the conformational features of the hydroxyproline residue, our results bring out the conformational reason for the posttranslational proline hydroxylation which, it is proposed, leads to the "straightening" of the beta-turn segments into the linear triple-helical conformation.


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We have constructed a space-filling (Corey-Pauling-Koltun) model of an alternative structure for DNA. This structure is not a double helix, but consists of a pair of polynucleotide strands lying side by side and held together by Watson-Crick base pairing. Each of the two strands has alternating right- and left-handed helical segments approximately five base pairs in length. Sugar residues in alternating segments along a strand point in opposite directions. A structure slightly different from the present one proposed earlier by ourselves and another group and in which sugars in a strand all point in the same direction is ruled out. The present structure yields natural solutions to the problems of supercoiling of DNA and of strand separation during DNA replication. This model is energetically more favorable than the double helix.


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The conformation of (Pro-Gly-Phe)n in trifluoroethanol was investigated using CD, nmr and ir techniques. After making appropriate correction for the contribution of the phenylalanine chromophore to the observed CD spectra of the polytripeptide at several temperatures, it is found that (Pro-Gly-Phe)n can exist in a partially triple-helical conformation in this solvent a t low temperatures. The nmr and ir data support this conclusion. In conjunction with recent theoretical sutdies, our data offer an explanation for the preferential occurrence of the Phe residue in position 2 of the tripeptide sequence Gly-R2-R3, in collagen.


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It is pointed out that the complement Clq, associated with the immune response system, has a part containing about 80 residues with a collagen-like sequence, with Gly at every third location and having also a number of Hyp and Hyl residues in locations before Gly, and that it takes the triple-helical conformation characteristic of collagen. As with collagen biosynthesis, ascorbic acid is therefore expected to be required for its production. Also, collagen itself, in the extracellular matrix, is connected with the fibroblast surface protein (FSP), whose absence leads to cell proliferation, and whose addition leads to suppression of malignancy in tissue culture. All these show the great importance of vitamin C for resistance to diseases, and even to cancer, as has been widely advocated by Pauling.


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The nature of interaction of Au(III) with nucleic acids was studied by using methods such as uv and ir spectrophotometry, viscometry, pH titrations, and melting-temperature measurements. Au(III) is found to interact slowly with nucleic acids over a period of several hours. The uv spectra of native calf-thymus DNA 9pH 5.6 acetate buffer containing (0.01M NaCIO4) showed a shift in λ max to high wavelengths and an increase in optical density at 260 nm. There was a fourfold decrease in viscosity (expressed as ηsp/c). The reaction was faster at pH 4.0 and also with denatured DNA (pH 5.6) and whole yeast RNA (pH 5.6). The order of preference of Au(III) (as deduced from the time of completion of reaction) for the nucleic acids in RNA > denatured DNA > DNA. The reaction was found to be completely reversible with respect KCN. Infrared spectra of DNA-Au(III) complexes showed binding to both the phosphate and bases of DNA. The same conclusions were also arrived at by melting-temperature studies of Au(III)-DNA system. pH titrations showed liberation of two hydroxylions at r = 0.12 [r = moles of HAuCl4 added per mole of DNA-(P)] and one hydrogen ion at r = 0.5. The probable binding sites could be N(1)/N(7) of adenine, N(7) and/or C(6)O of guanine, N(3) of cytosine and N(3) of thymine. DNAs differing in their (G = C)-contents [Clostridium perfingens DNA(G = C, 29%), salmon sperm DNA (G + C, 42%) and Micrococcus lysodeikticus DNA(G + C, 29%), salmon sperm DNA (G = C, 72%)] behaved differently toward Au(III). The hyperchromicity observed for DNAs differing in (G + C)-content and cyanide reversal titrations indicate selectivity toward ( A + T)-rich DNA at lw values of r. Chemical analysis and job's continuous variation studies indicated the existence of possible complexes above and below r = 1. The results indicate that Au(III) ions probably bind to hte phosphate group in the initial stages of the reaction, particularly at low values of r, and participation of the base interaction also increases. Cross-linking of the two strands by Au(III) may take place, but a complete collapse of the doulbe helix is not envisaged. It is probable that tilting of the bases or rotaiton of the bases around the glucosidic bond, resulting in a significant distrotion of the double helix, might take place due to binding of Au(III) to DNA.


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Nevirapine forms the mainstay of our efforts to curtail the pediatric AIDS epidemic through prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1. A key limitation, however, is the rapid selection of HIV-1 strains resistant to nevirapine following the administration of a single dose. This rapid selection of resistance suggests that nevirapine-resistant strains preexist in HIV-1 patients and may adversely affect outcomes of treatment. The frequencies of nevirapine-resistant strains in vivo, however, remain poorly estimated, possibly because they exist as a minority below current assay detection limits. Here, we employ stochastic simulations and a mathematical model to estimate the frequencies of strains carrying different combinations of the common nevirapine resistance mutations K103N, V106A, Y181C, Y188C, and G190A in chronically infected HIV-1 patients naive to nevirapine. We estimate the relative fitness of mutant strains from an independent analysis of previous competitive growth assays. We predict that single mutants are likely to preexist in patients at frequencies (similar to 0.01% to 0.001%) near or below current assay detection limits (>0.01%), emphasizing the need for more-sensitive assays. The existence of double mutants is subject to large stochastic variations. Triple and higher mutants are predicted not to exist. Our estimates are robust to variations in the recombination rate, cellular superinfection frequency, and the effective population size. Thus, with 10(7) to 10(8) infected cells in HIV-1 patients, even when undetected, nevirapine-resistant genomes may exist in substantial numbers and compromise efforts to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1, accelerate the failure of subsequent antiretroviral treatments, and facilitate the transmission of drug resistance.


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The monohydrate of the heptapeptide t-butyloxycarbonyl-(L-valyl-α-aminoiso-butyryl)3-L-valyl methyl ester crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with four molecules in a unit cell with the dimensions α= 9.375, b = 19.413 and c = 25.878 ÅA. The structure has been solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.059 for 3633 observed reflections. The molecule in the structure exists as a slightly distorted 310-helix stabilized by five 4 -> 1 intramolecular hydrogen bonds, indicating the overwhelming influence of α-aminoisobutyryl (Aib) residues in dictating helical fold even when a majority of residues in the peptide have a low intrinsic propensity to be in helices. Contrary to what is expected in helical structures, the valyl side chains, two of which are disordered, exhibit all three possible conformations. The molecules arrange themselves in a head-to-tail fashion along the c-axis. The columns thus generated pack nearly hexagonally in the crystal.


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The torsional potential functions Vt(phi) and Vt(psi) around single bonds N--C alpha and C alpha--C, which can be used in conformational studies of oligopeptides, polypeptides and proteins, have been derived, using crystal structure data of 22 globular proteins, fitting the observed distribution in the (phi, psi)-plane with the value of Vtot(phi, psi), using the Boltzmann distribution. The averaged torsional potential functions, obtained from various amino acid residues in L-configuration, are Vt(phi) = 1.0 cos (phi + 60 degrees); Vt(psi) = 0.5 cos (psi + 60 degrees) - 1.0 cos (2 psi + 30 degrees) - 0.5 cos (3 psi + 30 degrees). The dipeptide energy maps Vtot(phi, psi) obtained using these functions, instead of the normally accepted torsional functions, were found to explain various observations, such as the absence of the left-handed alpha helix and the C7 conformation, and the relatively high density of points near the line psi = 0 degrees. These functions derived from observational data on protein structures, will, it is hoped, explain various previously unexplained facts in polypeptide conformation.


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Sixteen million nucleotide sequence of genome of various organisms have been analysed to detect and study the extent of occurrence of simple repetitive sequences. Two sequence motifs (TG/CA)n and (CT/AG)n capable of adopting unusual DNA structures, left handed Z-conformation and triple-helical conformation respectively, are found to be abundant in rodent and human genomes, but almost completely absent in bacterial genome. (TG/CA)n and (CT/AG)n sequences are present mostly in the intron or 5'/3' flanking regions of the genes. The presence of such repeat motifs in genomic sequence of higher eukaryotes has been correlated with their possible functional significance in nucleosome organization, recombination and gene expression.