160 resultados para Theoretical assumptions


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The demand for energy efficient, low weight structures has boosted the use of composite structures assembled using increased quantities of structural adhesives. Bonded structures may be subjected to severe working environments such as high temperature and moisture due to which the adhesive gets degraded over a period of time. This reduces the strength of a joint and leads to premature failure. Measurement of strains in the adhesive bondline at any point of time during service may be beneficial as an assessment can be made on the integrity of a joint and necessary preventive actions may be taken before failure. This paper presents an experimental approach of measuring peel and shear strains in the adhesive bondline of composite single-lap joints using digital image correlation. Different sets of composite adhesive joints with varied bond quality were prepared and subjected to tensile load during which digital images were taken and processed using digital image correlation software. The measured peel strain at the joint edge showed a rapid increase with the initiation of a crack till failure of the joint. The measured strains were used to compute the corresponding stresses assuming a plane strain condition and the results were compared with stresses predicted using theoretical models, namely linear and nonlinear adhesive beam models. A similar trend in stress distribution was observed. Further comparison of peel and shear strains also exhibited similar trend for both healthy and degraded joints. Maximum peel stress failure criterion was used to predict the failure load of a composite adhesive joint and a comparison was made between predicted and actual failure loads. The predicted failure loads from theoretical models were found to be higher than the actual failure load for all the joints.


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Using a recently developed strong-coupling method, we present a comprehensive theory for doublon production processes in modulation spectroscopy of a three-dimensional system of ultracold fermionic atoms in an optical lattice with a trap. The theoretical predictions compare well to the experimental time traces of doublon production. For experimentally feasible conditions, we provide a quantitative prediction for the presence of a nonlinear ``two-photon'' excitation at strong modulation amplitudes.


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Isoniazid (isonicotinohydrazide) is an important first-line antitubercular drug that targets the InhA enzyme which synthesizes the critical component of the mycobacterial cell wall. An experimental charge-density analysis of isoniazid has been performed to understand its structural and electronic properties in the solid state. A high-resolution single-crystal X-ray intensity data has been collected at 90 K. An aspherical multipole refinement was carried out to explore the topological and electrostatic properties of the isoniazid molecule. The experimental results were compared with the theoretical charge-density calculations performed using CRYSTAL09 with the B3LYP/6-31G** method. A topological analysis of the electron density reveals that the Laplacian of electron density of the N-N bond is significantly less negative, which indicates that the charges at the b.c.p. (bond-critical point) of the bond are least accumulated, and so the bond is considered to be weak. As expected, a strong negative electrostatic potential region is present in the vicinity of the O1, N1 and N3 atoms, which are the reactive locations of the molecule. The C-H center dot center dot center dot N, C-H center dot center dot center dot O and N-H center dot center dot center dot N types of intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions stabilize the crystal structure. The topological analysis of the electron density on hydrogen bonding shows the strength of intermolecular interactions.


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Interaction of adsorbate on charged surfaces, orientation of the analyte on the surface, and surface enhancement aspects have been studied. These aspects have been explored in details to explain the surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic (SERS) spectra of 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane (HNIW or CL-20), a well-known explosive, and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) using one-pot synthesis of silver nanoparticles via biosynthetic route using natural precursor extracts of clove and pepper. The biosynthesized silver nanoparticles (bio Ag Nps) have been characterized using UV-vis spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. SERS studies conducted using bio Ag Nps on different water insoluble analytes, such as CL-20 and TNT, lead to SERS signals at concentration levels of 400 pM. The experimental findings have been corroborated with density functional computational results, electrostatic surface potential calculations, Fukui functions and potential measurements.


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Binaural hearing studies show that the auditory system uses the phase-difference information in the auditory stimuli for localization of a sound source. Motivated by this finding, we present a method for demodulation of amplitude-modulated-frequency-modulated (AM-FM) signals using a ignal and its arbitrary phase-shifted version. The demodulation is achieved using two allpass filters, whose impulse responses are related through the fractional Hilbert transform (FrHT). The allpass filters are obtained by cosine-modulation of a zero-phase flat-top prototype halfband lowpass filter. The outputs of the filters are combined to construct an analytic signal (AS) from which the AM and FM are estimated. We show that, under certain assumptions on the signal and the filter structures, the AM and FM can be obtained exactly. The AM-FM calculations are based on the quasi-eigenfunction approximation. We then extend the concept to the demodulation of multicomponent signals using uniform and non-uniform cosine-modulated filterbank (FB) structures consisting of flat bandpass filters, including the uniform cosine-modulated, equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB), and constant-Q filterbanks. We validate the theoretical calculations by considering application on synthesized AM-FM signals and compare the performance in presence of noise with three other multiband demodulation techniques, namely, the Teager-energy-based approach, the Gabor's AS approach, and the linear transduction filter approach. We also show demodulation results for real signals.


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An experimental charge-density analysis of pyrazinamide (a first line antitubercular drug) was performed using high-resolution X-ray diffraction data (sin theta/lambda)(max) = 1.1 angstrom(-1)] measured at 100 (2) K. The structure was solved by direct methods using SHELXS97 and refined by SHELXL97. The total electron density of the pyrazinamide molecule was modeled using the Hansen-Coppens multipole formalism implemented in the XD software. The topological properties of electron density determined from the experiment were compared with the theoretical results obtained from CRYSTAL09 at the B3LYP/6-31G** level of theory. The crystal structure was stabilized by N-H center dot center dot center dot N and N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds, in which the N3-H3B center dot center dot center dot N1 and N3-H3A center dot center dot center dot O1 interactions form two types of dimers in the crystal. Hirshfeld surface analysis was carried out to analyze the intermolecular interactions. The fingerprint plot reveals that the N center dot center dot center dot H and O center dot center dot center dot H hydrogen-bonding interactions contribute 26.1 and 18.4%, respectively, of the total Hirshfeld surface. The lattice energy of the molecule was calculated using density functional theory (B3LYP) methods with the 6-31G** basis set. The molecular electrostatic potential of the pyrazinamide molecule exhibits extended electronegative regions around O1, N1 and N2. The existence of a negative electrostatic potential (ESP) region just above the upper and lower surfaces of the pyrazine ring confirm the pi-electron cloud.


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Thermal decomposition of propargyl alcohol (C3H3OH), a molecule of interest in interstellar chemistry and combustion, was investigated using a single pulse shock tube in the temperature ranging from 953 to 1262 K. The products identified include acetylene, propyne, vinylacetylene, propynal, propenal, and benzene. The experimentally observed overall rate constant for thermal decomposition of propargyl alcohol was found to be k = 10((10.17 +/- 0.36)) exp(-39.70 +/- 1.83)/RT) s(-1) Ab initio theoretical calculations were carried out to understand the potential energy surfaces involved in the primary and secondary steps of propargyl alcohol thermal decomposition. Transition state theory was used to predict the rate constants, which were then used and refined in a kinetic simulation of the product profile. The first step in the decomposition is C-O bond dissociation, leading to the formation of two important radicals in combustion, OH and propargyl. This has been used to study the reverse OH propargyl radical reaction, about which there appears to be no prior work. Depending on the site of attack, this reaction leads to propargyl alcohol or propenal, one of the major products at temperatures below 1200 K. A detailed mechanism has been derived to explain all the observed products.


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CONSPECTUS: Transition metals help to stabilize highly strained organic fragments. Metallacycles, especially unsaturated ones, provide much variety in this area. We had a sustained interest in understanding new C-C bond formation reactions affected by binuclear transition metal fragments Cp2M. One such study led to the exploration of the bimetallic C-C cleavage and coupled complexes, where the acetylide ligands bridge two metal atoms. The underlying M-C interaction in these complexes inspired the synthesis of a five-membered cyclocumulene complex, which opened a new phase in organometallic chemistry. The metallacyclocumulene produces a variety of C-C cleavage and coupled products including a radialene complex. Group 4 metallocenes have thus unlocked a fascinating chemistry by stabilizing strained unsaturated C4 organic fragments in the form of five-membered metallacyclocumulenes, metallacyclopentynes, and metallacycloallenes. Over the years, we have carried out a comprehensive theoretical study to understand the unusual stability and reactivity of these metallacycles. The unique (M-C-beta) interaction of the internal carbon atoms with the metal atom is the reason for unusual stability of the metallacycles. We have also shown that there is a definite dependence of the C-C coupling and cleavage reactions on the metal of metallacyclocumulenes. It demonstrates unexpected reaction pathways for these reactions. Based on this understanding, we have predicted and unraveled the stabilization factors of an unusual four-membered metallacycloallene complex. Indeed, our prediction about a four-membered heterometallacycle has led to an interesting bonding situation, which is experimentally realized. This type of M-C bonding is intriguing from a fundamental perspective and has great relevance in synthesizing unusual structures with interesting properties. In this Account, we first give a short prologue of what led to the present study and describe the salient features of the structure and bonding of the metallacyclocumulenes. The unusual reaction pathway of this metallacycle is explored next. Similar features of the metallacyclopentynes and metallacycloallenes are briefly mentioned. Then, we discuss the exploitation of the unique M-C bonding to design some exotic molecules such as a four-membered metallacycloallene complex. Our efforts to build a conceptual framework to understand these metallacycles and to exploit their chemistry continue.


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The 11-year sunspot cycle has many irregularities, the most prominent amongst them being the grand minima when sunspots may not be seen for several cycles. After summarizing the relevant observational data about the irregularities, we introduce the flux transport dynamo model, the currently most successful theoretical model for explaining the 11-year sunspot cycle. Then we analyze the respective roles of nonlinearities and random fluctuations in creating the irregularities. We also discuss how it has recently been realized that the fluctuations in meridional circulation also can be a source of irregularities. We end by pointing out that fluctuations in the poloidal field generation and fluctuations in meridional circulation together can explain the occurrences of grand minima.


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The static and dynamic pressure concentration isotherms (PCIs) of MmNi(5-x)Al(x). (x = 0, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.8) hydrides were measured at different temperatures using volumetric method. The effect of Al substitution on PCI and thermodynamic properties were studied. The plateau pressure and maximum hydrogen storage capacity decreased with Al content whereas reaction enthalpy increased. The plateau pressure, plateau slope and hysteresis effect was observed more for dynamic PCIs compared to static PCIs. Different mathematical models used for metal hydride-based thermodynamic devices simulation are compared to select suitable model for static and dynamic PCI simulation of MmNi(5)-based hydrides. Few important physical coefficients (partial molar volume, reaction enthalpy, reaction entropy, etc.) useful for development of thermodynamic devices were estimated. A relation has been proposed to correlate aluminium content and physical coefficients for the prediction of unknown PCI. The simulated and experimental PCIs were found matching closely for both static and dynamic conditions. Copyright (C) 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a C-0 interior penalty method has been proposed and analyzed for distributed optimal control problems governed by the biharmonic operator. The state and adjoint variables are discretized using continuous piecewise quadratic finite elements while the control variable is discretized using piecewise constant approximations. A priori and a posteriori error estimates are derived for the state, adjoint and control variables under minimal regularity assumptions. Numerical results justify the theoretical results obtained. The a posteriori error estimators are useful in adaptive finite element approximation and the numerical results indicate that the sharp error estimators work efficiently in guiding the mesh refinement. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The five-coordinated 16-electron complex Ru(Me)(dppe)(2)]OTf] (3) undergoes methane elimination at room temperature to afford the ortho-metalated species (dppe){(C6H5)(C6H4)PCH2CH2P(C6H5)(2)}Ru]OTf] (7). Methane elimination, monitored using NMR spectroscopy, revealed no intermediate throughout the reaction. The NOE between Ru-Me protons and ortho phenyl protons and an agostic interaction trans to the methyl group were found in complex 3 by NMR spectroscopy, which form the basis for three plausible pathways for methane elimination and ortho metalation: pathway I (through spatial interaction), pathway II (through oxidative addition and reductive elimination), and pathway III (through agostic interaction). Methane elimination from complex 3 via pathway I was discounted, since it involves interactions through space and not through bonds. Moreover, the calculated energy barrier for the pathway I transition state was quite high (71.3 kcal/mol), which also indicates that this pathway is very unlikely. Furthermore, no spectroscopic evidence for oxidatively added seven-coordinated Ru(IV) species was found and the computed energy barrier of the transition state for pathway II was moderately high (41.1 kcal/mol), which suggests that this cannot be the right pathway for methane elimination and ortho-metalation of complex 3. On the other hand, indirect evidence in the form of chemical reactions point to the most plausible pathway for methane elimination, pathway III, via the intermediacy of a sigma-CH4 complex that could not be found spectroscopically. DFT calculations at several levels on this pathway showed an initial low-barrier rearrangement through TS1 to a square-pyramidal intermediate wherein methyl and agostic C-H are cis to each other. Migration of hydrogen from agostic C-H and elimination of methane proceed through the transition state TS2, which retains a weak metal-H bonding through most parts of the reaction coordinate. Upon comparison of all three pathways, pathway III was found to be the most likely for methane elimination and ortho-metalation of complex 3.


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The synthesis of high molecular weight esters such as bis (2-ethylhexyl) sebacate is of significance for its use as a lubricant. This ester is synthesized by the transesterification of dimethyl sebacate with 2-ethylhexanol. Therefore, the solubilities of bis (2-ethylhexyl) sebacate and dimethyl sebacate were determined at 308-328 K at pressures of 10-18 MPa in supercritical carbon dioxide. The solubility of dimethyl sebacate was always higher than bis (2-ethylhexyl) sebacate at a given temperature and pressure. The Mendez-Teja model was used to verify the self-consistency of data. Further, a new semi-empirical model with three parameters was developed using the solution theory coupled with Wilson activity coefficient. This model was used to correlate the experimental data of this work and solubilities of many high molecular weight esters reported in the literature. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The rare examples of intramolecular hydrogen bonds (HB) of the type the N-H center dot center dot center dot F-C, detected in a low polarity solvent in the derivatives of hydrazides, by utilizing one and two-dimensional solution state multinuclear NMR techniques, are reported. The observation of through-space couplings, such as, (1h)J(FH), and (1h)J(FN), provides direct evidence for the existence of intra-molecular HB. Solvent induced perturbations and the variable temperature NMR experiments unambiguously establish the presence of intramolecular HB. The existence of multiple conformers in some of the investigated molecules is also revealed by two dimensional HOESY and N-15-H-1 HSQC experiments. The H-1 DOSY experimental results discard any possibility of self or cross dimerization of the molecules. The derived NMR experimental results are further substantiated by Density Function Theory (DFT) based Non Covalent Interaction (NCI), and Quantum Theory of Atom in Molecule (QTAIM) calculations. The NCI calculations served as a very sensitive tool for detection of non-covalent interactions and also confirm the presence of bifurcated HBs.


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We report a first principles study of the electronic properties for a contact formed between Nb-doped monolayer MoS2 and gold for different doping concentrations. We first focus on the shift of energy levels in band structure and the density of states with respect to the Fermi level for a geometrically optimized 5 x 5 MoS2 supercell for both pristine and Nb-doped structures. The doping is achieved by substituting Mo atoms with Nb atoms at random positions. It is observed that for an experimentally reported sheet hole doping concentration of (rho(2D)) 1.8 x 10(14) cm(-2), the pristine MoS2 converts to degenerate p-type semiconductor. Next, we interface this supercell with six layers of < 111 > cleaved surface of gold to investigate the contact nature of MoS2-Au system. By careful examination of projected band structure, projected density of states, effective potential and charge density difference, we demonstrate that the Schottky barrier nature observed for pure MoS2-Au contact can be converted from n-type to p-type by efficient Nb doping.