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We report enhanced emission and gain narrowing in Rhodamine 590 perchlorate dye in an aqueous suspension of polystyrene microspheres. A systematic experimental study of the threshold condition for and the gain narrowing of the stimulated emission over a wide range of dye concentrations and scatterer number densities showed several interesting features, even though the transport mean free path far exceeded the system size. The conventional diffusive-reactive approximation to radiative transfer in an inhomogeneously illuminated random amplifying medium, which is valid for a transport mean-free path much smaller than the system size, is clearly inapplicable here. We propose a new probabilistic approach for the present case of dense, random, weak scatterers involving the otherwise rare and ignorable sub-mean-free-path scatterings, now made effective by the high gain in the medium, which is consistent: with experimentally observed features. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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Vapor-phase pyrolysis of Fe(CO)(5) in the presence of another carbon source such as CO or Ca He yields iron-filled or hollow nanotubes depending on the relative concentration of the carbon source. Essentially single-walled nanotubes are obtained when the C6H6/Fe(CO)(5) ratio is high. Pyrolysis of metallocenes yields metal-filled nanotubes and hollow nanotubes are obtained when metallocenes are pyrolyzed along with benzene. Metal-decorated nanotubes are also obtained by this method.


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We demonstrate an ultrafast method for the formation of, graphene supported Pt catalysts by the co-reduction of graphene oxide and Pt salt using ethylene glycol under microwave irradiation conditions. Detailed analysis of the mechanism of formation of the hybrids indicates a synergistic co-reduction mechanism whereby the presence of the Pt ions leads to a faster reduction of GO and the presence of the defect sites on the reduced GO serves as anchor points for the heterogeneous nucleation of Pt. The resulting hybrid consists of ultrafine nanoparticles of Pt uniformly distributed on the reduced GO susbtrate. We have shown that the hybrid exhibits good catalytic activity for methanol oxidation and hydrogen conversion reactions. The mechanism is general and applicable for the synthesis of other multifunctional hybrids based on graphene.


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A nonsimilar boundary layer analysis is presented for the problem of free convection in power-law type non-Newtonian fluids along a permeable vertical plate with variable wall temperature or heat flux distribution. Numerical results are presented for the details of the velocity and temperature fields. A discussion is provided for the effect of viscosity index on the surface heat transfer rate.


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A single source network is said to be memory-free if all of the internal nodes (those except the source and the sinks) do not employ memory but merely send linear combinations of the symbols received at their incoming edges on their outgoing edges. In this work, we introduce network-error correction for single source, acyclic, unit-delay, memory-free networks with coherent network coding for multicast. A convolutional code is designed at the source based on the network code in order to correct network- errors that correspond to any of a given set of error patterns, as long as consecutive errors are separated by a certain interval which depends on the convolutional code selected. Bounds on this interval and the field size required for constructing the convolutional code with the required free distance are also obtained. We illustrate the performance of convolutional network error correcting codes (CNECCs) designed for the unit-delay networks using simulations of CNECCs on an example network under a probabilistic error model.


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Recently, we demonstrated a very general route to monolithic macroporous materials prepared without the use of templates (Rajamathi et al. J. Mater. Chem. 2001, 11, 2489). The route involves finding a precursor containing two metals, A and B, whose oxides are largely immiscible. Firing of the precursor followed by suitable sintering results in a monolith from which one of the oxide phases can be chemically leached out to yield a macroporous mass of the other oxide phase. The metals A and B that we employed in the demonstration were Ni and Zn. From the NiO-ZnO monolith that was obtained by decomposing the precursor, ZnO could be leached out at high pH to yield macroporous NiO. In the present work, we show that combustion-chemical (also called self-propagating) decomposition of a mixture of Ni and Zn nitrates with urea as a fuel yields an intimate mixture of the oxides that can be sintered and leached with alkali to form a macroporous NiO monolith. The new process that we present here thereby avoids the need for a crystalline single-source precursor. A novel and unanticipated aspect of the present work is that the combination of high temperatures and rapid quenching associated with combustion synthesis results in an intimate mixture of wurtzite ZnO and the metastable rock-salt Ni1-xZnxO where x is about 0.3. Leaching this monolith with alkali gives a macroporous mass of rock-salt Ni1-xZnxO, which upon reduction in H-2/Ar forms macroporous Ni and ZnO. There are thus two stages in the process that lead to two modes of pore formation. The first is associated with leaching of ZnO by alkali. The second is associated with the reduction of porous Ni1-xZnxO to give porous Ni and ZnO.


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We present experimental investigation of a new reconstruction method for off-axis digital holographic microscopy (DHM). This method effectively suppresses the object auto-correlation, commonly called the zero-order term, from holographic measurements, thereby suppressing the artifacts generated by the intensities of the two beams employed for interference from complex wavefield reconstruction. The algorithm is based on non-linear filtering, and can be applied to standard DHM setups, with realistic recording conditions. We study the applicability of the technique under different experimental configurations, such as topographic images of microscopic specimens or speckle holograms.


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The cis-regulatory regions on DNA serve as binding sites for proteins such as transcription factors and RNA polymerase. The combinatorial interaction of these proteins plays a crucial role in transcription initiation, which is an important point of control in the regulation of gene expression. We present here an analysis of the performance of an in silico method for predicting cis-regulatory regions in the plant genomes of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and rice (Oryza sativa) on the basis of free energy of DNA melting. For protein-coding genes, we achieve recall and precision of 96% and 42% for Arabidopsis and 97% and 31% for rice, respectively. For noncoding RNA genes, the program gives recall and precision of 94% and 75% for Arabidopsis and 95% and 90% for rice, respectively. Moreover, 96% of the false-positive predictions were located in noncoding regions of primary transcripts, out of which 20% were found in the first intron alone, indicating possible regulatory roles. The predictions for orthologous genes from the two genomes showed a good correlation with respect to prediction scores and promoter organization. Comparison of our results with an existing program for promoter prediction in plant genomes indicates that our method shows improved prediction capability.


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The non-similar boundary layer flow of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid over a moving surface in a rotating fluid, in the presence of a magnetic field, Hall currents and the free stream velocity has been studied. The parabolic partial differential equations governing the flow are solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The Coriolis force induces overshoot in the velocity profile of the primary flow and the magnetic field reduces/removes the velocity overshoot. The local skin friction coefficient for the primary flow increases with the magnetic field, but the skin friction coefficient for the secondary flow reduces it. Also the local skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows are reduced due to the Hall currents. The effects of the magnetic field, Hall currents and the wall velocity, on the skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows increase with the Coriolis force. The wall velocity strongly affects the flow field. When the wall velocity is equal to the free stream velocity, the skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows vanish, but this does not imply separation. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Two-dimensional NMR and molecular dynamics simulations have been used to determine the three-dimensional structures of two hairpin DNA structures: d-CTAGAG GATCCUTTTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U1-hairpin) and d-CTAGAGGATCCTTUTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U3-hairpin). The (1) H resonances of both of these hairpin structures have been assigned almost completely. NMR restrained molecular dynamics and energy minimization procedures have been used to describe the three-dimensional structures of these hairpins. This study and concurrent NMR structural studies on two other d-CTAGAGGA TCCTUTTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U2-hairpin) and d-CTAGAGGATCCTTTUGGATCCT (abbreviated as U4-hairpin) have shed light upon various interactions reported between Echerichia coli uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) and uracil-containing DNA. The backbone torsion angles, which partially influence the local conformation of U12 and U14 in U1 and U3-hairpins, respectively, are probably locked in the trans conformation as in the case of U-13 in the U2-hairpin. Such a stretched-out backbone conformation in the vicinity of U-12 and U-14 is thought to be the reason why the K-m value is poor for U1- and U3-hairpins as it is for the U2-hairpin. Furthermore, the bases U-12 and U-14 in both U1- and U3-hairpins adopt an anti conformation, in contrast with the base conformation of U-13 in the U2-hairpin, which adopts a syn conformation. The clear discrepancy observed in the U-base orientation with respect to the sugar moieties could explain why the V-max value is 10- to 20-fold higher for the U1- and U3-hairpins compared with the U2-hairpin. Taken together, these observations support our interpretation that the unfavourable backbone results in a poor K-m value, whereas the unfavourable nucleotide conformation results in a poor V-max value. These two parameters therefore make the U1- and U3-hairpins better substrates for UDG compared with the U2-hairpin, as reported earlier [Kumar, N. V. & Varshney, U. (1997) Nucleic Acids Res. 25, 2336-2343.].


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Angiogenin is a protein belonging to the superfamily of RNase A. The RNase activity of this protein is essential for its angiogenic activity. Although members of the RNase A family carry out RNase activity, they differ markedly in their strength and specificity. In this paper, we address the problem of higher specificity of angiogenin towards cytosine against uracil in the first base binding position. We have carried out extensive nano-second level molecular dynamics(MD) computer simulations on the native bovine angiogenin and on the CMP and UMP complexes of this protein in aqueous medium with explicit molecular solvent. The structures thus generated were subjected to a rigorous free energy component analysis to arrive at a plausible molecular thermodynamic explanation for the substrate specificity of angiogenin.


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The surface properties of coal-pyrite play a major role in determining its separation from coal in processes such as flotation. The solution pH is an important parameter in determining the surface properties of both coal and coal-pyrite such as surface free energy and zeta-potential. In the present investigation, the effect of pH on the surface free energy of pyrites from different sources was studied. The surface free energy of solids is made up of two components, i.e. the dispersive surface free energy and the acid-base interaction energy. Various methods have been used by previous researchers to evaluate these two components for different solids. In the present study, a new approach was developed and used to study the surface free energy of pyrite surfaces. Results indicate that the dispersion surface free energy of various pyrites is independent of pH while the acid-base interaction energy is strongly dependent on the pH. The acid-base interaction energy is different for each pyrite sample and also the change with pH varies with the type of pyrite. Coal-pyrite was found to be more hydrophobic than ore-pyrite which may be attributed to the presence of carbon in coal-pyrites. The acid-base interaction energy varied little with pH for coal pyrites than ore-pyrite. Comparison of acid-base interaction energy with zeta-potential measurements shows a good correlation between the minimum in acid-base interaction energy and the pHpzc.


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A unique phenomenon of ‘autoacceleration’ was observed in a free radical polymerization of vinyl monomers and oxygen. Unlike the well known autoacceleration phenomenon in polymerization processes, this unusual phenomenon is not readily conceivable in terms of solution viscosity based reasoning. Surprisingly, we have observed manifestation of this new autoacceleration during free radical oxidative polymerization of some vinyl monomers at low conversions, where generally the polymerization reaction is zero order, the conversion–time plot are linear and viscosity effects are negligible. In the present paper, we interpret the mechanism of this new autoacceleration phenomenon on the basis of reactivity of the propagating radicals in terms of heat of formation data.


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Many interesting features of the dynamics of simple liquids near the glass transition may be understood in terms of properties of the free-energy landscape obtained from numerical studies of a model free-energy functional. Main results obtained from this approach are summarized and a list of references to relevant publications is provided. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.