181 resultados para Mechanisms action


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Intraseasonal variations (ISV) of sea surface temperature (SST) in the Bay of Bengal (BoB) is highest in its northwestern part. An Indian Ocean model forced by QuikSCAT winds and climatological river discharge (QR run) reproduces ISV of SST, albeit with weaker magnitude. Air-sea fluxes, in the presence of a shallow mixed layer, efficiently effect intraseasonal SST fluctuations. Warming during intraseasonal events is smaller (<1°C) for June - July period and larger (1.5° to 2°C) during September, the latter due to a thinner mixed layer. To examine the effect of salinity on ISV, the model was run by artificially increasing the salinity (NORR run) and by decreasing it (MAHA10 run). In NORR, both rainfall and river discharge were switched off and in MAHA10 the discharge by river Mahanadi was increased tenfold. The spatial pattern of ISV as well as its periodicity was similar in QR, NORR and MAHA10. The ISV was stronger in NORR and weaker in MAHA10, compared to QR. In NORR, both intraseasonal warming and cooling were higher than in QR, the former due to reduced air-sea heat loss as the mean SST was lower, and the latter due to enhanced subsurface processes resulting from weaker stratification. In MAHA10, both warming and cooling were lower than in QR, the former due to higher air-sea heat loss owing to higher mean SST, and the latter due to weak subsurface processes resulting from stronger stratification. These model experiments suggest that salinity effects are crucial in determining amplitudes of intraseasonal SST variations in the BoB.


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L-PGlu-(2-proPyl)-L-His-L-ProNH(2) (NP-647) is a CNS active thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) analog with potential application in various CNS disorders including seizures. In the present study, mechanism of action for protective effect of NP-647 was explored by studying role of NP-647 on epileptiform activity and sodium channels by using patch-clamp methods. Epileptiform activity was induced in subicular pyramidal neurons of hippocampal slice of rat by perfusing 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) containing Mg(+2)-free normal artificial cerebrospinal fluid (nACSF). Increase in mean firing frequency was observed after perfusion of 4-AP and zero Mg(+2) (2.10+/-0.47 Hz) as compared with nACSF (0.12+/-0.08 Hz). A significant decrease in mean firing frequency (0.61+/-0.22 Hz), mean frequency of epileptiform events (0.03+/-0.02 Hz vs. 0.22+/-0.05 Hz of 4-AP+0 Mg), and average number of action potentials in paroxysmal depolarization shift-burst (2.54+/-1.21 Hz vs. 8.16+/-0.88 Hz of 4-AP +0 Mg) was observed. A significant reduction in peak dV/dt (246+/-19 mV ms(-1) vs. 297 18 mV ms-1 of 4-AP+0 Mg) and increase (1.332+/-0.018 ms vs. 1.292+/-0.019 ms of 4-AP+0 Mg) in time required to reach maximum depolarization were observed indicating role of sodium channels. Concentration-dependent depression of sodium current was observed after exposure to dorsal root ganglion neurons to NP-647. NP-647 at different concentrations (1, 3, and 10 mu M) depressed sodium current (15+/-0.5%, 50+/-2.6%, and 75+/-0.7%, respectively). However, NP-647 did not show change in the peak sodium current in CNa18 cells. Results of present study demonstrated potential of NP-647 in the inhibition of epileptiform activity by inhibiting sodium channels indirectly. (C) 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The temperature ranges of thermal and athermal deformation behaviour of nickel are identified by employing the temperature-dependence of flow-stress and strain-rate cycling data. The results are used to present a unified view of dislocation mechanisms of glide encompassing the two thermally activated and the intermediate athermal regimes of plastic flow.In the low-temperature thermally activated region (<250 K) the strain rate is found to be controlled by the repulsive intersection of glide and forest dislocations, in accordance with current ideas. The athermal stress in this region can be attributed mainly to the presence of strong attractive junctions which are overcome by means of Orowan bowing, a small contribution also coming from the elastic interactions between dislocations. The values of activation area and activation energy obtained in the high-temperature region (> 750 K) negate the operation of a diffusion-controlled mechanism. Instead, the data support a thermal activation model involving unzipping of the attractive junctions. The internal (long-range) stress contribution here results solely from the elastic interactions between dislocations. This view concerning the high-temperature plastic flow is further supported by the observation that the Cottrell–Stokes law is obeyed over large strains in the range 750–1200 K.


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Tribological interaction often generates new structures and materials which form the interface between the sliding pair. The new material designated tribofilm here may be protective or tribologically deleterious. The tribofilm plays a major role in determining the friction and wear of the interaction. Here, we give three examples: mechanically mixed, chemically generated and thermally activated, of tribofilms formed in three different tribological systems and speculate on the mechanism of their formation.


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The fluorescence quenching studies of carboxamide namely (E)-N-(3-Chlorophenyl)-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzylideneamino)-4,5,6,7 tetrahydrobenzob]thiophene-3-carboxamide ENCTTTC] by aniline and carbon tetrachloride in six different solvents namely toluene, cyclohexane, n-hexane, n-heptane, n-decane and n-pentane have been carried out at room temperature with a view to understand the quenching mechanisms. The Stern-Volmer (S-V) plots have been found to be nonlinear with a positive deviation for all the solvents studied. In order to interpret these results we have invoked the ground state complex formation and sphere of action static quenching models. Using these models various quenching rate parameters have been determined. The magnitudes of these parameters suggest that sphere of action static quenching model agrees well with the experimental results. Hence the positive deviation is attributed to the static and dynamic quenching. Further, with the use of Finite Sink approximation model, it was possible to check these bimolecular reactions as diffusion-limited and to estimate independently distance parameter R' and mutual diffusion coefficient D. Finally an effort has been made to correlate the values of R' and D with the values of the encounter distance R and the mutual coefficient D determined using the Edward's empirical relation and Stokes Einstein relation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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N-doped monoclinic Ga2O3 nanostructures of different morphologies have been synthesized by heating Ga metal in ambient air at 1150 degrees C to 1350 degrees C for 1 to 5 h duration. Neither catalyst nor any gas flow has been used for the synthesis of N-doped Ga2O3 nanostructures. The morphology was controlled by monitoring the curvature of the Ga droplet. Plausible growth mechanisms are discussed to explain the different morphology of the nanostructures. Elemental mapping by electron energy loss spectroscopy of the nanostructures indicate uniform distribution of Ga, O and N. It is interesting to note that we have used neither nitride source nor any gas flow but the synthesis was carried out in ambient air. We believe that ambient nitrogen acts as the source of nitrogen. Unintentional nitrogen doping of the Ga2O3 nanostructures is a straightforward method and such nanostructures could be promising candidates for white light emission.


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In this paper, we use optical flow based complex-valued features extracted from video sequences to recognize human actions. The optical flow features between two image planes can be appropriately represented in the Complex plane. Therefore, we argue that motion information that is used to model the human actions should be represented as complex-valued features and propose a fast learning fully complex-valued neural classifier to solve the action recognition task. The classifier, termed as, ``fast learning fully complex-valued neural (FLFCN) classifier'' is a single hidden layer fully complex-valued neural network. The neurons in the hidden layer employ the fully complex-valued activation function of the type of a hyperbolic secant function. The parameters of the hidden layer are chosen randomly and the output weights are estimated as the minimum norm least square solution to a set of linear equations. The results indicate the superior performance of FLFCN classifier in recognizing the actions compared to real-valued support vector machines and other existing results in the literature. Complex valued representation of 2D motion and orthogonal decision boundaries boost the classification performance of FLFCN classifier. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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About a third of the human population is estimated to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Emergence of drug resistant strains and the protracted treatment strategies have compelled the scientific community to identify newer drug targets, and to develop newer vaccines. In the host macrophages, the bacterium survives within an environment rich in reactive nitrogen and oxygen species capable of damaging its genome. Therefore, for its successful persistence in the host, the pathogen must need robust DNA repair mechanisms. Analysis of M. tuberculosis genome sequence revealed that it lacks mismatch repair pathway suggesting a greater role for other DNA repair pathways such as the nucleotide excision repair, and base excision repair pathways. In this article, we summarize the outcome of research involving these two repair pathways in mycobacteria focusing primarily on our own efforts. Our findings, using Mycobacterium smegmatis model, suggest that deficiency of various DNA repair functions in single or in combinations severely compromises their DNA repair capacity and attenuates their growth under conditions typically encountered in macrophages. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The activities of a number of proteins are regulated by the binding of cAMP and cGMP to cyclic nucleotide binding (CNB) domains that are found associated with one or more effector domains with diverse functions. Although the conserved architecture of CNB domains has been extensively studied by x-ray crystallography, the key to unraveling the mechanisms of cAMP action has been protein dynamics analyses. Recently, we have identified a novel cAMP-binding protein from mycobacteria, where cAMP regulates the activity of an associated protein acetyltransferase domain. In the current study, we have monitored the conformational changes that occur upon cAMP binding to the CNB domain in these proteins, using a combination of bioluminescence resonance energy transfer and amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry. Coupled with mutational analyses, our studies reveal the critical role of the linker region (positioned between the CNB domain and the acetyltransferase domain) in allosteric coupling of cAMP binding to activation of acetyltransferase catalysis. Importantly, major differences in conformational change upon cAMP binding were accompanied by stabilization of the CNB and linker domain alone. This is in contrast to other cAMP-binding proteins, where cyclic nucleotide binding has been shown to involve intricate and parallel allosteric relays. Finally, this powerful convergence of results from bioluminescence resonance energy transfer and hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry reaffirms the power of solution biophysical tools in unraveling mechanistic bases of regulation of proteins in the absence of high resolution structural information.