151 resultados para Localized algorithms


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Precise experimental implementation of unitary operators is one of the most important tasks for quantum information processing. Numerical optimization techniques are widely used to find optimized control fields to realize a desired unitary operator. However, finding high-fidelity control pulses to realize an arbitrary unitary operator in larger spin systems is still a difficult task. In this work, we demonstrate that a combination of the GRAPE algorithm, which is a numerical pulse optimization technique, and a unitary operator decomposition algorithm Ajoy et al., Phys. Rev. A 85, 030303 (2012)] can realize unitary operators with high experimental fidelity. This is illustrated by simulating the mirror-inversion propagator of an XY spin chain in a five-spin dipolar coupled nuclear spin system. Further, this simulation has been used to demonstrate the transfer of entangled states from one end of the spin chain to the other end.


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The transient natural convection flow with thermal stratification in a rectangular cavity filled with fluid saturated porous medium obeying Darcy's law has been studied. Prior to the time t* = 0, the flow in the cavity is assumed to be motionless and all four walls of the cavity are at the same constant temperature. At time t* = 0, the temperatures of the vertical walls are suddenly increased which vary linearly with the distance y and at the same time on the bottom wall an isothermal heat source is placed centrally. This sudden change in the wall temperatures gives rise to unsteadiness in the problem. The horizontal temperature difference induces and sustains a buoyancy driven flow in the cavity which is then controlled by the vertical temperature difference. The partial differential equations governing the transient natural convection flow have been solved numerically. The local and average Nusselt numbers decrease rapidly in a small time interval after the start of the impulsive change in the wall temperatures and the steady state is reached quickly. The time required to reach the steady state depends on the Rayleigh number and the thermal stratification parameter.


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Smoothed functional (SF) schemes for gradient estimation are known to be efficient in stochastic optimization algorithms, especially when the objective is to improve the performance of a stochastic system However, the performance of these methods depends on several parameters, such as the choice of a suitable smoothing kernel. Different kernels have been studied in the literature, which include Gaussian, Cauchy, and uniform distributions, among others. This article studies a new class of kernels based on the q-Gaussian distribution, which has gained popularity in statistical physics over the last decade. Though the importance of this family of distributions is attributed to its ability to generalize the Gaussian distribution, we observe that this class encompasses almost all existing smoothing kernels. This motivates us to study SF schemes for gradient estimation using the q-Gaussian distribution. Using the derived gradient estimates, we propose two-timescale algorithms for optimization of a stochastic objective function in a constrained setting with a projected gradient search approach. We prove the convergence of our algorithms to the set of stationary points of an associated ODE. We also demonstrate their performance numerically through simulations on a queuing model.


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We address the parameterized complexity ofMaxColorable Induced Subgraph on perfect graphs. The problem asks for a maximum sized q-colorable induced subgraph of an input graph G. Yannakakis and Gavril IPL 1987] showed that this problem is NP-complete even on split graphs if q is part of input, but gave a n(O(q)) algorithm on chordal graphs. We first observe that the problem is W2]-hard parameterized by q, even on split graphs. However, when parameterized by l, the number of vertices in the solution, we give two fixed-parameter tractable algorithms. The first algorithm runs in time 5.44(l) (n+#alpha(G))(O(1)) where #alpha(G) is the number of maximal independent sets of the input graph. The second algorithm runs in time q(l+o()l())n(O(1))T(alpha) where T-alpha is the time required to find a maximum independent set in any induced subgraph of G. The first algorithm is efficient when the input graph contains only polynomially many maximal independent sets; for example split graphs and co-chordal graphs. The running time of the second algorithm is FPT in l alone (whenever T-alpha is a polynomial in n), since q <= l for all non-trivial situations. Finally, we show that (under standard complexitytheoretic assumptions) the problem does not admit a polynomial kernel on split and perfect graphs in the following sense: (a) On split graphs, we do not expect a polynomial kernel if q is a part of the input. (b) On perfect graphs, we do not expect a polynomial kernel even for fixed values of q >= 2.


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We present the first q-Gaussian smoothed functional (SF) estimator of the Hessian and the first Newton-based stochastic optimization algorithm that estimates both the Hessian and the gradient of the objective function using q-Gaussian perturbations. Our algorithm requires only two system simulations (regardless of the parameter dimension) and estimates both the gradient and the Hessian at each update epoch using these. We also present a proof of convergence of the proposed algorithm. In a related recent work (Ghoshdastidar, Dukkipati, & Bhatnagar, 2014), we presented gradient SF algorithms based on the q-Gaussian perturbations. Our work extends prior work on SF algorithms by generalizing the class of perturbation distributions as most distributions reported in the literature for which SF algorithms are known to work turn out to be special cases of the q-Gaussian distribution. Besides studying the convergence properties of our algorithm analytically, we also show the results of numerical simulations on a model of a queuing network, that illustrate the significance of the proposed method. In particular, we observe that our algorithm performs better in most cases, over a wide range of q-values, in comparison to Newton SF algorithms with the Gaussian and Cauchy perturbations, as well as the gradient q-Gaussian SF algorithms. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It has been shown that iterative re-weighted strategies will often improve the performance of many sparse reconstruction algorithms. However, these strategies are algorithm dependent and cannot be easily extended for an arbitrary sparse reconstruction algorithm. In this paper, we propose a general iterative framework and a novel algorithm which iteratively enhance the performance of any given arbitrary sparse reconstruction algorithm. We theoretically analyze the proposed method using restricted isometry property and derive sufficient conditions for convergence and performance improvement. We also evaluate the performance of the proposed method using numerical experiments with both synthetic and real-world data. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a new Hessian estimator based on the simultaneous perturbation procedure, that requires three system simulations regardless of the parameter dimension. We then present two Newton-based simulation optimization algorithms that incorporate this Hessian estimator. The two algorithms differ primarily in the manner in which the Hessian estimate is used. Both our algorithms do not compute the inverse Hessian explicitly, thereby saving on computational effort. While our first algorithm directly obtains the product of the inverse Hessian with the gradient of the objective, our second algorithm makes use of the Sherman-Morrison matrix inversion lemma to recursively estimate the inverse Hessian. We provide proofs of convergence for both our algorithms. Next, we consider an interesting application of our algorithms on a problem of road traffic control. Our algorithms are seen to exhibit better performance than two Newton algorithms from a recent prior work.


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We investigate the problem of timing recovery for 2-D magnetic recording (TDMR) channels. We develop a timing error model for TDMR channel considering the phase and frequency offsets with noise. We propose a 2-D data-aided phase-locked loop (PLL) architecture for tracking variations in the position and movement of the read head in the down-track and cross-track directions and analyze the convergence of the algorithm under non-separable timing errors. We further develop a 2-D interpolation-based timing recovery scheme that works in conjunction with the 2-D PLL. We quantify the efficiency of our proposed algorithms by simulations over a 2-D magnetic recording channel with timing errors.


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A routing protocol in a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) should be secure against both the outside attackers which do not hold valid security credentials and the inside attackers which are the compromised nodes in the network. The outside attackers can be prevented with the help of an efficient key management protocol and cryptography. However, to prevent inside attackers, it should be accompanied with an intrusion detection system (IDS). In this paper, we propose a novel secure routing with an integrated localized key management (SR-LKM) protocol, which is aimed to prevent both inside and outside attackers. The localized key management mechanism is not dependent on any routing protocol. Thus, unlike many other existing schemes, the protocol does not suffer from the key management - secure routing interdependency problem. The key management mechanism is lightweight as it optimizes the use of public key cryptography with the help of a novel neighbor based handshaking and Least Common Multiple (LCM) based broadcast key distribution mechanism. The protocol is storage scalable and its efficiency is confirmed by the results obtained from simulation experiments.


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The 3-Hitting Set problem involves a family of subsets F of size at most three over an universe U. The goal is to find a subset of U of the smallest possible size that intersects every set in F. The version of the problem with parity constraints asks for a subset S of size at most k that, in addition to being a hitting set, also satisfies certain parity constraints on the sizes of the intersections of S with each set in the family F. In particular, an odd (even) set is a hitting set that hits every set at either one or three (two) elements, and a perfect code is a hitting set that intersects every set at exactly one element. These questions are of fundamental interest in many contexts for general set systems. Just as for Hitting Set, we find these questions to be interesting for the case of families consisting of sets of size at most three. In this work, we initiate an algorithmic study of these problems in this special case, focusing on a parameterized analysis. We show, for each problem, efficient fixed-parameter tractable algorithms using search trees that are tailor-made to the constraints in question, and also polynomial kernels using sunflower-like arguments in a manner that accounts for equivalence under the additional parity constraints.


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In this work, we study the well-known r-DIMENSIONAL k-MATCHING ((r, k)-DM), and r-SET k-PACKING ((r, k)-SP) problems. Given a universe U := U-1 ... U-r and an r-uniform family F subset of U-1 x ... x U-r, the (r, k)-DM problem asks if F admits a collection of k mutually disjoint sets. Given a universe U and an r-uniform family F subset of 2(U), the (r, k)-SP problem asks if F admits a collection of k mutually disjoint sets. We employ techniques based on dynamic programming and representative families. This leads to a deterministic algorithm with running time O(2.851((r-1)k) .vertical bar F vertical bar. n log(2)n . logW) for the weighted version of (r, k)-DM, where W is the maximum weight in the input, and a deterministic algorithm with running time O(2.851((r-0.5501)k).vertical bar F vertical bar.n log(2) n . logW) for the weighted version of (r, k)-SP. Thus, we significantly improve the previous best known deterministic running times for (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP and the previous best known running times for their weighted versions. We rely on structural properties of (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP to develop algorithms that are faster than those that can be obtained by a standard use of representative sets. Incorporating the principles of iterative expansion, we obtain a better algorithm for (3, k)-DM, running in time O(2.004(3k).vertical bar F vertical bar . n log(2)n). We believe that this algorithm demonstrates an interesting application of representative families in conjunction with more traditional techniques. Furthermore, we present kernels of size O(e(r)r(k-1)(r) logW) for the weighted versions of (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP, improving the previous best known kernels of size O(r!r(k-1)(r) logW) for these problems.


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Molecular dynamics simulations were employed to investigate the specimen thickness-dependent tensile behavior of a series of Cu(x)Z(100-x) (x = 20, 40, 50, 64 and 80 at%) metallic glass (MG) films, with a particular focus on the critical thickness, tc, below which non-localized plastic flow takes place. The simulation results reveal that while the transition occurs in all the alloys examined, t(c) is sensitive to the composition. We rationalize t(c) by postulating that the strain energy stored in the sample at the onset of plastic deformation has to be sufficient for the formation of shear bands. The composition-dependence of t(c) was found to correlate with the average activation energy of the atomic level plastic deformation events. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We develop a scheme based on a real space microscopic analysis of particle dynamics to ascertain the relevance of dynamical facilitation as a mechanism of structural relaxation in glass-forming liquids. By analyzing the spatial organization of localized excitations within clusters of mobile particles in a colloidal glass former and examining their partitioning into shell-like and corelike regions, we establish the existence of a crossover from a facilitation-dominated regime at low area fractions to a collective activated hopping-dominated one close to the glass transition. This crossover occurs in the vicinity of the area fraction at which the peak of the mobility transfer function exhibits a maximum and the morphology of cooperatively rearranging regions changes from stringlike to a compact form. Collectively, our findings suggest that dynamical facilitation is dominated by collective hopping close to the glass transition, thereby constituting a crucial step towards identifying the correct theoretical scenario for glass formation.


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Imaging flow cytometry is an emerging technology that combines the statistical power of flow cytometry with spatial and quantitative morphology of digital microscopy. It allows high-throughput imaging of cells with good spatial resolution, while they are in flow. This paper proposes a general framework for the processing/classification of cells imaged using imaging flow cytometer. Each cell is localized by finding an accurate cell contour. Then, features reflecting cell size, circularity and complexity are extracted for the classification using SVM. Unlike the conventional iterative, semi-automatic segmentation algorithms such as active contour, we propose a noniterative, fully automatic graph-based cell localization. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework, we have successfully classified unstained label-free leukaemia cell-lines MOLT, K562 and HL60 from video streams captured using custom fabricated cost-effective microfluidics-based imaging flow cytometer. The proposed system is a significant development in the direction of building a cost-effective cell analysis platform that would facilitate affordable mass screening camps looking cellular morphology for disease diagnosis. Lay description In this article, we propose a novel framework for processing the raw data generated using microfluidics based imaging flow cytometers. Microfluidics microscopy or microfluidics based imaging flow cytometry (mIFC) is a recent microscopy paradigm, that combines the statistical power of flow cytometry with spatial and quantitative morphology of digital microscopy, which allows us imaging cells while they are in flow. In comparison to the conventional slide-based imaging systems, mIFC is a nascent technology enabling high throughput imaging of cells and is yet to take the form of a clinical diagnostic tool. The proposed framework process the raw data generated by the mIFC systems. The framework incorporates several steps: beginning from pre-processing of the raw video frames to enhance the contents of the cell, localising the cell by a novel, fully automatic, non-iterative graph based algorithm, extraction of different quantitative morphological parameters and subsequent classification of cells. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework, we have successfully classified unstained label-free leukaemia cell-lines MOLT, K562 and HL60 from video streams captured using cost-effective microfluidics based imaging flow cytometer. The cell lines of HL60, K562 and MOLT were obtained from ATCC (American Type Culture Collection) and are separately cultured in the lab. Thus, each culture contains cells from its own category alone and thereby provides the ground truth. Each cell is localised by finding a closed cell contour by defining a directed, weighted graph from the Canny edge images of the cell such that the closed contour lies along the shortest weighted path surrounding the centroid of the cell from a starting point on a good curve segment to an immediate endpoint. Once the cell is localised, morphological features reflecting size, shape and complexity of the cells are extracted and used to develop a support vector machine based classification system. We could classify the cell-lines with good accuracy and the results were quite consistent across different cross validation experiments. We hope that imaging flow cytometers equipped with the proposed framework for image processing would enable cost-effective, automated and reliable disease screening in over-loaded facilities, which cannot afford to hire skilled personnel in large numbers. Such platforms would potentially facilitate screening camps in low income group countries; thereby transforming the current health care paradigms by enabling rapid, automated diagnosis for diseases like cancer.


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We report the localized charge carrier transport of two-phase composite Zn1-x Ni (x) O/NiO (0 a parts per thousand currency sign x a parts per thousand currency sign 1) using the temperature dependence of ac-resistivity rho (ac)(T) across the N,el temperature T (N) (= 523 K) of nickel oxide. Our results provide strong evidence to the variable range hopping of charge carriers between the localized states through a mechanism involving spin-dependent activation energies. The temperature variation of carrier hopping energy epsilon (h)(T) and nearest-neighbor exchange-coupling parameter J (ij)(T) evaluated from the small poleron model exhibits a well-defined anomaly across T (N). For all the composite systems, the average exchange-coupling parameter (J (ij))(AVG) nearly equals to 70 meV which is slightly greater than the 60-meV exciton binding energy of pure zinc oxide. The magnitudes of epsilon (h) (similar to 0.17 eV) and J (ij) (similar to 11 meV) of pure NiO synthesized under oxygen-rich conditions are consistent with the previously reported theoretical estimation based on Green's function analysis. A systematic correlation between the oxygen stoichiometry and, epsilon (h)(T) and J (ij)(T) is discussed.