149 resultados para Entropy production


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The clever designs of natural transducers are a great source of inspiration for man-made systems. At small length scales, there are many transducers in nature that we are now beginning to understand and learn from. Here, we present an example of such a transducer that is used by field crickets to produce their characteristic song. This transducer uses two distinct components-a file of discrete teeth and a plectrum that engages intermittently to produce a series of impulses forming the loading, and an approximately triangular membrane, called the harp, that acts as a resonator and vibrates in response to the impulse-train loading. The file-and-plectrum act as a frequency multiplier taking the low wing beat frequency as the input and converting it into an impulse-train of sufficiently high frequency close to the resonant frequency of the harp. The forced vibration response results in beats producing the characteristic sound of the cricket song. With careful measurements of the harp geometry and experimental measurements of its mechanical properties (Young's modulus determined from nanoindentation tests), we construct a finite element (FE) model of the harp and carry out modal analysis to determine its natural frequency. We fine tune the model with appropriate elastic boundary conditions to match the natural frequency of the harp of a particular species-Gryllus bimaculatus. We model impulsive loading based on a loading scheme reported in literature and predict the transient response of the harp. We show that the harp indeed produces beats and its frequency content matches closely that of the recorded song. Subsequently, we use our FE model to show that the natural design is quite robust to perturbations in the file. The characteristic song frequency produced is unaffected by variations in the spacing of file-teeth and even by larger gaps. Based on the understanding of how this natural transducer works, one can design and fabricate efficient microscale acoustic devices such as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) loudspeakers.


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Minimization problems with respect to a one-parameter family of generalized relative entropies are studied. These relative entropies, which we term relative alpha-entropies (denoted I-alpha), arise as redundancies under mismatched compression when cumulants of compressed lengths are considered instead of expected compressed lengths. These parametric relative entropies are a generalization of the usual relative entropy (Kullback-Leibler divergence). Just like relative entropy, these relative alpha-entropies behave like squared Euclidean distance and satisfy the Pythagorean property. Minimizers of these relative alpha-entropies on closed and convex sets are shown to exist. Such minimizations generalize the maximum Renyi or Tsallis entropy principle. The minimizing probability distribution (termed forward I-alpha-projection) for a linear family is shown to obey a power-law. Other results in connection with statistical inference, namely subspace transitivity and iterated projections, are also established. In a companion paper, a related minimization problem of interest in robust statistics that leads to a reverse I-alpha-projection is studied.


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In part I of this two-part work, certain minimization problems based on a parametric family of relative entropies (denoted I-alpha) were studied. Such minimizers were called forward I-alpha-projections. Here, a complementary class of minimization problems leading to the so-called reverse I-alpha-projections are studied. Reverse I-alpha-projections, particularly on log-convex or power-law families, are of interest in robust estimation problems (alpha > 1) and in constrained compression settings (alpha < 1). Orthogonality of the power-law family with an associated linear family is first established and is then exploited to turn a reverse I-alpha-projection into a forward I-alpha-projection. The transformed problem is a simpler quasi-convex minimization subject to linear constraints.


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We present estimates of single spin asymmetry (SSA) in the electroproduction of taking into account the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) evolution of the gluon Sivers function and using Color Evaporation Model of charmonium production. We estimate SSA for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS and eRHIC energies using recent parameters for the quark Sivers functions which are fitted using an evolution kernel in which the perturbative part is resummed up to next-to-leading logarithms accuracy. We find that these SSAs are much smaller as compared to our first estimates obtained using DGLAP evolution but are comparable to our estimates obtained using TMD evolution where we had used approximate analytical solution of the TMD evolution equation for the purpose.


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The present immuno-diagnostic method using soluble antigens from whole cell lysate antigen for trypanosomosis have certain inherent problems like lack of standardized and reproducible antigens, as well as ethical issues due to in vivo production, that could be alleviated by in vitro production. In the present study we have identified heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) from T. evansi proteome. The nucleotide sequence of T. evansi HSP70 was 2116 bp, which encodes 690 amino acid residues. The phylogenetic analysis of T. evansi HSP70 showed that T. evansi occurred within Trypanosoma clade and is most closely related to T. brucei brucei and T. brucei gambiense, whereas T. congolense HSP70 laid in separate clade. The two partial HSP70 sequences (HSP-1 from N-terminal region and HSP-2 from C-terminal region) were expressed and evaluated as diagnostic antigens using experimentally infected equine serum samples. Both recombinant proteins detected antibody in immunoblot using serum samples from experimental infected donkeys with T. evansi. Recombinant HSP-2 showed comparable antibody response to Whole cell lysate (WCL) antigen in immunoblot and ELISA. The initial results indicated that HSP70 has potential to detect the T. evansi infection and needs further validation on large set of equine serum samples.


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Andrographis lineata is an herbal medicinal plant used in traditional medicine as a substitute for Andrographis paniculata. Here, using mature leaf explants of A. lineata we demonstrate for the first time the callus induction established on MS medium containing 1.0 mg l(-1) IAA. Dried callus was subjected to solvent extraction with acetone. Further the acetone residue was separated by silica gel column chromatography, crystallized and characterized on the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance (proton and c13) and liquid chromatographic mass spectroscopy. This analysis revealed the occurrence of two known flavones namely, 7-O-methylwogonin (MW) and Echioidinin (ED). Furthermore, these compounds were tested for their cytotoxicity against leukemic cell line, CEM. We identify that ED and MW induced cytotoxicity in a time-and concentration-dependent manner. Further increase in the LDH release upon treatment with ED and MW further confirmed our cytotoxicity results against leukemic cell line. Strikingly, MW was more potent than ED when compared by trypan blue and MTT assays. Our results recapitulate the utility of callus cultures for the production of plant specific bioactive secondary metabolites instead of using wild plants. Together, our in vitro studies provide new insights of A. lineata callus cultures serving as a source for cancer chemotherapeutic agents.


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This work provides a methodology for synthesizing isolated multi-component, high entropy alloy nanoparticles. Wet chemical synthesis technique was used to synthesis NiFeCrCuCo nanoparticles. As synthesized nanoparticles were spherical with an average size of 26.7 +/- 3.3 nm. Average composition of the as-synthesized nanoparticle dispersion was 26 +/- 2 at% Cr, 14 +/- 2 at% Fe, 10 +/- 0.6 at% Co, 25 +/- 0.1 at% Ni and 25 +/- 1.1 at% Cu. Compositional analysis of the nanoparticles conducted using the compositional line profile analysis and compositional mapping on a single nanoparticle level revealed a fairly uniform distribution of all the five component elements within the nanoparticle volume. Electron diffraction analysis clearly revealed that the structure of as-synthesized nanoparticles was face centered cubic. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we discuss the design of a manually operated soil compaction machine that is being used to manufacture stabilized soil blocks (SSB). A case study of manufacturing more than three million blocks in a housing project using manually operated machines is illustrated. The paper is focussed on the design, development, and evaluation of a manually operated soil compaction machine for the production of SSB. It also details the machine design philosophy, compaction characteristics of soils, employment generation potential of small-scale stabilized soil block productions systems, and embodied energy. Static compaction of partially saturated soils was performed to generate force-displacement curves in a confined compaction process were generated. Based on the soil compaction data engineering design aspects of a toggle press are illustrated. The results of time and motion study on block production operations using manual machines are discussed. Critical path network diagrams were used for small-scale SSB production systems. Such production systems generate employment at a very low capital cost.


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Image inpainting is the process of filling the unwanted region in an image marked by the user. It is used for restoring old paintings and photographs, removal of red eyes from pictures, etc. In this paper, we propose an efficient inpainting algorithm which takes care of false edge propagation. We use the classical exemplar based technique to find out the priority term for each patch. To ensure that the edge content of the nearest neighbor patch found by minimizing L-2 distance between patches, we impose an additional constraint that the entropy of the patches be similar. Entropy of the patch acts as a good measure of edge content. Additionally, we fill the image by considering overlapping patches to ensure smoothness in the output. We use structural similarity index as the measure of similarity between ground truth and inpainted image. The results of the proposed approach on a number of examples on real and synthetic images show the effectiveness of our algorithm in removing objects and thin scratches or text written on image. It is also shown that the proposed approach is robust to the shape of the manually selected target. Our results compare favorably to those obtained by existing techniques


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Viscous modifications to the thermal distributions of quark-antiquarks and gluons have been studied in a quasiparticle description of the quark-gluon-plasma medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments. The model is described in terms of quasipartons that encode the hot QCD medium effects in their respective effective fugacities. Both shear and bulk viscosities have been taken in to account in the analysis, and the modifications to thermal distributions have been obtained by modifying the energy-momentum tensor in view of the nontrivial dispersion relations for the gluons and quarks. The interactions encoded in the equation of state induce significant modifications to the thermal distributions. As an implication, the dilepton production rate in the q (q) over bar annihilation process has been investigated. The equation of state is found to have a significant impact on the dilepton production rate along with the viscosities.


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Diffusion-a measure of dynamics, and entropy-a measure of disorder in the system are found to be intimately correlated in many systems, and the correlation is often strongly non-linear. We explore the origin of this complex dependence by studying diffusion of a point Brownian particle on a model potential energy surface characterized by ruggedness. If we assume that the ruggedness has a Gaussian distribution, then for this model, one can obtain the excess entropy exactly for any dimension. By using the expression for the mean first passage time, we present a statistical mechanical derivation of the well-known and well-tested scaling relation proposed by Rosenfeld between diffusion and excess entropy. In anticipation that Rosenfeld diffusion-entropy scaling (RDES) relation may continue to be valid in higher dimensions (where the mean first passage time approach is not available), we carry out an effective medium approximation (EMA) based analysis of the effective transition rate and hence of the effective diffusion coefficient. We show that the EMA expression can be used to derive the RDES scaling relation for any dimension higher than unity. However, RDES is shown to break down in the presence of spatial correlation among the energy landscape values. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Nanocrystalline CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy, synthesized by mechanical alloying followed by spark plasma sintering, demonstrated extremely sluggish grain growth even at very high homologous temperature of 0.68 T-m (900 degrees C) for annealing duration of 600 h. Mechanically alloyed powder had carbon and oxygen as impurities, which in turn led to the formation of two-phase mixture of FCC and Cr-rich carbide with fine distribution of Cr-rich oxide during spark plasma sintering. Sluggish grain growth is attributed to the Zener pinning effect from the fine dispersion of oxide, mutual retardation of grain boundaries in the presence of two phases, and sluggish diffusivity because of cooperative diffusion of multi-principle elements. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Combustion synthesized (CS) cobalt catalysts deposited over two supports, alumina and silica doped alumina (SDA), were characterized and tested for its Fischer-Tropsch (FT) activity. The properties of CS catalysts were compared to catalysts synthesized by conventional impregnation method (IWI). The CS catalysts resulted in 40-70% increase in the yield of C6+ hydrocarbons compared to MI catalysts. The FT activity for CS catalysts showed formation of long chain hydrocarbon waxes (C24+) compared to the formation of middle distillates (C-10-C-20) for IWI synthesized catalysts, indicating higher hydrocarbon chain growth probability for CS catalysts. This is ascribed to the smaller crystallite sizes, increased degree of cobalt reduction and consequentially, a higher number of active metal sites, exposed over the catalyst surface. Additionally, 12-13% increase in the overall C6+ hydrocarbon yield is realized for SDA-CS catalysts, compared to Al2O3-CS catalysts. The improved performance of CS-SDA catalysts is attributed to 48% increase in cobalt dispersion compared to Al2O3 supported CS catalysts, which is again caused by the decrease in the cobalt -support interaction for SDA supports. The metal support interactions were analyzed using XPS and H-2 TPR-TPD experiments. Combustion method produced catalysts with smaller crystallite size (17-18 nm), higher degree of reduction (similar to 92%) and higher metal dispersion (16.1%) compared to the IWI method. Despite its enhanced properties, the CS catalysts require prominently higher reduction temperatures (similar to 1100-1200 K). The hydrocarbon product analysis for Al2O3 supported catalyst showed higher paraffin wax concentrations compared to SDA supported catalysts, due to the lower surface basicity of Al2O3. This work reveals the impact of the CS catalysts and the nature of support on FT activity and hydrocarbon product spectrum. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.