161 resultados para Controller framework


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It is a well-known fact that most of the developing countries have intermittent water supply and the quantity of water supplied from the source is also not distributed equitably among the consumers. Aged pipelines, pump failures, and improper management of water resources are some of the main reasons for it. This study presents the application of a nonlinear control technique to overcome this problem in different zones in the city of Bangalore. The water is pumped to the city from a large distance of approximately 100km over a very high elevation of approximately 400m. The city has large undulating terrain among different zones, which leads to unequal distribution of water. The Bangalore, inflow water-distribution system (WDS) has been modeled. A dynamic inversion (DI) nonlinear controller with proportional integral derivative (PID) features (DI-PID) is used for valve throttling to achieve the target flows to different zones of the city. This novel approach of equitable water distribution using DI-PID controllers that can be used as a decision support system is discussed in this paper.


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A space vector-based hysteresis current controller for any general n-level three phase inverter fed induction motor drive is proposed in this study. It offers fast dynamics, inherent overload protection and low harmonic distortion for the phase voltages and currents. The controller performs online current error boundary calculations and a nearly constant switching frequency is obtained throughout the linear modulation range. The proposed scheme uses only the adjacent voltage vectors of the present sector, similar to space vector pulse-width modulation and exhibits fast dynamic behaviour under different transient conditions. The steps involved in the boundary calculation include the estimation of phase voltages from the current ripple, computation of switching time and voltage error vectors. Experimental results are given to show the performance of the drive at various speeds, effect of sudden change of the load, acceleration, speed reversal and validate the proposed advantages.


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In this paper, a current error space vector (CESV) based hysteresis controller for a 12-sided polygonal voltage space vector inverter fed induction motor (IM) drive is proposed, for the first time. An open-end winding configuration is used for the induction motor. The proposed controller uses parabolic boundary with generalized vector selection logic for all sectors. The drive scheme is first studied with a space vector based PWM (SVPWM) control and from this the current error space phasor boundary is obtained. This current error space phasor boundary is approximated with four parabolas and then the system is run with space phasor based hysteresis PWM controller by limiting the CESV within the parabolic boundary. The proposed controller has increased modulation range, absence of 5th and 7th order harmonics for the entire modulation range, nearly constant switching frequency, fast dynamic response with smooth transition to the over modulation region and a simple controller implementation.


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In this paper, a fractional order proportional-integral controller is developed for a miniature air vehicle for rectilinear path following and trajectory tracking. The controller is implemented by constructing a vector field surrounding the path to be followed, which is then used to generate course commands for the miniature air vehicle. The fractional order proportional-integral controller is simulated using the fundamentals of fractional calculus, and the results for this controller are compared with those obtained for a proportional controller and a proportional integral controller. In order to analyze the performance of the controllers, four performance metrics, namely (maximum) overshoot, control effort, settling time and integral of the timed absolute error cost, have been selected. A comparison of the nominal as well as the robust performances of these controllers indicates that the fractional order proportional-integral controller exhibits the best performance in terms of ITAE while showing comparable performances in all other aspects.


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This article describes a new performance-based approach for evaluating the return period of seismic soil liquefaction based on standard penetration test (SPT) and cone penetration test (CPT) data. The conventional liquefaction evaluation methods consider a single acceleration level and magnitude and these approaches fail to take into account the uncertainty in earthquake loading. The seismic hazard analysis based on the probabilistic method clearly shows that a particular acceleration value is being contributed by different magnitudes with varying probability. In the new method presented in this article, the entire range of ground shaking and the entire range of earthquake magnitude are considered and the liquefaction return period is evaluated based on the SPT and CPT data. This article explains the performance-based methodology for the liquefaction analysis – starting from probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for the evaluation of seismic hazard and the performance-based method to evaluate the liquefaction return period. A case study has been done for Bangalore, India, based on SPT data and converted CPT values. The comparison of results obtained from both the methods have been presented. In an area of 220 km2 in Bangalore city, the site class was assessed based on large number of borehole data and 58 Multi-channel analysis of surface wave survey. Using the site class and peak acceleration at rock depth from PSHA, the peak ground acceleration at the ground surface was estimated using probabilistic approach. The liquefaction analysis was done based on 450 borehole data obtained in the study area. The results of CPT match well with the results obtained from similar analysis with SPT data.


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It is a formidable challenge to arrange tin nanoparticles in a porous matrix for the achievement of high specific capacity and current rate capability anode for lithium-ion batteries. This article discusses a simple and novel synthesis of arranging tin nanoparticles with carbon in a porous configuration for application as anode in lithium-ion batteries. Direct carbonization of synthesized three-dimensional Sn-based MOF: K2Sn2(1,4-bdc)(3)](H2O) (1) (bdc = benzenedicarboxylate) resulted in stabilization of tin nanoparticles in a porous carbon matrix (abbreviated as Sn@C). Sn@C exhibited remarkably high electrochemical lithium stability (tested over 100 charge and discharge cycles) and high specific capacities over a wide range of operating currents (0.2-5 Ag-1). The novel synthesis strategy to obtain Sn@C from a single precursor as discussed herein provides an optimal combination of particle size and dispersion for buffering severe volume changes due to Li-Sn alloying reaction and provides fast pathways for lithium and electron transport.


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Using first principles calculations, we show that the storage capacity as well as desorption temperature of MOFs can be significantly enhanced by decorating pyridine (a common linker in MOFs) by metal atoms. The storage capacity of metal-pyridine complexes are found to be dependent on the type of decorating metal atom. Among the 3d transition metal atoms, Sc turns out to be the most efficient storing unto four H-2 molecules. Most importantly, Sc does not suffer dimerisation on the surface of pyridine, keeping the storage capacity of every metal atom intact. Based on these findings, we propose a metal-decorated pyridine-based MOFs, which has potential to meet the required H-2 storage capacity for vehicular usage. Copyright (C) 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pressure-induced phase transformations (PIPTs) occur in a wide range of materials. In general, the bonding characteristics, before and after the PIPT, remain invariant in most materials, and the bond rearrangement is usually irreversible due to the strain induced under pressure. A reversible PIPT associated with a substantial bond rearrangement has been found in a metal-organic framework material, namely tmenH(2)]Er(HCOO)(4)](2) (tmenH(2)(2+) = N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediammonium). The transition is first-order and is accompanied by a unit cell volume change of about 10%. High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies reveal the complex bond rearrangement through the transition. The reversible nature of the transition is confirmed by means of independent nanoindentation measurements on single crystals.


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In this paper we present a framework for realizing arbitrary instruction set extensions (IE) that are identified post-silicon. The proposed framework has two components viz., an IE synthesis methodology and the architecture of a reconfigurable data-path for realization of the such IEs. The IE synthesis methodology ensures maximal utilization of resources on the reconfigurable data-path. In this context we present the techniques used to realize IEs for applications that demand high throughput or those that must process data streams. The reconfigurable hardware called HyperCell comprises a reconfigurable execution fabric. The fabric is a collection of interconnected compute units. A typical use case of HyperCell is where it acts as a co-processor with a host and accelerates execution of IEs that are defined post-silicon. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by evaluating the performance of some well-known integer kernels that are realized as IEs on HyperCell. Our methodology for realizing IEs through HyperCells permits overlapping of potentially all memory transactions with computations. We show significant improvement in performance for streaming applications over general purpose processor based solutions, by fully pipelining the data-path. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) plays an important role, in presenting foreign pathogens to our immune system, there by eliciting early immune responses. HLA genes are highly polymorphic, giving rise to diverse antigen presentation capability. An important factor contributing to enormous variations in individual responses to diseases is differences in their HLA profiles. The heterogeneity in allele specific disease responses decides the overall disease epidemiological outcome. Here we propose an agent based computational framework, capable of incorporating allele specific information, to analyze disease epidemiology. This framework assumes a SIR model to estimate average disease transmission and recovery rate. Using epitope prediction tool, it performs sequence based epitope detection for a given the pathogenic genome and derives an allele specific disease susceptibility index depending on the epitope detection efficiency. The allele specific disease transmission rate, that follows, is then fed to the agent based epidemiology model, to analyze the disease outcome. The methodology presented here has a potential use in understanding how a disease spreads and effective measures to control the disease.


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Polyhedral techniques for program transformation are now used in several proprietary and open source compilers. However, most of the research on polyhedral compilation has focused on imperative languages such as C, where the computation is specified in terms of statements with zero or more nested loops and other control structures around them. Graphical dataflow languages, where there is no notion of statements or a schedule specifying their relative execution order, have so far not been studied using a powerful transformation or optimization approach. The execution semantics and referential transparency of dataflow languages impose a different set of challenges. In this paper, we attempt to bridge this gap by presenting techniques that can be used to extract polyhedral representation from dataflow programs and to synthesize them from their equivalent polyhedral representation. We then describe PolyGLoT, a framework for automatic transformation of dataflow programs which we built using our techniques and other popular research tools such as Clan and Pluto. For the purpose of experimental evaluation, we used our tools to compile LabVIEW, one of the most widely used dataflow programming languages. Results show that dataflow programs transformed using our framework are able to outperform those compiled otherwise by up to a factor of seventeen, with a mean speed-up of 2.30x while running on an 8-core Intel system.


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It has been shown that iterative re-weighted strategies will often improve the performance of many sparse reconstruction algorithms. However, these strategies are algorithm dependent and cannot be easily extended for an arbitrary sparse reconstruction algorithm. In this paper, we propose a general iterative framework and a novel algorithm which iteratively enhance the performance of any given arbitrary sparse reconstruction algorithm. We theoretically analyze the proposed method using restricted isometry property and derive sufficient conditions for convergence and performance improvement. We also evaluate the performance of the proposed method using numerical experiments with both synthetic and real-world data. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Task-parallel languages are increasingly popular. Many of them provide expressive mechanisms for intertask synchronization. For example, OpenMP 4.0 will integrate data-driven execution semantics derived from the StarSs research language. Compared to the more restrictive data-parallel and fork-join concurrency models, the advanced features being introduced into task-parallelmodels in turn enable improved scalability through load balancing, memory latency hiding, mitigation of the pressure on memory bandwidth, and, as a side effect, reduced power consumption. In this article, we develop a systematic approach to compile loop nests into concurrent, dynamically constructed graphs of dependent tasks. We propose a simple and effective heuristic that selects the most profitable parallelization idiom for every dependence type and communication pattern. This heuristic enables the extraction of interband parallelism (cross-barrier parallelism) in a number of numerical computations that range from linear algebra to structured grids and image processing. The proposed static analysis and code generation alleviates the burden of a full-blown dependence resolver to track the readiness of tasks at runtime. We evaluate our approach and algorithms in the PPCG compiler, targeting OpenStream, a representative dataflow task-parallel language with explicit intertask dependences and a lightweight runtime. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.


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Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and boron nitride both possess novel properties, the former associated with microporosity and the latter with good mechanical properties. We have synthesized composites of the imidazolate based MOF, ZIF-8, and few-layer BN in order to see whether we can incorporate the properties of both these materials in the composites. The composites so prepared between BN nanosheets and ZIF-8 have compositions ZIF-1BN, ZIF-2BN, ZIF-3BN and similar to ZIF-4BN. The composites have been characterized by PXRD, TGA, XPS, electron microscopy, IR, Raman and solid state NMR spectroscopy. The composites possess good surface areas, the actual value decreasing only slightly with the increase in the BN content. The CO2 uptake remains nearly the same in the composites as in the parent ZIF-8. More importantly, the addition of BN markedly improves the mechanical properties of ZIF-8, a feature that is much desired in MOFs. Observation of microporous features along with improved mechanical properties in a MOF is indeed noteworthy. Such manipulation of properties can be profitably exploited in practical applications.


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Matroidal networks were introduced by Dougherty et al. and have been well studied in the recent past. It was shown that a network has a scalar linear network coding solution if and only if it is matroidal associated with a representable matroid. A particularly interesting feature of this development is the ability to construct (scalar and vector) linearly solvable networks using certain classes of matroids. Furthermore, it was shown through the connection between network coding and matroid theory that linear network coding is not always sufficient for general network coding scenarios. The current work attempts to establish a connection between matroid theory and network-error correcting and detecting codes. In a similar vein to the theory connecting matroids and network coding, we abstract the essential aspects of linear network-error detecting codes to arrive at the definition of a matroidal error detecting network (and similarly, a matroidal error correcting network abstracting from network-error correcting codes). An acyclic network (with arbitrary sink demands) is then shown to possess a scalar linear error detecting (correcting) network code if and only if it is a matroidal error detecting (correcting) network associated with a representable matroid. Therefore, constructing such network-error correcting and detecting codes implies the construction of certain representable matroids that satisfy some special conditions, and vice versa. We then present algorithms that enable the construction of matroidal error detecting and correcting networks with a specified capability of network-error correction. Using these construction algorithms, a large class of hitherto unknown scalar linearly solvable networks with multisource, multicast, and multiple-unicast network-error correcting codes is made available for theoretical use and practical implementation, with parameters, such as number of information symbols, number of sinks, number of coding nodes, error correcting capability, and so on, being arbitrary but for computing power (for the execution of the algorithms). The complexity of the construction of these networks is shown to be comparable with the complexity of existing algorithms that design multicast scalar linear network-error correcting codes. Finally, we also show that linear network coding is not sufficient for the general network-error correction (detection) problem with arbitrary demands. In particular, for the same number of network errors, we show a network for which there is a nonlinear network-error detecting code satisfying the demands at the sinks, whereas there are no linear network-error detecting codes that do the same.