205 resultados para Closed Source


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In this paper, we propose an efficient source routing algorithm for unicast flows, which addresses the scalability problem associated with the basic source routing technique. Simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm indeed helps in reducing the message overhead considerably, and at the same time it gives comparable performance in terms of resource utilization across a wide range of workloads.


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This paper studies planar whole arm manipulation of a circular object using closed loop and hybrid manipulators. The manipulation is simple with fewer degrees of actuation than the task space. This is an useful operation if the initial and final positions of the object are on the same surface. Closed loop manipulator is a 4/5 bar mechanism. In hybrid manipulators a open loop manipulator with 3/4 links is attached to the floating link of 4/5 bar mechanism. The mobility analysis is carried out to find the connectivity of the object with reference to frame. The manipulation (forward kinematics) starts from a given configuration of the object and the manipulator. In hybrid manipulators determination of initial configuration involves inverse kinematics of open loop manipulator. The input joint velocities are used to demonstrate the manipulation. Conditions are specified for prehensile manipulation.


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We briefly review the growth and structural properties of View the MathML source bulk single crystals and View the MathML source epitaxial films grown on semi-insulating GaAs substrates. Temperature-dependent transport measurements on these samples are then correlated with the information obtained from structural (XRD, TEM, SEM) and optical (FTIR absorption) investigations. The temperature dependence of mobility and the Hall coefficient are theoretically modelled by exactly solving the linearized Boltzmann transport equation by inversion of the collision matrix and the relative role of various scattering mechanisms in limiting the low temperature and View the MathML source mobility is estimated. Finally, the first observation of Shubnikov oscillations in InAsSb is discussed.


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This work is concerned with the interaction of a source-sink pair. The main parameters of the problem are source and sink flow rates, the axial and lateral separations of the source and sink, and the angle between the axes of source and sink. Of concern is the percentage of source fluid that enters the sink as a function of these parameters. The experiments have been carried using the source nozzle diameter of 6 mm and the sink pipe diameter of two sizes: 10 mm and 20 mm. The Reynolds numbers of the source jet is about 3200. The main diagnostics are flow visualization using dye, laser induced fluorescence (LIF), particle streak photographs and particle image velocimetry (Ply). To obtain the removal effectiveness (that is percentage of source fluid that is going through the sink pipe), titration method is used. The sink diameter and the angle between source and the sink axes do not influence efficiencies as do the sink flow rate and the lateral separation. Data from experiments have been consolidated so that these results can be used for designing sinks for removal of heat and pollutants. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In todays era of energy crisis and global warming, hydrogen has been projected as a sustainable alternative to depleting CO2-emitting fossil fuels. However, its deployment as an energy source is impeded by many issues, one of the most important being storage. Chemical hydrogen storage materials, in particular B?N compounds such as ammonia borane, with a potential storage capacity of 19.6 wt?% H2 and 0.145 kg?H?2?L-1, have been intensively studied from the standpoint of addressing the storage issues. Ammonia borane undergoes dehydrogenation through hydrolysis at room temperature in the presence of a catalyst, but its practical implementation is hindered by several problems affecting all of the chemical compounds in the reaction scheme, including ammonia borane, water, borate byproducts, and hydrogen. In this Minireview, we exhaustively survey the state of the art, discuss the fundamental problems, and, where applicable, propose solutions with the prospect of technological applications.


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We report the results of an experimental and numerical study conducted on a closed-cell aluminium foam that was subjected to uniaxial compression with lateral constraint. X-ray computed tomography was utilized to gain access into the three-dimensional (3-D) structure of the foam and some aspects of the deformation mechanisms. A series of advanced 3-D image analyses are conducted on the 3-D images aimed at characterizing the strain localization regions. We identify the morphological/geometrical features that are responsible for the collapse of the cells and the strain localization. A novel mathematical approach based on a Minkowski tensor analysis along with the mean intercept length technique were utilized to search for signatures of anisotropy across the foam sample and its evolution as a function of loading. Our results show that regions with higher degrees of anisotropy in the undeformed foam have a tendency to initiate the onset of cell collapse. Furthermore, we show that strain hardening occurs predominantly in regions with large cells and high anisotropy. We combine the finite element method with the tomographic images to simulate the mechanical response of the foam. We predict further deformation in regions where the foam is already deformed. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc. All rights reserved.


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An efficient methodology to oxidize benzylic and cinnamyl alcohols to their corresponding nitriles in excellent yields has been developed. This methodology employs DDQ as an oxidant and TMSN3 as a source of nitrogen in the presence of a catalytic amount of Cu(ClO4)(2)center dot 6H(2)O.


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Charge linearization techniques have been used over the years in advanced compact models for bulk and double-gate MOSFETs in order to approximate the position along the channel as a quadratic function of the surface potential (or inversion charge densities) so that the terminal charges can be expressed as a compact closed-form function of source and drain end surface potentials (or inversion charge densities). In this paper, in case of the independent double-gate MOSFETs, we show that the same technique could be used to model the terminal charges quite accurately only when the 1-D Poisson solution along the channel is fully hyperbolic in nature or the effective gate voltages are same. However, for other bias conditions, it leads to significant error in terminal charge computation. We further demonstrate that the amount of nonlinearity that prevails between the surface potentials along the channel actually dictates if the conventional charge linearization technique could be applied for a particular bias condition or not. Taking into account this nonlinearity, we propose a compact charge model, which is based on a novel piecewise linearization technique and shows excellent agreement with numerical and Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD) simulations for all bias conditions and also preserves the source/drain symmetry which is essential for Radio Frequency (RF) circuit design. The model is implemented in a professional circuit simulator through Verilog-A, and simulation examples for different circuits verify good model convergence.


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The impact of gate-to-source/drain overlap length on performance and variability of 65 nm CMOS is presented. The device and circuit variability is investigated as a function of three significant process parameters, namely gate length, gate oxide thickness, and halo dose. The comparison is made with three different values of gate-to-source/drain overlap length namely 5 nm, 0 nm, and -5 nm and at two different leakage currents of 10 nA and 100 nA. The Worst-Case-Analysis approach is used to study the inverter delay fluctuations at the process corners. The drive current of the device for device robustness and stage delay of an inverter for circuit robustness are taken as performance metrics. The design trade-off between performance and variability is demonstrated both at the device level and circuit level. It is shown that larger overlap length leads to better performance, while smaller overlap length results in better variability. Performance trades with variability as overlap length is varied. An optimal value of overlap length of 0 nm is recommended at 65 nm gate length, for a reasonable combination of performance and variability.


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Background: Bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium can utilize acetate as the sole source of carbon and energy. Acetate kinase (AckA) and phosphotransacetylase (Pta), key enzymes of acetate utilization pathway, regulate flux of metabolites in glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, TCA cycle, glyoxylate bypass and fatty acid metabolism. Results: Here we report kinetic characterization of S. typhimurium AckA (StAckA) and structures of its unliganded (Form-I, 2.70 angstrom resolution) and citrate-bound (Form-II, 1.90 angstrom resolution) forms. The enzyme showed broad substrate specificity with k(cat)/K-m in the order of acetate > propionate > formate. Further, the K-m for acetyl-phosphate was significantly lower than for acetate and the enzyme could catalyze the reverse reaction (i.e. ATP synthesis) more efficiently. ATP and Mg2+ could be substituted by other nucleoside 5'-triphosphates (GTP, UTP and CTP) and divalent cations (Mn2+ and Co2+), respectively. Form-I StAckA represents the first structural report of an unliganded AckA. StAckA protomer consists of two domains with characteristic beta beta beta alpha beta alpha beta alpha topology of ASKHA superfamily of proteins. These domains adopt an intermediate conformation compared to that of open and closed forms of ligand-bound Methanosarcina thermophila AckA (MtAckA). Spectroscopic and structural analyses of StAckA further suggested occurrence of inter-domain motion upon ligand-binding. Unexpectedly, Form-II StAckA structure showed a drastic change in the conformation of residues 230-300 compared to that of Form-I. Further investigation revealed electron density corresponding to a citrate molecule in a pocket located at the dimeric interface of Form-II StAckA. Interestingly, a similar dimeric interface pocket lined with largely conserved residues could be identified in Form-I StAckA as well as in other enzymes homologous to AckA suggesting that ligand binding at this pocket may influence the function of these enzymes. Conclusions: The biochemical and structural characterization of StAckA reported here provides insights into the biochemical specificity, overall fold, thermal stability, molecular basis of ligand binding and inter-domain motion in AckA family of enzymes. Dramatic conformational differences observed between unliganded and citrate-bound forms of StAckA led to identification of a putative ligand-binding pocket at the dimeric interface of StAckA with implications for enzymatic function.


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Two models for AF relaying, namely, fixed gain and fixed power relaying, have been extensively studied in the literature given their ability to harness spatial diversity. In fixed gain relaying, the relay gain is fixed but its transmit power varies as a function of the source-relay channel gain. In fixed power relaying, the relay transmit power is fixed, but its gain varies. We revisit and generalize the fundamental two-hop AF relaying model. We present an optimal scheme in which an average power constrained AF relay adapts its gain and transmit power to minimize the symbol error probability (SEP) at the destination. Also derived are insightful and practically amenable closed-form bounds for the optimal relay gain. We then analyze the SEP of MPSK, derive tight bounds for it, and characterize the diversity order for Rayleigh fading. Also derived is an SEP approximation that is accurate to within 0.1 dB. Extensive results show that the scheme yields significant energy savings of 2.0-7.7 dB at the source and relay. Optimal relay placement for the proposed scheme is also characterized, and is different from fixed gain or power relaying. Generalizations to MQAM and other fading distributions are also discussed.


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The Australia Telescope Low-brightness Survey (ATLBS) regions have been mosaic imaged at a radio frequency of 1.4 GHz with 6 `' angular resolution and 72 mu Jy beam(-1) rms noise. The images (centered at R. A. 00(h)35(m)00(s), decl. -67 degrees 00'00 `' and R. A. 00(h)59(m)17(s), decl. -67.00'00 `', J2000 epoch) cover 8.42 deg(2) sky area and have no artifacts or imaging errors above the image thermal noise. Multi-resolution radio and optical r-band images (made using the 4 m CTIO Blanco telescope) were used to recognize multi-component sources and prepare a source list; the detection threshold was 0.38 mJy in a low-resolution radio image made with beam FWHM of 50 `'. Radio source counts in the flux density range 0.4-8.7 mJy are estimated, with corrections applied for noise bias, effective area correction, and resolution bias. The resolution bias is mitigated using low-resolution radio images, while effects of source confusion are removed by using high-resolution images for identifying blended sources. Below 1 mJy the ATLBS counts are systematically lower than the previous estimates. Showing no evidence for an upturn down to 0.4 mJy, they do not require any changes in the radio source population down to the limit of the survey. The work suggests that automated image analysis for counts may be dependent on the ability of the imaging to reproduce connecting emission with low surface brightness and on the ability of the algorithm to recognize sources, which may require that source finding algorithms effectively work with multi-resolution and multi-wavelength data. The work underscores the importance of using source lists-as opposed to component lists-and correcting for the noise bias in order to precisely estimate counts close to the image noise and determine the upturn at sub-mJy flux density.