167 resultados para Automatic Image Annotation


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The demand for energy efficient, low weight structures has boosted the use of composite structures assembled using increased quantities of structural adhesives. Bonded structures may be subjected to severe working environments such as high temperature and moisture due to which the adhesive gets degraded over a period of time. This reduces the strength of a joint and leads to premature failure. Measurement of strains in the adhesive bondline at any point of time during service may be beneficial as an assessment can be made on the integrity of a joint and necessary preventive actions may be taken before failure. This paper presents an experimental approach of measuring peel and shear strains in the adhesive bondline of composite single-lap joints using digital image correlation. Different sets of composite adhesive joints with varied bond quality were prepared and subjected to tensile load during which digital images were taken and processed using digital image correlation software. The measured peel strain at the joint edge showed a rapid increase with the initiation of a crack till failure of the joint. The measured strains were used to compute the corresponding stresses assuming a plane strain condition and the results were compared with stresses predicted using theoretical models, namely linear and nonlinear adhesive beam models. A similar trend in stress distribution was observed. Further comparison of peel and shear strains also exhibited similar trend for both healthy and degraded joints. Maximum peel stress failure criterion was used to predict the failure load of a composite adhesive joint and a comparison was made between predicted and actual failure loads. The predicted failure loads from theoretical models were found to be higher than the actual failure load for all the joints.


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Fluorescence microscopy has become an indispensable tool in cell biology research due its exceptional specificity and ability to visualize subcellular structures with high contrast. It has highest impact when applied in 4D mode, i.e. when applied to record 3D image information as a function of time, since it allows the study of dynamic cellular processes in their native environment. The main issue in 4D fluorescence microscopy is that the phototoxic effect of fluorescence excitation gets accumulated during 4D image acquisition to the extent that normal cell functions are altered. Hence to avoid the alteration of normal cell functioning, it is required to minimize the excitation dose used for individual 2D images constituting a 4D image. Consequently, the noise level becomes very high degrading the resolution. According to the current status of technology, there is a minimum required excitation dose to ensure a resolution that is adequate for biological investigations. This minimum is sufficient to damage light-sensitive cells such as yeast if 4D imaging is performed for an extended period of time, for example, imaging for a complete cell cycle. Nevertheless, our recently developed deconvolution method resolves this conflict forming an enabling technology for visualization of dynamical processes of light-sensitive cells for durations longer than ever without perturbing normal cell functioning. The main goal of this article is to emphasize that there are still possibilities for enabling newer kinds of experiment in cell biology research involving even longer 4D imaging, by only improving deconvolution methods without any new optical technologies.


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The sparse recovery methods utilize the l(p)-normbased regularization in the estimation problem with 0 <= p <= 1. These methods have a better utility when the number of independent measurements are limited in nature, which is a typical case for diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction problem. These sparse recovery methods, along with an approximation to utilize the l(0)-norm, have been deployed for the reconstruction of diffuse optical images. Their performancewas compared systematically using both numerical and gelatin phantom cases to show that these methods hold promise in improving the reconstructed image quality.


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The aim of this work is to enable seamless transformation of product concepts to CAD models. This necessitates availability of 3D product sketches. The present work concerns intuitive generation of 3D strokes and intrinsic support for space sharing and articulation for the components of the product being sketched. Direct creation of 3D strokes in air lacks in precision, stability and control. The inadequacy of proprioceptive feedback for the task is complimented in this work with stereo vision and haptics. Three novel methods based on pencil-paper interaction analogy for haptic rendering of strokes have been investigated. The pen-tilt based rendering is simpler and found to be more effective. For the spatial conformity, two modes of constraints for the stylus movements, corresponding to the motions on a control surface and in a control volume have been studied using novel reactive and field based haptic rendering schemes. The field based haptics, which in effect creates an attractive force field near a surface, though non-realistic, provided highly effective support for the control-surface constraints. The efficacy of the reactive haptic rendering scheme for the constrained environments has been demonstrated using scribble strokes. This can enable distributed collaborative 3D concept development. The notion of motion constraints, defined through sketch strokes enables intuitive generation of articulated 3D sketches and direct exploration of motion annotations found in most product concepts. The work, thus, establishes that modeling of the constraints is a central issue in 3D sketching.


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Multi-GPU machines are being increasingly used in high-performance computing. Each GPU in such a machine has its own memory and does not share the address space either with the host CPU or other GPUs. Hence, applications utilizing multiple GPUs have to manually allocate and manage data on each GPU. Existing works that propose to automate data allocations for GPUs have limitations and inefficiencies in terms of allocation sizes, exploiting reuse, transfer costs, and scalability. We propose a scalable and fully automatic data allocation and buffer management scheme for affine loop nests on multi-GPU machines. We call it the Bounding-Box-based Memory Manager (BBMM). BBMM can perform at runtime, during standard set operations like union, intersection, and difference, finding subset and superset relations on hyperrectangular regions of array data (bounding boxes). It uses these operations along with some compiler assistance to identify, allocate, and manage data required by applications in terms of disjoint bounding boxes. This allows it to (1) allocate exactly or nearly as much data as is required by computations running on each GPU, (2) efficiently track buffer allocations and hence maximize data reuse across tiles and minimize data transfer overhead, and (3) and as a result, maximize utilization of the combined memory on multi-GPU machines. BBMM can work with any choice of parallelizing transformations, computation placement, and scheduling schemes, whether static or dynamic. Experiments run on a four-GPU machine with various scientific programs showed that BBMM reduces data allocations on each GPU by up to 75% compared to current allocation schemes, yields performance of at least 88% of manually written code, and allows excellent weak scaling.


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The tonic is a fundamental concept in Indian art music. It is the base pitch, which an artist chooses in order to construct the melodies during a rg(a) rendition, and all accompanying instruments are tuned using the tonic pitch. Consequently, tonic identification is a fundamental task for most computational analyses of Indian art music, such as intonation analysis, melodic motif analysis and rg recognition. In this paper we review existing approaches for tonic identification in Indian art music and evaluate them on six diverse datasets for a thorough comparison and analysis. We study the performance of each method in different contexts such as the presence/absence of additional metadata, the quality of audio data, the duration of audio data, music tradition (Hindustani/Carnatic) and the gender of the singer (male/female). We show that the approaches that combine multi-pitch analysis with machine learning provide the best performance in most cases (90% identification accuracy on average), and are robust across the aforementioned contexts compared to the approaches based on expert knowledge. In addition, we also show that the performance of the latter can be improved when additional metadata is available to further constrain the problem. Finally, we present a detailed error analysis of each method, providing further insights into the advantages and limitations of the methods.


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This paper discusses an approach for river mapping and flood evaluation to aid multi-temporal time series analysis of satellite images utilizing pixel spectral information for image classification and region-based segmentation to extract water covered region. Analysis of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite images is applied in two stages: before flood and during flood. For these images the extraction of water region utilizes spectral information for image classification and spatial information for image segmentation. Multi-temporal MODIS images from ``normal'' (non-flood) and flood time-periods are processed in two steps. In the first step, image classifiers such as artificial neural networks and gene expression programming to separate the image pixels into water and non-water groups based on their spectral features. The classified image is then segmented using spatial features of the water pixels to remove the misclassified water region. From the results obtained, we evaluate the performance of the method and conclude that the use of image classification and region-based segmentation is an accurate and reliable for the extraction of water-covered region.


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Simulated boundary potential data for Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) are generated by a MATLAB based EIT data generator and the resistivity reconstruction is evaluated with Electrical Impedance Tomography and Diffuse Optical Tomography Reconstruction Software (EIDORS). Circular domains containing subdomains as inhomogeneity are defined in MATLAB-based EIT data generator and the boundary data are calculated by a constant current simulation with opposite current injection (OCI) method. The resistivity images reconstructed for different boundary data sets and images are analyzed with image parameters to evaluate the reconstruction.


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The formulation of higher order structural models and their discretization using the finite element method is difficult owing to their complexity, especially in the presence of non-linearities. In this work a new algorithm for automating the formulation and assembly of hyperelastic higher-order structural finite elements is developed. A hierarchic series of kinematic models is proposed for modeling structures with special geometries and the algorithm is formulated to automate the study of this class of higher order structural models. The algorithm developed in this work sidesteps the need for an explicit derivation of the governing equations for the individual kinematic modes. Using a novel procedure involving a nodal degree-of-freedom based automatic assembly algorithm, automatic differentiation and higher dimensional quadrature, the relevant finite element matrices are directly computed from the variational statement of elasticity and the higher order kinematic model. Another significant feature of the proposed algorithm is that natural boundary conditions are implicitly handled for arbitrary higher order kinematic models. The validity algorithm is illustrated with examples involving linear elasticity and hyperelasticity. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: The function of a protein can be deciphered with higher accuracy from its structure than from its amino acid sequence. Due to the huge gap in the available protein sequence and structural space, tools that can generate functionally homogeneous clusters using only the sequence information, hold great importance. For this, traditional alignment-based tools work well in most cases and clustering is performed on the basis of sequence similarity. But, in the case of multi-domain proteins, the alignment quality might be poor due to varied lengths of the proteins, domain shuffling or circular permutations. Multi-domain proteins are ubiquitous in nature, hence alignment-free tools, which overcome the shortcomings of alignment-based protein comparison methods, are required. Further, existing tools classify proteins using only domain-level information and hence miss out on the information encoded in the tethered regions or accessory domains. Our method, on the other hand, takes into account the full-length sequence of a protein, consolidating the complete sequence information to understand a given protein better. Results: Our web-server, CLAP (Classification of Proteins), is one such alignment-free software for automatic classification of protein sequences. It utilizes a pattern-matching algorithm that assigns local matching scores (LMS) to residues that are a part of the matched patterns between two sequences being compared. CLAP works on full-length sequences and does not require prior domain definitions. Pilot studies undertaken previously on protein kinases and immunoglobulins have shown that CLAP yields clusters, which have high functional and domain architectural similarity. Moreover, parsing at a statistically determined cut-off resulted in clusters that corroborated with the sub-family level classification of that particular domain family. Conclusions: CLAP is a useful protein-clustering tool, independent of domain assignment, domain order, sequence length and domain diversity. Our method can be used for any set of protein sequences, yielding functionally relevant clusters with high domain architectural homogeneity. The CLAP web server is freely available for academic use at http://nslab.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/clap/.


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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been widely used in cancer treatment planning, which takes the advantage of high-resolution and high-contrast provided by it. The raw data collected in the MRI can also be used to obtain the temperature maps and has been explored for performing MR thermometry. This review article describes the methods that are used in performing MR thermometry, with an emphasis on reconstruction methods that are useful to obtain these temperature maps in real-time for large region of interest. This article also proposes a prior-image constrained reconstruction method for temperature reconstruction in MR thermometry, and a systematic comparison using ex-vivo tissue experiments with state of the art reconstruction method is presented.


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Cis-peptide embedded segments are rare in proteins but often highlight their important role in molecular function when they do occur. The high evolutionary conservation of these segments illustrates this observation almost universally, although no attempt has been made to systematically use this information for the purpose of function annotation. In the present study, we demonstrate how geometric clustering and level-specific Gene Ontology molecular-function terms (also known as annotations) can be used in a statistically significant manner to identify cis-embedded segments in a protein linked to its molecular function. The present study identifies novel cis-peptide fragments, which are subsequently used for fragment-based function annotation. Annotation recall benchmarks interpreted using the receiver-operator characteristic plot returned an area-under-curve >0.9, corroborating the utility of the annotation method. In addition, we identified cis-peptide fragments occurring in conjunction with functionally important trans-peptide fragments, providing additional insights into molecular function. We further illustrate the applicability of our method in function annotation where homology-based annotation transfer is not possible. The findings of the present study add to the repertoire of function annotation approaches and also facilitate engineering, design and allied studies around the cis-peptide neighborhood of proteins.


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The availability of the genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv has encouraged determination of large numbers of protein structures and detailed definition of the biological information encoded therein; yet, the functions of many proteins in M. tuberculosis remain unknown. The emergence of multidrug resistant strains makes it a priority to exploit recent advances in homology recognition and structure prediction to re-analyse its gene products. Here we report the structural and functional characterization of gene products encoded in the M. tuberculosis genome, with the help of sensitive profile-based remote homology search and fold recognition algorithms resulting in an enhanced annotation of the proteome where 95% of the M. tuberculosis proteins were identified wholly or partly with information on structure or function. New information includes association of 244 proteins with 205 domain families and a separate set of new association of folds to 64 proteins. Extending structural information across uncharacterized protein families represented in the M. tuberculosis proteome, by determining superfamily relationships between families of known and unknown structures, has contributed to an enhancement in the knowledge of structural content. In retrospect, such superfamily relationships have facilitated recognition of probable structure and/or function for several uncharacterized protein families, eventually aiding recognition of probable functions for homologous proteins corresponding to such families. Gene products unique to mycobacteria for which no functions could be identified are 183. Of these 18 were determined to be M. tuberculosis specific. Such pathogen-specific proteins are speculated to harbour virulence factors required for pathogenesis. A re-annotated proteome of M. tuberculosis, with greater completeness of annotated proteins and domain assigned regions, provides a valuable basis for experimental endeavours designed to obtain a better understanding of pathogenesis and to accelerate the process of drug target discovery. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Results from interface shear tests on sand-geosynthetic interfaces are examined in light of surface roughness of the interacting geosynthetic material. Three different types of interface shear tests carried out in the frame of direct shear-test setup are compared to understand the effect of parameters like box fixity and symmetry on the interface shear characteristics. Formation of shear bands close to the interface is visualized in the tests and the bands are analyzed using image-segmentation techniques in MATLAB. A woven geotextile with moderate roughness and a geomembrane with minimal roughness are used in the tests. The effect of surface roughness of the geosynthetic material on the formation of shear bands, movement of sand particles, and interface shear parameters are studied and compared through visual observations, image analyses, and image-segmentation techniques.


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To perform super resolution of low resolution images, state-of-the-art methods are based on learning a pair of lowresolution and high-resolution dictionaries from multiple images. These trained dictionaries are used to replace patches in lowresolution image with appropriate matching patches from the high-resolution dictionary. In this paper we propose using a single common image as dictionary, in conjunction with approximate nearest neighbour fields (ANNF) to perform super resolution (SR). By using a common source image, we are able to bypass the learning phase and also able to reduce the dictionary from a collection of hundreds of images to a single image. By adapting recent developments in ANNF computation, to suit super-resolution, we are able to perform much faster and accurate SR than existing techniques. To establish this claim, we compare the proposed algorithm against various state-of-the-art algorithms, and show that we are able to achieve b etter and faster reconstruction without any training.