164 resultados para Attribute Assignment


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It is now well known that there is a strong association of the extremes of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) with the El Nio and southern oscillation (ENSO) and the Equatorial Indian Ocean Oscillation (EQUINOO), later being an east-west oscillation in convection anomaly over the equatorial Indian Ocean. So far, the index used for EQUINOO is EQWIN, which is based on the surface zonal wind over the central equatorial Indian Ocean. Since the most important attribute of EQUINOO is the oscillation in convection/precipitation, we believe that the indices based on convection or precipitation would be more appropriate. Continuous and reliable data on outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), and satellite derived precipitation are now available from 1979 onwards. Hence, in this paper, we introduce new indices for EQUINOO, based on the difference in the anomaly of OLR/precipitation between eastern and western parts of the equatorial Indian Ocean. We show that the strong association of extremes of the Indian summer monsoon with ENSO and EQUINOO is also seen when the new indices are used to represent EQUINOO.


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Opportunistic relay selection in a multiple source-destination (MSD) cooperative system requires quickly allocating to each source-destination (SD) pair a suitable relay based on channel gains. Since the channel knowledge is available only locally at a relay and not globally, efficient relay selection algorithms are needed. For an MSD system, in which the SD pairs communicate in a time-orthogonal manner with the help of decode-and-forward relays, we propose three novel relay selection algorithms, namely, contention-free en masse assignment (CFEA), contention-based en masse assignment (CBEA), and a hybrid algorithm that combines the best features of CFEA and CBEA. En masse assignment exploits the fact that a relay can often aid not one but multiple SD pairs, and, therefore, can be assigned to multiple SD pairs. This drastically reduces the average time required to allocate an SD pair when compared to allocating the SD pairs one by one. We show that the algorithms are much faster than other selection schemes proposed in the literature and yield significantly higher net system throughputs. Interestingly, CFEA is as effective as CBEA over a wider range of system parameters than in single SD pair systems.


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The problem of finding a satisfying assignment that minimizes the number of variables that are set to 1 is NP-complete even for a satisfiable 2-SAT formula. We call this problem MIN ONES 2-SAT. It generalizes the well-studied problem of finding the smallest vertex cover of a graph, which can be modeled using a 2-SAT formula with no negative literals. The natural parameterized version of the problem asks for a satisfying assignment of weight at most k. In this paper, we present a polynomial-time reduction from MIN ONES 2-SAT to VERTEX COVER without increasing the parameter and ensuring that the number of vertices in the reduced instance is equal to the number of variables of the input formula. Consequently, we conclude that this problem also has a simple 2-approximation algorithm and a 2k - c logk-variable kernel subsuming (or, in the case of kernels, improving) the results known earlier. Further, the problem admits algorithms for the parameterized and optimization versions whose runtimes will always match the runtimes of the best-known algorithms for the corresponding versions of vertex cover. Finally we show that the optimum value of the LP relaxation of the MIN ONES 2-SAT and that of the corresponding VERTEX COVER are the same. This implies that the (recent) results of VERTEX COVER version parameterized above the optimum value of the LP relaxation of VERTEX COVER carry over to the MIN ONES 2-SAT version parameterized above the optimum of the LP relaxation of MIN ONES 2-SAT. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we propose a novel authentication protocol for MANETs requiring stronger security. The protocol works on a two-tier network architecture with client nodes and authentication server nodes, and supports dynamic membership. We use an external membership granting server (MGS) to provide stronger security with dynamic membership. However, the external MGS in our protocol is semi-online instead of being online, i.e., the MGS cannot initiate a connection with a network node but any network node can communicate with the MGS whenever required. To ensure efficiency, the protocol uses symmetric key cryptography to implement the authentication service. However, to achieve storage scalability, the protocol uses a pseudo random function (PRF) to bind the secret key of a client to its identity using the secret key of its server. In addition, the protocol possesses an efficient server revocation mechanism along with an efficient server re-assignment mechanism, which makes the protocol robust against server node compromise.


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Chiral auxiliaries are used for the NMR spectroscopic study of enantiomers. Often the presence of impurities, overlap of peaks, line broadening and the multiplicity pattern restrict the chiral analysis in the 1D H-1 NMR spectrum. The present study introduces a simple 2D H-1 NMR experiment to unravel the overlapped spectrum. The experiment separates the spectra of enantiomers, thereby allowing the unambiguous assignment of all the coupled peaks and the measurement of enantiomeric excess (ee) from a single experiment even in combinatorial mixtures.


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Establishing functional relationships between multi-domain protein sequences is a non-trivial task. Traditionally, delineating functional assignment and relationships of proteins requires domain assignments as a prerequisite. This process is sensitive to alignment quality and domain definitions. In multi-domain proteins due to multiple reasons, the quality of alignments is poor. We report the correspondence between the classification of proteins represented as full-length gene products and their functions. Our approach differs fundamentally from traditional methods in not performing the classification at the level of domains. Our method is based on an alignment free local matching scores (LMS) computation at the amino-acid sequence level followed by hierarchical clustering. As there are no gold standards for full-length protein sequence classification, we resorted to Gene Ontology and domain-architecture based similarity measures to assess our classification. The final clusters obtained using LMS show high functional and domain architectural similarities. Comparison of the current method with alignment based approaches at both domain and full-length protein showed superiority of the LMS scores. Using this method we have recreated objective relationships among different protein kinase sub-families and also classified immunoglobulin containing proteins where sub-family definitions do not exist currently. This method can be applied to any set of protein sequences and hence will be instrumental in analysis of large numbers of full-length protein sequences.


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The 11 April 2012 earthquakes (M-w 8.6 and M-w 8.2) were sourced within the Northern Wharton Basin in the northeastern part of the Indo-Australian diffuse plate boundary. This unusually active oceanic intraplate region has generated many large earthquakes in the past, most of which are believed to have occurred by strike-slip motion, triggered by the NW-SE oriented compressional stresses acting across the Indian and Australian plates. In the aftermath of the 2004 megathrust earthquake along the nearby Sunda Trench, increased seismicity in the Northern Wharton Basin is attributed to the stress transfer from the Sumatra-Andaman plate boundary. Models proposed for the April 2012 earthquakes differ somewhat in details but partly attribute their complex rupture to the reactivation of pre-existing structures. These structures include previously mapped N-S trending fracture zones within the Northern Wharton Basin and E-W lineations across the Ninetyeast Ridge. In this paper, we review the regional tectonics and past seismicity on the Indo-Australian Plate in order to understand the seismotectonic setting of the April 2012 Indian Ocean earthquakes. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Regionalization approaches are widely used in water resources engineering to identify hydrologically homogeneous groups of watersheds that are referred to as regions. Pooled information from sites (depicting watersheds) in a region forms the basis to estimate quantiles associated with hydrological extreme events at ungauged/sparsely gauged sites in the region. Conventional regionalization approaches can be effective when watersheds (data points) corresponding to different regions can be separated using straight lines or linear planes in the space of watershed related attributes. In this paper, a kernel-based Fuzzy c-means (KFCM) clustering approach is presented for use in situations where such linear separation of regions cannot be accomplished. The approach uses kernel-based functions to map the data points from the attribute space to a higher-dimensional space where they can be separated into regions by linear planes. A procedure to determine optimal number of regions with the KFCM approach is suggested. Further, formulations to estimate flood quantiles at ungauged sites with the approach are developed. Effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated through Monte-Carlo simulation experiments and a case study on watersheds in United States. Comparison of results with those based on conventional Fuzzy c-means clustering, Region-of-influence approach and a prior study indicate that KFCM approach outperforms the other approaches in forming regions that are closer to being statistically homogeneous and in estimating flood quantiles at ungauged sites. Key Points Kernel-based regionalization approach is presented for flood frequency analysis Kernel procedure to estimate flood quantiles at ungauged sites is developed A set of fuzzy regions is delineated in Ohio, USA


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This paper explains the reason behind pull-in time being more than pull-up time of many Radio Frequency Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (RF MEMS) switches at actuation voltages comparable to the pull-in voltage. Analytical expressions for pull-in and pull-up time are also presented. Experimental data as well as finite element simulations of electrostatically actuated beams used in RF-MEMS switches show that the pull-in time is generally more than the pull-up time. Pull-in time being more than pull-up time is somewhat counter-intuitive because there is a much larger electrostatic force during pull-in than the restoring mechanical force during the release. We investigated this issue analytically and numerically using a 1D model for various applied voltages and attribute this to energetics, the rate at which the forces change with time, and softening of the overall effective stiffness of the electromechanical system. 3D finite element analysis is also done to support the 1D model-based analyses.


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A regular secondary structure is described by a well defined set of values for the backbone dihedral angles (phi,psi and omega) in a polypeptide chain. However in real protein structures small local variations give rise to distortions from the ideal structures, which can lead to considerable variation in higher order organization. Protein structure analysis and accurate assignment of various structural elements, especially their terminii, are important first step in protein structure prediction and design. Various algorithms are available for assigning secondary structure elements in proteins but some lacunae still exist. In this study, results of a recently developed in-house program ASSP have been compared with those from STRIDE, in identification of alpha-helical regions in both globular and membrane proteins. It is found that, while a combination of hydrogen bond patterns and backbone torsional angles (phi-psi) are generally used to define secondary structure elements, the geometry of the C-alpha atom trace by itself is sufficient to define the parameters of helical structures in proteins. It is also possible to differentiate the various helical structures by their C-alpha trace and identify the deviations occurring both at mid-positions as well as at the terminii of alpha-helices, which often lead to occurrence of 3(10) and pi-helical fragments in both globular and membrane proteins.


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Towards fundamental studies and potential applications, achieving precise control over the generation of defects in pure ZnO nanocrystals has been always intriguing. Herein, we explored the rote of spectator ions (Co2+ and Ni2+) in influencing the functional properties of ZnO nanocrystals. The crystalline quality, phase purity, and composition of as-prepared samples were thoroughly established by powder X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy (TEM and STEM), and by Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies (XPS). Despite the presence of Co2+ and Ni2+ ions in the reaction mixture, STEM-energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), XPS analysis, and inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) revealed that the ZnO nanocrystals formed are dopant-free. Even so, their luminescence and magnetic properties were substantially different from those of pure ZnO nanocrystals synthesized using a similar methodology. We attribute the origin of these properties to the defects associated with ZnO nanocrystals generated under different but optimized conditions.


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We investigate the parameterized complexity of the following edge coloring problem motivated by the problem of channel assignment in wireless networks. For an integer q >= 2 and a graph G, the goal is to find a coloring of the edges of G with the maximum number of colors such that every vertex of the graph sees at most q colors. This problem is NP-hard for q >= 2, and has been well-studied from the point of view of approximation. Our main focus is the case when q = 2, which is already theoretically intricate and practically relevant. We show fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for both the standard and the dual parameter, and for the latter problem, the result is based on a linear vertex kernel.


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We report DNA assisted self-assembly of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers using all atom Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations and present a molecular level picture of a DNA-linked PAMAM dendrimer nanocluster, which was first experimentally reported by Choi et al. (Nano Lett., 2004, 4, 391-397). We have used single stranded DNA (ssDNA) to direct the self-assembly process. To explore the effect of pH on this mechanism, we have used both the protonated (low pH) and nonprotonated (high pH) dendrimers. In all cases studied here, we observe that the DNA strand on one dendrimer unit drives self-assembly as it binds to the complementary DNA strand present on the other dendrimer unit, leading to the formation of a DNA-linked dendrimer dimeric complex. However, this binding process strongly depends on the charge of the dendrimer and length of the ssDNA. We observe that the complex with a nonprotonated dendrimer can maintain a DNA length dependent inter-dendrimer distance. In contrast, for complexes with a protonated dendrimer, the inter-dendrimer distance is independent of the DNA length. We attribute this observation to the electrostatic complexation of a negatively charged DNA strand with the positively charged protonated dendrimer.


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We apply the objective method of Aldous to the problem of finding the minimum-cost edge cover of the complete graph with random independent and identically distributed edge costs. The limit, as the number of vertices goes to infinity, of the expected minimum cost for this problem is known via a combinatorial approach of Hessler and Wastlund. We provide a proof of this result using the machinery of the objective method and local weak convergence, which was used to prove the (2) limit of the random assignment problem. A proof via the objective method is useful because it provides us with more information on the nature of the edge's incident on a typical root in the minimum-cost edge cover. We further show that a belief propagation algorithm converges asymptotically to the optimal solution. This can be applied in a computational linguistics problem of semantic projection. The belief propagation algorithm yields a near optimal solution with lesser complexity than the known best algorithms designed for optimality in worst-case settings.


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Background: The function of a protein can be deciphered with higher accuracy from its structure than from its amino acid sequence. Due to the huge gap in the available protein sequence and structural space, tools that can generate functionally homogeneous clusters using only the sequence information, hold great importance. For this, traditional alignment-based tools work well in most cases and clustering is performed on the basis of sequence similarity. But, in the case of multi-domain proteins, the alignment quality might be poor due to varied lengths of the proteins, domain shuffling or circular permutations. Multi-domain proteins are ubiquitous in nature, hence alignment-free tools, which overcome the shortcomings of alignment-based protein comparison methods, are required. Further, existing tools classify proteins using only domain-level information and hence miss out on the information encoded in the tethered regions or accessory domains. Our method, on the other hand, takes into account the full-length sequence of a protein, consolidating the complete sequence information to understand a given protein better. Results: Our web-server, CLAP (Classification of Proteins), is one such alignment-free software for automatic classification of protein sequences. It utilizes a pattern-matching algorithm that assigns local matching scores (LMS) to residues that are a part of the matched patterns between two sequences being compared. CLAP works on full-length sequences and does not require prior domain definitions. Pilot studies undertaken previously on protein kinases and immunoglobulins have shown that CLAP yields clusters, which have high functional and domain architectural similarity. Moreover, parsing at a statistically determined cut-off resulted in clusters that corroborated with the sub-family level classification of that particular domain family. Conclusions: CLAP is a useful protein-clustering tool, independent of domain assignment, domain order, sequence length and domain diversity. Our method can be used for any set of protein sequences, yielding functionally relevant clusters with high domain architectural homogeneity. The CLAP web server is freely available for academic use at http://nslab.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/clap/.