374 resultados para 337.3


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Trioxalatocobaltates of bivalent metals KM2+[Co(C2O4)3]·x H2O, with M2+ = Ba, Sr, Ca and Pb, have been prepared, characterized and their thermal behaviour studied. The compounds decompose to yield potassium carbonate, bivalent metal carbonate or oxide and cobalt oxide as final products. The formation of the final products of decomposition is influenced by the surrounding atmosphere. Bivalent metal cobaltites of the types KM2+CoO3 and M2+CoO3—x are not identified among the final products of decomposition. The study brings out the importance of the decomposition mode of the precursor in producing the desired end products.


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The ultramicrostructure of phases with n = 1, 2 and 3 in the hypothetical series Bi2WnO3n+3 has been investigated by high resolution electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray emission spectroscopy. For n = 1 and 2, well ordered phases with the predicted compositions have been obtained, but for n = 3, a severely disordered assemblage containing intergrowths of the two known structures and strips of the n = 3 member is produced. No evidence for ordered structures with n > 2 has yet been obtained.


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We apply our technique of using a Rb-stabilized ring-cavity resonator to measure the frequencies of various spectral components in the 555.8-nm 1S0-->3P1 line of Yb. We determine the isotope shifts with 60 kHz precision, which is an order-of-magnitude improvement over the best previous measurement on this line. There are two overlapping transitions, 171Yb(1/2-->3/2) and 173Yb(5/2-->3/2), which we resolve by applying a magnetic field. We thus obtain the hyperfine constants in the 3P1 state of the odd isotopes with a significantly improved precision. Knowledge of isotope shifts and hyperfine structure should prove useful for high-precision calculations in Yb necessary to interpret ongoing experiments testing parity and time-reversal symmetry violation in the laws of physics.


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M r=670.02, monoclinic, C2/c, a= 31.003(4), b=11.037(2), c=21.183(3)A, fl= 143.7 (1) °, V= 4291.2/k 3, D,n = 2.06, D x = 2.07Mgm -3, Z=8, MoKa, 2=0.7107/k, /~=7.45 mm -1, F(000) = 2560, T= 293 K, R = 0.061 for 1697 observed reflections. The bromphenol blue molecule consists essentially of three planar groupings: the sulfonphthalein ring system and two dibromophenol rings attached to the tetrahedral C atom of the five-membered ring of the sulfonphthalein system. The dibromophenol rings are inclined with resPect to each other at 73 ° whereas they make angles of 85 and 68 ° with respect to the sulfonphthalein system. The molecules aggregate into helical columns with the non-polar regions of the molecules in the interior and the polar regions on the surface. The columns are held together by a network of hydrogen bonds.


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Syntheses and structural characterization of Ni(II) chelates of a new series of symmetric and unsymmetric tetradentate linear ligands are described. Preparative routes involve either the direct reaction between a metal complex and arene diazonium diazonium salts or a simple metal incorporation into the independently synthesized ligands. Recent X-ray structure determination of 4,9-dimethyl-5,8-diazadodeca-4,8-diene-2,11-dione-3,10-di(4′-methyl phenyl) hydrazonatonickel(II) complex reveals the geometry around the Ni(II) to be very close to square planar. The expected distortion because of the disposition of bulky aromatic groups on the neighbouring nitrogens is minimized by their projection in the opposite directions from the plane. PMP, IR and electronic spectral data for the complexes are quite in agreement with this structure.


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The synthesis of 4,4,N,N-tetramethyl-NN-dinitroso-2,2-methylenedianiline (1) by the route p-MeC6H4NH2+ HCHO + OH–(p-MeC6H4NMe)2CH2(7b); (7b)+ acid at 70 °C 4,N-dimethyl-6-(N-methyl-p-toluidinomethyl)aniline (4b); (4b)+ acid at 130 °C 4,4,NN-tetramethyl-2,2-methylenedianiline (3b); (3b)+ HNO2(1), is described. Aspects of the 1H n.m.r. spectra of the above and related compounds are discussed. A crystal-structure analysis of compound (1) shows one of the N-nitroso-groups to be disordered with the endo-form being in preponderance (4 : 1) over the exo-form. The other N-nitroso-group is exclusively exo in the solid state. There is little or no resonance between the benzene ring and the nitroso-group attached to the ring, the two groups being almost perpendicular to each other. In one of the N-nitroso-groups, the nitrogen atom deviates significantly from the plane of the benzene ring to which it is attached. Both amide nitrogen atoms show some pyramidal character.


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The interaction of benzo-15-crown-5, dibenzo-18-crown-6 and dibenzo-24-crown-8 with 2-dicyanoethylene 1,3-indane dione in CH2Cl2 has been described in terms of the formation of 1 : 1 molecular complexes. The magnitude of association constants and thermodynamic parameters indicate cooperative interactions of oxygens with the acceptors. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of the complexes show that gyama-gyama interactions are a major source of ground state stabilization in these complexes.


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2,3-Dihydroxybenzoate-2,3-oxygenase is mainly localized in the soluble and the chloroplast fractions of Tecoma leaves. It is associated with the lamellar structure of the chloroplast fraction. The chloroplast enzyme has properties similar to those of the soluble enzyme, but it has a longer half-life and is more stable to dialysis than the soluble enzyme. It is inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents and the inhibition is reversed by the addition of reduced glutathione. The chloroplast enzyme is insensitive to iron-chelating agents. The enzyme loses activity on dialysis against copper-chelating agents and the activity is completely recovered on the addition of copper; addition of iron does not restore the activity. Polyphenol oxidase is probably present only in the active form in the Tecoma chloroplast but it is not involved in the intradiol cleavage of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid.


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Epitaxial bilayered thin films consisting of La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 (LSMO) and 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3â0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) layers of relatively different thicknesses were fabricated on LaNiO3 coated LaAlO3 (100) single crystal substrates by pulsed laser ablation technique. The crystallinity, ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and magnetodielectric properties have been studied for all the bilayered heterostructures. Their microstructural analysis suggested possible StranskiâKrastanov type of growth mechanism in the present case. Ferroelectric and ferromagnetic characteristics of these bilayered heterostructures over a wide range of temperatures confirmed their biferroic nature. The magnetization and ferroelectric polarization of the bilayered heterostructures were enhanced with increasing PMN-PT layer thickness owing to the effect of lattice strain. In addition, evolution of the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties of these heterostructures with changing thicknesses of the PMN-PT and LSMO layers indicated possible influence of several interfacial effects such as space charge, depolarization field, domain wall pinning, and spin disorder on the observed properties. Dielectric properties of these heterostructures studied over a wide range of temperatures under different magnetic field strengths suggested a possible role of elastic strain mediated magnetoelectric coupling behind the observed magnetodielectric effect in addition to the influence of rearrangement of the interfacial charge carriers under an applied magnetic field.


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NQR frequencies in 3,4-dichlorophenol are investigated in the temperature range 77 K to room temperature. Two resonances have been observed throughout the temperature range, corresponding to the two chemically inequivalent chlorine sites. Using Bayer's theory and Brown's method torsional frequencies and their temperature dependence in this range are estimated.


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1-Acyl-2-succinyl glycero-3-phosphorylcholine (GPC) was synthesized and its properties described. Although 1-acyl-2-succinyl GPC is a good substrate for succinate dehydrogenase, experiments on the incorporation of [2,3-14C]succinate into mitochondrial lipids gave no evidence to indicate that it is an intermediate in the enzymic oxidation of succinate to fumarate, as has been suggested earlier.


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Complexes of lanthanide iodides with 3-methylpyridine-1-oxide of the formula Ln(3-MePyO)8I3.xH2O where x = 0 for Ln = La and Tb, x = 1 for Ln = Pr, and x = 2 for Ln = Nd, Sm, Dy, Yb, and Y have been prepared and characterized by chemical analyses, conductance, infrared, proton nmr, and DTA data. Infrared and proton nmr data have been interpreted in terms of the coordination of the ligand to the metal ion through the oxygen of the N—O group. Proton nmr spectrum of the Yb(III) complex is indicative of a restricted rotation of the pyridine ring about the N—O bond.


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The interaction of six macrocyclic polyethers with 1, 3, 5-trinitrobenzene has been studied by spectroscopic methods. The association constants have been evaluated by1HMR chemical shift method. There is evidence that major contribution to the interaction isvia n andπ electrons. The donor strengths of the polyethers have been evaluated.