133 resultados para spatial heterogeneity


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The question of whether the dramatic slowing down of the dynamics of glass-forming liquids near the structural glass transition is caused by the growth of one or more correlation lengths has received much attention in recent years. Several proposals have been made for both static and dynamic length scales that may be responsible for the growth of timescales as the glass transition is approached. These proposals are critically examined with emphasis on the dynamic length scale associated with spatial heterogeneity of local dynamics and the static point-to-set or mosaic length scale of the random first order transition theory of equilibrium glass transition. Available results for these length scales, obtained mostly from simulations, are summarized, and the relation of the growth of timescales near the glass transition with the growth of these length scales is examined. Some of the outstanding questions about length scales in glass-forming liquids are discussed, and studies in which these questions may be addressed are suggested.


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The effects of radiative coupling between scattering and absorbing aerosols, in an external mixture, on the aerosol radiative forcing (ARF) due to black carbon (BC), its sensitivity to the composite aerosol loading and composition, and surface reflectance are investigated using radiative transfer model simulations. The ARF due to BC is found to depend significantly on the optical properties of the `neighboring' (non-BC) aerosol species. The scattering due to these species significantly increases the top of the atmospheric warming due to black carbon aerosols, and significant changes in the radiative forcing efficiency of BC. This is especially significant over dark surfaces (such as oceans), despite the ARF due to BC being higher over snow and land-surfaces. The spatial heterogeneity of this effect (coupling or multiple scattering by neighboring aerosol species) imposes large uncertainty in the estimation ARF due to BC aerosols, especially over the oceans. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Temporal relaxation of density fluctuations in supercooled liquids near the glass transition occurs in multiple steps. Using molecular dynamics simulations for three model glass-forming liquids, we show that the short-time beta relaxation is cooperative in nature. Using finite-size scaling analysis, we extract a growing length scale associated with beta relaxation from the observed dependence of the beta relaxation time on the system size. We find, in qualitative agreement with the prediction of the inhomogeneous mode coupling theory, that the temperature dependence of this length scale is the same as that of the length scale that describes the spatial heterogeneity of local dynamics in the long-time alpha-relaxation regime.


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Wildlife conservation in human-dominated landscapes requires that we understand how animals, when making habitat-use decisions, obtain diverse and dynamically occurring resources while avoiding risks, induced by both natural predators and anthropogenic threats. Little is known about the underlying processes that enable wild animals to persist in densely populated human-dominated landscapes, particularly in developing countries. In a complex, semi-arid, fragmented, human-dominated agricultural landscape, we analyzed the habitat-use of blackbuck, a large herbivore endemic to the Indian sub-continent. We hypothesized that blackbuck would show flexible habitat-use behaviour and be risk averse when resource quality in the landscape is high, and less sensitive to risk otherwise. Overall, blackbuck appeared to be strongly influenced by human activity and they offset risks by using small protected patches (similar to 3 km(2)) when they could afford to do so. Blackbuck habitat use varied dynamically corresponding with seasonally-changing levels of resources and risks, with protected habitats registering maximum use. The findings show that human activities can strongly influence and perhaps limit ungulate habitat-use and behaviour, but spatial heterogeneity in risk, particularly the presence of refuges, can allow ungulates to persist in landscapes with high human and livestock densities.


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The growth of characteristic length scales associated with dynamic heterogeneity in glass-forming liquids is investigated in an extensive computational study of a four-point, time-dependent structure factor defined from spatial correlations of mobility, for a model liquid for system sizes extending up to 351 232 particles, in constant-energy and constant-temperature ensembles. Our estimates for dynamic correlation lengths and susceptibilities are consistent with previous results from finite size scaling. We find scaling exponents that are inconsistent with predictions from inhomogeneous mode coupling theory and a recent simulation confirmation of these predictions.


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Neutral and niche theories give contrasting explanations for the maintenance of tropical tree species diversity. Both have some empirical support, but methods to disentangle their effects have not yet been developed. We applied a statistical measure of spatial structure to data from 14 large tropical forest plots to test a prediction of niche theory that is incompatible with neutral theory: that species in heterogeneous environments should separate out in space according to their niche preferences. We chose plots across a range of topographic heterogeneity, and tested whether pairwise spatial associations among species were more variable in more heterogeneous sites. We found strong support for this prediction, based on a strong positive relationship between variance in the spatial structure of species pairs and topographic heterogeneity across sites. We interpret this pattern as evidence of pervasive niche differentiation, which increases in importance with increasing environmental heterogeneity.


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The influence of atmospheric aerosols on Earth's radiation budget and hence climate, though well recognized and extensively investigated in recent years, remains largely uncertain mainly because of the large spatio-temporal heterogeneity and the lack of data with adequate resolution. To characterize this diversity, a major multi-platform field campaign ICARB (Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget) was carried out during the pre-monsoon period of 2006 over the Indian landmass and surrounding oceans, which was the biggest such campaign ever conducted over this region. Based on the extensive and concurrent measurements of the optical and physical properties of atmospheric aerosols during ICARB, the spatial distribution of aerosol radiative forcing was estimated over the entire Bay of Bengal (BoB), northern Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea (AS) as well as large spatial variations within these regions. Besides being considerably lower than the mean values reported earlier for this region, our studies have revealed large differences in the forcing components between the BoB and the AS. While the regionally averaged aerosol-induced atmospheric forcing efficiency was 31 +/- 6 W m(-2) tau(-1) for the BoB, it was only similar to 18 +/- 7 W m(-2) tau(-1) for the AS. Airborne measurements revealed the presence of strong, elevated aerosol layers even over the oceans, leading to vertical structures in the atmospheric forcing, resulting in significant warming in the lower troposphere. These observations suggest serious climate implications and raise issues ranging from the impact of aerosols on vertical thermal structure of the atmospheric and hence cloud formation processes to monsoon circulation.


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Plasma membranes regulate the influx and efflux of molecules across themselves and are also responsible for primary signal transduction between cells or within the same cell. Presence of lateral heterogeneity and the ability of reorganization are essential requirements for effective functioning of biomembranes. Lipid rafts are small, heterogeneous, dynamic domains enriched in glycosphingolipids, sphingomyelin and cholesterol, and profoundly influence membrane organization. Glycosphingolipids are inclined towards formation of liquid-ordered phases in membranes, both with and without cholesterol; they are therefore prime players in domain formation. Here, we discuss the role of glycosphingolipids in microdomain formation and their spatial organization within these rafts.


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This study addresses the issues of spatial distribution, dispersal, and genetic heterogeneity in social groups of the cellular slime molds (CSMs). The CSMs are soil amoebae with an unusual life cycle that consists of alternating solitary and social phases. Because the social phase involves division of labor with what appears to be an extreme form of "altruism", the CSMs raise interesting evolutionary questions regarding the origin and maintenance of sociality. Knowledge of the genetic structure of social groups in the wild is necessary for answering these questions. We confirm that CSMs are widespread in undisturbed forest soil from South India. They are dispersed over long distances via the dung of a variety of large mammals. Consistent with this mode of dispersal, most social groups in the two species examined for detailed study, Dictyostelium giganteum and Dictyostelium purpureum, are multi-clonal.


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An analytical and experimental study of the hydraulic jump in stilling basins with abrupt drop and sudden enlargement, called the spatial B-jump here, is carried out for finding the sequent depth ratio and resulting energy dissipation. The spatial B-jump studied has its toe downstream of the expansion section, and the stream lines at the toe are characterized by downward curvature. An expression is obtained for the sequent depth ratio based on the momentum equation with suitable assumptions for the extra pressure force term because of the abrupt drop in the bed and sudden enlargement in the basin width. Predictions compare favorably with experiments. It is shown that the spatial B-jump needs less tailwater depth, thereby enhancing the stability of the jump when compared either with spatial jump, which forms in sudden expanding channels, or with B-jump, which forms in a channel with an abrupt drop in bed. It is also shown that there is a significant increase in relative energy loss for the spatial B-jump compared to either the spatial jump or B-jump alone.


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When freshly starved amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum are loaded with the Ca2+-specific dye indo-1/AM and analyzed in a fluorescence-activated cell sorter, they exhibit a quasi-bimodal distribution of fluorescence. This permits a separation of the population into two classes: H, or ''high Ca2+-indo-1 fluorescence,'' and L, or ''low Ca2+-indo-1 fluorescence.'' Simultaneous monitoring of Ca2+-indo-1 and Ca2+-chlortetracycline fluorescence shows that by and large the same cells tend to have high (or low) levels of both cytoplasmic and sequestered Ca2+. Next we label H cells with tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC) and mix them in a 1:4 ratio with L cells, In the slugs that result, TRITC fluorescence is confined mainly to the anterior prestalk region. This implies that amoebae with relatively high Ca2+ at the vegetative stage tend to develop into prestalk cells and those with low Ca2+ into prespores. Polysphondylium violaceum, a cellular slime mold that does not possess prestalk and prespore cells, also does not display a Ca2+-dependent heterogeneity at the vegetative stage or in slugs. Finally, confirming earlier findings with the fluorophore fura-2 (Azhar ef al., Curr. Sci. 68, 337-342 (1995)), a prestalk-prespore difference in cellular Ca2+ is present in the cells of the slug in vivo. These findings are discussed in light of the possible roles of Ca2+ for cell differentiation in D. discoideum.


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Here we find through computer simulations and theoretical analysis that the low temperature thermodynamic anomalies of liquid water arises from the intermittent fluctuation between its high density and low density forms, consisting largely of 5-coordinated and 4-coordinated water molecules, respectively. The fluctuations exhibit strong dynamic heterogeneity (defined by the four point time correlation function), accompanied by a divergence like growth of the dynamic correlation length, of the type encountered in fragile supercooled liquids. The intermittency has been explained by invoking a two state model often employed to understand stochastic resonance, with the relevant periodic perturbation provided here by the fluctuation of the total volume of the system.


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Aerosol black carbon (BC) mass concentrations ([BC]), measured continuously during a multi-platform field experiment, Integrated Campaign for Aerosols gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB, March-May 2006), from a network of eight observatories spread over geographically distinct environments of India, (which included five mainland stations, one highland station, and two island stations (one each ill Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal)) are examined for their spatio-temporal characteristics. During the period of study, [BC] showed large variations across the country, with values ranging from 27 mu g m(3) over industrial/urban locations to as low as 0.065 mu g m(-3) over the Arabian Sea. For all mainland stations, [BC] remained high compared to highland as well as island stations. Among the island stations, Port Blair (PBR) had higher concentration of BC, compared to Minicoy (MCY), implying more absorbing nature of Bay of Bengal aerosols than Arabian Sea. The highland station Nainital (NTL), in the central Himalayas, showed low values of [BC], comparable or even lower than that of the island station PBR, indicating the prevalence of cleaner environment over there. An examination of the changes in the mean temporal features, as the season advances from winter (December-February) to pre-monsoon (March-May), revealed that: (a) Diurnal variations were pronounced over all the mainland stations, with all afternoon low and a nighttime high: (b) At the islands, the diurnal variations, though resembled those over the mainlands, were less pronounced; and (c) In contrast to this, highland station showed an opposite pattern with an afternoon high and a late night or early morning low. The diurnal variations at all stations are mainly caused by the dynamics of local Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL), At the entire mainland as well as island stations (except HYD and DEL), [BC] showed a decreasing trend from January to May, This is attributed to the increased convective mixing and to the resulting enhanced vertical dispersal of species in the ABL. In addition, large short-period modulations were observed at DEL and HYD, which appeared to be episodic, An examination of this in the light of the MODIS-derived fire count data over India along with the back-trajectory analysis revealed that advection of BC from extensive forest fires and biomass-burning regions upwind were largely responsible for this episodic enhancement in BC at HYD and DEL.


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Chemical composition of rainwater changes from sea to inland under the influence of several major factors - topographic location of area, its distance from sea, annual rainfall. A model is developed here to quantify the variation in precipitation chemistry under the influence of inland distance and rainfall amount. Various sites in India categorized as 'urban', 'suburban' and 'rural' have been considered for model development. pH, HCO3, NO3 and Mg do not change much from coast to inland while, SO4 and Ca change is subjected to local emissions. Cl and Na originate solely from sea salinity and are the chemistry parameters in the model. Non-linear multiple regressions performed for the various categories revealed that both rainfall amount and precipitation chemistry obeyed a power law reduction with distance from sea. Cl and Na decrease rapidly for the first 100 km distance from sea, then decrease marginally for the next 100 km, and later stabilize. Regression parameters estimated for different cases were found to be consistent (R-2 similar to 0.8). Variation in one of the parameters accounted for urbanization. Model was validated using data points from the southern peninsular region of the country. Estimates are found to be within 99.9% confidence interval. Finally, this relationship between the three parameters - rainfall amount, coastline distance, and concentration (in terms of Cl and Na) was validated with experiments conducted in a small experimental watershed in the south-west India. Chemistry estimated using the model was in good correlation with observed values with a relative error of similar to 5%. Monthly variation in the chemistry is predicted from a downscaling model and then compared with the observed data. Hence, the model developed for rain chemistry is useful in estimating the concentrations at different spatio-temporal scales and is especially applicable for south-west region of India. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Using a multivalley effective mass theory, we obtain the binding energy of a D- ion in Si and Ge taking into account the spatial variation of the host dielectric function. We find that on comparison with experimental results the effect of spatial dispersion is important in the estimation of binding energy for the D- formed by As in Si and Ge. The effect is less significant for the case of D- formed by P and Sb donors.