263 resultados para protein glutamine gamma glutamyltransferase


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The recA locus of pathogenic mycobacteria differs from that of nonpathogenic species because it contains large intervening sequences nested in the RecA homology region that are excised by an unusual protein-splicing reaction. In vivo assays indicated that Mycobacterium tuberculosis recA partially complemented Escherichia coli recA mutants for recombination and mutagenesis. Further, splicing of the 85 kDa precursor to 38 kDa MtRecA protein was necessary for the display of its activity, in vivo. To gain insights into the molecular basis for partial and lack of complementation by MtRecA and 85 kDa proteins, respectively, we purified both of them to homogeneity. MtRecA protein, but not the 85 kDa form, bound stoichiometrically to single-stranded DNA in the presence of ATP. MtRecA protein was cross-linked to 8-azidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate with reduced efficiency, and kinetic analysis of ATPase activity suggested that it is due to decreased affinity for ATP. In contrast, the 85 kDa form was unable to bind ATP, in the presence or absence of ssDNA and, consequently, was entirely devoid of ATPase activity. Molecular modeling studies suggested that the decreased affinity of MtRecA protein for ATP and the reduced efficiency of its hydrolysis might be due to the widening of the cleft which alters the hydrogen bonds and the contact area between the enzyme and the substrate and changes in the disposition of the amino acid residues around the magnesium ion and the gamma-phosphate. The formation of joint molecules promoted by MtRecA protein was stimulated by SSB when the former was added first. The probability of an association between the lack and partial levels of biological activity of RecA protein(s) to that of illegitimate recombination in pathogenic mycobacteria is considered.


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Rinderpest virus (RPV) large (L) protein is an integral part of the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex of the virus that is responsible for transcription and replication of the genome. Previously, we have shown that recombinant L protein coexpressed along with P protein (as the L-P complex) catalyses the synthesis of all viral mRNAs in vitro and the abundance of mRNAs follows a gradient of polarity, similar to the occurrence in vivo. In the present work, we demonstrate that the viral mRNAs synthesized in vitro by the recombinant L or purified RNP are capped and methylated at the N-7 guanine position. RNP from the purified virions, as well as recombinant L protein, shows RNA triphosphatase (RTPase) and guanylyl transferase (GT) activities. L protein present in the RNP complex catalyses the removal of gamma-phosphate from triphosphate-ended 25 nt RNA generated in vitro representing the viral N-terminal mRNA 5' sequence. The L protein forms a covalent enzyme-guanylate intermediate with the GMP moiety of GTP, whose formation is inhibited by the addition of pyrophosphate; thus, it exhibits characteristics of cellular GTs. The covalent bond between the enzyme and nucleotide is acid labile and alkali stable, indicating the presence of phosphoamide linkage. The C-terminal region (aa 1717-2183) of RPV L protein alone exhibits the first step of GT activity needed to form a covalent complex with GMP, though it lacks the ability to transfer GMP to substrate RNA. Here, we describe the biochemical characterization of the newly found RTPase/GT activity of L protein.


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PURPOSE. To understand the molecular features underlying autosomal dominant congenital cataracts caused by the deletion mutations W156X in human gamma D-crystallin and W157X in human gamma C-crystallin. METHODS. Normal and mutant cDNAs (with the enhanced green fluorescent protein [EGFP] tag in the front) were cloned into the pEGFP-C1 vector, transfected into various cell lines, and observed under a confocal microscope for EGFP fluorescence. Normal and W156X gamma D cDNAs were also cloned into the pET21a(+) vector, and the recombinant proteins were overexpressed in the BL-21(DE3) pLysS strain of Escherichia coli, purified, and isolated. The conformational features, structural stability, and solubility in aqueous solution of the mutant protein were compared with those of the wild type using spectroscopic methods. Comparative molecular modeling was performed to provide additional structural information. RESULTS. Transfection of the EGFP-tagged mutant cDNAs into several cell lines led to the visualization of aggregates, whereas that of wild-type cDNAs did not. Turning to the properties of the expressed proteins, the mutant molecules show remarkable reduction in solubility. They also seem to have a greater degree of surface hydrophobicity than the wild-type molecules, most likely accounting for self-aggregation. Molecular modeling studies support these features. CONCLUSIONS. The deletion of C-terminal 18 residues of human gamma C-and gamma D-crystallins exposes the side chains of several hydrophobic residues in the sequence to the solvent, causing the molecule to self-aggregate. This feature appears to be reflected in situ on the introduction of the mutants in human lens epithelial cells.


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Interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) is a central regulator of the immune response and signals via the Janus Activated Kinase (JAK)-Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) pathway. Phosphorylated STAT1 homodimers translocate to the nucleus, bind to Gamma Activating Sequence (GAS) and recruit additional factors to modulate gene expression. A bioinformatics analysis revealed that greater number of putative promoters of immune related genes and also those not directly involved in immunity contain GAS compared to response elements (RE) for Interferon Regulatory Factor (IRF)1, Nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B) and Activator Protein (AP)1. GAS is present in putative promoters of well known IFN gamma-induced genes, IRF1, GBP1, CXCL10, and other genes identified were TLR3, VCAM1, CASP4, etc. Analysis of three microarray studies revealed that the expression of asubset of only GAS containing immune genes were modulated by IFN gamma. As a significant correlation exists between GAS containing immune genes and IFN gamma-regulated gene expression, this strategy may identify novel IFN gamma-responsive immune genes. This analysis is integrated with the literature on the roles of IFN gamma in mediating a plethoraof functions: anti-microbial responses, antigen processing,inflammation, growth suppression, cell death, tumor immunity and autoimmunity. Overall, this review summarizes our present knowledge onIFN gamma mediated signaling and functions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Resistin is a cysteine rich protein, mainly expressed and secreted by circulating human mononuclear cells. While several factors responsible for transcription of mouse resistin gene have been identified, not much is known about the factors responsible for the differential expression of human resistin.Methodology/Principal Finding: We show that the minimal promoter of human resistin lies within similar to 80 bp sequence upstream of the transcriptional start site (-240) whereas binding sites for cRel, CCAAT enhancer binding protein alpha (C/EBP-alpha), activating transcription factor 2 (ATF-2) and activator protein 1 (AP-1) transcription factors, important for induced expression, are present within sequences up to -619. Specificity Protein 1(Sp1) binding site (-276 to -295) is also present and an interaction of Sp1 with peroxisome proliferator activating receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) is necessary for constitutive expression in U937 cells. Indeed co-immunoprecipitation assay demonstrated a direct physical interaction of Sp1 with PPAR gamma in whole cell extracts of U937 cells. Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) upregulated the expression of resistin mRNA in U937 cells by increasing the recruitment of Sp1, ATF-2 and PPAR gamma on the resistin gene promoter. Furthermore, PMA stimulation of U937 cells resulted in the disruption of Sp1 and PPAR gamma interaction. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay confirmed the recruitment of transcription factors phospho ATF-2, Sp1, Sp3, PPAR gamma, chromatin modifier histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) and the acetylated form of histone H3 but not cRel, C/EBP-alpha and phospho c-Jun during resistingene transcription.Conclusion: Our findings suggest a complex interplay of Sp1 and PPAR gamma along with other transcription factors that drives the expression of resistin in human monocytic U937 cells.


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The chloroplastic isoform of glutamine synthetase (GS(2), EC from normal and water stressed safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L. cv.A-300) leaves has been purified to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity by a procedure involving anion-exchange, hydrophobic and size-exclusion chromatography followed by electroelution of the protein from preparative polyacrylamide gels. The observed molecular weight of the native protein varied from 305-330 kDa depending on the sizing column employed. The native protein is composed of 44 kDa subunits. Under conditions of saturating ammonium and at ATP levels of 0.1-10 mM, double-reciprocal plots with respect to glutamate are biphasic and concave downward at high concentrations of the varied substrate for normal enzyme but are linear for enzyme from water-stressed plants. Under subsaturating ATP levels, K-Glu is over 18-fold lower for enzyme from stressed leaves. The K-m, (ATP) varies with Mg2+ levels in the assay mixture. Double-reciprocal plots of initial velocity with respect to ATP at changing fixed levels of NH4+ are linear for normal enzyme but are curved upwards for enzyme from stressed leaves. Initial velocity data of 1/v vs. 1/ammonium for the enzyme from both the sources are non-linear (curved upwards) when ATP is saturating. At subsaturating ATP levels, the data are linear for normal enzyme but are still non-linear for the enzyme from stressed leaves. The results obtained suggest positively cooperative binding of NH4+ A V-max(/2) value of 3.6 mM for Mg2+ was obtained at 5 mM ATP. The isoelectric point of the native protein from normal and stressed leaves was determined to be, respectively, 5.6 and 6.1. The mixed competitive and competitive inhibitors, methionine sulfoximine and ADP and K-i values of 0.086 mM (0.017 for the enzyme from stressed leaves) and 2.15 mM (1.70 for the enzyme from stressed leaves), respectively. Enzyme from stressed leaves is not inhibited by 5 mM proline. The observed kinetic constants of GS(2) from normal and water stressed safflower seedlings are discussed in relation to the known water-stress tolerance of this crop plant.


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Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is implicated to play a key role in learning and memory. NR2B subunit of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) is a high affinity binding partner of CaMKII at the postsynaptic membrane. NR2B binds to the T-site of CaMKII and modulates its catalysis. By direct measurement using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), we show that NR2B binding causes about 11 fold increase in the affinity of CaMKII for ATP gamma S, an analogue of ATP. ITC data is also consistent with an ordered binding mechanism for CaMKII with ATP binding the catalytic site first followed by peptide substrate. We also show that dephosphorylation of phospho-Thr(286)-alpha-CaMKII is attenuated when NR2B is bound to CaMKII. This favors the persistence of Thr(286) autophosphorylated state of CaMKII in a CaMKII/phosphatase conjugate system in vitro. Overall our data indicate that the NR2B- bound state of CaMKII attains unique biochemical properties which could help in the efficient functioning of the proposed molecular switch supporting synaptic memory.


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Short range side chain-backbone hydrogen bonded motifs involving Asn and Gln residues have been identified from a data set of 1370 protein crystal structures (resolution = 1.5 angstrom). Hydrogen bonds involving residues i - 5 to i + 5 have been considered. Out of 12,901 Asn residues, 3403 residues (26.4%) participate in such interactions, while out of 10,934 Gln residues, 1780 Gln residues (16.3%) are involved in these motifs. Hydrogen bonded ring sizes (Cn, where n is the number of atoms involved), directionality and internal torsion angles are used to classify motifs. The occurrence of the various motifs in the contexts of protein structure is illustrated. Distinct differences are established between the nature of motifs formed by Asn and Gln residues. For Asn, the most highly populated motifs are the C10 (COdi .NHi + 2), C13 (COdi .NHi + 3) and C17 (NdHi .COi - 4) structures. In contrast, Gln predominantly forms C16 (COei .NHi - 3), C12 (NeHi .COi - 2), C15 (NeHi .COi - 3) and C18 (NeHi .COi - 4) motifs, with only the C18motif being analogous to the Asn C17structure. Specific conformational types are established for the Asn containing motifs, which mimic backbone beta-turns and a-turns. Histidine residues are shown to serve as a mimic for Asn residues in side chain-backbone hydrogen bonded ring motifs. Illustrative examples from protein structures are considered. Proteins 2012; (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Background. Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) increases the expression of multiple genes and responses; however, the mechanisms by which IFN-gamma downmodulates cellular responses is not well understood. In this study, the repression of CCL3 and CCL4 by IFN-gamma and nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) in macrophages and upon Salmonella typhimurium infection of mice was investigated. Methods. Small molecule regulators and adherent peritoneal exudates cells (A-PECs) from Nos2(-/-)mice were used to identify the contribution of signaling molecules during IFN-gamma-mediated in vitro regulation of CCL3, CCL4, and CXCL10. In addition, infection of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) and mice (C57BL/6, Ifn-gamma(-/), and Nos2(-/-)) with S. typhimurium were used to gain an understanding of the in vivo regulation of these chemokines. Results. IFN-gamma repressed CCL3 and CCL4 in a signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1)-NOS2-p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (p38MAPK)-activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) dependent pathway in A-PECs. Also, during intracellular replication of S. typhimurium in BMDMs, IFN-gamma and NOS2 repressed CCL3 and CCL4 production. The physiological roles of these observations were revealed during oral infection of mice with S. typhimurium, wherein endogenous IFN-gamma and NOS2 enhanced serum amounts of tumor necrosis factor alpha and CXCL10 but repressed CCL3 and CCL4. Conclusions. This study sheds novel mechanistic insight on the regulation of CCL3 and CCL4 in mouse macrophages and during S. typhimurium oral infection.


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Background: Cotton leaf curl Kokhran Virus-Dabawali (CLCuKV-Dab) is a monopartite begomovirus encoding two proteins V1 and V2 in the virion sense and four proteins Cl, C2, C3 and C4 in the complementary sense. The C4 protein of monopartite begomoviruses has been implicated to play a role in symptom determination and virus movement. The present work aims at the biochemical characterization of this protein. Methods: The C4 protein of CLCuKV-Dab was purified in fusion with GST and tested for the ability to hydrolyze ATP and other phosphate containing compounds. ATPase activity was assayed by using radiolabeled gamma-32P]-ATP and separating the product of reaction by thin layer chromatography. The hydrolysis of other compounds was monitored by the formation of a blue colored phosphomolybdate complex which was estimated by measuring the absorbance at 655 nm. Results: The purified GST-C4 protein exhibited metal ion dependent ATPase and inorganic pyrophosphatase activities. Deletion of a sequence resembling the catalytic motif present in phosphotyrosine phosphatases resulted in 70% reduction in both the activities. Mutational analysis suggested arginine 13 to be catalytically important for the ATPase and cysteine 8 for the pyrophosphatase activity of GST-C4. Interaction of V2 with GST-C4 resulted in an increase in both the enzymatic activities of GST-C4. Conclusions: The residues important for the enzymatic activities of GST-C4 are present in a motif different from the classical Walker motifs and the non-classical ATP binding motifs reported so far. General significance: The C4 protein of CLCuKV-Dab, a putative natively unfolded protein, exhibits enzymatic activities.


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Pathogenic mycobacteria employ several immune evasion strategies such as inhibition of class II transactivator (CIITA) and MHC-II expression, to survive and persist in host macrophages. However, precise roles for specific signaling components executing down-regulation of CIITA/MHC-II have not been adequately addressed. Here, we demonstrate that Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG)-mediated TLR2 signaling-induced iNOS/NO expression is obligatory for the suppression of IFN-gamma-induced CIITA/MHC-II functions. Significantly, NOTCH/PKC/MAPK-triggered signaling cross-talk was found critical for iNOS/NO production. NO responsive recruitment of a bifunctional transcription factor, KLF4, to the promoter of CIITA during M. bovis BCG infection of macrophages was essential to orchestrate the epigenetic modifications mediated by histone methyltransferase EZH2 or miR-150 and thus calibrate CIITA/MHC-II expression. NO-dependent KLF4 regulated the processing and presentation of ovalbumin by infected macrophages to reactive T cells. Altogether, our study delineates a novel role for iNOS/NO/KLF4 in dictating the mycobacterial capacity to inhibit CIITA/MHC-II-mediated antigen presentation by infected macrophages and thereby elude immune surveillance.


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Background: We highlight an unrecognized physiological role for the Greek key motif, an evolutionarily conserved super-secondary structural topology of the beta gamma-crystallins. These proteins constitute the bulk of the human eye lens, packed at very high concentrations in a compact, globular, short-range order, generating transparency. Congenital cataract (affecting 400,000 newborns yearly worldwide), associated with 54 mutations in beta gamma-crystallins, occurs in two major phenotypes nuclear cataract, which blocks the central visual axis, hampering the development of the growing eye and demanding earliest intervention, and the milder peripheral progressive cataract where surgery can wait. In order to understand this phenotypic dichotomy at the molecular level, we have studied the structural and aggregation features of representative mutations. Methods: Wild type and several representative mutant proteins were cloned, expressed and purified and their secondary and tertiary structural details, as well as structural stability, were compared in solution, using spectroscopy. Their tendencies to aggregate in vitro and in cellulo were also compared. In addition, we analyzed their structural differences by molecular modeling in silico. Results: Based on their properties, mutants are seen to fall into two classes. Mutants A36P, L45PL54P, R140X, and G165fs display lowered solubility and structural stability, expose several buried residues to the surface, aggregate in vitro and in cellulo, and disturb/distort the Greek key motif. And they are associated with nuclear cataract. In contrast, mutants P24T and R77S, associated with peripheral cataract, behave quite similar to the wild type molecule, and do not affect the Greek key topology. Conclusion: When a mutation distorts even one of the four Greek key motifs, the protein readily self-aggregates and precipitates, consistent with the phenotype of nuclear cataract, while mutations not affecting the motif display `native state aggregation', leading to peripheral cataract, thus offering a protein structural rationale for the cataract phenotypic dichotomy ``distort motif, lose central vision''.


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The Ramachandran map clearly delineates the regions of accessible conformational (phi-) space for amino acid residues in proteins. Experimental distributions of phi, values in high-resolution protein structures, reveal sparsely populated zones within fully allowed regions and distinct clusters in apparently disallowed regions. Conformational space has been divided into 14 distinct bins. Residues adopting these relatively rare conformations are presented and amino acid propensities for these regions are estimated. Inspection of specific examples in a completely arid, fully allowed region in the top left quadrant establishes that side-chain and backbone interactions may provide the energetic compensation necessary for populating this region of phi- space. Asn, Asp, and His residues showed the highest propensities in this region. The two distinct clusters in the bottom right quadrant which are formally disallowed on strict steric considerations correspond to the gamma turn (C7 axial) conformation (Bin 12) and the i + 1 position of Type II turns (Bin 13). Of the 516 non-Gly residues in Bin 13, 384 occupied the i + 1 position of Type II turns. Further examination of these turn segments revealed a high propensity to occur at the N-terminus of helices and as a tight turn in hairpins. The strand-helix motif with the Type II turn as a connecting element was also found in as many as 57 examples. Proteins 2014; 82:1101-1112. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We previously reported interferon gamma secretion by human CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in response to recombinant E. coli-expressed Rv1860 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) as well as protection of guinea pigs against a challenge with virulent MTB following prime-boost immunization with DNA vaccine and poxvirus expressing Rv1860. In contrast, a Statens Serum Institute Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG-SSI) recombinant expressing MTB Rv1860 (BCG-TB1860) showed loss of protective ability compared to the parent BCG strain expressing the control GFP protein (BCG-GFP). Since Rv1860 is a secreted mannosylated protein of MTB and BCG, we investigated the effect of BCG-TB1860 on innate immunity. Relative to BCG-GFP, BCG-TB1860 effected a significant near total reduction both in secretion of cytokines IL-2, IL-12p40, IL-12p70, TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-10, and up regulation of co-stimulatory molecules MHC-II, CD40, CD54, CD80 and CD86 by infected bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDC), while leaving secreted levels of TGF-beta unchanged. These effects were mimicked by BCG-TB1860His which carried a 6-Histidine tag at the C-terminus of Rv1860, killed sonicated preparations of BCG-TB1860 and purified H37Rv-derived Rv1860 glycoprotein added to BCG-GFP, but not by E. coli-expressed recombinant Rv1860. Most importantly, BMDC exposed to BCG-TB1860 failed to polarize allogeneic as well as syngeneic T cells to secrete IFN-gamma and IL-17 relative to BCG-GFP. Splenocytes from mice infected with BCG-SSI showed significantly less proliferation and secretion of IL-2, IFN-gamma and IL-17, but secreted higher levels of IL-10 in response to in vitro restimulation with BCG-TB1860 compared to BCG-GFP. Spleens from mice infected with BCG-TB1860 also harboured significantly fewer DC expressing MHC-II, IL-12, IL-2 and TNF-alpha compared to mice infected with BCG-GFP. Glycoproteins of MTB, through their deleterious effects on DC may thus contribute to suppress the generation of a TH1- and TH17-dominated adaptive immune response that is vital for protection against tuberculosis.