240 resultados para network connectivity


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Understanding the functioning of a neural system in terms of its underlying circuitry is an important problem in neuroscience. Recent d evelopments in electrophysiology and imaging allow one to simultaneously record activities of hundreds of neurons. Inferring the underlying neuronal connectivity patterns from such multi-neuronal spike train data streams is a challenging statistical and computational problem. This task involves finding significant temporal patterns from vast amounts of symbolic time series data. In this paper we show that the frequent episode mining methods from the field of temporal data mining can be very useful in this context. In the frequent episode discovery framework, the data is viewed as a sequence of events, each of which is characterized by an event type and its time of occurrence and episodes are certain types of temporal patterns in such data. Here we show that, using the set of discovered frequent episodes from multi-neuronal data, one can infer different types of connectivity patterns in the neural system that generated it. For this purpose, we introduce the notion of mining for frequent episodes under certain temporal constraints; the structure of these temporal constraints is motivated by the application. We present algorithms for discovering serial and parallel episodes under these temporal constraints. Through extensive simulation studies we demonstrate that these methods are useful for unearthing patterns of neuronal network connectivity.


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Alternating differential scanning calorimetry (ADSC) studies were undertaken to investigate the effect of Tl addition on the thermal properties of As30Te70-xTlx ( 6 <= x <= 22 at%) glasses. These include parameters such as glass-transition temperature (T-g), changes in specific heat capacity (Delta C-p) and relaxation enthalpy (Delta H-NR) at the glass transition. It was found that T-g of the glasses decreased with the addition of Tl, which is in contrast to the dependence of T-g in As - Te glasses on the addition of Al and In. The change in heat capacity Delta C-p through the glass transition was also found to decrease with increasing Tl content. The addition of Tl to the As - Te matrix may lead to a breaking of As - Te chains and the formation of Tl+Te- AsTe2/2 dipoles. There was no significant dependence of the change of relaxation enthalpy, through the glass transition, with composition.


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Sensor network applications such as environmental monitoring demand that the data collection process be carried out for the longest possible time. Our paper addresses this problem by presenting a routing scheme that ensures that the monitoring network remains connected and hence the live sensor nodes deliver data for a longer duration. We analyze the role of relay nodes (neighbours of the base-station) in maintaining network connectivity and present a routing strategy that, for a particular class of networks, approaches the optimal as the set of relay nodes becomes larger. We then use these findings to develop an appropriate distributed routing protocol using potential-based routing. The basic idea of potential-based routing is to define a (scalar) potential value at each node in the network and forward data to the neighbor with the highest potential. We propose a potential function and evaluate its performance through simulations. The results show that our approach performs better than the well known lifetime maximization policy proposed by Chang and Tassiulas (2004), as well as AODV [Adhoc on demand distance vector routing] proposed by Perkins (1997).


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With ever increasing demand for electric energy, additional generation and associated transmission facilities has to be planned and executed. In order to augment existing transmission facilities, proper planning and selective decisions are to be made whereas keeping in mind the interests of several parties who are directly or indirectly involved. Common trend is to plan optimal generation expansion over the planning period in order to meet the projected demand with minimum cost capacity addition along with a pre-specified reliability margin. Generation expansion at certain locations need new transmission network which involves serious problems such as getting right of way, environmental clearance etc. In this study, an approach to the citing of additional generation facilities in a given system with minimum or no expansion in the transmission facility is attempted using the network connectivity and the concept of electrical distance for projected load demand. The proposed approach is suitable for large interconnected systems with multiple utilities. Sample illustration on real life system is presented in order to show how this approach improves the overall performance on the operation of the system with specified performance parameters.


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Synfire waves are propagating spike packets in synfire chains, which are feedforward chains embedded in random networks. Although synfire waves have proved to be effective quantification for network activity with clear relations to network structure, their utilities are largely limited to feedforward networks with low background activity. To overcome these shortcomings, we describe a novel generalisation of synfire waves, and define `synconset wave' as a cascade of first spikes within a synchronisation event. Synconset waves would occur in `synconset chains', which are feedforward chains embedded in possibly heavily recurrent networks with heavy background activity. We probed the utility of synconset waves using simulation of single compartment neuron network models with biophysically realistic conductances, and demonstrated that the spread of synconset waves directly follows from the network connectivity matrix and is modulated by top-down inputs and the resultant oscillations. Such synconset profiles lend intuitive insights into network organisation in terms of connection probabilities between various network regions rather than an adjacency matrix. To test this intuition, we develop a Bayesian likelihood function that quantifies the probability that an observed synfire wave was caused by a given network. Further, we demonstrate it's utility in the inverse problem of identifying the network that caused a given synfire wave. This method was effective even in highly subsampled networks where only a small subset of neurons were accessible, thus showing it's utility in experimental estimation of connectomes in real neuronal-networks. Together, we propose synconset chains/waves as an effective framework for understanding the impact of network structure on function, and as a step towards developing physiology-driven network identification methods. Finally, as synconset chains extend the utilities of synfire chains to arbitrary networks, we suggest utilities of our framework to several aspects of network physiology including cell assemblies, population codes, and oscillatory synchrony.


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The thermal properties and electrical-switching behavior of semiconducting chalcogenide SbxSe55-xTe45 (2 <= x <= 9) glasses have been investigated by alternating differential scanning calorimetry and electrical-switching experiments, respectively. The addition of Sb is found to enhance the glass forming tendency and stability as revealed by the decrease in non-reversing enthalpy Delta H-nr. and an increase in the glass-transition width Delta T-g. Further, the glass-transition temperature of SbxSe55-xTe45 glasses, which is a measure of network connectivity, exhibits a subtle increase, suggesting a meager network growth with the addition of Sb. The crystallization temperature is also observed to increase with Sb content. The SbxSe55-xTe45 glasses (2 <= x <= 9) are found to exhibit memory type of electrical switching, which can be attributed to the polymeric nature of network and high devitrifying ability. The metallicity factor has been found to dominate over the network connectivity and rigidity in the compositional dependence of switching voltage. which shows a profound decrease with the addition of Sb.


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Alternating differential scanning calorimetric (ADSC) studies have been performed to understand the thermal behavior of bulk GexSe35-xTe65 glasses (17 <= x <= 25); it is found that the glasses with x <= 20 exhibit two crystallization exotherms (T-c1 & T-c2). On the other hand, those with x >= 20.5, show a single crystallization reaction upon heating. The exothermic reaction at T-c1 has been found to correspond to the partial crystallization of the glass into hexagonal Te and the reaction at T-c2 is associated with the additional crystallization of rhombohedral Ge-Te phase. The glass transition temperature of GexSe35-xTe65 glasses is found to show a linear but not-steep increase, indicating a progressive, but a gradual increase in network connectivity with Ge addition. It is also found that T-c1 of GexSe35-xTe65 glasses with x <= 20, increases progressively with Ge content and eventually merges with T-c2 at x approximate to 20.5 (< r > = 2.41); this behavior has been understood on the basis of the reduction in Te-Te bonds of lower energy and increase in Ge-Te bonds of higher energy, with increasing Ge content. Apart from the interesting composition dependent crystallization, an anomalous melting behavior is also exhibited by the GexSe35-xTe65 glasses.


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Electrical Switching Studies on bulk Ge10Se90-xTlx ( 15 <= x <= 34) glasses have been undertaken to examine the type of switching, composition and thickness dependence of switching voltages. Unlike Ge-Se-Tl thin films which exhibit memory switching, the bulk Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses are found to exhibit threshold type switching with fluctuations seen in their current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. Further, it is observed that the switching voltages (V-T) of Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses decrease with the increase in the Tl concentration. An effort has been made to understand the observed composition dependence on the basis of nature of bonding of Tl atoms and a decrease in the chemical disorder with composition. In addition. the network connectivity and metallicity factors also contribute for the observed decrease in the switching voltages of Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses with Tl addition. It is also interesting to note that the composition dependence of switching voltages of Ge10Se90-xTlx glasses exhibit a small Cusp around the composition x = 22. which is understood on the basis of a thermally reversing window in this system in the composition range 22 <= x <= 30. The thickness dependence of switching voltages has been found to provide an insight about the type of switching mechanism involved in these samples. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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Studies on the electrical switching behavior of melt quenched bulk Si15Te85-xSbx glasses have been undertaken in the composition range (1 <= x <= 10), in order to understand the effect of Sb addition on the electrical switching behavior of Si15Te85-x base glass. It has been observed that all the Si15Te85-xSbx glasses studied exhibit a smooth memory type switching. Further, the switching voltages are found to decrease almost linearly with Sb content, which indicates that the metallicity of the dopant plays a dominant role in this system compared to network connectivity/rigidity. The thickness dependence of switching voltage (V-th) indicates a clear thermal origin for the switching mechanism. The temperature variation of switching voltages reveals that the Si15Te85-xSbx glasses studied have a moderate thermal stability. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Alternating differential scanning calorimetry measurements have been undertaken on the Ge15Te85-xInx (1 <= x <= 11) series of glasses. It is found that there is a marginal decrease in the glass transition temperature (T-g) in the composition range 1 <= x <= 3. Above x = 3, a monotonic increase is seen in T-g which indicates a continuous build-up in network connectivity and absence of any nanophase separation. The non-reversing heat flow (Delta H-NR) has been found to exhibit a broad trough between the compositions x = 3 and 7, which clearly indicates the presence of a thermally reversing window in Ge15Te85-xInx glasses in the composition range 3 <= x <= 7.


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Bulk, melt quenched Ge18Te82-xBix glasses (1 <= x <= 4) have been found to exhibit memory type electrical switching behavior, which is in agreement with the lower thermal diffusivity values of Ge-Te-Bi samples. A linear variation in switching voltages (V-th) has been found in these samples with increase in thickness which is consistent with the memory type electrical switching. Also, the switching voltages have been found to decrease with an increase in temperature which happens due to the decrease in the activation energy for crystallization at higher temperatures. Further. V-th of Ge18Te82-xBix glasses have been found to decrease with the increase in Bi content, indicating that in the Ge-Te-Bi system, the resistivity of the additive has a stronger role to play in the composition dependence of V-th, in comparison with the network connectivity and rigidity factors. In addition, the composition dependence of crystallization activation energy has been found to show a decrease with an increase in Bi content, which is consistent with the observed decrease in the switching voltages. X-ray diffraction studies on thermally crystallized samples reveal the presence of hexagonal Te, GeTe, Bi2Te3 phases, suggesting that bismuth is not taking part in network formation to a greater extent, as reflected in the variation of switching voltages with the addition of Bi. SEM studies on switched and un-switched regions of Ge-Te-Bi samples indicate that there are morphological changes in the switched region, which can be attributed to the formation of the crystalline channel between two electrodes during switching. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bulk Ge(17)Te83_,JI glasses (05x.5_13), have been found to exhibit memory type electrical switching. The switching voltages (also known as threshold voltage V-th) of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses are found to decrease with increasing thallium content. The rate of decrease of Vtry is greater at lower concentrations and \textbackslashid, falls at a slower rate for higher thallium concentrations (x 6). The addition of thallium to the Ge-Te network fragments the covalent network and introduces ionic nature to it; the reduction in network connectivity leads to the decrease in switching voltages with thallium content. The decrease in the glass transition temperatures of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses with increasing thallium concentration supports the idea of decrease in network connectivity with TI addition. The more metallic nature of TI also contributes to the observed reduction in the switching voltages of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses with TI content. Further, there is an interesting correlation seen between the threshold voltage V-th and the average bond energy, as a function of TI content. In addition, the switching voltages of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses have been found to decrease with sample thickness almost linearly. The set-reset studies indicate that the Ge17Te83-xTl2 sample can be switched for more than 10 cycles, whereas other glasses could not be reset beyond two switching cycles. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An interesting topic for quite some time is an intermediate phase observed in chalcogenide glasses, which is related to network connectivity and rigidity. This phenomenon is exhibited by Si-Te-In glasses also. It has been addressed here by carrying out detailed thermal investigations by using Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetry technique. An effort has also been made to determine the stability of these glasses using the data obtained from different thermodynamic quantities and crystallization kinetics of these glasses. Electrical switching behavior by recording I-V characteristics and variation of switching voltages with indium composition have been studied in these glasses for phase change memory applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Bulk Ge(15)Te(85 - x)Sn(x) and Ge(17)Te(83 - x)Sn(x) glasses, are found to exhibit memory type electrical switching. The switching voltages (V(t)) and thermal stability of Ge(15)Te(85 - x)Sn(x) and Ge(17)Te(83 - x)Sn(x) glasses are found to decrease with Sn content. The composition dependence of v, has been understood on the basis of the decrease in the OFF state resistance and thermal stability of these glasses with tin addition. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that no elemental Sn or Sn compounds with Te or Ge are present in thermally crystallized Ge-Te-Sn samples. This indicates that Sn atoms do not interact with the host matrix and form a phase separated network of its own, which remains in the parent glass matrix as an inclusion. Consequently, there is no enhancement of network connectivity and rigidity. The thickness dependence of switching voltages of Ge(15)Te(85 - x)Sn(x) and Ge(17)Te(83 - x)Sn(x) glasses is found to be linear, in agreement with the memory switching behavior shown by these glasses. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electrical switching behavior of amorphous GexSe35-xTe65 thin film samples has been studied in sandwich geometry of electrodes. It is found that these samples exhibit memory switching behavior, which is similar to that of bulk Ge-Se-Te glasses. As expected, the switching voltages of GexSe35-xTe65 thin film samples are lower compared to those of bulk samples. In both thin film amorphous and bulk glassy samples, the switching voltages are found to increase with the increase in Ge concentration, which is consistent with the increase in network connectivity with the addition of higher coordinated Ge atoms. A sharp increase is seen in the composition dependence of the switching fields of amorphous GexSe35-xTe65 films above x = 21, which can be associated with the stiffness transition. Further, the optical band gap of a-GexSe35-x Te-65 thin film samples, calculated from the absorption spectra, is found to show an increasing trend with the increase in Ge concentration, which is consistent with the variation of switching fields with composition. The increase in structural cross-linking with progressive addition of 4-fold coordinated Ge atoms is one of the main reasons for the observed increase in switching fields as well as band gaps of GexSe35-xTe65 samples. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.