303 resultados para glutamic acid


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M r = 339.35, monoclinic, P2 t, a = 11.028 (2), b=9.583 (2), c= 16.010 (2) A, fl= 96.57 (1) °, U= 1680.85 A 3, Z = 4, D m = 1.37, D x= 1.34 Mg m -3, Cu Ka, 2 = 1.54184 A, p = 0.85 mm -1, F(000)=728, T=300K, R=0.085 for 2845 diffractometer- measured reflections IF o > 3cr(Fo)]. The two molecules in the asymmetric unit have similar conformations except for a static disorder at the C ~ and C ~ positions in one of the glutamic-acid side chains. An interesting feature of the crystal structure is a pair of hydrogen bonds between the guanidinium and ycarboxylate groups of neighbouring molecules. This is the first such specific interaction observed between side chains of arginine and glutamic acid.


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The hexahydrate of a 1:1 complex between L-histidyl-L-serine and glycyl-L-glutamic acid crystallizes in space group P1 with a = 4.706(1), b= 8.578(2), c= 16.521(3) ÅA; α= 85.9(1), β= 89.7(1)°, = 77.4(1). The crystal structure, solved by direct methods, has been refined to an R value of 0.046 for 2150 observed reflections. The two peptide molecules in the structure have somewhat extended conformations. The unlike molecules aggregate into separate alternating layers. Each layer is stabilized by hydrogen bonded head-to-tail sequences as well as sequences of hydrogen bonds involving peptide groups. The arrangement of molecules in each layer is similar to one of the plausible idealized arrangements of L-alanyl-L-alanine worked out from simple geometrical considerations. Adjacent layers in the structure are held together by interactions involving side chains as well as water molecules. The water structure observed in the complex provides a good model, at atomic resolution, for that in protein crystals. An interesting feature of the crystal structure is the existence of two water channels in the interfaces between adjacent peptide layers.


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L-Lysyl-L-glutamic acid dihydrate, C11N3O5H21·2H2O, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21 with a = 12.474(2), b = 5.020(1), c = 13.157(2) Å, β= 114.69(1)° and Z = 2. The crystal structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.037 using full matrix least-squares method. The molecule exists as a double zwitterion with both the amino and carboxyl groups ionised. The peptide has a folded conformation with its Lys residue trans and Glu residue gauche−gauche+. The side chains of the Lys and Glu residues correspond to all trans and folded (g−g−g−) conformations respectively. The terminal carboxyl group forms hydrogen bonds with the ξ-amino group of the lysine side chain. The head-to-tail interaction often seen in peptide crystals is absent in the present structure. In the extended crystal structure water molecules form channels along the b direction and are enclosed within helically arranged hydrogen bonds formed by the lysine side chain and the peptide backbone.


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Polyamines are some of the most important and ubiquitous small molecules that modulate several functions of plant, animal and bacterial cells. Despite the simplicity of their chemical structure, their specific interactions with other biomolecules cannot be explained solely on the basis of their electrostatic properties. To evolve a structural understanding on the specificity of these interactions it is necessary to determine the structure of complexes of polyamines with other, representative biomolecules. This paper reports the structure of the 1:2 complex of hexanediamine and L-glutamic acid. The complex crystallizes in the monoclonic space group P2(1) with a = 5.171(1) angstrom, b = 22.044(2) angstrom, c = 10.181(2) angstrom and beta = 104.51(1)-degrees. The structure was refined to an R factor of 6.6%. The structures of these complexes not only suggest the importance of hydrogen-bonding interactions of polyamines but also provide some insight into other complementary interactions probably important for the specificity of biomolecular interactions.


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The structures of complexes of 1,3-diaminopropane With L- and DL-glutamic acid have been determined. L-Glutamic acid complex: C3H12N22+.2C5H8NO4-, M(r) = 368.4, orthorhombic. P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 5.199 (1), b = 16.832 (1). c = 20.076 (3) angstrom, V = 1756.6 (4) angstrom3, z = 4, D(x) = 1.39 g cm-3, lambda(Mo K-alpha) = 0.7107 angstrom, mu = 1.1 cm-1, F(000) = 792. T = 296 K, R = 0.044 for 1276 observed reflections. DL-Glutamic acid complex: C3H12N22+.2C5H8NO4-, M(r) = 368.4, orthorhombic, Pna2(1), a = 15.219(2), b = 5.169 (1), c 22.457 (4) angstrom, V = 1766.6 (5) angstrom3 Z = 4, D(x) = 1.38 g cm-3, lambda(Mo K-alpha) = 0.7107 angstrom, mu = 1.1 cm F(000) = 792, T = 296 K, R = 0.056 for 993 observed reflections. The conformation of diaminopropane is all-trans in the DL complex but trans-gauche in the L complex. The main packing feature in the L complex is the arrangement of diaminopropane around dimers of antiparallel L-glutamic acid molecules. The diaminopropane in the DL complex is sandwiched between two antiparallel glutamic acid molecules of the same chirality and this forms the basic packing unit. This might be the dominant form of interaction between L-glutamic acid and diaminopropane in solution. The structures reveal the adaptability of the polyamine backbone to different environments and the probable reasons for their choice as biological cations.


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The polyamines spermine, spermidine, putrescine, cadaverine, etc. have been implicated in a variety of cellular functions. However, details of their mode of interaction with other ubiquitous biomolecules is not known. We have solved a few structures of polyamine-amino acid complexes to understand the nature and mode of their interactions. Here we report the structure of a complex of putrescine with DL-glutamic acid. Comparison of the structure with the structure of putrescine-L-glutamic acid complex reveals the high degree of similarity in the mode of interaction in the two complexes. Despite the presence of a centre of symmetry in the present case, the arrangement of molecules is strikingly similar to the L-glutamic acid complex.


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The polyamines spermine, spermidine, putrescine, cadaverine, etc. have been implicated in a variety of cellular functions. However, details of their mode of interaction with other ubiquitous biomolecules is not known. We have solved a few structures of polyamine-amino acid complexes to understand the nature and mode of their interactions. Here we report the structure of a complex of putrescine with DL-glutamic acid. Comparison of the structure with the structure of putrescine-L-glutamic acid complex reveals the high degree of similarity in the mode of interaction in the two complexes. Despite the presence of a centre of symmetry in the present case, the arrangement of molecules is strikingly similar to the L-glutamic acid complex.


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An analysis of 503 available triosephosphate isomerase sequences revealed nine fully conserved residues. Of these, four residues-K12, H95, E97 and E165-are capable of proton transfer and are all arrayed around the dihydroxyacetone phosphate substrate in the three-dimensional structure. Specific roles have been assigned to the residues K12, H95 and E165, but the nature of the involvement of E97 has not been established. Kinetic and structural characterization is reported for the E97Q and E97D mutants of Plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase (Pf TIM). A 4000-fold reduction in k(cat) is observed for E97Q, whereas the E97D mutant shows a 100-fold reduction. The control mutant, E165A, which lacks the key catalytic base, shows an approximately 9000-fold drop in activity. The integrity of the overall fold and stability of the dimeric structure have been demonstrated by biophysical studies. Crystal structures of E97Q and E97D mutants have been determined at 2.0 angstrom resolution. In the case of the isosteric replacement of glutamic acid by glutamine in the E97Q mutant a large conformational change for the critical K12 side chain is observed, corresponding to a trans-to-gauche transition about the C gamma-C delta (chi(3)) bond. In the E97D mutant, the K12 side chain maintains the wild-type orientation, but the hydrogen bond between K12 and D97 is lost. The results are interpreted as a direct role for E97 in the catalytic proton transfer cycle. The proposed mechanism eliminates the need to invoke the formation of the energetically unfavourable imidazolate anion at H95, a key feature of the classical mechanism.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa tRNA was treated with iodine, CNBr and N-ethylmaleimide,three thionucleotide-specific reagents. Reaction with iodine resulted in extensive loss of acceptor activity by lysine tRNA, glutamic acid tRNA, glutamine tRNA, serine tRNA and tyrosine tRNA. CNBr treatment resulted in high loss of acceptor ability by lysine tRNA, glutamic acid tRNA and glutamine tRNA. Only the acceptor ability of tyrosine tRNA was inhibited up to 66% by N-ethylmaleimide treatment, a reagent specific for 4-thiouridine. By the combined use of benzoylated DEAE-cellulose and DEAESephadex columns, lysine tRNA of Ps. aeruginosa was resolved into two isoaccepting species, a major, tRNAL'y and a minor, tRNA'Ys. Co-chromatography of 14C-labelled tRNALYS and 3H-labelled tRNALy, on benzoylated DEAE-cellulose at pH4.5 gave two distinct, non-superimposable profiles for the two activity peaks, suggesting that they were separate species. The acceptor activity of these two species was inhibited by about 95% by iodine and CNBr. Both the species showed equal response to codons AAA and AAG and also for poly(A) and poly(A1,Gl) suggesting that the anticodon of these species was UUU. Chemical modification of these two species by iodine did not inhibit the coding response. The two species of lysine of Ps. aeruginosa are truly redundant in that they are indistinguishable either by chemical modification or by their coding response.


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1. A detailed polarographic study of cadmium has been made employing glycine, α-alanine, β-alanine, valine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and asparagine as complexing agents at various pH values. The effect of incorporating sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate and ammonium nitrate + ammonium hydroxide, on the polarographic behaviour of amino acid complexes of cadmium has also been investigated. 2. The reduction process has been found to be reversible in all systems. 3. The small shifts in the half-wave potentials noticed due to increase in the concentration of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate in presence of amino acids have been explained on the basis of formation of mixtures of pure and mixed amino acid complexes of cadmium. Mixed complexes have also been noticed in presence of ammonium hydroxide and ammonium nitrate and amino acids. 4. Polarographic evidence has been obtained for the formation of over 30 pure and mixed complexes. The dissociation constant Kd, the Δ F° value for the dissociation, and standard potential value for the formation, of each complex have been computed. 5. It has been found that cadmium can be polarographically estimated in amino acid solutions.


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1. The polarographic behaviour of glycine, α-alanine, β-alanine, valine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and asparagine complexes of lead has been studied at various pH values and in presence of (1) NaOH, (2) Na2CO3 and (3) NH4 NO3+NH4OH. All the polarographic waves have been found to be reversible. 2. Experiments conducted on the effect of variation of pH, i.e., 7acid have indicated the formation of Pb A and Pb A2. The data have been analysed employing the equations developed by DeFord and Hume as modified by McKenzie and Mellor. 3. Only pure complexes are produced below pH 11·2 in the case of aspartic acid, glutamic acid and glycine, while mono hydroxy complexes are produced in α-alanine, valine and asparagine systems. 4. It has been found that no mixed hydroxy and mixed ammonia complexes are produced in presence of sodium hydroxide and ammonia-ammonium nitrate, respectively. However evidence is obtained for the formation of mixed carbonate complexes in glycine and aspartic acid systems in presence of sodium carbonate. 5. Thermodynamic data have been calculated from polarographic measurements for 18 complexes. 6. The suitability of incorporating amino acids in base solutions for the polarographic estimation of lead has been tested.


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C~0H~gN5Os.2H20, Mr=325.32, monoclinic,P2~, a = 12.029 (2), b=4.904 (2), c=13.215 (2) A, fl= 107.68 (2) ° , F= 743 (1) A 3, Z= 2,D m = 1-45, D x = 1.45 Mg m -3, Cu Ka, 2 = 1.54184 A,fl= 1.01mm -1, F(000)=348, T=293K. The final R value for 1277 observed reflections 110 >_ 3tr(Io)l is 0.031. The dipeptide exists as a zwitterion. The arginyl side-chain conformation is similar to that found in arginyl-glutamic acid [Pandit, Seshadri & Viswamitra (1983). Acta Cryst. C39, 1669-16721. The guanidyl group forms a pair of hydrogen bonds with oxygen atoms of the backbone carboxyl group. The crystal structure is also stabilized by -bonding interactions involving both water molecules.


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The influence of chemical mutation featuring the selective conversion of asparagine or glutamine to aspartic or glutamic acid, respectively, on the kinetics of refolding of reduced RNase has been studied. The monodeamidated derivatives of RNase A, viz. RNase Aa1a, Aa1b, and Aa1c having their deamidations in the region 67-74, were found to regain nearly their original enzymatic activity. However, a marked difference in the kinetics of refolding is seen, the order of regain of enzymic activity being RNase A greater than Aa1c congruent to Aa1a greater than Aa1b. The similarities in the distinct elution positions on Amberlite XE-64, gel electrophoretic mobilities, and u.v. spectra of reoxidized and native derivatives indicated that the native structures are formed. The slower rate of reappearance of enzymic activity in the case of the monodeamidated derivatives appears to result from altered interactions in the early stages of refolding. The roles of some amino acid residues of the 67-74 region in the pathway of refolding of RNase A are discussed.