20 resultados para frequency scaling factors


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Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) offers a huge potential for designing trade-offs involving energy, power, temperature and performance of computing systems. In this paper, we evaluate three different DVFS schemes - our enhancement of a Petri net performance model based DVFS method for sequential programs to stream programs, a simple profile based Linear Scaling method, and an existing hardware based DVFS method for multithreaded applications - using multithreaded stream applications, in a full system Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) simulator. From our evaluation, we find that the software based methods achieve significant Energy/Throughput2(ET−2) improvements. The hardware based scheme degrades performance heavily and suffers ET−2 loss. Our results indicate that the simple profile based scheme achieves the benefits of the complex Petri net based scheme for stream programs, and present a strong case for the need for independent voltage/frequency control for different cores of CMPs, which is lacking in most of the state-of-the-art CMPs. This is in contrast to the conclusions of a recent evaluation of per-core DVFS schemes for multithreaded applications for CMPs.


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Multiple Clock Domain processors provide an attractive solution to the increasingly challenging problems of clock distribution and power dissipation. They allow their chips to be partitioned into different clock domains, and each domain’s frequency (voltage) to be independently configured. This flexibility adds new dimensions to the Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling problem, while providing better scope for saving energy and meeting performance demands. In this paper, we propose a compiler directed approach for MCD-DVFS. We build a formal petri net based program performance model, parameterized by settings of microarchitectural components and resource configurations, and integrate it with our compiler passes for frequency selection.Our model estimates the performance impact of a frequency setting, unlike the existing best techniques which rely on weaker indicators of domain performance such as queue occupancies(used by online methods) and slack manifestation for a particular frequency setting (software based methods).We evaluate our method with subsets of SPECFP2000,Mediabench and Mibench benchmarks. Our mean energy savings is 60.39% (versus 33.91% of the best software technique)in a memory constrained system for cache miss dominated benchmarks, and we meet the performance demands.Our ED2 improves by 22.11% (versus 18.34%) for other benchmarks. For a CPU with restricted frequency settings, our energy consumption is within 4.69% of the optimal.


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Energy consumption has become a major constraint in providing increased functionality for devices with small form factors. Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling has been identified as an effective approach for reducing the energy consumption of embedded systems. Earlier works on dynamic voltage scaling focused mainly on performing voltage scaling when the CPU is waiting for memory subsystem or concentrated chiefly on loop nests and/or subroutine calls having sufficient number of dynamic instructions. This paper concentrates on coarser program regions and for the first time uses program phase behavior for performing dynamic voltage scaling. Program phases are annotated at compile time with mode switch instructions. Further, we relate the Dynamic Voltage Scaling Problem to the Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem, and use well known heuristics to solve it efficiently. Also, we develop a simple integer linear program formulation for this problem. Experimental evaluation on a set of media applications reveal that our heuristic method obtains a 38% reduction in energy consumption on an average, with a performance degradation of 1% and upto 45% reduction in energy with a performance degradation of 5%. Further, the energy consumed by the heuristic solution is within 1% of the optimal solution obtained from the ILP approach.


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Regional impacts of climate change remain subject to large uncertainties accumulating from various sources, including those due to choice of general circulation models (GCMs), scenarios, and downscaling methods. Objective constraints to reduce the uncertainty in regional predictions have proven elusive. In most studies to date the nature of the downscaling relationship (DSR) used for such regional predictions has been assumed to remain unchanged in a future climate. However,studies have shown that climate change may manifest in terms of changes in frequencies of occurrence of the leading modes of variability, and hence, stationarity of DSRs is not really a valid assumption in regional climate impact assessment. This work presents an uncertainty modeling framework where, in addition to GCM and scenario uncertainty, uncertainty in the nature of the DSR is explored by linking downscaling with changes in frequencies of such modes of natural variability. Future projections of the regional hydrologic variable obtained by training a conditional random field (CRF) model on each natural cluster are combined using the weighted Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory of evidence combination. Each projection is weighted with the future projected frequency of occurrence of that cluster (''cluster linking'') and scaled by the GCM performance with respect to the associated cluster for the present period (''frequency scaling''). The D-S theory was chosen for its ability to express beliefs in some hypotheses, describe uncertainty and ignorance in the system, and give a quantitative measurement of belief and plausibility in results. The methodology is tested for predicting monsoon streamflow of the Mahanadi River at Hirakud Reservoir in Orissa, India. The results show an increasing probability of extreme, severe, and moderate droughts due to limate change. Significantly improved agreement between GCM predictions owing to cluster linking and frequency scaling is seen, suggesting that by linking regional impacts to natural regime frequencies, uncertainty in regional predictions can be realistically quantified. Additionally, by using a measure of GCM performance in simulating natural regimes, this uncertainty can be effectively constrained.


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Analytical expressions are found for the coupled wavenumbers in an infinite fluid-filled cylindrical shell using the asymptotic methods. These expressions are valid for any general circumferential order (n).The shallow shell theory (which is more accurate at higher frequencies)is used to model the cylinder. Initially, the in vacua shell is dealt with and asymptotic expressions are derived for the shell wavenumbers in the high-and the low-frequency regimes. Next, the fluid-filled shell is considered. Defining a relevant fluid-loading parameter p, we find solutions for the limiting cases of small and large p. Wherever relevant, a frequency scaling parameter along with some ingenuity is used to arrive at an elegant asymptotic expression. In all cases.Poisson's ratio v is used as an expansion variable. The asymptotic results are compared with numerical solutions of the dispersion equation and the dispersion relation obtained by using the more general Donnell-Mushtari shell theory (in vacuo and fluid-filled). A good match is obtained. Hence, the contribution of this work lies in the extension of the existing literature to include arbitrary circumferential orders(n). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the design of a power efficient microarchitecture for transient fault detection in chip multiprocessors (CMPs) We introduce a new per-core dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) algorithm for our architecture that significantly reduces power dissipation for redundant execution with a minimal performance overhead. Using cycle accurate simulation combined with a simple first order power model, we estimate that our architecture reduces dynamic power dissipation in the redundant core by an mean value of 79% and a maximum of 85% with an associated mean performance overhead of only 1:2%


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Analytical expressions are found for the wavenumbers and resonance frequencies in flexible, orthotropic shells using the asymptotic methods. These expressions are valid for arbitrary circumferential orders n. The Donnell-Mushtari shell theory is used to model the dynamics of the cylindrical shell. Initially, an in vacuo cylindrical isotropic shell is considered and expressions for all the wavenumbers (bending, near-field bending, longitudinal and torsional) are found. Subsequently, defining a suitable orthotropy parameter epsilon, the problem of wave propagation in an orthotropic shell is posed as a perturbation on the corresponding problem for an isotropic shell. Asymptotic expressions for the wavenumbers in the in vacuo orthotropic shell are then obtained by treating epsilon as an expansion parameter. In both cases (isotropy and orthotropy), a frequency-scaling parameter (eta) and Poisson's ratio (nu) are used to find elegant expansions in the different frequency regimes. The asymptotic expansions are compared with numerical solutions in each of the cases and the match is found to be good. The main contribution of this work lies in the extension of the existing literature by developing closed-form expressions for wavenumbers with arbitrary circumferential orders n in the case of both, isotropic and orthotropic shells. Finally, we present natural frequency expressions in finite shells (isotropic and orthotropic) for the axisymmetric mode and compare them with numerical and ANSYS results. Here also, the comparison is found to be good. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Relentless CMOS scaling coupled with lower design tolerances is making ICs increasingly susceptible to wear-out related permanent faults and transient faults, necessitating on-chip fault tolerance in future chip microprocessors (CMPs). In this paper, we describe a power-efficient architecture for redundant execution on chip multiprocessors (CMPs) which when coupled with our per-core dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) algorithm significantly reduces the energy overhead of redundant execution without sacrificing performance. Our evaluation shows that this architecture has a performance overhead of only 0.3% and consumes only 1.48 times the energy of a non-fault-tolerant baseline.


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Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) is a very effective tool for designing trade-offs between energy and performance. In this paper, we use a formal Petri net based program performance model that directly captures both the application and system properties, to find energy efficient DVFS settings for CMP systems, that satisfy a given performance constraint, for SPMD multithreaded programs. Experimental evaluation shows that we achieve significant energy savings, while meeting the performance constraints.


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Scaling approaches are widely used by hydrologists for Regional Frequency Analysis (RFA) of floods at ungauged/sparsely gauged site(s) in river basins. This paper proposes a Recursive Multi-scaling (RMS) approach to RFA that overcomes limitations of conventional simple- and multi-scaling approaches. The approach involves identification of a separate set of attributes corresponding to each of the sites (being considered in the study area/region) in a recursive manner according to their importance, and utilizing those attributes to construct effective regional regression relationships to estimate statistical raw moments (SMs) of peak flows. The SMs are then utilized to arrive at parameters of flood frequency distribution and quantile estimate(s) corresponding to target return period(s). Effectiveness of the RMS approach in arriving at flood quantile estimates for ungauged sites is demonstrated through leave-one-out cross-validation experiment on watersheds in Indiana State, USA. Results indicate that the approach outperforms index-flood based Region-of-Influence approach, simple- and multi-scaling approaches and a multiple linear regression method. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Time-frequency analysis of various simulated and experimental signals due to elastic wave scattering from damage are performed using wavelet transform (WT) and Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) and their performances are compared in context of quantifying the damages. Spectral finite element method is employed for numerical simulation of wave scattering. An analytical study is carried out to study the effects of higher-order damage parameters on the reflected wave from a damage. Based on this study, error bounds are computed for the signals in the spectral and also on the time-frequency domains. It is shown how such an error bound can provide all estimate of error in the modelling of wave propagation in structure with damage. Measures of damage based on WT and HHT is derived to quantify the damage information hidden in the signal. The aim of this study is to obtain detailed insights into the problem of (1) identifying localised damages (2) dispersion of multifrequency non-stationary signals after they interact with various types of damage and (3) quantifying the damages. Sensitivity analysis of the signal due to scattered wave based on time-frequency representation helps to correlate the variation of damage index measures with respect to the damage parameters like damage size and material degradation factors.


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A primary motivation for this work arises from the contradictory results obtained in some recent measurements of the zero-crossing frequency of turbulent fluctuations in shear flows. A systematic study of the various factors involved in zero-crossing measurements shows that the dynamic range of the signal, the discriminator characteristics, filter frequency and noise contamination have a strong bearing on the results obtained. These effects are analysed, and explicit corrections for noise contamination have been worked out. New measurements of the zero-crossing frequency N0 have been made for the longitudinal velocity fluctuation in boundary layers and a wake, for wall shear stress in a channel, and for temperature derivatives in a heated boundary layer. All these measurements show that a zero-crossing microscale, defined as Λ = (2πN0)−1, is always nearly equal to the well-known Taylor microscale λ (in time). These measurements, as well as a brief analysis, show that even strong departures from Gaussianity do not necessarily yield values appreciably different from unity for the ratio Λ/λ. Further, the variation of N0/N0 max across the boundary layer is found to correlate with the familiar wall and outer coordinates; the outer scaling for N0 max is totally inappropriate, and the inner scaling shows only a weak Reynolds-number dependence. It is also found that the distribution of the interval between successive zero-crossings can be approximated by a combination of a lognormal and an exponential, or (if the shortest intervals are ignored) even of two exponentials, one of which characterizes crossings whose duration is of the order of the wall-variable timescale ν/U2*, while the other characterizes crossings whose duration is of the order of the large-eddy timescale δ/U[infty infinity]. The significance of these results is discussed, and it is particularly argued that the pulse frequency of Rao, Narasimha & Badri Narayanan (1971) is appreciably less than the zero-crossing rate.


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MEMS resonators are designed for a fixed resonant frequency. Therefore, any shift in the resonant frequency of the final fabricated structure can be a denting factor for its suitability towards a desired application. There are numerous factors which alter the designed resonant frequency of the fabricated resonator such as the metal layer deposited on top of the beam and the residual stresses present in the fabricated structure. While the metal coating, which acts as electrode, increases the stiffness and the effective mass of the composite structure, the residual stress increases or decreases the net stiffness if it is a tensile or compressive type respectively. In this paper, we investigate both these cases by taking two different structures, namely, the micro cantilever beam with gold layer deposited on its top surface and the MEMS gyroscope with residual stresses. First, we carry out experiments to characterize both these structures to find their resonant frequencies. Later, we analytically model those effects and compare them with the experimentally obtained values. Finally, it is found that the analytical models give an error of less than 10% with respect to the experimental results in both the cases.


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One of the most important factors that affect the pointing of precision payloads and devices in space platforms is the vibration generated due to static and dynamic unbalanced forces of rotary equipments placed in the neighborhood of payload. Generally, such disturbances are of low amplitude, less than 1 kHz, and are termed as ‘micro-vibrations’. Due to low damping in the space structure, these vibrations have long decay time and they degrade the performance of payload. This paper addresses the design, modeling and analysis of a low frequency space frame platform for passive and active attenuation of micro-vibrations. This flexible platform has been designed to act as a mount for devices like reaction wheels, and consists of four folded continuous beams arranged in three dimensions. Frequency and response analysis have been carried out by varying the number of folds, and thickness of vertical beam. Results show that lower frequencies can be achieved by increasing the number of folds and by decreasing the thickness of the blade. In addition, active vibration control is studied by incorporating piezoelectric actuators and sensors in the dynamic model. It is shown using simulation that a control strategy using optimal control is effective for vibration suppression under a wide variety of loading conditions.


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We present the details of a formalism for calculating spatially varying zero-frequency response functions and equal-time correlation functions in models of magnetic and mixed-valence impurities of metals. The method is based on a combination of perturbative, thermodynamic scaling theory [H. R. Krishna-murthy and C. Jayaprakash, Phys. Rev. B 30, 2806 (1984)] and a nonperturbative technique such as the Wilson renormalization group. We illustrate the formalism for the spin-1/2 Kondo problem and present results for the conduction-spin-density�impurity-spin correlation function and conduction-electron charge density near the impurity. We also discuss qualitative features that emerge from our calculations and discuss how they can be carried over to the case of realistic models for transition-metal impurities.