424 resultados para disulphide bonds


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Background: Disulphide bridges are well known to play key roles in stability, folding and functions of proteins. Introduction or deletion of disulphides by site-directed mutagenesis have produced varying effects on stability and folding depending upon the protein and location of disulphide in the 3-D structure. Given the lack of complete understanding it is worthwhile to learn from an analysis of extent of conservation of disulphides in homologous proteins. We have also addressed the question of what structural interactions replaces a disulphide in a homologue in another homologue. Results: Using a dataset involving 34,752 pairwise comparisons of homologous protein domains corresponding to 300 protein domain families of known 3-D structures, we provide a comprehensive analysis of extent of conservation of disulphide bridges and their structural features. We report that only 54% of all the disulphide bonds compared between the homologous pairs are conserved, even if, a small fraction of the non-conserved disulphides do include cytoplasmic proteins. Also, only about one fourth of the distinct disulphides are conserved in all the members in protein families. We note that while conservation of disulphide is common in many families, disulphide bond mutations are quite prevalent. Interestingly, we note that there is no clear relationship between sequence identity between two homologous proteins and disulphide bond conservation. Our analysis on structural features at the sites where cysteines forming disulphide in one homologue are replaced by non-Cys residues show that the elimination of a disulphide in a homologue need not always result in stabilizing interactions between equivalent residues. Conclusion: We observe that in the homologous proteins, disulphide bonds are conserved only to a modest extent. Very interestingly, we note that extent of conservation of disulphide in homologous proteins is unrelated to the overall sequence identity between homologues. The non-conserved disulphides are often associated with variable structural features that were recruited to be associated with differentiation or specialisation of protein function.


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A general procedure for arriving at 3-D models of disulphiderich olypeptide systems based on the covalent cross-link constraints has been developed. The procedure, which has been coded as a computer program, RANMOD, assigns a large number of random, permitted backbone conformations to the polypeptide and identifies stereochemically acceptable structures as plausible models based on strainless disulphide bridge modelling. Disulphide bond modelling is performed using the procedure MODIP developed earlier, in connection with the choice of suitable sites where disulphide bonds could be engineered in proteins (Sowdhamini,R., Srinivasan,N., Shoichet,B., Santi,D.V., Ramakrishnan,C. and Balaram,P. (1989) Protein Engng, 3, 95-103). The method RANMOD has been tested on small disulphide loops and the structures compared against preferred backbone conformations derived from an analysis of putative disulphide subdatabase and model calculations. RANMOD has been applied to disulphiderich peptides and found to give rise to several stereochemically acceptable structures. The results obtained on the modelling of two test cases, a-conotoxin GI and endothelin I, are presented. Available NMR data suggest that such small systems exhibit conformational heterogeneity in solution. Hence, this approach for obtaining several distinct models is particularly attractive for the study of conformational excursions.


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Cysteine residues in proteins serve many important functions such as stabilizing and maintaining the three-dimensional conformation of many proteins(1), in enzyme catalysis, as a residue undergoing post-translational 2 and in the formation of DNA-binding modification domain of a class of transcriptional activators(3), It is also involved in biological redox coupling(4) and xenobiotic metabolism(5). Disulphide bonds formed by xenobiotic metabolism oxidation of cysteine residues have been used as a probe to study the structure/function relationships of proteins, Introducing novel disulphide bonds in proteins to increase their thermal stability and, therefore, the shelf life is an important goal of protein engineering(6,7), In addition, the thiol group of cysteine residue participates in a reaction termed as thiol/disulphide exchange reaction, the biological significance of this reaction being the theme of this review.


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The existing internet computing resource, Biomolecules Segment Display Device (BSDD), has been updated with several additional useful features. An advanced option is provided to superpose the structural motifs obtained from a search on the Protein Data Bank (PDB) in order to see if the three-dimensional structures adopted by identical or similar sequence motifs are the same. Furthermore, the options to display structural aspects like inter- and intra-molecular interactions, ion-pairs, disulphide bonds, etc. have been provided.The updated resource is interfaced with an up-to-date copy of the public domain PDB as well as 25 and 90% non-redundant protein structures. Further, users can upload the three-dimensional atomic coordinates (PDB format) from the client machine. A free molecular graphics program, JMol, is interfaced with it to display the three-dimensional structures.


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Three overlapping assembled epitopes of beta hCG have been mapped using MAb probes and a single step solid phase radioimmunoassay. These epitopes have been shown to be at receptor binding region comprising of the loop region beta Cys93-Cys100. Importance of disulphide bonds in maintaining integrity of these epitopes is assessed. Two MAbs (INN 58 and INN 22) interact with the beta region as well as the alpha C-terminal peptide, while the other MAb INN 24 interacts with only the beta region. Cross-reactivity pattern with beta hCG and hLH as web as the reported crystal structure of hCG substantiates the epitope identification. The results demonstrate utility of MAbs as probes in investigations on three-dimensional structure of gonadatropins.


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Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been used extensively for identification of sequence-specific epitopes using either the ELISA or/and IRMA methods, However, attempts to use MAbs for identification of conformation-specific epitopes have been very few as they are considered very labile. We have investigated the stability of conformation-specific epitopes of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) using a quantitative solid-phase radioimmnunoassay (SPRIA) technique. Several epitopes are stable to mild modification (chemical and proteolytic) conditions, and epitopes show differential stability for these modifications. Based on these observations, a monoclonal antibody (MAb 16) for an a-subunit-specific epitope of hCG has been used to monitor changes at the epitopic site (identified as epitope 16) on modification of hCG, using SPRIA with immobilized MAb 16. Modifications of amino groups, hydroxyl group of tyrosine as well as carboxyl group of Asp/Glu all bring about sufficient changes in the epitope integrity. Peptide bond hydrolysis at lysine residues damages the epitope, but not at arginine residues, Hydrolysis at tyrosine does not affect the epitope, though modification of the side-chain of tyrosine inactivates the epitope. Destruction of the epitope occurs on reduction of the disulphide bonds. Partial retention of the epitope activity is seen on modification of carboxyl or the epsilon-amino groups of lysine. Based on these results four to six amino acids have been identified to be at the epitopic site, and the data suggest that two peptide segments are brought together by the disulphide bond Cys10-Cys60 to form the epitope.


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X-ray absorpion near edge structure (xanes) of copper compounds with copper in 1+, 2+ and 3+ states has been studied. Extended x-ray absorption fine structure (exafs) has been employed to determine bond distances and coordination numbers in several model copper compounds. Employing bothxanes andexafs, the structure of the copper complex formed by the micro-organismPseudomonas aeruginosa has been shown to be square-planar with the Cu-O distance close to that in cupric glucuronates and cupric acetylacetonate.exafs has been shown to be useful for studying metal-metal bonds in copper carboxylates.


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The basic cyclic hexapeptide conformations which accommodate hydrogen bonded β and γ turns in the backbone have been worked out using stereochemical criteria and energy minimization procedures. It was found that cyclic hexapeptides can be made up of all possible combinations of 4 ± 1 hydrogen bonded types I, I', II and II' β turns, giving rise to symmetric conformations having twofold and inversion symmetries as well as nonsymmetric structures. Conformations having exclusive features of 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonded γ turns were found to be possible in threefold and S6 symmetric cyclic hexapeptides. The results show that the cyclic hexapeptides formed by the linking of two β turn tripeptide fragments differ mainly in (a) the hydrogen bonding scheme present in the β turn tripeptides and (b) the conformation at the α-carbon atoms where the two tripeptide fragments link. The different hydrogen bonding schemes found in the component β turns are: 1) a β turn with only a 4 ± 1 hydrogen bond, 2) a type I or I' β turn with 4 ± 1 and 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonds occurring in a bifurcated form and 3) a type II or II' β turn having both the 4 ± 1 and the 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonds with the same acceptor oxygen atom. The conformation at the linking α-carbon atoms was found to lie either in the extended region or in the 3 ± 1 hydrogen bonded γ turn or inverse γ turn regions. Further, the threefold and the S6 symmetric conformations have three γ turns interleaved by three extended regions or three inverse γ turns, respectively. The feasibility of accommodating alanyl residues of both isomeric forms in the CHP minima has been explored. Finally, the available experimental data are reviewed in the light of the present results.


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X-ray crystal structure analysis of 7-methoxycoumarin reveals that the reactive double bonds are rotated by about 65° with respect to each other, the centre-to-centre distance between the double bonds being 3.83 Å. In spite of this unfavourable arrangement, photodimerization occurs in the crystalline state yielding the syn-head-tail dimer as the only product. Lattice energy calculations on ground-state molecules in crystals throw light on the mechanism of the reaction.


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The conformation of three linked peptide units having an internal 4 → 1 type of hydrogen bond has been studied in detail, and the low energy conformations are listed. These conformations all lead to the reversal of the chain direction, and may therefore be called as “hairpin bends” or “U-bends”. Since this bend can occur at the end of two chains hydrogen-bonded in the antiparallel β-conformation, it is also known as the “β-bend”. Two types of conformation are possible when the residues at the second and third Cα atoms are both of type L (the LL bend), while only one type is possible for the LD and the DL bend. The LL bend can also accommodate the sequences LG, GL, GG (G = glycine), while the LD bend can accommodate the sequences LG, GD and GG. The conformations for the sequences DD and DL are exact inverses (or mirror images) of those for the sequences LL and LD, respectively, and have dihedral angles (phi2, ψ2), (phi3, ψ3) of the same magnitudes, but of opposite signs as those for the former types, which are listed, along with the characteristics (length, angle and energy) of the hydrogen bonds. A comparison of the theoretical predictions with experimental data (from X-ray diffraction and NMR studies) on proteins and peptides, show reasonably good agreement. However, a systematic trend is observable in the experimental data, slightly deviating from theory, which indicates that some deformations occur in the shapes of the peptide units forming the bend, differing from that of the standard planar peptide unit.


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The amino terminal suzukacillin decapeptide fragment, Boc-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Val-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aitbh-eO Me, two pentapeptides Boc-AibPrc-Val-AibVal-OMe and Boc-Ala-AibAla-AibAibOMe, and the tripeptide Boc-Ala-AibAibOMe have been studied by 270-MHz 'H NMR spectroscopy. By use of solvent dependence of chemical shifts in a CDC13-(CD3),S0 system and temperature dependence of amide NH chemical shifts in (CD3),S0, the intramolecularly hydrogen bonded NH groups in these peptides have been identified. The tripeptide possesses one hydrogen bond, both pentapeptides show evidence for three intramolecular hydrogen bonds, and the decapeptide has eight NH groups participating in hydrogen bonding. An Ala( 1)-Aib(2) @ turn is proposed for the tripeptide. Both pentapeptides favor 310 helical conformations composed of three consecutive B turns. The decapeptide adopts a 310 helical conformation with some flexibility at the Va1(5)-Ala(6) segment. The proposed conformations are consistent with the known stereochemical preferences of Aib residues.


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Abstract is not available.


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The data obtained in the earlier parts of this series for the donor and acceptor end parameters of N-H. O and O-H. O hydrogen bonds have been utilised to obtain a qualitative working criterion to classify the hydrogen bonds into three categories: "very good" (VG), "moderately good" (MG) and weak (W). The general distribution curves for all the four parameters are found to be nearly of the Gaussian type. Assuming that the VG hydrogen bonds lie between 0 and ± la, MG hydrogen bonds between ± 1 and ± 2, W hydrogen bonds beyond ± 2 (where is the standard deviation), suitable cut-off limits for classifying the hydrogen bonds in the three categories have been derived. These limits are used to get VG and MG ranges for the four parameters 1 and θ (at the donor end) and ± and ± (at the acceptor end). The qualitative strength of a hydrogen bond is decided by the cumulative application of the criteria to all the four parameters. The criterion has been further applied to some practical examples in conformational studies such as α-helix and can be used for obtaining suitable location of hydrogen atoms to form good hydrogen bonds. An empirical approach to the energy of hydrogen bonds in the three categories has also been presented.