122 resultados para discrete mathematics


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We show that the cubicity of a connected threshold graph is equal to inverted right perpendicularlog(2) alpha inverted left perpendicular, where alpha is its independence number.


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An axis-parallel b-dimensional box is a Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-b where each R-i (for 1 <= i <= b) is a closed interval of the form [a(i), b(i)] on the real line. The boxicity of any graph G, box(G) is the minimum positive integer b such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of axis-parallel b-dimensional boxes. A b-dimensional cube is a Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-b, where each R-i (for 1 <= i <= b) is a closed interval of the form [a(i), a(i) + 1] on the real line. When the boxes are restricted to be axis-parallel cubes in b-dimension, the minimum dimension b required to represent the graph is called the cubicity of the graph (denoted by cub(G)). In this paper we prove that cub(G) <= inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular box(G), where n is the number of vertices in the graph. We also show that this upper bound is tight.Some immediate consequences of the above result are listed below: 1. Planar graphs have cubicity at most 3inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninvereted left perpendicular.2. Outer planar graphs have cubicity at most 2inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular.3. Any graph of treewidth tw has cubicity at most (tw + 2) inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular. Thus, chordal graphs have cubicity at most (omega + 1) inverted right erpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular and circular arc graphs have cubicity at most (2 omega + 1)inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular, where omega is the clique number.


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Let G = (V, E) be a finite, simple and undirected graph. For S subset of V, let delta(S, G) = {(u, v) is an element of E : u is an element of S and v is an element of V - S} be the edge boundary of S. Given an integer i, 1 <= i <= vertical bar V vertical bar, let the edge isoperimetric value of G at i be defined as b(e)(i, G) = min(S subset of V:vertical bar S vertical bar=i)vertical bar delta(S, G)vertical bar. The edge isoperimetric peak of G is defined as b(e)(G) = max(1 <= j <=vertical bar V vertical bar)b(e)(j, G). Let b(v)(G) denote the vertex isoperimetric peak defined in a corresponding way. The problem of determining a lower bound for the vertex isoperimetric peak in complete t-ary trees was recently considered in [Y. Otachi, K. Yamazaki, A lower bound for the vertex boundary-width of complete k-ary trees, Discrete Mathematics, in press (doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2007.05.014)]. In this paper we provide bounds which improve those in the above cited paper. Our results can be generalized to arbitrary (rooted) trees. The depth d of a tree is the number of nodes on the longest path starting from the root and ending at a leaf. In this paper we show that for a complete binary tree of depth d (denoted as T-d(2)), c(1)d <= b(e) (T-d(2)) <= d and c(2)d <= b(v)(T-d(2)) <= d where c(1), c(2) are constants. For a complete t-ary tree of depth d (denoted as T-d(t)) and d >= c log t where c is a constant, we show that c(1)root td <= b(e)(T-d(t)) <= td and c(2)d/root t <= b(v) (T-d(t)) <= d where c(1), c(2) are constants. At the heart of our proof we have the following theorem which works for an arbitrary rooted tree and not just for a complete t-ary tree. Let T = (V, E, r) be a finite, connected and rooted tree - the root being the vertex r. Define a weight function w : V -> N where the weight w(u) of a vertex u is the number of its successors (including itself) and let the weight index eta(T) be defined as the number of distinct weights in the tree, i.e eta(T) vertical bar{w(u) : u is an element of V}vertical bar. For a positive integer k, let l(k) = vertical bar{i is an element of N : 1 <= i <= vertical bar V vertical bar, b(e)(i, G) <= k}vertical bar. We show that l(k) <= 2(2 eta+k k)


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A graph is said to be k-variegated if its vertex set can be partitioned into k equal parts such that each vertex is adjacent to exactly one vertex from every other part not containing it. Bednarek and Sanders [1] posed the problem of characterizing k-variegated graphs. V.N. Bhat-Nayak, S.A. Choudum and R.N. Naik [2] gave the characterization of 2-variegated graphs. In this paper we characterize k-variegated graphs for k greater-or-equal, slanted 3.


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An expression is derived for the probability that the determinant of an n x n matrix over a finite field vanishes; from this it is deduced that for a fixed field this probability tends to 1 as n tends to.


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A k-dimensional box is the cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-k where each R-i is a closed interval on the real line. The boxicity of a graph G,denoted as box(G), is the minimum integer k such that G is the intersection graph of a collection of k-dimensional boxes. A unit cube in k-dimensional space or a k-cube is defined as the cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-k where each Ri is a closed interval on the real line of the form [a(i), a(i) + 1]. The cubicity of G, denoted as cub(G), is the minimum k such that G is the intersection graph of a collection of k-cubes. In this paper we show that cub(G) <= t + inverted right perpendicularlog(n - t)inverted left perpendicular - 1 and box(G) <= left perpendiculart/2right perpendicular + 1, where t is the cardinality of a minimum vertex cover of G and n is the number of vertices of G. We also show the tightness of these upper bounds. F.S. Roberts in his pioneering paper on boxicity and cubicity had shown that for a graph G, box(G) <= left perpendicularn/2right perpendicular and cub(G) <= inverted right perpendicular2n/3inverted left perpendicular, where n is the number of vertices of G, and these bounds are tight. We show that if G is a bipartite graph then box(G) <= inverted right perpendicularn/4inverted left perpendicular and this bound is tight. We also show that if G is a bipartite graph then cub(G) <= n/2 + inverted right perpendicularlog n inverted left perpendicular - 1. We point out that there exist graphs of very high boxicity but with very low chromatic number. For example there exist bipartite (i.e., 2 colorable) graphs with boxicity equal to n/4. Interestingly, if boxicity is very close to n/2, then chromatic number also has to be very high. In particular, we show that if box(G) = n/2 - s, s >= 0, then chi (G) >= n/2s+2, where chi (G) is the chromatic number of G.


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Formulae for the generating functions for hypergraphs, dihypergraphs, oriented hypergraphs, selfcomplementary directed hypergraphs and self complementary hypergraphs are presented here.


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A k-dimensional box is the Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-k where each R-i is a closed interval on the real line. The boxicity of a graph G, denoted as box(G) is the minimum integer k such that G is the intersection graph of a collection of k-dimensional boxes. Halin graphs are the graphs formed by taking a tree with no degree 2 vertex and then connecting its leaves to form a cycle in such a way that the graph has a planar embedding. We prove that if G is a Halin graph that is not isomorphic to K-4, then box(G) = 2. In fact, we prove the stronger result that if G is a planar graph formed by connecting the leaves of any tree in a simple cycle, then box(G) = 2 unless G is isomorphic to K4 (in which case its boxicity is 1).


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An acyclic edge coloring of a graph is a proper edge coloring such that there are no bichromatic (2-colored) cycles. The acyclic chromatic index of a graph is the minimum number k such that there is an acyclic edge coloring using k colors and is denoted by a'(G). Let Delta = Delta(G) denote the maximum degree of a vertex in a graph G. A complete bipartite graph with n vertices on each side is denoted by K-n,K-n. Alon, McDiarmid and Reed observed that a'(K-p-1,K-p-1) = p for every prime p. In this paper we prove that a'(K-p,K-p) <= p + 2 = Delta + 2 when p is prime. Basavaraju, Chandran and Kummini proved that a'(K-n,K-n) >= n + 2 = Delta + 2 when n is odd, which combined with our result implies that a'(K-p,K-p) = p + 2 = Delta + 2 when p is an odd prime. Moreover we show that if we remove any edge from K-p,K-p, the resulting graph is acyclically Delta + 1 = p + 1-edge-colorable. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Brooks' Theorem says that if for a graph G,Δ(G)=n, then G is n-colourable, unless (1) n=2 and G has an odd cycle as a component, or (2) n>2 and Kn+1 is a component of G. In this paper we prove that if a graph G has none of some three graphs (K1,3;K5−e and H) as an induced subgraph and if Δ(G)greater-or-equal, slanted6 and d(G)<Δ(G), then χ(G)<Δ(G). Also we give examples to show that the hypothesis Δ(G)greater-or-equal, slanted6 can not be non-trivially relaxed and the graph K5−e can not be removed from the hypothesis. Moreover, for a graph G with none of K1,3;K5−e and H as an induced subgraph, we verify Borodin and Kostochka's conjecture that if for a graph G,Δ(G)greater-or-equal, slanted9 and d(G)<Δ(G), then χ(G)<Δ(G).


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The number of two-line and three-line Latin rectangles is obtained by recursive methods in a setting slightly more general than usually considered. We show how this leads to a generalisation which is proved elsewhere.


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An acyclic edge coloring of a graph is a proper edge coloring such that there are no bichromatic cycles. The acyclic chromatic index of a graph is the minimum number k such that there is an acyclic edge coloring using k colors and it is denoted by a′(G). From a result of Burnstein it follows that all subcubic graphs are acyclically edge colorable using five colors. This result is tight since there are 3-regular graphs which require five colors. In this paper we prove that any non-regular connected graph of maximum degree 3 is acyclically edge colorable using at most four colors. This result is tight since all edge maximal non-regular connected graphs of maximum degree 3 require four colors.


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Via a computer search, Altshuler and Steinberg found that there are 1296+1 combinatorial 3-manifolds on nine vertices, of which only one is non-sphere. This exceptional 3-manifold View the MathML source triangulates the twisted S2-bundle over S1. It was first constructed by Walkup. In this paper, we present a computer-free proof of the uniqueness of this non-sphere combinatorial 3-manifold. As opposed to the computer-generated proof, ours does not require wading through all the 9-vertex 3-spheres. As a preliminary result, we also show that any 9-vertex combinatorial 3-manifold is equivalent by proper bistellar moves to a 9-vertex neighbourly 3-manifold.


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The boxicity of a graph G, denoted box(G), is the least integer d such that G is the intersection graph of a family of d-dimensional (axis-parallel) boxes. The cubicity, denoted cub(G), is the least dsuch that G is the intersection graph of a family of d-dimensional unit cubes. An independent set of three vertices is an asteroidal triple if any two are joined by a path avoiding the neighbourhood of the third. A graph is asteroidal triple free (AT-free) if it has no asteroidal triple. The claw number psi(G) is the number of edges in the largest star that is an induced subgraph of G. For an AT-free graph G with chromatic number chi(G) and claw number psi(G), we show that box(G) <= chi(C) and that this bound is sharp. We also show that cub(G) <= box(G)([log(2) psi(G)] + 2) <= chi(G)([log(2) psi(G)] + 2). If G is an AT-free graph having girth at least 5, then box(G) <= 2, and therefore cub(G) <= 2 [log(2) psi(G)] + 4. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tutte (1979) proved that the disconnected spanning subgraphs of a graph can be reconstructed from its vertex deck. This result is used to prove that if we can reconstruct a set of connected graphs from the shuffled edge deck (SED) then the vertex reconstruction conjecture is true. It is proved that a set of connected graphs can be reconstructed from the SED when all the graphs in the set are claw-free or all are P-4-free. Such a problem is also solved for a large subclass of the class of chordal graphs. This subclass contains maximal outerplanar graphs. Finally, two new conjectures, which imply the edge reconstruction conjecture, are presented. Conjecture 1 demands a construction of a stronger k-edge hypomorphism (to be defined later) from the edge hypomorphism. It is well known that the Nash-Williams' theorem applies to a variety of structures. To prove Conjecture 2, we need to incorporate more graph theoretic information in the Nash-Williams' theorem.