73 resultados para destination slogans


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The concept of interference alignment when extended to three-source three-destination instantaneous multiple unicast network for the case where, each source-destination pair has a min-cut of 1 and zero-interference conditions are not satisfied, is known to achieve a rate of half for every source-destination pair under certain conditions [6]. This was called network alignment. We generalize this concept of network alignment to three-source three-destination multiple unicast (3S-3D-MU) networks with delays, without making use of memory at the intermediate nodes (i.e., nodes other than the sources and destinations) and using time varying Local Encoding Kernels (LEKs). This achieves half the rate corresponding to the individual source-destination min-cut for some classes of 3S-3D-MU network with delays which do not satisfy the zero-interference conditions.


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A transform approach to network coding was in-troduced by Bavirisetti et al. (arXiv:1103.3882v3 [cs.IT]) as a tool to view wireline networks with delays as k-instantaneous networks (for some large k). When the local encoding kernels (LEKs) of the network are varied with every time block of length k >1, the network is said to use block time varying LEKs. In this work, we propose a Precoding Based Network Alignment (PBNA) scheme based on transform approach and block time varying LEKs for three-source three-destination multiple unicast network with delays (3-S3-D MUN-D). In a recent work, Menget al. (arXiv:1202.3405v1 [cs.IT]) reduced the infinite set of sufficient conditions for feasibility of PBNA in a three-source three-destination instantaneous multiple unicast network as given by Das et al. (arXiv:1008.0235v1 [cs.IT]) to a finite set and also showed that the conditions are necessary. We show that the conditions of Meng et al. are also necessary and sufficient conditions for feasibility of PBNA based on transform approach and block time varying LEKs for 3-S3-D MUN-D.


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Wireless adhoc networks transmit information from a source to a destination via multiple hops in order to save energy and, thus, increase the lifetime of battery-operated nodes. The energy savings can be especially significant in cooperative transmission schemes, where several nodes cooperate during one hop to forward the information to the next node along a route to the destination. Finding the best multi-hop transmission policy in such a network which determines nodes that are involved in each hop, is a very important problem, but also a very difficult one especially when the physical wireless channel behavior is to be accounted for and exploited. We model the above optimization problem for randomly fading channels as a decentralized control problem - the channel observations available at each node define the information structure, while the control policy is defined by the power and phase of the signal transmitted by each node. In particular, we consider the problem of computing an energy-optimal cooperative transmission scheme in a wireless network for two different channel fading models: (i) slow fading channels, where the channel gains of the links remain the same for a large number of transmissions, and (ii) fast fading channels, where the channel gains of the links change quickly from one transmission to another. For slow fading, we consider a factored class of policies (corresponding to local cooperation between nodes), and show that the computation of an optimal policy in this class is equivalent to a shortest path computation on an induced graph, whose edge costs can be computed in a decentralized manner using only locally available channel state information (CSI). For fast fading, both CSI acquisition and data transmission consume energy. Hence, we need to jointly optimize over both these; we cast this optimization problem as a large stochastic optimization problem. We then jointly optimize over a set of CSI functions of the local channel states, and a c- - orresponding factored class of control poli.


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Distributed space time coding for wireless relay networks when the source, the destination and the relays have multiple antennas have been studied by Jing and Hassibi. In this set-up, the transmit and the receive signals at different antennas of the same relay are processed and designed independently, even though the antennas are colocated. In this paper, a wireless relay network with single antenna at the source and the destination and two antennas at each of the R relays is considered. A new class of distributed space time block codes called Co-ordinate Interleaved Distributed Space-Time Codes (CIDSTC) are introduced where, in the first phase, the source transmits a T-length complex vector to all the relays;and in the second phase, at each relay, the in-phase and quadrature component vectors of the received complex vectors at the two antennas are interleaved and processed before forwarding them to the destination. Compared to the scheme proposed by Jing-Hassibi, for T >= 4R, while providing the same asymptotic diversity order of 2R, CIDSTC scheme is shown to provide asymptotic coding gain with the cost of negligible increase in the processing complexity at the relays. However, for moderate and large values of P, CIDSTC scheme is shown to provide more diversity than that of the scheme proposed by Jing-Hassibi. CIDSTCs are shown to be fully diverse provided the information symbols take value from an appropriate multidimensional signal set.


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A relay network with N relays and a single source-destination pair is called a partially-coherent relay channel (PCRC) if the destination has perfect channel state information (CSI) of all the channels and the relays have only the phase information of the source-to-relay channels. In this paper, first, a new set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a space-time block code (STBC) to be single-symbol decodable (SSD) for colocated multiple antenna communication is obtained. Then, this is extended to a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a distributed STBC (DSTBC) to be SSD for. a PCRC. Using this, several SSD DSTBCs for PCRC are identified. It is proved that even if a SSD STBC for a co-located MIMO channel does not satisfy the additional conditions for the code to be SSD for a PCRC, single-symbol decoding of it in a PCRC gives full-diversity and only coding gain is lost. It is shown that when a DSTBC is SSD for a PCRC, then arbitrary coordinate interleaving of the in-phase and quadrature-phase components of the variables does not disturb its SSD property for PCRC. Finally, it is shown that the possibility of channel phase compensation operation at the relay nodes using partial CSI at the relays increases the possible rate of SSD DSTBCs from (2)/(N) when the relays do not have CSI to(1)/(2), which is independent of N.


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We study a scheduling problem in a wireless network where vehicles are used as store-and-forward relays, a situation that might arise, for example, in practical rural communication networks. A fixed source node wants to transfer a file to a fixed destination node, located beyond its communication range. In the absence of any infrastructure connecting the two nodes, we consider the possibility of communication using vehicles passing by. Vehicles arrive at the source node at renewal instants and are known to travel towards the destination node with average speed v sampled from a given probability distribution. Th source node communicates data packets (or fragments) of the file to the destination node using these vehicles as relays. We assume that the vehicles communicate with the source node and the destination node only, and hence, every packet communication involves two hops. In this setup, we study the source node's sequential decision problem of transferring packets of the file to vehicles as they pass by, with the objective of minimizing delay in the network. We study both the finite file size case and the infinite file size case. In the finite file size case, we aim to minimize the expected file transfer delay, i.e. expected value of the maximum of the packet sojourn times. In the infinite file size case, we study the average packet delay minimization problem as well as the optimal tradeoff achievable between the average queueing delay at the source node buffer and the average transit delay in the relay vehicle.


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A half-duplex constrained non-orthogonal cooperative multiple access (NCMA) protocol suitable for transmission of information from N users to a single destination in a wireless fading channel is proposed. Transmission in this protocol comprises of a broadcast phase and a cooperation phase. In the broadcast phase, each user takes turn broadcasting its data to all other users and the destination in an orthogonal fashion in time. In the cooperation phase, each user transmits a linear function of what it received from all other users as well as its own data. In contrast to the orthogonal extension of cooperative relay protocols to the cooperative multiple access channels wherein at any point of time, only one user is considered as a source and all the other users behave as relays and do not transmit their own data, the NCMA protocol relaxes the orthogonality built into the protocols and hence allows for a more spectrally efficient usage of resources. Code design criteria for achieving full diversity of N in the NCMA protocol is derived using pair wise error probability (PEP) analysis and it is shown that this can be achieved with a minimum total time duration of 2N - 1 channel uses. Explicit construction of full diversity codes is then provided for arbitrary number of users. Since the Maximum Likelihood decoding complexity grows exponentially with the number of users, the notion of g-group decodable codes is introduced for our setup and a set of necesary and sufficient conditions is also obtained.


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We consider a dense, ad hoc wireless network confined to a small region, such that direct communication is possible between any pair of nodes. The physical communication model is that a receiver decodes the signal from a single transmitter, while treating all other signals as interference. Data packets are sent between source-destination pairs by multihop relaying. We assume that nodes self-organise into a multihop network such that all hops are of length d meters, where d is a design parameter. There is a contention based multiaccess scheme, and it is assumed that every node always has data to send, either originated from it or a transit packet (saturation assumption). In this scenario, we seek to maximize a measure of the transport capacity of the network (measured in bit-meters per second) over power controls (in a fading environment) and over the hop distance d, subject to an average power constraint. We first argue that for a dense collection of nodes confined to a small region, single cell operation is efficient for single user decoding transceivers. Then, operating the dense ad hoc network (described above) as a single cell, we study the optimal hop length and power control that maximizes the transport capacity for a given network power constraint. More specifically, for a fading channel and for a fixed transmission time strategy (akin to the IEEE 802.11 TXOP), we find that there exists an intrinsic aggregate bit rate (Theta(opt) bits per second, depending on the contention mechanism and the channel fading characteristics) carried by the network, when operating at the optimal hop length and power control. The optimal transport capacity is of the form d(opt)((P) over bar (t)) x Theta(opt) with d(opt) scaling as (P) over bar (1/eta)(t), where (P) over bar (t) is the available time average transmit power and eta is the path loss exponent. Under certain conditions on the fading distribution, we then provide a simple characterisation of the optimal operating point.


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Space-time block codes (STBCs) that are single-symbol decodable (SSD) in a co-located multiple antenna setting need not be SSD in a distributed cooperative communication setting. A relay network with N relays and a single source-destination pair is called a partially-coherent relay channel (PCRC) if the destination has perfect channel state information (CSI) of an the channels and the relays have only the phase information of the source-to-relay channels. In our earlier work, we had derived a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a distributed STBC (DSTBC) to be SSD for a PCRC. Using these conditions, in this paper we show that the possibility of channel phase compensation operation at the relay nodes using partial CSI at the relays increases the possible rate of SSD DSTBCs from 2/N when the relays do not have CSI to 1/2, which is independent of N. We also show that when a DSTBC is SSD for a PCRC, then arbitrary coordinate interleaving of the in-phase and quadrature-phase components of the variables does not disturb its SSD property. Using this property we are able to construct codes that are SSD and have higher rate than 2/N but giving full diversity only for signal constellations satisfying certain conditions.


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Recently Li and Xia have proposed a transmission scheme for wireless relay networks based on the Alamouti space time code and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing to combat the effect of timing errors at the relay nodes. This transmission scheme is amazingly simple and achieves a diversity order of two for any number of relays. Motivated by its simplicity, this scheme is extended to a more general transmission scheme that can achieve full cooperative diversity for any number of relays. The conditions on the distributed space time block code (DSTBC) structure that admit its application in the proposed transmission scheme are identified and it is pointed out that the recently proposed full diversity four group decodable DST-BCs from precoded co-ordinate interleaved orthogonal designs and extended Clifford algebras satisfy these conditions. It is then shown how differential encoding at the source can be combined with the proposed transmission scheme to arrive at a new transmission scheme that can achieve full cooperative diversity in asynchronous wireless relay networks with no channel information and also no timing error knowledge at the destination node. Finally, four group decodable distributed differential space time block codes applicable in this new transmission scheme for power of two number of relays are also provided.


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We consider the problem of centralized routing and scheduling for IEEE 802.16 mesh networks so as to provide Quality of Service (QoS) to individual real and interactive data applications. We first obtain an optimal and fair routing and scheduling policy for aggregate demands for different source- destination pairs. We then present scheduling algorithms which provide per flow QoS guarantees while utilizing the network resources efficiently. Our algorithms are also scalable: they do not require per flow processing and queueing and the computational requirements are modest. We have verified our algorithms via extensive simulations.


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Single-symbol maximum likelihood (ML) decodable distributed orthogonal space-time block codes (DOST- BCs) have been introduced recently for cooperative networks and an upper-bound on the maximal rate of such codes along with code constructions has been presented. In this paper, we introduce a new class of distributed space-time block codes (DSTBCs) called semi-orthogonal precoded distributed single-symbol decodable space-time block codes (Semi-SSD-PDSTBCs) wherein, the source performs preceding on the information symbols before transmitting it to all the relays. A set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the relay matrices for the existence of semi-SSD- PDSTBCs is proved. It is shown that the DOSTBCs are a special case of semi-SSD-PDSTBCs. A subset of semi-SSD-PDSTBCs having diagonal covariance matrix at the destination is studied and an upper bound on the maximal rate of such codes is derived. The bounds obtained are approximately twice larger than that of the DOSTBCs. A systematic construction of Semi- SSD-PDSTBCs is presented when the number of relays K ges 4 and the constructed codes are shown to have higher rates than that of DOSTBCs.


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We describe a real-time system that supports design of optimal flight paths over terrains. These paths either maximize view coverage or minimize vehicle exposure to ground. A volume-rendered display of multi-viewpoint visibility and a haptic interface assists the user in selecting, assessing, and refining the computed flight path. We design a three-dimensional scalar field representing the visibility of a point above the terrain, describe an efficient algorithm to compute the visibility field, and develop visual and haptic schemes to interact with the visibility field. Given the origin and destination, the desired flight path is computed using an efficient simulation of an articulated rope under the influence of the visibility gradient. The simulation framework also accepts user input, via the haptic interface, thereby allowing manual refinement of the flight path.


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In this two-part series of papers, a generalized non-orthogonal amplify and forward (GNAF) protocol which generalizes several known cooperative diversity protocols is proposed. Transmission in the GNAF protocol comprises of two phases - the broadcast phase and the cooperation phase. In the broadcast phase, the source broadcasts its information to the relays as well as the destination. In the cooperation phase, the source and the relays together transmit a space-time code in a distributed fashion. The GNAF protocol relaxes the constraints imposed by the protocol of Jing and Hassibi on the code structure. In Part-I of this paper, a code design criteria is obtained and it is shown that the GNAF protocol is delay efficient and coding gain efficient as well. Moreover GNAF protocol enables the use of sphere decoders at the destination with a non-exponential Maximum likelihood (ML) decoding complexity. In Part-II, several low decoding complexity code constructions are studied and a lower bound on the Diversity-Multiplexing Gain tradeoff of the GNAF protocol is obtained.


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Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity regions of a two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channel(GMAC) have been recently reported. For such a channel, code pairs based on trellis coded modulation are proposed in this paper with MPSK and M-PAM alphabet pairs, for arbitrary values of M,toachieve sum rates close to the CC sum capacity of the GMAC. In particular, the structure of the sum alphabets of M-PSK and M-PAMmalphabet pairs are exploited to prove that, for certain angles of rotation between the alphabets, Ungerboeck labelling on the trellis of each user maximizes the guaranteed squared Euclidean distance of the sum trellis. Hence, such a labelling scheme can be used systematically,to construct trellis code pairs to achieve sum rates close to the CC sum capacity. More importantly, it is shown for the first time that ML decoding complexity at the destination is significantly reduced when M-PAM alphabet pairs are employed with almost no loss in the sum capacity.