47 resultados para deciduous tree


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A long term study on the phenology of tree species of tropical dry deciduous forest ecosystem of Bandipur, South India has revealed patterns of strong seasonality with respect to leaf and fruit initiation as well as their abscission. The distribution of the duration of the various phenological events was observed to be skewed and there was little interannual variation in events such as flowering and fruiting. This suggests that there are, perhaps, no mast flowering or fruiting species present in the deciduous forests. The phenological changes appear to influence the food, feeding, movement patterns and sociality of the major mammals of this dry deciduous ecosystem.


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Accurate estimations of water balance are needed in semi-arid and sub-humid tropical regions, where water resources are scarce compared to water demand. Evapotranspiration plays a major role in this context, and the difficulty to quantify it precisely leads to major uncertainties in the groundwater recharge assessment, especially in forested catchments. In this paper, we propose to assess the importance of deep unsaturated regolith and water uptake by deep tree roots on the groundwater recharge process by using a lumped conceptual model (COMFORT). The model is calibrated using a 5 year hydrological monitoring of an experimental watershed under dry deciduous forest in South India (Mule Hole watershed). The model was able to simulate the stream discharge as well as the contrasted behaviour of groundwater table along the hillslope. Water balance simulated for a 32 year climatic time series displayed a large year-to-year variability, with alternance of dry and wet phases with a time period of approximately 14 years. On an average, input by the rainfall was 1090 mm year(-1) and the evapotranspiration was about 900 mm year(-1) out of which 100 mm year(-1) was uptake from the deep saprolite horizons. The stream flow was 100 mm year(-1) while the groundwater underflow was 80 mm year(-1). The simulation results suggest that (i) deciduous trees can uptake a significant amount of water from the deep regolith, (ii) this uptake, combined with the spatial variability of regolith depth, can account for the variable lag time between drainage events and groundwater rise observed for the different piezometers and (iii) water table response to recharge is buffered due to the long vertical travel time through the deep vadose zone, which constitutes a major water reservoir. This study stresses the importance of long term observations for the understanding of hydrological processes in tropical forested ecosystems. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Variability in rainfall is known to be a major influence on the dynamics of tropical forests, especially rates and patterns of tree mortality. In tropical dry forests a number of contributing factors to tree mortality, including dry season fire and herbivory by large herbivorous mammals, could be related to rainfall patterns, while loss of water potential in trees during the dry season or a wet season drought could also result in enhanced rates of death. While tree mortality as influenced by severe drought has been examined in tropical wet forests there is insufficient understanding of this process in tropical dry forests. We examined these causal factors in relation to inter-annual differences in rainfall in causing tree mortality within a 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot located in the tropical dry deciduous forests of Mudumalai, southern India, that has been monitored annually since 1988. Over a 19-year period (1988-2007) mean annual mortality rate of all stems >1 cm dbh was 6.9 +/- 4.6% (range = 1.5-17.5%); mortality rates broadly declined from the smaller to the larger size classes with the rates in stems >30 cm dbh being among the lowest recorded in tropical forest globally. Fire was the main agent of mortality in stems 1-5 cm dbh, elephant-herbivory in stems 5-10 cm dbh, and other natural causes in stems > 10 cm dbh. Elephant-related mortality did not show any relationship to rainfall. On the other hand, fire-related mortality was significantly negatively correlated to quantity of rainfall during the preceding year. Mortality due to other causes in the larger stem sizes was significantly negatively correlated to rainfall with a 2-3-year lag, suggesting that water deficit from mild or prolonged drought enhanced the risk of death but only with a time lag that was greater than similar lags in tree mortality observed in other forest types. In this respect, tropical dry forests growing in regions of high rainfall variability may have evolved greater resistance to rainfall deficit as compared to tropical moist or temperate forests but are still vulnerable to drought-related mortality.


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Phenological observations on tree species in tropical moist forest of Uttara Kannada district (13ℴ55′ to 15ℴ31′ N lat; 74ℴ9′ to 75ℴ10′ E long) during the years 1983–1985 revealed that there exists a strong seasonality for leaf flush, leaf drop and reproduction. Young leaves were produced in the pre-monsoon dry period with a peak in February, followed by the expansion of leaves which was completed in March. Abscission of leaves occurred in the post-monsoon winter period with a peak in December. There were two peaks for flowering (December and March), while fruit ripening had a single peak in May–June, preceding the monsoon rainfall. The duration of maturation of leaves was the shortest, while that of full ripening of fruits was the longest. Mature flowers of evergreen species lasted longer than those of deciduous species; in contrast the phenophase of ripe fruits of deciduous species was longer than that of evergreen species.


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Several techniques are known for searching an ordered collection of data. The techniques and analyses of retrieval methods based on primary attributes are straightforward. Retrieval using secondary attributes depends on several factors. For secondary attribute retrieval, the linear structures—inverted lists, multilists, doubly linked lists—and the recently proposed nonlinear tree structures—multiple attribute tree (MAT), K-d tree (kdT)—have their individual merits. It is shown in this paper that, of the two tree structures, MAT possesses several features of a systematic data structure for external file organisation which make it superior to kdT. Analytic estimates for the complexity of node searchers, in MAT and kdT for several types of queries, are developed and compared.


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A variety of data structures such as inverted file, multi-lists, quad tree, k-d tree, range tree, polygon tree, quintary tree, multidimensional tries, segment tree, doubly chained tree, the grid file, d-fold tree. super B-tree, Multiple Attribute Tree (MAT), etc. have been studied for multidimensional searching and related problems. Physical data base organization, which is an important application of multidimensional searching, is traditionally and mostly handled by employing inverted file. This study proposes MAT data structure for bibliographic file systems, by illustrating the superiority of MAT data structure over inverted file. Both the methods are compared in terms of preprocessing, storage and query costs. Worst-case complexity analysis of both the methods, for a partial match query, is carried out in two cases: (a) when directory resides in main memory, (b) when directory resides in secondary memory. In both cases, MAT data structure is shown to be more efficient than the inverted file method. Arguments are given to illustrate the superiority of MAT data structure in an average case also. An efficient adaptation of MAT data structure, that exploits the special features of MAT structure and bibliographic files, is proposed for bibliographic file systems. In this adaptation, suitable techniques for fixing and ranking of the attributes for MAT data structure are proposed. Conclusions and proposals for future research are presented.


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The minimum cost classifier when general cost functionsare associated with the tasks of feature measurement and classification is formulated as a decision graph which does not reject class labels at intermediate stages. Noting its complexities, a heuristic procedure to simplify this scheme to a binary decision tree is presented. The optimizationof the binary tree in this context is carried out using ynamicprogramming. This technique is applied to the voiced-unvoiced-silence classification in speech processing.


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Forested areas play a dominant role in the global hydrological cycle. Evapotranspiration is a dominant component most of the time catching up with the rainfall. Though there are sophisticated methods which are available for its estimation, a simple reliable tool is needed so that a good budgeting could be made. Studies have established that evapotranspiration in forested areas is much higher than in agricultural areas. Latitude, type of forests, climate and geological characteristics also add to the complexity of its estimation. Few studies have compared different methods of evapotranspiration on forested watersheds in semi arid tropical forests. In this paper a comparative study of different methods of estimation of evapotranspiration is made with reference to the actual measurements made using all parameter climatological station data of a small deciduous forested watershed of Mulehole (area of 4.5 km2 ), South India. Potential evapotranspiration (ETo) was calculated using ten physically based and empirical methods. Actual evapotranspiration (AET) has been calculated through computation of water balance through SWAT model. The Penman-Montieth method has been used as a benchmark to compare the estimates arrived at using various methods. The AET calculated shows good agreement with the curve for evapotranspiration for forests worldwide. Error estimates have been made with respect to Penman-Montieth method. This study could give an idea of the errors involved whenever methods with limited data are used and also show the use indirect methods in estimation of Evapotranspiration which is more suitable for regional scale studies.


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We present here the first statistically calibrated and verified tree-ring reconstruction of climate from continental Southeast Asia.The reconstructed variable is March-May (MAM) Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) based on ring widths from 22 trees (42 radial cores) of rare and long-lived conifer, Fokienia hodginsii (Po Mu as locally called) from northern Vietnam. This is the first published tree ring chronology from Vietnam as well as the first for this species. Spanning 535 years, this is the longest cross-dated tree-ring series yet produced from continental Southeast Asia. Response analysis revealed that the annual growth of Fokienia at this site was mostly governed by soil moisture in the pre-monsoon season. The reconstruction passed the calibration-verification tests commonly used in dendroclimatology, and revealed two prominent periods of drought in the mid-eighteenth and late-nineteenth enturies. The former lasted nearly 30 years and was concurrent with a similar drought over northwestern Thailand inferred from teak rings, suggesting a ``mega-drought'' extending across Indochina in the eighteenth century. Both of our reconstructed droughts are consistent with the periods of warm sea surface temperature (SST)anomalies in the tropical Pacific. Spatial correlation analyses with global SST indicated that ENSO-like anomalies might play a role in modulating droughts over the region, with El Nio (warm) phases resulting in reduced rainfall. However, significant correlation was also seen with SST over the Indian Ocean and the north Pacific,suggesting that ENSO is not the only factor affecting the climate of the area. Spectral analyses revealed significant peaks in the range of 53.9-78.8 years as well as in the ENSO-variability range of 2.0 to 3.2 years.


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We present a fast algorithm for computing a Gomory-Hu tree or cut tree for an unweighted undirected graph G = (V, E). The expected running time of our algorithm is (O) over tilde (mc) where vertical bar E vertical bar = m and c is the maximum u-v edge connectivity, where u, v is an element of V. When the input graph is also simple (i.e., it has no parallel edges), then the u-v edge connectivity for each pair of vertices u and v is at most n - 1; so the expected run-ning time of our algorithm for simple unweighted graphs is (O) over tilde (mn). All the algorithms currently known for constructing a Gomory-Hu tree [8, 9] use n - 1 minimum s-t cut (i.e., max flow) subroutines. This in conjunction with the current fastest (O) over tilde (n(20/9)) max flow algorithm due to Karger and Levine[11] yields the current best running time of (O) over tilde (n(20/9)n) for Gomory-Hu tree construction on simple unweighted graphs with m edges and n vertices. Thus we present the first (O) over tilde (mn) algorithm for constructing a Gomory-Hu tree for simple unweighted graphs. We do not use a max flow subroutine here; we present an efficient tree packing algorithm for computing Steiner edge connectivity and use this algorithm as our main subroutine. The advantage in using a tree packing algorithm for constructing a Gomory-Hu tree is that the work done in computing a minimum Steiner cut for a Steiner set S subset of V can be reused for computing a minimum Steiner cut for certain Steiner sets S' subset of S.


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Hornbills are important dispersers of a wide range of tree species. Many of these species bear fruits with large, lipid-rich seeds that could attract terrestrial rodents. Rodents have multiple effects on seed fates, many of which remain poorly understood in the Palaeotropics. The role of terrestrial rodents was investigated by tracking seed fate of five horn bill-dispersed tree species in a tropical forest in north-cast India. Seeds were marked inside and outside of exclosures below 6-12 parent fruiting trees (undispersed seed rain) and six hornbill nest trees (a post-dispersal site). Rodent visitors and seed removal ere monitored using camera traps. Our findings suggest that several rodent species. especially two species of porcupine were major on-site seed predators. Scatter-hoarding was rare (1.4%). Seeds at hornbill nest trees had lower survival compared with parent fruiting trees, indicating that clumped dispersal by hornbills may not necessarily improve seed survival. Seed survival in the presence and absence of rodents varied with tree species. Some species (e.g. Polyalthia simiarum) showed no difference, others (e.g. Dysoxylum binectariferum) experienced up to a 64%. decrease in survival in the presence of rodents. The differing magnitude of seed predation by rodents can have significant consequences at the seed establishment stage.


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We have evaluated techniques of estimating animal density through direct counts using line transects during 1988-92 in the tropical deciduous forests of Mudumalai Sanctuary in southern India for four species of large herbivorous mammals, namely, chital (Axis axis), sambar (Cervus unicolor), Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and gaur (Bos gauras). Density estimates derived from the Fourier Series and the Half-Normal models consistently had the lowest coefficient of variation. These two models also generated similar mean density estimates. For the Fourier Series estimator, appropriate cut-off widths for analysing line transect data for the four species are suggested. Grouping data into various distance classes did not produce any appreciable differences in estimates of mean density or their variances, although model fit is generally better when data are placed in fewer groups. The sampling effort needed to achieve a desired precision (coefficient of variation) in the density estimate is derived. A sampling effort of 800 km of transects returned a 10% coefficient of variation on estimate for chital; for the other species a higher effort was needed to achieve this level of precision. There was no statistically significant relationship between detectability of a group and the size of the group for any species. Density estimates along roads were generally significantly different from those in the interior af the forest, indicating that road-side counts may not be appropriate for most species.


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Crickets have two tympanal membranes on the tibiae of each foreleg. Among several field cricket species of the genus Gryllus (Gryllinae), the posterior tympanal membrane (PTM) is significantly larger than the anterior membrane (ATM). Laser Doppler vibrometric measurements have shown that the smaller ATM does not respond as much as the PTM to sound. Hence the PTM has been suggested to be the principal tympanal acoustic input to the auditory organ. In tree crickets (Oecanthinae), the ATM is slightly larger than the PTM. Both membranes are structurally complex, presenting a series of transverse folds on their surface, which are more pronounced on the ATM than on the PTM. The mechanical response of both membranes to acoustic stimulation was investigated using microscanning laser Doppler vibrometry. Only a small portion of the membrane surface deflects in response to sound. Both membranes exhibit similar frequency responses, and move out of phase with each other, producing compressions and rarefactions of the tracheal volume backing the tympanum. Therefore, unlike field crickets, tree crickets may have four instead of two functional tympanal membranes. This is interesting in the context of the outstanding question of the role of spiracular inputs in the auditory system of tree crickets.


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A permanent 2 ha (200 m x 100 m) plot was established for long-term monitoring of plant diversity and dynamics in a tropical dry deciduous forest of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka, southern India. Enumeration of all woody plants >= 1 cm DBH (diameter at breast height) yielded a total of 1766 individuals that belonged to 46 species, 37 genera and 24 families. Combretaceae was the most abundant family in the forest with a family importance value of 68.3. Plant density varied from 20 - 90 individuals with an average 35 individuals/quadrat (20 m x 20 m). Randia dumetorum, with 466 individuals (representing 26.7 % of the total density 2 ha(-1)) with species importance value of 36.25, was the dominant species in the plot. The total basal area of the plot was 18.09 m(2) ha(-1) with a mean of 0.72 m(2) quadrat(-1). The highest basal area of the plot was contributed by Combretaceae (12.93 m(2) 2 ha(-1)) at family level and Terminalia tomentosa (5.58 m(2) 2 ha(-1)) at species level. The lowest diameter class (1-10 cm) had the highest density (1054 individuals 2 ha(-1)), but basal area was highest in the 80 - 90 cm diameter class (5.03m(2) 2 ha(-1)). Most of the species exhibited random or aggregated distribution over the plot. This study provides a baseline information on the dry forests of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary.