55 resultados para complement C9


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We examine three hierarchies of circuit classes and show they are closed under complementation. (1) The class of languages recognized by a family of polynomial size skew circuits with width O(w), are closed under complement. (2) The class of languages recognized by family of polynomial size circuits with width O(w) and polynomial tree-size, are closed under complement. (3) The class of languages recognized by a family of polynomial size, O(log(n)) depth, bounded AND fan-in with OR fan-in f (f⩾log(n)) circuits are closed under complement. These improve upon the results of (i) Immerman (1988) and Szelepcsenyi (1988), who show that 𝒩L𝒪𝒢 is closed under complementation, and (ii) Borodin et al. (1989), who show that L𝒪𝒢𝒞ℱL is closed under complement


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While frame-invariant solutions for arbitrarily large rotational deformations have been reported through the orthogonal matrix parametrization, derivation of such solutions purely through a rotation vector parametrization, which uses only three parameters and provides a parsimonious storage of rotations, is novel and constitutes the subject of this paper. In particular, we employ interpolations of relative rotations and a new rotation vector update for a strain-objective finite element formulation in the material framework. We show that the update provides either the desired rotation vector or its complement. This rules out an additive interpolation of total rotation vectors at the nodes. Hence, interpolations of relative rotation vectors are used. Through numerical examples, we show that combining the proposed update with interpolations of relative rotations yields frame-invariant and path-independent numerical solutions. Advantages of the present approach vis-a-vis the updated Lagrangian formulation are also analyzed.


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In dealing with electromagnetic phenomena and in particular the phenomena of optics, despite the recognition of the quanta of light people tend to talk of the amplitudes and field strengths, as if the electromagnetic field were a classical field. For example we measure the wavelength of light by studying interference fringes. In this paper we study the inter-relationship of three ways of looking at the problem: in terms of classical wave fields, wave function of the photon; and the quantized wave field. The comparison and contrasts of these three modes of description are carefully analyzed in this paper. The ways in which these different modes complement our intuition and insight are also discussed.


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The electronic structure of group II-VI semiconductors in the stable wurtzite form is analyzed using state-of-the-art ab initio approaches to extract a simple and chemically transparent tight-binding model. This model can be used to understand the variation in the bandgap with size, for nanoclusters of these compounds. Results complement similar information already available for same systems in the zinc blende structure. A comparison with all available experimental data on quantum size effects in group II-VI semiconductor nanoclusters establishes a remarkable agreement between theory and experiment in both structure types, thereby verifying the predictive ability of our approach. The significant dependence of the quantum size effect on the structure type suggests that the experimental bandgap change at a given size compared to the bulk bandgap, may be used to indicate the structural form of the nanoclusters, particularly in the small size limit, where broadening of diffraction features often make it difficult to unambiguously determine the structure.


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An approach towards the highly functionalized bicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-9-one core of the complex PPAP-based natural product hyperforin, with the full complement of prenyl substituents in required stereo-disposition, is delineated.


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A waverider is a lifting body configuration whose upper surface is parallel to the free stream, and the lower surface aerodynamically so designed, that the resulting shock at the design Mach number, is always attached with the leading edge of the vehicle. This prevents spillage from high pressure (lower) surface to the low pressure (upper) surface.In the present study a conical waverider has been designed, fabricated and tested at Mach 6 in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel HST2. The measurements show that the waverider has a lift to drag ratio of 4.28 at the designed Mach number. Exhaustive FEM and CFD studies are also carried out to complement the force measurements in the tunnel.


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The versatility of antibodies is demonstrated by the various functions that they mediate such as neutralization, agglutination, fixation of the complement and its activation, and activation of effector cells. In addition to this plethora of functions, antibodies are capable of expressing enzymatic activity. Antibodies with catalytic function are a result of the productive interplay between the highly evolved machinery of the immune system and the chemical framework used to induce them (antigens). Catalytic antibodies are immunoglobulins with an ability to catalyze the reactions involving the antigen for which they are specific. Catalytic immunoglobulins of the IgM and IgG isotypes have been detected in the serum of healthy donors. In addition, catalytic immunoglobulins of the IgA isotype have been detected in the milk of healthy mothers. Conversely, antigen-specific hydrolytic antibodies have been reported in a number of inflammatory, autoimmune, and neoplastic disorders. The pathophysiological occurrence and relevance of catalytic antibodies remains a debated issue. Through the description of the hydrolysis of coagulation factor VIII as model target antigen, we propose that catalytic antibodies directed to the coagulation factor VIII may play a beneficial or a deleterious role depending on the immuno-inflammatory condition under which they occur.


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A new, rapid, simple, and sensitive colorimetric method for the estimation of resorcinol in microgram amounts is described.


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The effect of modification of carboxyl groups of Ribonuclease-Aa on the enzymatic activity and the antigenic structure of the protein has been studied. Modification of four of the eleven free carboxyl groups of the protein by esterification in anhydrous methanol/0.1 M hydrochloric acid resulted in nearly 80% loss in enzymatic activity but had very little influence on the antigenic structure of the protein. Further increases in the modification of the carboxyl groups caused a progressive loss in immunological activity, and the fully methylated RNase-A exhibited nearly 30% immunological activity. Concomitant with this change in the antigenic structure of the protein, the ability of the molecule to complement with RNase-S-protein increased, clearly indicating the unfolding of the peptide "tail" from the remainder of the molecule. The susceptibility to proteolysis, accessibility of methionine residues for orthobenzoquinone reaction and the loss in immunological activity of the more extensively esterified derivatives of RNase-A are suggestive of the more flexible conformation of these derivatives as compared with the compact native conformation. The fact that even the fully methylated RNase-A retains nearly 30% of its immunological activity suggested that the modified protein contained antibody recognizable residual native structure, which presumably accommodates some antigenic determinants.


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In mealybugs, chromatin condensation is related to both genomic imprinting and sex determination. The paternal chromosomal complement is condensed and genetically inactive in sons but not in daughters. During a study of chromatin organization in Planococcus lilacinus, digestion with micrococcal nuclease showed that 3% to 5% of the male genome is resistant to the enzyme. This Nuclease Resistant Chromatin (NRC) apparently has a nucleosomal organization. Southern hybridization of genomic DNA suggests that NRC sequences are present in both sexes and occur throughout the genome. Cloned NRC DNA is A+T-rich with stretches of adenines similar to those present in mouse alpha-satellite sequences. NRC DNA also contains sequence motifs that are typically associated with the nuclear matrix. Salt-fractionation experiments showed that NRC sequences are matrix associated. These observations are discussed in relation to the unusual cytological features of mealybug chromosomes, including the possible existence of multiple centres of inactivation.


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Elicitation of drug resistance and various survival strategies inside host macrophages have been the hallmarks of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a successful pathogen. ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) transporter type proteins are known to be involved in the efflux of drugs in bacterial and mammalian systems. FtsE, an ABC transporter type protein, in association with the integral membrane protein FtsX, is involved in the assembly of potassium ion transport proteins and probably of cell division proteins as well, both of which being relevant to tubercle bacillus. In this study, we cloned ftsE gene of M. tuberculosis, overexpressed and purified. The recombinant MtFtsE-6xHis protein and the native MtFtsE protein were found localized on the membrane of E. coli and M. tuberculosis cells, respectively. MtFtsE-6xHis protein showed ATP binding in vitro, for which the K42 residue in the Walker A motif was found essential. While MtFtsE-6xHis protein could partially complement growth defect of E. coli ftsE temperature-sensitive strain MFT1181, co-expression of MtFtsE and MtFtsX efficiently complemented the growth defect, indicating that the MtFtsE and MtFtsX proteins might be performing an associated function. MtFtsE and MtFtsX-6xHis proteins were found to exist as a complex on the membrane of E. coli cells co-expressing the two proteins.


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In recent work (Int. J. Mass Spec., vol. 282, pp. 112–122) we have considered the effect of apertures on the fields inside rf traps at points on the trap axis. We now complement and complete that work by considering off-axis fields in axially symmetric (referred to as “3D”) and in two dimensional (“2D”) ion traps whose electrodes have apertures, i.e., holes in 3D and slits in 2D. Our approximation has two parts. The first, EnoAperture, is the field obtained numerically for the trap under study with apertures artificially closed. We have used the boundary element method (BEM) for obtaining this field. The second part, EdueToAperture, is an analytical expression for the field contribution of the aperture. In EdueToAperture, aperture size is a free parameter. A key element in our approximation is the electrostatic field near an infinite thin plate with an aperture, and with different constant-valued far field intensities on either side. Compact expressions for this field can be found using separation of variables, wherein the choice of coordinate system is crucial. This field is, in turn, used four times within our trap-specific approximation. The off-axis field expressions for the 3D geometries were tested on the quadrupole ion trap (QIT) and the cylindrical ion trap (CIT), and the corresponding expressions for the 2D geometries were tested on the linear ion trap (LIT) and the rectilinear ion trap (RIT). For each geometry, we have considered apertures which are 10%, 30%, and 50% of the trap dimension. We have found that our analytical correction term EdueToAperture, though based on a classical small-aperture approximation, gives good results even for relatively large apertures.


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We demonstrate the presence of nonstructural protein 1 (NS1)-specific antibodies in a significant proportion of convalescent-phase human serum samples obtained from a cohort in an area where Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is endemic. Sera containing antibodies to NS1 but not those with antibodies to other JEV proteins, such as envelope, brought about complement-mediated lysis of JEV-infected BHK-21 cells. Target cells infected with a recombinant poxvirus expressing JEV NS1 on the cell surface confirmed the NS1 specificity of cytolytic antibodies. Mouse anti-NS1 cytolytic sera caused a complement-dependent reduction in virus output from infected human cells, demonstrating their important role in viral control. Antibodies elicited by JEV NS1 did not cross lyse West Nile virus- or dengue virus-infected cells despite immunoprecipitating the NS1 proteins of these related flaviviruses. Additionally, JEV NS1 failed to bind complement factor H, in contrast to NS1 of West Nile virus, suggesting that the NS1 proteins of different flaviviruses have distinctly different mechanisms for interacting with the host. Our results also point to an important role for JEV NS1-specific human immune responses in protection against JE and provide a strong case for inclusion of the NS1 protein in next generation of JEV vaccines.


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In this paper we consider the problems of computing a minimum co-cycle basis and a minimum weakly fundamental co-cycle basis of a directed graph G. A co-cycle in G corresponds to a vertex partition (S,V ∖ S) and a { − 1,0,1} edge incidence vector is associated with each co-cycle. The vector space over ℚ generated by these vectors is the co-cycle space of G. Alternately, the co-cycle space is the orthogonal complement of the cycle space of G. The minimum co-cycle basis problem asks for a set of co-cycles that span the co-cycle space of G and whose sum of weights is minimum. Weakly fundamental co-cycle bases are a special class of co-cycle bases, these form a natural superclass of strictly fundamental co-cycle bases and it is known that computing a minimum weight strictly fundamental co-cycle basis is NP-hard. We show that the co-cycle basis corresponding to the cuts of a Gomory-Hu tree of the underlying undirected graph of G is a minimum co-cycle basis of G and it is also weakly fundamental.


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An immunochemical study of ovine follicle-stimulating hormone and its antibody carried out by using precipitin, agglutinating and complement-fixation systems, has suggested that the follicle-stimulating hormone, possibly by virtue of it being a univalent antigen, forms a soluble complex with its specific antibody. This antiserum is species nonspecific in that it is able to neutralize the follicle-stimulating activity of rat, mouse, hamster, guinea pig pituitary extracts, and pregnant mare serum gonadotropin. Human chorionic gonadotropin, however, has been shown not to form a complex with the follicle-stimulating hormone specific antibody.