133 resultados para cobalamin biosynthesis


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The mouse and human malarial parasites, Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium falciparum, respectively, synthesize heme de novo following the standard pathway observed in animals despite the availability of large amounts of heme, derived from red cell hemoglobin, which is stored as hemozoin pigment, The enzymes, delta-aminolevulinate dehydrase (ALAD), coproporphyrinogen oxidase, and ferrochelatase are present at strikingly high levels in the P, berghei infected mouse red cell in vivo, The isolated parasite has low levels of ALAD and the data clearly indicate it to be of red cell origin. The purified enzyme preparations from the uninfected red cell and the parasite are identical in kinetic properties, subunit molecular weight, cross-reaction with antibodies to the human enzyme, and N-terminal amino acid sequence. Immunogold electron microscopy of the infected culture indicates that the enzyme is present inside the parasite and, therefore, is not a contaminant, The parasite derives functional ALAD from the host and the enzyme binds specifically to isolated parasite membrane in vitro, suggestive of the involvement of a receptor in its translocation into the parasite, While, ALAD, coproporphyrinogen oxidase, and ferrochelatase from the parasite and the uninfected red cell supernatant have identical subunit molecular weights on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and show immunological cross-reaction with antibodies to the human enzymes, as revealed by Western analysis, the first enzyme of the pathway, namely, delta-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS) in the parasite, unlike that of the red cell host, does not cross-react with antibodies to the human enzyme, However, ALAS enzyme activity in the parasite is higher than that of the infected red cell supernatant. We therefore conclude that the parasite, while making its own ALAS, imports ALAD and perhaps most of the other enzymes of the pathway from the host to synthesize heme de novo, and this would enable it to segregate this heme from the heme derived from red cell hemoglobin degradation, ALAS of the parasite and the receptor(s) involved in the translocation of the host enzymes into the parasite would be unique drug targets.


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The aim of the present work was to investigate whether the hypocholesterolemic effect of polyunsaturated oils is due to inhibition of cholesterol synthesis or increased excretion of cholesterol and bile acids through the bile and feces of animals. Separate groups of rats were fed diets containing 10% safflower oil, coconut oil or hydrogenated vegetable oils for 30 days, after which the hepatic cholesterol and bile acid synthesis and their excretion through the bile and feces were studied. As compared to the rats in the other two groups, those given the diet containing 10% safflower oil showed markedly increased rates of bile flow and excreted through their bile and feces markedly higher amounts of cholesterol and bile acids. At the same time incorporation of [1-14C] acetate and [2-14C] mevalonate into the liver cholesterol and conversion of [4-14C] cholesterol into 14C-bile acids were also higher in the same rats. In the light of these observations it has been discussed that in the animals given polyunsaturated oils, biliary and fecal loss of cholesterol and bile acids far outweighs the activation of cholesterol synthesis and thereby effectively lowers the serum cholesterol levels.


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One of the unexplored, yet important aspects of the biology of acyl carrier proteins (ACPs) is the self-acylation and malonyl transferase activities dedicated to ACPs in polyketide synthesis. Our studies demonstrate the existence of malonyl transferase activity in ACPs involved in type II fatty acid biosynthesis from Plasmodium falciparum and Escherichia coli. We also show that the catalytic malonyl transferase activity is intrinsic to an individual ACP. Mutational analysis implicates an arginine/lysine in loop II and an arginine/glutamine in helix III as the catalytic residues for transferase function. The hydrogen bonding properties of these residues appears to be indispensable for the transferase reaction. Complementation of fabD(Ts) E. coli highlights the putative physiological role of this process. Our studies thus shed light on a key aspect of ACP biology and provide insights into the mechanism involved therein.


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Treatment of rats with Adriamycin caused an increase in the incorporation into hepatic cholesterol of [1-14C] acetate, but not of [2-14C] mevalonate. The step affected was found to be 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase whose activity in the liver microsomes increased in Adriamycin-treated animals, but was inhibited when the drug was added in the assay medium. Also, the concentration of ubiquinone in the liver and of cholesterol in the plasma increased.


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The biosynthesis of the cytoplasmic subunits of cytochrome oxidase from rat liver has been studied in vitro by translating liver poly (A)-containing RNA in the wheat germ cell-free system and immunoprecipitating the products with anti-cytochrome oxidase antibody. Analysis of the labelled immunoprecipitate on SDS-gels does not reveal the presence of a polyprotein precursor. On the other hand discrete products which are either slightly bigger or closely similar to the mature subunits present in purified cytochrome oxidase have been detected.


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Cell-free preparations of rat sciatic nerve were found to catalyze the reduction of fatty acid to alcohol in the presence of NADPH as reducing cofactor. The reductase was membrane-bound and associated primarily with the microsomal fraction. When fatty acid was the substrate, ATP, coenzyme A (CoA), and Mg2+ were required, indicating the formation of acyl CoA prior to reduction. When acyl CoA was used as substrate, the presence of albumin was required to inhibit acyl CoA hydro-lase activity. Fatty acid reductase activity was highest with palmitic and stearic acids, and somewhat lower with lauric and myristic acids. It was inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents, indicating the participation of thiol groups in the reduction. Only traces of long-chain aldehyde could be detected or trapped as semicarbazone. Fatty acid reductase activity in rat sciatic nerve was highest between the second and tenth days after birth and decreased substantially thereafter. Microsomal preparations of sciatic nerve from 10-day-old rats exhibited about four times higher fatty acid reductase activity than brain or spinal cord microsomes from the same animals. Wallerian degeneration and regeneration of adult rat sciatic nerve resulted in enhanced fatty acid reductase activity, which reached a maximum at about 12 days after crush injury.


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The presence of mitochondria increased the incorporation of [2-14C]mevalonate into sterols in a cell-free system from rat liver. Various phenyl and phenolic compounds inhibited the incorporation of mevalonate when added in vitro. p-Hydroxycinnamate, a metabolite of tyrosine, was the most powerful inhibitor among the compounds tested. Catechol, resorcinol and quinol were inhibitory at high concentrations. Organic acids lacking an aromatic ring were not inhibitory. Two hypocholesterolaemic drugs, Clofibrate (α-p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate) and Clofenapate [α,4-(p-chlorophenyl)phenoxyisobutyrate], which are known to affect some step before the formation of mevalonate in the biosynthesis of cholesterol in vivo, showed inhibition at a step beyond the formation of mevalonate in vitro. The presence of the aromatic ring and the carboxyl group in a molecule appears to be necessary for the inhibition.


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The biosynthesis of certain amines in Lathyrus sativus seedlings was studied in isolated shoots and cotyledons. In shoots, arginine was about 14 times more efficient than ornithine for the synthesis of agmatine, putrescine, spermidine and spermine. Isotope dilution experiments, and the changes in specific activities of the 4 amines with time when 14C-arginine served as the precursor, indicated that putrescine and the polyamines were formed mainly from arginine, via agmatine. Similar experiments showed that cadaverine was formed at least in part from homoarginine, though lysine was ca 4 times more effective as a precursor. The pattern of changes in specific activity of homoagmatine and cadaverine with time when 14C-homoarginine served as the precursor support the conclusion that homoarginine and arginine follow analogous metabolic routes in the biosynthesis of putrescine and cadaverine respectively.


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The incorporation of [2-14C]mevalonate into nonsaponifiable lipids by rat brain homogenates is inhibited by phenolic acids derived from tyrosine. The phenyl acids derived from phenylalanine are inhibitory only at very high concentrations compared with phenolic acids. The brain is more sensitive to inhibition by the phenolic acids than the liver. These studies indicate a possible role for phenolic acids in the impairment of cerebral sterol metabolism in phenylketonuria.


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The urinary excretion of p-hydroxybenzoate was not altered by ubiquinone feeding, but, although decreased considerably, was not eliminated in protein deficiency. The incorporation of p-hydroxy[U-14C]benzaldehyde into ubiquinone in vivo increased in cold-exposed and p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate (clofibrate)-fed rats, and these changes were parallel with the changes in the incorporation of [2-14C]mevalonate under these conditions. Starvation, cholesterol feeding and cholic acid feeding resulted in the decreased incorporation of p-hydroxy[U-14C]benzaldehyde into ubiquinone, confirming the decreased ubiquinone synthesis. Feeding exogenous ubiquinone increased the hepatic ubiquinone concentration, but did not cause any decrease in the incorporation of p-hydroxy[U-14C]benzaldehyde into ubiquinone, indicating the absence of a feedback control.


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Acyl carrier protein (ACIP) plays a central role in many metabolic processes inside the cell, and almost 4% of the total enzymes inside the cell require it as a cofactor. Here, we report self-acylation properties in ACPs from Plasmodium falciparum and Brassica napus that are essential components of type II fatty acid biosynthesis (FAS II), disproving the existing notion that this phenomenon is restricted only to ACPs involved in polyketide biosynthesis. We also provide strong evidence to suggest that catalytic self-acylation is intrinsic to the individual ACP. Mutational analysis of these ACPs revealed the key residue(s) involved in this phenomenon. We also demonstrate that these FAS 11 ACPs exhibit a high degree of selectivity for self-acylation employing only dicarboxylic acids as substrates. A plausible mechanism for the self-acylation reaction is also proposed.