306 resultados para chromosome 6


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Physical clustering of genes has been shown in plants; however, little is known about gene clusters that have different functions, particularly those expressed in the tomato fruit. A class I 17.6 small heat shock protein (Sl17.6 shsp) gene was cloned and used as a probe to screen a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) genomic library. An 8.3-kb genomic fragment was isolated and its DNA sequence determined. Analysis of the genomic fragment identified intronless open reading frames of three class I shsp genes (Sl17.6, Sl20.0, and Sl20.1), the Sl17.6 gene flanked by Sl20.1 and Sl20.0, with complete 5' and 3' UTRs. Upstream of the Sl20.0 shsp, and within the shsp gene cluster, resides a box C/D snoRNA cluster made of SlsnoR12.1 and SlU24a. Characteristic C and D, and C' and D', boxes are conserved in SlsnoR12.1 and SlU24a while the upstream flanking region of SlsnoR12.1 carries TATA box 1, homol-E and homol-D box-like cis sequences, TM6 promoter, and an uncharacterized tomato EST. Molecular phylogenetic analysis revealed that this particular arrangement of shsps is conserved in tomato genome but is distinct from other species. The intronless genomic sequence is decorated with cis elements previously shown to be responsive to cues from plant hormones, dehydration, cold, heat, and MYC/MYB and WRKY71 transcription factors. Chromosomal mapping localized the tomato genomic sequence on the short arm of chromosome 6 in the introgression line (IL) 6-3. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis of gene cluster members revealed differential expression during ripening of tomato fruit, and relatively different abundances in other plant parts.


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Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is coded by a gene on the X-chromosome. Earlier studies have shown that the South Indian population has a high incidence of this enzyme deficiency. The electrophoretic mobility, pH optimum and the K-m values for G6PD from normal and variant individuals were identical. However, the specific activity of the variant enzyme was 8 times less compared to the value of the normal enzyme. Western blot analysis of partially purified G6PD from normal and variant individuals performed using equal amounts of total protein showed that the variant protein was 3 times less in concentration. Similar analysis performed using protein corresponding to equal enzyme activity units in the normal and variant samples showed that the variant enzyme was 2.25 times less efficient compared to the normal enzyme. RNA dot blot analysis using full length G6PD cDNA probe (PGDT5B, a kind gift from Prof. L Luzzatto) revealed that lymphocytes from normal and variant individuals had equal amounts of G6PD specific mRNA.


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The SUMO ligase activity of Mms21/Nse2, a conserved member of the Smc5/6 complex, is required for resisting extrinsically induced genotoxic stress. We report that the Mms21 SUMO ligase activity is also required during the unchallenged mitotic cell cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. SUMO ligase-defective cells were slow growing and spontaneously incurred DNA damage. These cells required caffeine-sensitive Mec1 kinase-dependent checkpoint signaling for survival even in the absence of extrinsically induced genotoxic stress. SUMO ligase-defective cells were sensitive to replication stress and displayed synthetic growth defects with DNA damage checkpoint-defective mutants such as mec1, rad9, and rad24. MMS21 SUMO ligase and mediator of replication checkpoint 1 gene (MRC1) were epistatic with respect to hydroxyurea-induced replication stress or methyl methanesulfonate-induced DNA damage sensitivity. Subjecting Mms21 SUMO ligase-deficient cells to transient replication stress resulted in enhancement of cell cycle progression defects such as mitotic delay and accumulation of hyperploid cells. Consistent with the spontaneous activation of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway observed in the Mms21-mediated sumoylation-deficient cells, enhanced frequency of chromosome breakage and loss was detected in these mutant cells. A mutation in the conserved cysteine 221 that is engaged in coordination of the zinc ion in Loop 2 of the Mms21 SPL-RING E3 ligase catalytic domain resulted in strong replication stress sensitivity and also conferred slow growth and Mec1 dependence to unchallenged mitotically dividing cells. Our findings establish Mms21-mediated sumoylation as a determinant of cell cycle progression and maintenance of chromosome integrity during the unperturbed mitotic cell division cycle in budding yeast.


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Many proteins associated with the phenotype microcephaly have been localized to the centrosome or linked to it functionally. All the seven autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH) proteins localize at the centrosome. Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II protein PCNT and Seckel syndrome (also characterized by severe microcephaly) protein ATR are also centrosomal proteins. All of the above findings show the importance of centrosomal proteins as the key players in neurogenesis and brain development. However, the exact mechanism as to how the loss-of-function of these proteins leads to microcephaly remains to be elucidated. To gain insight into the function of the most commonly mutated MCPH gene ASPM, we used the yeast two-hybrid technique to screen a human fetal brain cDNA library with an ASPM bait. The analysis identified Angelman syndrome gene product UBE3A as an ASPM interactor. Like ASPM, UBE3A also localizes to the centrosome. The identification of UBE3A as an ASPM interactor is not surprising as more than 80% of Angelman syndrome patients have microcephaly. However, unlike in MCPH, microcephaly is postnatal in Angelman syndrome patients. Our results show that UBE3A is a cell cycle regulated protein and its level peaks in mitosis. The shRNA knockdown of UBE3A in HEK293 cells led to many mitotic abnormalities including chromosome missegregation, abnormal cytokinesis and apoptosis. Thus our study links Angelman syndrome protein UBE3A to ASPM, centrosome and mitosis for the first time. We suggest that a defective chromosome segregation mechanism is responsible for the development of microcephaly in Angelman syndrome.


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By employing a procedure that combines ELISA and photoacoustic spectroscopy, we have examined the content of 5-methylcytosine (m(5)C) in DNA of individuals who differed from one another in the number of X chromosomes in their genomes. The results show that the human inactive X chromosome (Xi) contains very high amounts of this modified nucleotide. We estimate that in the 46,XX female there is more m(5)C in Xi (similar to3.6 x 10(7)) than in all the remaining chromosomes put together (similar to2.1 x 10(7)). Our results also suggest that nearly one-fifth of all cytosines in Xi are methylated and that, in addition to CpG methylation, there is extensive non-CpG methylation as well.


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Reaction of 6-acetoxy-5-bromomethylquinoline (1c) and 2-bromomethyl-4-(2'-pyridyl)phenyl acetate (2b) with tetrachlorocatechol in acetone in the presence of anhydrous potassium carbonate resulted in the formation of diastereomeric products 3c, 3d, 4e and 4f.


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The title compound, C10H7Cl2NO, features a planar molecule, excluding the methyl H atoms [maximum deviation = 0.0385 (1) angstrom]. The crystal packing is stabilized by pi-pi stacking interactions across inversion centres [centroid-to-centroid distance = 3.736 (3) angstrom].


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In the title moleclue, C19H21NO, the 4-piperidone ring adopts a chair conformation in which the two benzene rings and the methyl group attached to C atoms all have equatorial orientations. In the crystal structure, centrosymmetric dimers are formed through weak intermolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds [the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 58.51 (5)degrees].


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Photodimerization of 7-fluoro-4-methylcoumarin 1 is topochemical while 6-fluoro-4-methylcoumarin 2 does not lead to the expected product based on the topochemical principles. Compound 1 yield an anti-MT photodimer with a lower dimer conversion while compound 2 results in a syn-HH photodimer. The packing features of 1, 2 and 2a (the photodimer of 2) have been unequivocally established by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The rationale for the significant lower dimer conversion in 1 is provided. The defect induced dimerization reaction in 2 as a function of temperature is analyzed which verifies that the reaction proceeds with an induction period. The details of the interactions involving fluorine are analyzed.


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Primary microcephaly (MCPH) is an autosomal-recessive congenital disorder characterized by smaller-than-normal brain size and mental retardation. MCPH is genetically heterogeneous with six known loci: MCPH1-MCPH6. We report mapping of a novel locus, MCPH7, to chromosome 1p32.3-p33 between markers D1S2797 and D1S417, corresponding to a physical distance of 8.39 Mb. Heterogeneity analysis of 24 families previously excluded from linkage to the six known MCPH loci suggested linkage of five families (20.83%) to the MCPH7 locus. In addition, four families were excluded from linkage to the MCPH7 locus as well as all of the six previously known loci, whereas the remaining 15 families could not be conclusively excluded or included. The combined maximum two-point LOD score for the linked families was 5.96 at marker D1S386 at theta = 0.0. The combined multipoint LOD score was 6.97 between markers D1S2797 and D1S417. Previously, mutations in four genes, MCPH1, CDK5RAP2, ASPM, and CENPJ, that code for centrosomal proteins have been shown to cause this disorder. Three different homozygous mutations in STIL, which codes for a pericentriolar and centrosomal protein, were identified in patients from three of the five families linked to the MCPH7 locus; all are predicted to truncate the STIL protein. Further, another recently ascertained family was homozygous for the same mutation as one of the original families. There was no evidence for a common haplotype. These results suggest that the centrosome and its associated structures are important in the control of neurogenesis in the developing human brain.


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Manganitelike double perovskite Sr2TiMnO6 (STMO) ceramics fabricated from the powders synthesized via the solid-state reaction route, exhibited dielectric constants as high as similar to 10(5) in the low frequency range (100 Hz-10 kHz) at room temperature. The Maxwell-Wagner type of relaxation mechanism was found to be more appropriate to rationalize such high dielectric constant values akin to that observed in materials such as KxTiyNi(1-x-y)O and CaCu3Ti4O12. The dielectric measurements carried out on the samples with different thicknesses and electrode materials reflected the influence of extrinsic effects. The impedance studies (100 Hz-10 MHz) in the 180-300 K temperature range revealed the presence of two dielectric relaxations corresponding to the grain boundary and the electrode. The dielectric response of the grain boundary was found to be weakly dependent on the dc bias field (up to 11 V/cm). However, owing to the electrode polarization, the applied ac/dc field had significant effect on the low frequency dielectric response. At low temperatures (100-180 K), the dc conductivity of STMO followed a variable range hopping behavior. Above 180 K, it followed the Arrhenius behavior because of the thermally activated conduction process. The bulk conductivity relaxation owing to the localized hopping of charge carriers obeyed the typical universal dielectric response.


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The application of radical-mediated cyclizations and annulations in organic synthesis has grown in importance steadily over the years to reach the present status where they are now routinely used in the strategy-level planning.2 The presence of a quaternary carbon atom is frequently encountered in terpenoid natural products, and it often creates a synthetic challenge when two or more quaternary carbon atoms are present in a contiguous manner.3 Even though creation of a quaternary carbon atom by employing a tertiary radical is very facile, creation of a quaternary carbon atom (or a spiro carbon atom) via radical addition onto a fully substituted olefinic carbon atom is not that common but of synthetic importance. For example, the primary radical derived from the bromide 1 failed to cyclize to generate the two vicinal quaternary carbon atoms and resulted in only the reduced product 2.4 The tricyclic carbon framework tricyclo[,5]undecane (3) is present in a number of sesquiterpenoids e.g. zizzanes, prelacinanes, etc.5


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Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is widely used to treat autoimmune diseases. Several mutually nonexclusive mechanisms are proposed to explain the beneficial effects of IVIg in patients (1, 2). Lately, Ravetch and colleagues (3) demonstrate that anti-inflammatory activity of IVIg is mediated mainly by antibodies that contain terminal _2,6-sialic acid linkages at the Asn297-linked glycan of Fc region.


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A number of studies in yeast have shown that DNA topoisomerase TI is essential for chromosome condensation and disjunction during mitosis at the metaphase/anaphase transition and meiosis I. Accordingly, kinetic and mechanistic studies have implied a role for topoisomerase rr in chromosome disjunction. As a step toward understanding the nature and role of topoisomerase II in a mammalian germline in vivo, we have purified topoisomerase II from rat testis to homogeneity and ascertained several of its catalytic activities in conjunction with that of the purified enzyme from liver. The purified enzymes appeared to be monomers under denaturing conditions; however, they differed in their relative molecular mass. Topoisomerase II from testis and liver have apparent molecular masses of 150 +/- 10 kDa and 160 +/- 10 kDa, respectively. The native molecular mass of testis topoisomerase II as assayed by immunoblot analysis of cell-foe extracts, prepared in the presence of SDS and a number of protease inhibitors, corroborated with the size of the purified enzyme. Both enzymes are able to promote decatenation and relax supercoiled DNA substrates in an ATP and Mg2+-dependent manner. However, quantitative comparison of catalytic properties of topoisomerase II from testis with that of the enzyme from liver displayed significant differences in their efficiencies. Optimal pH values for testis enzyme are 6.5 to 8.5 while they are 6 to 7.5 for the liver enzyme. Intriguingly, the relaxation activity of liver topoisomerase II was inhibited by potassium glutamate at 1 M, whereas testis enzyme required about half its concentration. These findings argue that topoisomerase II from rat testis is structurally distinct from that of its somatic form and the functional differences between the two enzymes parallels with the physiological environment that is unique to these two tissues.