79 resultados para alternating temperatures


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A numerical solution for the transient temperature distribution in a cylindrical disc heated on its top surface by a circular source is presented. A finite difference form of the governing equations is solved by the Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) time marching scheme. This solution has direct applications in analyzing transient electron beam heating of target materials as encountered in the prebreakdown current enhancement and consequent breakdown in high voltage vacuum gaps stressed by alternating and pulsed voltages. The solution provides an estimate of the temperature for pulsed electron beam heating and the size of thermally activated microparticles originating from anode hot spots. The calculated results for a typical 45kV (a.c.) electron beam of radius 2.5 micron indicate that the temperature of such spots can reach melting point and could give rise to microparticles which could initiate breakdown.


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Lanthanum doped lead titanate (PLT) thin films were identified as the most potential candidates for the pyroelectric and memory applications. PLT thin films were deposited on Pt coated Si by excimer laser ablation technique. The polarization behavior of PLT thin films has been studied over a temperature range of 300 K to 550 K. A universal power law relation was brought into picture to explain the frequency dependence of ac conductivity. At higher frequency region ac conductivity of PLT thin films become temperature independent. The temperature dependence of ac conductivity and the relaxation time is analyzed in detail. The activation energy obtained from the ac conductivity was attributed to the shallow trap controlled space charge conduction in the bulk of the sample. The impedance analysis for PLT thin films were also performed to get insight of the microscopic parameters, like grain, grain boundary, and film-electrode interface etc. The imaginary component of impedance Z" exhibited different peak maxima at different temperatures. Different types of mechanisms were analyzed in detail to explain the dielectric relaxation behavior in the PLT thin films.


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Bi-layered Aurivillius compounds prove to be efficient candidates of nonvolatile memories. SrBi2Nb2O9 thin films were deposited by excimer laser ablation at low substrate temperature (400 °C) followed by an ex situ annealing at 750 °C. The polarization hysteresis behavior was confirmed by variation of polarization with the external applied electric field and also verified with capacitance versus voltage characteristics. The measured values of spontaneous and remnant polarizations were, respectively, 9 and 6 μC/cm2 with a coercive field of 90 kV/cm. The measured dielectric constant and dissipation factors at 100 kHz were 220 and 0.02, respectively. The frequency analysis of dielectric and ac conduction properties showed a distribution of relaxation times due to the presence of multiple grain boundaries in the films. The values of activation energies from the dissipation factor and grain interior resistance were found to be 0.9 and 1.3 eV, respectively. The deviation in these values was attributed to the energetic conditions of the grain boundaries and bulk grains. The macroscopic relaxation phenomenon is controlled by the higher resistive component in a film, such as grain boundaries at lower temperatures, which was highlighted in the present article in close relation to interior grain relaxation and conduction properties.


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The present work focuses on simulation of nonlinear mechanical behaviors of adhesively bonded DLS (double lap shear) joints for variable extension rates and temperatures using the implicit ABAQUS solver. Load-displacement curves of DLS joints at nine combinations of extension rates and environmental temperatures are initially obtained by conducting tensile tests in a UTM. The joint specimens are made from dual phase (DP) steel coupons bonded with a rubber-toughened adhesive. It is shown that the shell-solid model of a DLS joint, in which substrates are modeled with shell elements and adhesive with solid elements, can effectively predict the mechanical behavior of the joint. Exponent Drucker-Prager or Von Mises yield criterion together with nonlinear isotropic hardening is used for the simulation of DLS joint tests. It has been found that at a low temperature (-20 degrees C), both Von Mises and exponent Drucker-Prager criteria give close prediction of experimental load-extension curves. However. at a high temperature (82 degrees C), Von Mises condition tends to yield a perceptibly softer joint behavior, while the corresponding response obtained using exponent Drucker-Prager criterion is much closer to the experimental load-displacement curve.


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Raman bandwidths and bandshapes of some molecular and ionic glasses have been investigated through the glass-transition region. Widths of both polarised and depolarised bands exhibit step-like changes during the glass transition. Molecular and ionic glasses differ with respect to the magnitude and the nature of variations in bandwidths and reorientational times. An attempt has been made to understand the changes in bandwidths around the glass-transition temperature.


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The literature on the subject of the present investigation is somewhat meagre. A rotary converter or synchronous motor no! provided with any special starting devices forms, when started from the alternating current side, a type of induction motor whoso Htator is provided with a polyphase winding, and whoso rotor has a single-phase (or single magnetic axis) winding.


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Wide-line proton NMR studies on polycrystalline tetramethylammonium tetrachlorozincate have been carried out at high hydrostatic pressures up to 15 kbar in the temperature range 77-300 K and at ambient pressure down to 4.2 K. A second-moment transition is observed to occur starting around 161 K, the temperature for the V-VI phase transition. This transition temperature is seen to have a negative pressure coefficient up to 2 kbar, beyond which it changes sign. At 77 K the second moment decreases to 4 kbar and then increases again as a function of pressure. The results are explained in terms of the dynamics of the N(CH3)4 groups.


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The authors report the design and construction of a very simple vibrating reed apparatus with automatic frequency locking capability where the resonance frequency and the internal friction can be recorded continuously as a function of temperature. The apparatus is particularly suitable for studies down to liquid helium temperatures or below.


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We report experimental observation of an unexpectedly large thermopower in mesoscopic two-dimensional (2D) electron systems in GaAs/AlGaA heterostructures at sub-Kelvin temperatures and zero magnetic field. Unlike conventional nonmagnetic high-mobility 2D systems, the thermopower in our devices increases with decreasing temperature below 0.3 K, reaching values in excess of 100 mu V/K, thus exceeding the free electron estimate by more than 2 orders of magnitude. With support from a parallel study of the local density of states, we suggest such a phenomenon to be linked to intrinsic localized states and many-body spin correlations in the system.


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The impression creep behaviour of zinc is studied in the range 300 to 500 K and the results are compared with the data from conventional creep tests. The steady-state impression velocity is found to exhibit the same stress and temperature dependence as in conventional tensile creep with the same power law stress exponent. Also studied is the effect of indenter size on the impression velocity. The thermal activation parameters for plastic flow at high temperatures derived from a number of testing techniques agree reasonably well. Grain boundary sliding is shown to be unimportant in controlling the rate of plastic flow at high temperatures. It is observed that the Cottrell-Stokes law is obeyed during high-temperature deformation of zinc. It is concluded that a mechanism such as forest intersection involving attractive trees controls the high-temperature flow rather than a diffusion mechanism.


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Abstract is not available.


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The elastic constants of single crystal galena have been determined from the measured ultrasonic velocities down to liquid helium temperature. A cryostat incorporating an arrangement to inject the liquid bonding material at low temperature is described. At 5 K, the values of elastic constants are C11=14.90, C12=3.51 and C44=2.92×1010 N/m2.


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A study of the response of neutral temperatures in the equatorial mesosphere to variations in solar activity has been carried out by investigating the correlation between the 10.7 cm solar radio flux and temperatures obtained from a series of 51 rocket soundings conducted over Thumba, India (8°N, 77°E) during the period December 1970–December 1971. A strong positive correlation between these two parameters has been obtained, indicating mesospheric heating effects caused by day-to-day variations in solar EUV emission. The correlation analysis indicates that this response persists over several days and that the peak correlation between the temperatures and the F10.7 index occurs with a time lag of less than 24 hr.


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The exact expressions for the partition function (Q) and the coefficient of specific heat at constant volume (Cv) for a rotating-anharmonic oscillator molecule, including coupling and rotational cut-off, have been formulated and values of Q and Cv have been computed in the temperature range of 100 to 100,000 K for O2, N2 and H2 gases. The exact Q and Cv values are also compared with the corresponding rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator (infinite rotational and vibrational levels) and rigid-rotator anharmonic-oscillator (infinite rotational levels) values. The rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator approximation can be accepted for temperatures up to about 5000 K for O2 and N2. Beyond these temperatures the error in Cv will be significant, because of anharmonicity and rotational cut-off effects. For H2, the rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator approximation becomes unacceptable even for temperatures as low as 2000 K.