72 resultados para Wireless systems


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With the increasing adoption of wireless technology, it is reasonable to expect an increase in file demand for supporting both real-time multimedia and high rate reliable data services. Next generation wireless systems employ Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) physical layer owing, to the high data rate transmissions that are possible without increase in bandwidth. Towards improving file performance of these systems, we look at the design of resource allocation algorithms at medium-access layer, and their impact on higher layers. While TCP-based clastic traffic needs reliable transport, UDP-based real-time applications have stringent delay and rate requirements. The MAC algorithms while catering to the heterogeneous service needs of these higher layers, tradeoff between maximizing the system capacity and providing fairness among users. The novelly of this work is the proposal of various channel-aware resource allocation algorithms at the MAC layer. which call result in significant performance gains in an OFDM based wireless system.


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Recently, we reported a low-complexity likelihood ascent search (LAS) detection algorithm for large MIMO systems with several tens of antennas that can achieve high spectral efficiencies of the order of tens to hundreds of bps/Hz. Through simulations, we showed that this algorithm achieves increasingly near SISO AWGN performance for increasing number of antennas in Lid. Rayleigh fading. However, no bit error performance analysis of the algorithm was reported. In this paper, we extend our work on this low-complexity large MIMO detector in two directions: i) We report an asymptotic bit error probability analysis of the LAS algorithm in the large system limit, where N-t, N-r -> infinity keeping N-t = N-r, where N-t and N-r are the number of transmit and receive antennas, respectively. Specifically, we prove that the error performance of the LAS detector for V-BLAST with 4-QAM in i.i.d. Rayleigh fading converges to that of the maximum-likelihood (ML) detector as N-t, N-r -> infinity keeping N-t = N-r ii) We present simulated BER and nearness to capacity results for V-BLAST as well as high-rate non-orthogonal STBC from Division Algebras (DA), in a more realistic spatially correlated MIMO channel model. Our simulation results show that a) at an uncoded BER of 10(-3), the performance of the LAS detector in decoding 16 x 16 STBC from DA with N-t = = 16 and 16-QAM degrades in spatially correlated fading by about 7 dB compared to that in i.i.d. fading, and 19) with a rate-3/4 outer turbo code and 48 bps/Hz spectral efficiency, the performance degrades by about 6 dB at a coded BER of 10(-4). Our results further show that providing asymmetry in number of antennas such that N-r > N-t keeping the total receiver array length same as that for N-r = N-t, the detector is able to pick up the extra receive diversity thereby significantly improving the BER performance.


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Opportunistic selection is a practically appealing technique that is used in multi-node wireless systems to maximize throughput, implement proportional fairness, etc. However, selection is challenging since the information about a node's channel gains is often available only locally at each node and not centrally. We propose a novel multiple access-based distributed selection scheme that generalizes the best features of the timer scheme, which requires minimal feedback but does not always guarantee successful selection, and the fast splitting scheme, which requires more feedback but guarantees successful selection. The proposed scheme's design explicitly accounts for feedback time overheads unlike the conventional splitting scheme and guarantees selection of the user with the highest metric unlike the timer scheme. We analyze and minimize the average time including feedback required by the scheme to select. With feedback overheads, the proposed scheme is scalable and considerably faster than several schemes proposed in the literature. Furthermore, the gains increase as the feedback overhead increases.


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An opportunistic, rate-adaptive system exploits multi-user diversity by selecting the best node, which has the highest channel power gain, and adapting the data rate to selected node's channel gain. Since channel knowledge is local to a node, we propose using a distributed, low-feedback timer backoff scheme to select the best node. It uses a mapping that maps the channel gain, or, in general, a real-valued metric, to a timer value. The mapping is such that timers of nodes with higher metrics expire earlier. Our goal is to maximize the system throughput when rate adaptation is discrete, as is the case in practice. To improve throughput, we use a pragmatic selection policy, in which even a node other than the best node can be selected. We derive several novel, insightful results about the optimal mapping and develop an algorithm to compute it. These results bring out the inter-relationship between the discrete rate adaptation rule, optimal mapping, and selection policy. We also extensively benchmark the performance of the optimal mapping with several timer and opportunistic multiple access schemes considered in the literature, and demonstrate that the developed scheme is effective in many regimes of interest.


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Energy harvesting sensor (EHS) nodes provide an attractive and green solution to the problem of limited lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Unlike a conventional node that uses a non-rechargeable battery and dies once it runs out of energy, an EHS node can harvest energy from the environment and replenish its rechargeable battery. We consider hybrid WSNs that comprise of both EHS and conventional nodes; these arise when legacy WSNs are upgraded or due to EHS deployment cost issues. We compare conventional and hybrid WSNs on the basis of a new and insightful performance metric called k-outage duration, which captures the inability of the nodes to transmit data either due to lack of sufficient battery energy or wireless fading. The metric overcomes the problem of defining lifetime in networks with EHS nodes, which never die but are occasionally unable to transmit due to lack of sufficient battery energy. It also accounts for the effect of wireless channel fading on the ability of the WSN to transmit data. We develop two novel, tight, and computationally simple bounds for evaluating the k-outage duration. Our results show that increasing the number of EHS nodes has a markedly different effect on the k-outage duration than increasing the number of conventional nodes.


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In this paper we consider a single discrete time queue with infinite buffer. The channel may experience fading. The transmission rate is a linear function of power used for transmission. In this scenario we explicitly obtain power control policies which minimize mean power and/or mean delay. There may also be peak power constraint.


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The distributed, low-feedback, timer scheme is used in several wireless systems to select the best node from the available nodes. In it, each node sets a timer as a function of a local preference number called a metric, and transmits a packet when its timer expires. The scheme ensures that the timer of the best node, which has the highest metric, expires first. However, it fails to select the best node if another node transmits a packet within Delta s of the transmission by the best node. We derive the optimal metric-to-timer mappings for the practical scenario where the number of nodes is unknown. We consider two cases in which the probability distribution of the number of nodes is either known a priori or is unknown. In the first case, the optimal mapping maximizes the success probability averaged over the probability distribution. In the second case, a robust mapping maximizes the worst case average success probability over all possible probability distributions on the number of nodes. Results reveal that the proposed mappings deliver significant gains compared to the mappings considered in the literature.


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In a system with energy harvesting (EH) nodes, the design focus shifts from minimizing energy consumption by infrequently transmitting less information to making the best use of available energy to efficiently deliver data while adhering to the fundamental energy neutrality constraint. We address the problem of maximizing the throughput of a system consisting of rate-adaptive EH nodes that transmit to a destination. Unlike related literature, we focus on the practically important discrete-rate adaptation model. First, for a single EH node, we propose a discrete-rate adaptation rule and prove its optimality for a general class of stationary and ergodic EH and fading processes. We then study a general system with multiple EH nodes in which one is opportunistically selected to transmit. We first derive a novel and throughput-optimal joint selection and rate adaptation rule (TOJSRA) when the nodes are subject to a weaker average power constraint. We then propose a novel rule for a multi-EH node system that is based on TOJSRA, and we prove its optimality for stationary and ergodic EH and fading processes. We also model the various energy overheads of the EH nodes and characterize their effect on the adaptation policy and the system throughput.


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The use of energy harvesting (EH) nodes as cooperative relays is a promising and emerging solution in wireless systems such as wireless sensor networks. It harnesses the spatial diversity of a multi-relay network and addresses the vexing problem of a relay's batteries getting drained in forwarding information to the destination. We consider a cooperative system in which EH nodes volunteer to serve as amplify-and-forward relays whenever they have sufficient energy for transmission. For a general class of stationary and ergodic EH processes, we introduce the notion of energy constrained and energy unconstrained relays and analytically characterize the symbol error rate of the system. Further insight is gained by an asymptotic analysis that considers the cases where the signal-to-noise-ratio or the number of relays is large. Our analysis quantifies how the energy usage at an EH relay and, consequently, its availability for relaying, depends not only on the relay's energy harvesting process, but also on its transmit power setting and the other relays in the system. The optimal static transmit power setting at the EH relays is also determined. Altogether, our results demonstrate how a system that uses EH relays differs in significant ways from one that uses conventional cooperative relays.


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We develop an optimal, distributed, and low feedback timer-based selection scheme to enable next generation rate-adaptive wireless systems to exploit multi-user diversity. In our scheme, each user sets a timer depending on its signal to noise ratio (SNR) and transmits a small packet to identify itself when its timer expires. When the SNR-to-timer mapping is monotone non-decreasing, timers of users with better SNRs expire earlier. Thus, the base station (BS) simply selects the first user whose timer expiry it can detect, and transmits data to it at as high a rate as reliably possible. However, timers that expire too close to one another cannot be detected by the BS due to collisions. We characterize in detail the structure of the SNR-to-timer mapping that optimally handles these collisions to maximize the average data rate. We prove that the optimal timer values take only a discrete set of values, and that the rate adaptation policy strongly influences the optimal scheme's structure. The optimal average rate is very close to that of ideal selection in which the BS always selects highest rate user, and is much higher than that of the popular, but ad hoc, timer schemes considered in the literature.


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Contention-based multiple access is a crucial component of many wireless systems. Multiple-packet reception (MPR) schemes that use interference cancellation techniques to receive and decode multiple packets that arrive simultaneously are known to be very efficient. However, the MPR schemes proposed in the literature require complex receivers capable of performing advanced signal processing over significant amounts of soft undecodable information received over multiple contention steps. In this paper, we show that local channel knowledge and elementary received signal strength measurements, which are available to many receivers today, can actively facilitate multipacket reception and even simplify the interference canceling receiver¿s design. We introduce two variants of a simple algorithm called Dual Power Multiple Access (DPMA) that use local channel knowledge to limit the receive power levels to two values that facilitate successive interference cancellation. The resulting receiver structure is markedly simpler, as it needs to process only the immediate received signal without having to store and process signals received previously. Remarkably, using a set of three feedback messages, the first variant, DPMA-Lite, achieves a stable throughput of 0.6865 packets per slot. Using four possible feedback messages, the second variant, Turbo-DPMA, achieves a stable throughput of 0.793 packets per slot, which is better than all contention algorithms known to date.


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Next generation wireless systems employ Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) physical layer owing to the high data rate transmissions that are possible without increase in bandwidth. While TCP performance has been extensively studied for interaction with link layer ARQ, little attention has been given to the interaction of TCP with MAC layer. In this work, we explore cross-layer interactions in an OFDM based wireless system, specifically focusing on channel-aware resource allocation strategies at the MAC layer and its impact on TCP congestion control. Both efficiency and fairness oriented MAC resource allocation strategies were designed for evaluating the performance of TCP. The former schemes try to exploit the channel diversity to maximize the system throughput, while the latter schemes try to provide a fair resource allocation over sufficiently long time duration. From a TCP goodput standpoint, we show that the class of MAC algorithms that incorporate a fairness metric and consider the backlog outperform the channel diversity exploiting schemes.


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Timer-based mechanisms are often used in several wireless systems to help a given (sink) node select the best helper node among many available nodes. Specifically, a node transmits a packet when its timer expires, and the timer value is a function of its local suitability metric. In practice, the best node gets selected successfully only if no other node's timer expires within a `vulnerability' window after its timer expiry. In this paper, we provide a complete closed-form characterization of the optimal metric-to-timer mapping that maximizes the probability of success for any probability distribution function of the metric. The optimal scheme is scalable, distributed, and much better than the popular inverse metric timer mapping. We also develop an asymptotic characterization of the optimal scheme that is elegant and insightful, and accurate even for a small number of nodes.


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We develop several hardware and software simulation blocks for the TinyOS-2 (TOSSIM-T2) simulator. The choice of simulated hardware platform is the popular MICA2 mote. While the hardware simulation elements comprise of radio and external flash memory, the software blocks include an environment noise model, packet delivery model and an energy estimator block for the complete system. The hardware radio block uses the software environment noise model to sample the noise floor.The packet delivery model is built by establishing the SNR-PRR curve for the MICA2 system. The energy estimator block models energy consumption by Micro Controller Unit(MCU), Radio,LEDs, and external flash memory. Using the manufacturer’s data sheets we provide an estimate of the energy consumed by the hardware during transmission, reception and also track several of the MCUs states with the associated energy consumption. To study the effectiveness of this work, we take a case study of a paper presented in [1]. We obtain three sets of results for energy consumption through mathematical analysis, simulation using the blocks built into PowerTossim-T2 and finally laboratory measurements. Since there is a significant match between these result sets, we propose our blocks for T2 community to effectively test their application energy requirements and node life times.