506 resultados para Viscoelastic Flow


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More than six years after the great (M-w 9.2) Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, postevent processes responsible for relaxation of the coseismic stress change remain controversial. Modeling of Andaman Islands Global Positioning System (GPS) displacements indicated early near-field motions were dominated by slip down-dip of the rupture, but various researchers ascribe elements of relaxation to dominantly poroelastic, dominantly viscoelastic, and dominantly fault slip processes, depending primarily on their measurement sampling and modeling tools used. After subtracting a pre-2004 interseismic velocity, significant transient motion during the 2008.5-2010.5 epoch confirms that postseismic relaxation processes continue in Andaman. Modeling three-component velocities as viscoelastic flow yields a weighted root-mean-square (wrms) misfit that always exceeds the wrms of the measured signal (26.3 mm/yr). The best-fitting models are those that yield negligible deformation, indicating the model parameters have no real physical meaning. GPS velocities are well fit (wrms 4.0 mm/yr) by combining a viscoelastic flow model that best fits the horizontal velocities with similar to 50 cm/yr thrust slip down-dip of the coseismic rupture. Both deep slip and flow respond to stress changes, and each can significantly change stress in the realm of the other; it therefore is reasonable to expect that both transient deep slip and viscoelastic flow will influence surface deformation long after a great earthquake.


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The unsteady three-dimensional stagnation point Bow of a viscoelastic fluid has been studied. Both nodal and saddle point regions of How have been considered. The unsteadiness in the Bow field is caused by the free stream velocity which varies arbitrarily with time. The governing boundary layer equations represented by a system of nonlinear partial differential equations have been solved numerically using a finite-difference scheme along with the quasilinearization technique in the nodal point region and a finite-difference scheme in combination with the parametric differentiation technique in the saddle point region. The skin friction coefficients for the viscoelastic fluid are found to be significantly less than those of the Newtonian fluid. The skin friction and heat transfer increase due to suction and reduce due to injection. The heat transfer at the wall increases with the Prandtl number. There is a flow reversal in the y-component of the velocity in the saddle point region. The absolute value of c (<<<0) for which reversal takes place is less than that of the Newtonian fluid. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The linear stability analysis of a plane Couette flow of an Oldroyd-B viscoelastic fluid past a flexible solid medium is carried out to investigate the role of polymer addition in the stability behavior. The system consists of a viscoelastic fluid layer of thickness R, density rho, viscosity eta, relaxation time lambda, and retardation time beta lambda flowing past a linear elastic solid medium of thickness HR, density rho, and shear modulus G. The emphasis is on the high-Reynolds-number wall-mode instability, which has recently been shown in experiments to destabilize the laminar flow of Newtonian fluids in soft-walled tubes and channels at a significantly lower Reynolds number than that for flows in rigid conduits. For Newtonian fluids, the linear stability studies have shown that the wall modes become unstable when flow Reynolds number exceeds a certain critical value Re c which scales as Sigma(3/4), where Reynolds number Re = rho VR/eta, V is the top-plate velocity, and dimensionless parameter Sigma = rho GR(2)/eta(2) characterizes the fluid-solid system. For high-Reynolds-number flow, the addition of polymer tends to decrease the critical Reynolds number in comparison to that for the Newtonian fluid, indicating a destabilizing role for fluid viscoelasticity. Numerical calculations show that the critical Reynolds number could be decreased by up to a factor of 10 by the addition of small amount of polymer. The critical Reynolds number follows the same scaling Re-c similar to Sigma(3/4) as the wall modes for a Newtonian fluid for very high Reynolds number. However, for moderate Reynolds number, there exists a narrow region in beta-H parametric space, corresponding to very dilute polymer solution (0.9 less than or similar to beta < 1) and thin solids (H less than or similar to 1.1), in which the addition of polymer tends to increase the critical Reynolds number in comparison to the Newtonian fluid. Thus, Reynolds number and polymer properties can be tailored to either increase or decrease the critical Reynolds number for unstable modes, thus providing an additional degree of control over the laminar-turbulent transition.


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The magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) flow of a conducting, homogeneous incompressible Rivlin-Ericksen fluid of second grade contained between two infinite, parallel, insulated disks rotating with the same angular velocity about two noncoincident axes, under the application of a uniform transverse magnetic field, is investigated. This model represents the MHD flow of the fluid in the instrument called an orthogonal rheometer, except for the fact that in the rheometer the rotating plates are necessarily finite. An exact solution of the governing equations of motion is presented. The force components in the x and y directions on the disks are calculated. The effects of magnetic field and the viscoelastic parameter on the forces are discussed in detail.


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The interfacial shear rheological properties of a continuous single-crystalline film of CuS and a 3D particulate gel of CdS nanoparticles (3−5 nm in diameter) formed at toluene−water interfaces have been studied. The ultrathin films (50 nm in thickness) are formed in situ in the shear cell through a reaction at the toluene−water interface between a metal−organic compound in the organic layer and an appropriate reagent for sulfidation in the aqueous layer. Linear viscoelastic spectra of the nanofilms reveal solid-like rheological behavior with the storage modulus higher than the loss modulus over the range of angular frequencies probed. Large strain amplitude sweep measurements on the CdS nanofilms formed at different reactant concentrations suggest that they form a weakly flocculated gel. Under steady shear, the films exhibit a yield stress, followed by a steady shear thinning at high shear rates. The viscoelastic and flow behavior of these films that are in common with those of many 3D “soft” materials like gels, foams, and concentrated colloidal suspensions can be described by the “soft” glassy rheology model.


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The steady MHD mixed convection flow of a viscoelastic fluid in the vicinity of two-dimensional stagnation point with magnetic field has been investigated under the assumption that the fluid obeys the upper-convected Maxwell (UCM) model. Boundary layer theory is used to simplify the equations of motion. induced magnetic field and energy which results in three coupled non-linear ordinary differential equations which are well-posed. These equations have been solved by using finite difference method. The results indicate the reduction in the surface velocity gradient, surface heat transfer and displacement thickness with the increase in the elasticity number. These trends are opposite to those reported in the literature for a second-grade fluid. The surface velocity gradient and heat transfer are enhanced by the magnetic and buoyancy parameters. The surface heat transfer increases with the Prandtl number, but the surface velocity gradient decreases.


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The linear stability analysis of a plane Couette flow of viscoelastic fluid have been studied with the emphasis on two dimensional disturbances with wave number k similar to Re-1/2, where Re is Reynolds number based on maximum velocity and channel width. We employ three models to represent the dilute polymer solution: the classical Oldroyd-B model, the Oldroyd-B model with artificial diffusivity and the non-homogeneous polymer model. The result of the linear stability analysis is found to be sensitive to the polymer model used. While the plane Couette flow is found to be stable to infinitesimal disturbances for the first two models, the last one exhibits a linear instability.


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The stability of the Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Newtonian fluid in a tube of radius R surrounded by an incompressible viscoelastic medium of radius R < r < HR is analysed in the high Reynolds number regime. The dimensionless numbers that affect the fluid flow are the Reynolds number Re = (rho VR/eta), the ratio of the viscosities of the wall and fluid eta(r) = (eta(s)/eta), the ratio of radii H and the dimensionless velocity Gamma = (rho V-2/G)(1/2). Here rho is the density of the fluid, G is the coefficient of elasticity of the wall and V is the maximum fluid velocity at the centre of the tube. In the high Reynolds number regime, an asymptotic expansion in the small parameter epsilon = (1/Re) is employed. In the leading approximation, the viscous effects are neglected and there is a balance between the inertial stresses in the fluid and the elastic stresses in the medium. There are multiple solutions for the leading-order growth rate s((0)), all of which are imaginary, indicating that the fluctuations are neutrally stable, since there is no viscous dissipation of energy or transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the Reynolds stress. There is an O(epsilon(1/2)) correction to the growth rate, s((1)), due to the presence of a wall layer of thickness epsilon(1/2)R where the viscous stresses are O(epsilon(1/2)) smaller than the inertial stresses. An energy balance analysis indicates that the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the Reynolds stress in the wall layer is exactly cancelled by an opposite transfer of equal magnitude due to the deformation work done at the interface, and there is no net transfer from the mean flow to the fluctuations. Consequently, the fluctuations are stabilized by the viscous dissipation in the wall layer, and the real part of s(1) is negative. However, there are certain values of Gamma and wavenumber k where s((1)) = 0. At these points, the wall layer amplitude becomes zero because the tangential velocity boundary condition is identically satisfied by the inviscid flow solution. The real part of the O(epsilon) correction to the growth rate s((2)) turns out to be negative at these points, indicating a small stabilizing effect due to the dissipation in the bulk of the fluid and the wall material. It is found that the minimum value of s((2)) increases proportional to (H-1)(-2) for (H-1) much less than 1 (thickness of wall much less than the tube radius), and decreases proportional to H-4 for H much greater than 1. The damping rate for the inviscid modes is smaller than that for the viscous wall and centre modes in a rigid tube, which have been determined previously using a singular perturbation analysis. Therefore, these are the most unstable modes in the flow through a flexible tube


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The stability of Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Newtonian fluid of viscosity eta in a tube of radius R surrounded by a viscoelastic medium of elasticity G and viscosity eta(s) occupying the annulus R < r < HR is determined using a linear stability analysis. The inertia of the fluid and the medium are neglected, and the mass and momentum conservation equations for the fluid and wall are linear. The only coupling between the mean flow and fluctuations enters via an additional term in the boundary condition for the tangential velocity at the interface, due to the discontinuity in the strain rate in the mean flow at the surface. This additional term is responsible for destabilizing the surface when the mean velocity increases beyond a transition value, and the physical mechanism driving the instability is the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the work done by the mean flow at the interface. The transition velocity Gamma(t) for the presence of surface instabilities depends on the wavenumber k and three dimensionless parameters: the ratio of the solid and fluid viscosities eta(r) = (eta(s)/eta), the capillary number Lambda = (T/GR) and the ratio of radii H, where T is the surface tension of the interface. For eta(r) = 0 and Lambda = 0, the transition velocity Gamma(t) diverges in the limits k much less than 1 and k much greater than 1, and has a minimum for finite k. The qualitative behaviour of the transition velocity is the same for Lambda > 0 and eta(r) = 0, though there is an increase in Gamma(t) in the limit k much greater than 1. When the viscosity of the surface is non-zero (eta(r) > 0), however, there is a qualitative change in the Gamma(t) vs. k curves. For eta(r) < 1, the transition velocity Gamma(t) is finite only when k is greater than a minimum value k(min), while perturbations with wavenumber k < k(min) are stable even for Gamma--> infinity. For eta(r) > 1, Gamma(t) is finite only for k(min) < k < k(max), while perturbations with wavenumber k < k(min) or k > k(max) are stable in the limit Gamma--> infinity. As H decreases or eta(r) increases, the difference k(max)- k(min) decreases. At minimum value H = H-min, which is a function of eta(r), the difference k(max)-k(min) = 0, and for H < H-min, perturbations of all wavenumbers are stable even in the limit Gamma--> infinity. The calculations indicate that H-min shows a strong divergence proportional to exp (0.0832 eta(r)(2)) for eta(r) much greater than 1.


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The flow and heat transfer characteristics of a second-order fluid over a vertical wedge with buoyancy forces have been analysed. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations governing the nonsimilar mixed convection flow have been solved numerically using Keller box method. The effects of the buoyancy parameter, viscoelastic parameter, mass transfer parameter, pressure gradient parameter, Prandtl number and viscous dissipation parameter on the skin friction and heat transfer have been examined in detail. Particular cases of the present results match exactly with those available in the literature.


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Flows with velocity profiles very different from the parabolic velocity profile can occur in the entrance region of a tube as well as in tubes with converging/diverging cross-sections. In this paper, asymptotic and numerical studies are undertaken to analyse the temporal stability of such 'non-parabolic' flows in a flexible tube in the limit of high Reynolds numbers. Two specific cases are considered: (i) developing flow in a flexible tube; (ii) flow in a slightly converging flexible tube. Though the mean velocity profile contains both axial and radial components, the flow is assumed to be locally parallel in the stability analysis. The fluid is Newtonian and incompressible, while the flexible wall is modelled as a viscoelastic solid. A high Reynolds number asymptotic analysis shows that the non-parabolic velocity profiles can become unstable in the inviscid limit. This inviscid instability is qualitatively different from that observed in previous studies on the stability of parabolic flow in a flexible tube, and from the instability of developing flow in a rigid tube. The results of the asymptotic analysis are extended numerically to the moderate Reynolds number regime. The numerical results reveal that the developing flow could be unstable at much lower Reynolds numbers than the parabolic flow, and hence this instability can be important in destabilizing the fluid flow through flexible tubes at moderate and high Reynolds number. For flow in a slightly converging tube, even small deviations from the parabolic profile are found to be sufficient for the present instability mechanism to be operative. The dominant non-parallel effects are incorporated using an asymptotic analysis, and this indicates that non-parallel effects do not significantly affect the neutral stability curves. The viscosity of the wall medium is found to have a stabilizing effect on this instability.


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The stability of the Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Newtonian fluid in a tube of radius R surrounded by an incompressible viscoelastic medium of radius R < r < HR is analysed in the high Reynolds number regime. The dimensionless numbers that affect the fluid flow are the Reynolds number Re = (ρVR / η), the ratio of the viscosities of the wall and fluid ηr = (ηs/η), the ratio of radii H and the dimensionless velocity Γ = (ρV2/G)1/2. Here ρ is the density of the fluid, G is the coefficient of elasticity of the wall and Vis the maximum fluid velocity at the centre of the tube. In the high Reynolds number regime, an asymptotic expansion in the small parameter ε = (1/Re) is employed. In the leading approximation, the viscous effects are neglected and there is a balance between the inertial stresses in the fluid and the elastic stresses in the medium. There are multiple solutions for the leading-order growth rate do), all of which are imaginary, indicating that the fluctuations are neutrally stable, since there is no viscous dissipation of energy or transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctruations due to the Reynolds strees. There is an O(ε1/2) correction to the growth rate, s(1), due to the presence of a wall layer of thickness ε1/2R where the viscous stresses are O(ε1/2) smaller than the inertial stresses. An energy balance analysis indicates that the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the Reynolds stress in the wall layer is exactly cancelled by an opposite transfer of equal magnitude due to the deformation work done at the interface, and there is no net transfer from the mean flow to the fluctuations. Consequently, the fluctuations are stabilized by the viscous dissipation in the wall layer, and the real part of s(1) is negative. However, there are certain values of Γ and wavenumber k where s(l) = 0. At these points, the wail layer amplitude becomes zero because the tangential velocity boundary condition is identically satisfied by the inviscid flow solution. The real part of the O(ε) correction to the growth rate s(2) turns out to be negative at these points, indicating a small stabilizing effect due to the dissipation in the bulk of the fluid and the wall material. It is found that the minimum value of s(2) increases [is proportional to] (H − 1)−2 for (H − 1) [double less-than sign] 1 (thickness of wall much less than the tube radius), and decreases [is proportional to] (H−4 for H [dbl greater-than sign] 1. The damping rate for the inviscid modes is smaller than that for the viscous wall and centre modes in a rigid tube, which have been determined previously using a singular perturbation analysis. Therefore, these are the most unstable modes in the flow through a flexible tube.


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We report our studies of the linear and nonlinear rheology of aqueous solutions of the surfactant cetyl trimethylammonium tosylate (CTAT) with varying amounts of sodium chloride (NaCl). The CTAT concentration is fixed at 42 mM, and the salt concentration is varied between 0 and 120 mM. On increasing the salt (NaCl) concentration, we see three distinct regimes in the zero-shear viscosity and the high-frequency plateau modulus data. In regime 1, the zero-shear viscosity shows a weak increase with salt concentration due to enhanced micellar growth. The decrease in the zero-shear viscosities with salt concentration in regimes II and III can be explained in terms of intermicellar branching. The most intriguing feature of our data, however, is the anomalous behavior of the high-frequency plateau modulus in regime II (0.12 less than or equal to [NaCl]/[CTAT] less than or equal to 1.42). In this regime, the plateau modulus increases with an increase in NaCl concentration. This is highly interesting, since the correlation length of concentration fluctuations and hence the plateau modulus G(0) are not expected to change appreciably in the semidilute regime. We propose to explain the changes in regime II in terms of a possible unbinding of the organic counterions (tosylate) from the CTA(+) surfaces on the addition of NaCl. In the nonlinear flow curves of the samples with high salt content, significant deviations from the predictions of the Giesekus model for entangled micelles are observed.


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A paradigm for internally driven matter is the active nematic liquid crystal, whereby the equations of a conventional nematic are supplemented by a minimal active stress that violates time-reversal symmetry. In practice, active fluids may have not only liquid-crystalline but also viscoelastic polymer degrees of freedom. Here we explore the resulting interplay by coupling an active nematic to a minimal model of polymer rheology. We find that adding a polymer can greatly increase the complexity of spontaneous flow, but can also have calming effects, thereby increasing the net throughput of spontaneous flow along a pipe (a ``drag-reduction'' effect). Remarkably, active turbulence can also arise after switching on activity in a sufficiently soft elastomeric solid.


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Mixing at low Reynolds number is usually due to diffusion and requires longer channel lengths for complete mixing. In order to reduce the mixing lengths, advective flow can be induced by varying the channel geometry. Additionally, in non-newtonian fluids, appropriate modifications to channel geometry can be used to aid the mixing process by capitalizing on their viscoelastic nature. Here we have exploited the advection and viscoelastic effects to implement a planar passive micro-mixer. Microfluidic devices incorporating different blend of mixing geometries were conceived. The optimum design was chosen based on the results of the numerical simulations performed in COMSOL. The chosen design had sudden expansion and contraction along with teeth patterns along the channel walls to improve mixing. Mixing of two different dyes was performed to validate the mixing efficiency. Particle dispersion experiments were also carried out. The results indicated effective mixing. In addition, the same design was also found to be compatible with electrical power free pumping mechanism like suction. The proposed design was then used to carry out on-chip chemical cell lysis with human whole blood samples to establish its use with non-newtonian fluids. Complete lysis of the erythrocytes was observed leaving behind the white blood cells at the outlet.