239 resultados para Ti vector


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PMSM drive with high dynamic response is the attractive solution for servo applications like robotics, machine tools, electric vehicles. Vector control is widely accepted control strategy for PMSM control, which enables decoupled control of torque and flux, this improving the transient response of torque and speed. As the vector control demands exhaustive real time computations, so the present work is implemented using TI DSP 320C240. Presently position and speed controller have been successfully tested. The feedback information used is shaft (rotor) position from the incremental encoder and two motor currents. We conclude with the hope to extend the present experimental set up for further research related to PMSM applications.


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The precipitation processes in dilute nitrogen alloys of titanium have been examined in detail by conventional transmission electron microscopy (CTEM) and high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM). The alloy Ti-2 at. pct N on quenching from its high-temperature beta phase field has been found to undergo early stages of decomposition. The supersaturated solid solution (alpha''-hcp) on decomposition gives rise to an intimately mixed, irresolvable product microstructure. The associated strong tweed contrast presents difficulties in understanding the characteristic features of the process. Therefore, HREM has been carried out with a view to getting a clear picture of the decomposition process. Studies on the quenched samples of the alloy suggest the formation of solute-rich zones of a few atom layers thick, randomly distributed throughout the matrix. On aging, these zones grow to a size beyond which the precipitate/matrix interfaces appear to become incoherent and the alpha' (tetragonal) product phase is seen distinctly. The structural details, the crystallography of the precipitation process, and the sequence of precipitation reaction in the system are illustrated.


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Power dissipation maps have been generated in the temperature range of 900 degrees C to 1150 degrees C and strain rate range of 10(-3) to 10 s(-1) for a cast aluminide alloy Ti-24Al-20Nb using dynamic material model. The results define two distinct regimes of temperature and strain rate in which efficiency of power dissipation is maximum. The first region, centered around 975 degrees C/0.1 s(-1), is shown to correspond to dynamic recrystallization of the alpha(2) phase and the second, centered around 1150 degrees C/0.001 s(-1), corresponds to dynamic recovery and superplastic deformation of the beta phase. Thermal activation analysis using the power law creep equation yielded apparent activation energies of 854 and 627 kJ/mol for the first and second regimes, respectively. Reanalyzing the data by alternate methods yielded activation energies in the range of 170 to 220 kJ/mol and 220 to 270 kJ/mol for the first and second regimes, respectively. Cross slip was shown to constitute the activation barrier in both cases. Two distinct regimes of processing instability-one at high strain rates and the other at the low strain rates in the lower temperature regions-have been identified, within which shear bands are formed.


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Four Cu bearing alloys of nominal composition Zr25Ti25Cu50, Zr34Ti16Cu50, Zr25Hf25Cu50 and Ti25Hf25Cu50 have been rapidly solidified in order to produce ribbons. All the alloys become amorphous after meltspinning. In the Zr34Ti16Cu50 alloy localized precipitation of cF24 Cu5Zr phase can be observed in the amorphous matrix. The alloys show a tendency of phase separation at the initial stages of crystallization. The difference in crystallization behavior of these alloys with Ni bearing ternary alloys can be explained by atomic size, binary heat of mixing and Mendeleev number. It has been observed that both Laves and Anti-Laves phase forming compositions are suitable for glass formation. The structures of the phases, precipitated during rapid solidification and crystallization can be viewed in terms of Bernal deltahedra and Frank-Kasper polyhedra.


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Texture evolution in a low cost beta titanium alloy was studied for different modes of rolling and heat treatments. The alloy was cold rolled by unidirectional and multi-step cross rolling. The cold rolled material was either aged directly or recrystallized and then aged. The evolution of texture in alpha and beta phases were studied. The rolling texture of beta phase that is characterized by the gamma fiber is stronger for MSCR than UDR; while the trend is reversed on recrystallization. The mode of rolling affects alpha transformation texture on aging with smaller alpha lath size and stronger alpha texture in UDR than in MSCR. The defect structure in beta phase influences the evolution of a texture on aging. A stronger defect structure in beta phase leads to variant selection with the rolled samples showing fewer variants than the recrystallized samples.


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In this paper, downscaling models are developed using a support vector machine (SVM) for obtaining projections of monthly mean maximum and minimum temperatures (T-max and T-min) to river-basin scale. The effectiveness of the model is demonstrated through application to downscale the predictands for the catchment of the Malaprabha reservoir in India, which is considered to be a climatically sensitive region. The probable predictor variables are extracted from (1) the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis dataset for the period 1978-2000, and (2) the simulations from the third-generation Canadian Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM3) for emission scenarios A1B, A2, B1 and COMMIT for the period 1978-2100. The predictor variables are classified into three groups, namely A, B and C. Large-scale atmospheric variables Such as air temperature, zonal and meridional wind velocities at 925 nib which are often used for downscaling temperature are considered as predictors in Group A. Surface flux variables such as latent heat (LH), sensible heat, shortwave radiation and longwave radiation fluxes, which control temperature of the Earth's surface are tried as plausible predictors in Group B. Group C comprises of all the predictor variables in both the Groups A and B. The scatter plots and cross-correlations are used for verifying the reliability of the simulation of the predictor variables by the CGCM3 and to Study the predictor-predictand relationships. The impact of trend in predictor variables on downscaled temperature was studied. The predictor, air temperature at 925 mb showed an increasing trend, while the rest of the predictors showed no trend. The performance of the SVM models that are developed, one for each combination of predictor group, predictand, calibration period and location-based stratification (land, land and ocean) of climate variables, was evaluated. In general, the models which use predictor variables pertaining to land surface improved the performance of SVM models for downscaling T-max and T-min


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While frame-invariant solutions for arbitrarily large rotational deformations have been reported through the orthogonal matrix parametrization, derivation of such solutions purely through a rotation vector parametrization, which uses only three parameters and provides a parsimonious storage of rotations, is novel and constitutes the subject of this paper. In particular, we employ interpolations of relative rotations and a new rotation vector update for a strain-objective finite element formulation in the material framework. We show that the update provides either the desired rotation vector or its complement. This rules out an additive interpolation of total rotation vectors at the nodes. Hence, interpolations of relative rotation vectors are used. Through numerical examples, we show that combining the proposed update with interpolations of relative rotations yields frame-invariant and path-independent numerical solutions. Advantages of the present approach vis-a-vis the updated Lagrangian formulation are also analyzed.


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Small additions of B to Titanium alloys refine the as-cast microstructure significantly and hence improve their mechanical performance. In this work, tensile, fracture and fatigue properties of the as-cast and HIPed Ti-6Al-4V alloy with hypoeutectic wt.% of B additions have been examined, with particular emphasis on identifying the microstructural length scale that controls the mechanical properties of these alloys.


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This study investigates the potential of Relevance Vector Machine (RVM)-based approach to predict the ultimate capacity of laterally loaded pile in clay. RVM is a sparse approximate Bayesian kernel method. It can be seen as a probabilistic version of support vector machine. It provides much sparser regressors without compromising performance, and kernel bases give a small but worthwhile improvement in performance. RVM model outperforms the two other models based on root-mean-square-error (RMSE) and mean-absolute-error (MAE) performance criteria. It also stimates the prediction variance. The results presented in this paper clearly highlight that the RVM is a robust tool for prediction Of ultimate capacity of laterally loaded piles in clay.


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The intensity of the EPR signal with g = 5.985 arising from a ferric ion â oxygen vacancy defect pair (Fe3+ â VO) in PbTiO3, varies with the extent of PbO nonstoichiometry at constant Fe3+ content due to an increased oxygen vacancy concentration. In PZT solid solutions, the signal intensity decreases with an increase in Zr. A lower intensity is also noticed for Fe3+ â VO signals in PbZrO3. This behaviour is explained on the basis of PbO nonstoichiometry arising from independent Pb- and O-vacancies as well as the randomly distributed crystallographic shear (CS) plane defects. The contribution to PbO nonstoichiometry from CS planes is larger in high zirconium compositions of PZT.


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Following the method of Ioffe and Smilga, the propagation of the baryon current in an external constant axial-vector field is considered. The close similarity of the operator-product expansion with and without an external field is shown to arise from the chiral invariance of gauge interactions in perturbation theory. Several sum rules corresponding to various invariants both for the nucleon and the hyperons are derived. The analysis of the sum rules is carried out by two independent methods, one called the ratio method and the other called the continuum method, paying special attention to the nondiagonal transitions induced by the external field between the ground state and excited states. Up to operators of dimension six, two new external-field-induced vacuum expectation values enter the calculations. Previous work determining these expectation values from PCAC (partial conservation of axial-vector current) are utilized. Our determination from the sum rules of the nucleon axial-vector renormalization constant GA, as well as the Cabibbo coupling constants in the SU3-symmetric limit (ms=0), is in reasonable accord with the experimental values. Uncertainties in the analysis are pointed out. The case of broken flavor SU3 symmetry is also considered. While in the ratio method, the results are stable for variation of the fiducial interval of the Borel mass parameter over which the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the sum rules are matched, in the continuum method the results are less stable. Another set of sum rules determines the value of the linear combination 7F-5D to be ≊0, or D/(F+D)≊(7/12). .AE


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We address the issue of complexity for vector quantization (VQ) of wide-band speech LSF (line spectrum frequency) parameters. The recently proposed switched split VQ (SSVQ) method provides better rate-distortion (R/D) performance than the traditional split VQ (SVQ) method, even at the requirement of lower computational complexity. but at the expense of much higher memory. We develop the two stage SVQ (TsSVQ) method, by which we gain both the memory and computational advantages and still retain good R/D performance. The proposed TsSVQ method uses a full dimensional quantizer in its first stage for exploiting all the higher dimensional coding advantages and then, uses an SVQ method for quantizing the residual vector in the second stage so as to reduce the complexity. We also develop a transform domain residual coding method in this two stage architecture such that it further reduces the computational complexity. To design an effective residual codebook in the second stage, variance normalization of Voronoi regions is carried out which leads to the design of two new methods, referred to as normalized two stage SVQ (NTsSVQ) and normalized two stage transform domain SVQ (NTsTrSVQ). These two new methods have complimentary strengths and hence, they are combined in a switched VQ mode which leads to the further improvement in R/D performance, but retaining the low complexity requirement. We evaluate the performances of new methods for wide-band speech LSF parameter quantization and show their advantages over established SVQ and SSVQ methods.


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This paper proposes a multilevel inverter configuration which produces a hexagonal voltage space vector structure in the lower modulation region and a 12-sided polygonal space vector structure in the overmodulation region. A conventional multilevel inverter produces 6n plusmn 1 (n = odd) harmonics in the phase voltage during overmodulation and in the extreme square-wave mode of operation. However, this inverter produces a 12-sided polygonal space vector location, leading to the elimination of 6n plusmn 1 (n = odd) harmonics in the overmodulation region extending to a final 12-step mode of operation with a smooth transition. The benefits of this arrangement are lower losses and reduced torque pulsation in an induction motor drive fed from this converter at higher modulation indexes. The inverter is fabricated by using three conventional cascaded two-level inverters with asymmetric dc-bus voltages. A comparative simulation study of the harmonic distortion in the phase voltage and associated losses in conventional multilevel inverters and that of the proposed inverter is presented in this paper. Experimental validation on a prototype shows that the proposed converter is suitable for high-power applications because of low harmonic distortion and low losses.


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A new method of modeling material behavior which accounts for the dynamic metallurgical processes occurring during hot deformation is presented. The approach in this method is to consider the workpiece as a dissipator of power in the total processing system and to evaluate the dissipated power co-contentJ = ∫o σ ε ⋅dσ from the constitutive equation relating the strain rate (ε) to the flow stress (σ). The optimum processing conditions of temperature and strain rate are those corresponding to the maximum or peak inJ. It is shown thatJ is related to the strain-rate sensitivity (m) of the material and reaches a maximum value(J max) whenm = 1. The efficiency of the power dissipation(J/J max) through metallurgical processes is shown to be an index of the dynamic behavior of the material and is useful in obtaining a unique combination of temperature and strain rate for processing and also in delineating the regions of internal fracture. In this method of modeling, noa priori knowledge or evaluation of the atomistic mechanisms is required, and the method is effective even when more than one dissipation process occurs, which is particularly advantageous in the hot processing of commercial alloys having complex microstructures. This method has been applied to modeling of the behavior of Ti-6242 during hot forging. The behavior of α+ β andβ preform microstructures has been exam-ined, and the results show that the optimum condition for hot forging of these preforms is obtained at 927 °C (1200 K) and a strain rate of 1CT•3 s•1. Variations in the efficiency of dissipation with temperature and strain rate are correlated with the dynamic microstructural changes occurring in the material.


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Evolution of crystallographic texture in the orthorhombic phase of a two-phase alloy Ti–22Al–25Nb (at%), consisting of orthorhombic (O) and bcc (β/B2) phases, was studied. The material was subjected to deformation in two-phase field as well as in the single β phase field. The resulting evolution of microstructure and crystallographic texture were recorded using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The orthorhombic phase underwent change in morphology (from platelets to equiaxed) on rolling in the two-phase field with the texture getting sharper with the amount of deformation. Rolling above β transus temperature led to hot deformation of single β phase microstructure and its subsequent cooling produced transformed coarse platelets of orthorhombic phase with texture in orientation relation with the high temperature deformed β phase.