463 resultados para Thin-layers


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A study was done on pulsed laser deposited relaxor ferroelectric thin films of 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) deposited on platinized silicon substrates with template layers to observe the influence of the template layers on physical and electrical properties. Initial results, showed that perovskite phase (80% by volume) was obtained through proper selection of the processing conditions on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates. The films were grown at 300°C and then annealed in a rapid thermal annealing furnace in the temperature range of 750-850°C to induce crystallization. Comparison of the films annealed at different temperatures revealed a change in crystallinity, perovskite phase formation and grain size. These results were further used to improve the quality of the perovskite PMN-PT phase by inserting thin layers of TiO2 on the Pt substrate. These resulted in an increase in perovskite phase in the films even at lower annealing temperatures. Dielectric studies on the PMN-PT films show very high values of dielectric constant (1300) at room temperature, which further improved with the insertion of the template seed layer. The relaxor properties of the PMN-PT were correlated with Vogel-Fulcher theory to determine the actual nature of the relaxation process.


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A new mathematical model for the solution of the problem of free convection heat transfer between vertical parallel flat isothermal plates under isothermal boundary conditions, has been presented. The set of boundary layer equations used in the model are transformed to nonlinear coupled differential equations by similarity type variables as obtained by Ostrach for vertical flat plates in an infinite fluid medium. By utilising a parameter ηw* to represent the outer boundary, the governing differential equations are solved numerically for parametric values of Pr = 0.733. 2 and 3, and ηw* = 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... and 8.0. The velocity and temperature profiles are presented. Results indicate that ηw* can effectively classify the system into (1) thin layers where conduction predominates, (2) intermediate layers and (3) thick layers whose results can be predicted by the solutions for vertical flat plates in infinite fluid medium. Heat transfer correlations are presented for the 3 categories. Several experimental and analytical results available in the literature agree with the present correlations.


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High-quality GaN epilayers were grown on Si (1 1 1) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy using a new growth process sequence which involved a substrate nitridation at low temperatures, annealing at high temperatures, followed by nitridation at high temperatures, deposition of a low-temperature buffer layer, and a high-temperature overgrowth. The material quality of the GaN films was also investigated as a function of nitridation time and temperature. Crystallinity and surface roughness of GaN was found to improve when the Si substrate was treated under the new growth process sequence. Micro-Raman and photoluminescence (PL) measurement results indicate that the GaN film grown by the new process sequence has less tensile stress and optically good. The surface and interface structures of an ultra thin silicon nitride film grown on the Si surface are investigated by core-level photoelectron spectroscopy and it clearly indicates that the quality of silicon nitride notably affects the properties of GaN growth. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Relaxor ferroelectric thin films of 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3-0.3PbTiO(3) (PMN-PT) deposited on platinized silicon substrates with and without template layers were studied. Perovskite phase (80% by volume) was obtained through proper selection of the processing conditions on bare Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates. The films were initially grown at 300 degreesC using pulsed-laser ablation and subsequently annealed in a rapid thermal annealing furnace in the temperature range of 750-850 degreesC to induce crystallization. Comparison of microstructure of the films annealed at different temperatures showed change in perovskite phase formation and grain size etc. Results from compositional analysis of the films revealed that the films initially possessed high content of lead percentage, which subsequently decreased after annealing at temperature 750-850 degreesC. Films with highest perovskite content were found to form at 820-840 degreesC on Pt substrates where the Pb content was near stoichiometric. Further improvement in the formation of perovskite PMN-PT phase was obtained by using buffer layers of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 (LSCO) on the Pt substrate. This resulted 100% perovskite phase formation in the films deposited at 650 degreesC. Dielectric studies on the PMN-PT films with LSCO template layers showed high values of relative dielectric constant (3800) with a loss factor (tan delta) of 0.035 at a frequency of 1 kHz at room temperature. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Substrates for 2D materials are important for tailoring their fundamental properties and realizing device applications. Aluminum nitride (AIN) films on silicon are promising large-area substrates for such devices in view of their high surface phonon energies and reasonably large dielectric constants. In this paper epitaxial layers of AlN on 2 `' Si wafers have been investigated as a necessary first step to realize devices from exfoliated or transferred atomic layers. Significant thickness dependent contrast enhancements are both predicted and observed for monolayers of graphene and MoS2 on AlN films as compared to the conventional SiO2 films on silicon, with calculated contrast values approaching 100% for graphene on AlN as compared to 8% for SiO2 at normal incidences. Quantitative estimates of experimentally measured contrast using reflectance spectroscopy show very good agreement with calculated values. Transistors of monolayer graphene on AlN films are demonstrated, indicating the feasibility of complete device fabrication on the identified layers.


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We studied the microstructural evolution of multiple layers of elastically stiff films embedded in an elastically soft matrix using a phase field model. The coherent and planar film/matrix interfaces are rendered unstable by the elastic stresses due to a lattice parameter mismatch between the film and matrix phases, resulting in the break-up of the films into particles. With an increasing volume fraction of the stiff phase, the elastic interactions between neighbouring layers lead to: (i) interlayer correlations from an early stage; (ii) a longer wavelength for the maximally growing wave; and therefore (iii) a delayed break-LIP. Further, they promote a crossover in the mode of instability from a predominantly anti-symmetric (in phase) one to a symmetric (out of phase) one. We have computed a stability diagram for the most probable mode of break-up in terms of elastic modulus Mismatch and Volume fraction. We rationalize our results in terms of the initial driving force for destabilization, and corroborate our conclusions using simulations in elastically anisotropic systems.


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Surface composition and depth profile studies of hemiplated thin film CdS:CuzS solar cells have been carried out using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) techniques. These studies indicate that the junction is fairly diffused in the as-prepared cell. However, heat treatment of the cell at 210°C in air relatively sharpens the junction and improves the cell performance. Using the Cu(2p3p)/S(2p) ratio as well as the Cu(LVV)/(LMM) Auger intensity ratio, it can be inferred that the nominal valency of copper in the layers above the junction is Cut and it is essentially in the CUSS form. Copper signals are observed from layers deep down in the cell. These seem to appear mostly from the grain boundary region. From the observed concentration of Cd, Cu and S in these deeper layers and the Cu(LVV)/(LMM) ratio it appears that the signals from copper essentially originate partly from copper in CuS and partly from Cu2t trapped in the lattice. It is significant to note that the nominal valence state of copper changes rather abruptly from Cut to Cuz+ across the junction.


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Films of CuInSe2 were deposited onto glass substrates by a hot wall deposition method using bulk CuInSe2 as a source material. All the deposited CuInSe2 films were found to be polycrystalline in nature exhibiting the chalcopyrite structure with the crystallite orientation along (101),(112),(103),(211),(220),(312) and (400) directions. The photocurrent was found to increase with increase in film thickness and also with increase of light intensity. Photocurrent spectra show a peak related to the band-to-band transition. The spectral response of CuInSe2 thin films was studied by allowing the radiation to pass through a series of interference filters in the wavelength range 700-1200 rim. Films of higher thickness exhibited higher photosensitivity while low thickness films exhibited moderate photosensitivity. CuInSe2-based Solar cells with different types of buffer layers such as US, Cdse, CuInSe2 and CdSe0.7Te0.3 were fabricated. The current and voltage were measured using an optical power meter and an electrometer respectively. The fabricated solar cells were illuminated using 100 mW/cm(2) white light under AM1 conditions. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A detailed description of radiative interactions in laminar compressible boundary layers for moderate Mach numbers is presented by way of asymptotic analysis and supporting solutions. The radiation field is described by the differential approximation. While the asymptotic analysis is valid for large N (the ratio of photon mean free path to molecular mean free path) and arbitrary Boltzmann number, Bo (the ratio of convective heat flux to radiation heat flux), the solutions are obtained for Bo [double less-than sign] 1, the case of strong radiative interactions. The asymptotic analysis shows the existence of an optically thin boundary layer for large N and all Bo. For Bo [double less-than sign] 1, two outer regions are observed — one optically thin (at short distances from the leading edge) and the other optically thick (at large distances from the leading edge). An interesting feature not pointed out in the previous literature is the existence of a wall layer at large distances from the leading edge where convective heat flux can be ignored to the leading order of approximation. The radiation field in all cases can be very well approximated by a one-dimensional description. The solutions have been constructed using the ideas of matched asymptotic expansions by approximate analytical procedures and numerical methods. It is shown that, to the leading order of approximation, the radiation slip method yields exactly the same result as the more complicated matching procedure. Both the cases of linear and nonlinear radiation have been considered, the former being of interest in developing approximate methods which are subsequently generalized to handle the nonlinear problem. Detailed results are presented for both cases.


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The performance of a pressure transducer with meandering-path thin film strain gauges has been studied. Details of the procedure followed to prepare the thin film strain gauge system on the pressure transducer diaphragm are given. The effect of post-deposition heat treatment on the resistance of the sensing films of the strain gauges and the insulating base layers are discussed. The output of the pressure transducer was studied with various input pressures and excitation voltages. It was found that up to a maximum of 10 V bridge excitation the output was stable and repetitive. The maximum non-linearity and hysteresis observed are ±0.15%, ±0.16% and ±0.14% FSO (full-scale output) for 5, 7.5 and 10 V excitation respectively. Information on the output behaviour of the pressure transducer with temperature is also included.


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Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a kesterite semiconductor consisting of abundantly available elements. It has a band gap of 1.5 eV and a large absorption coefficient. Hence, thin films made of this material can be used as absorber layers of a solar cell. CZTS films were deposited on soda lime and Na free borosilicate glass substrates through Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis. The diffusion of sodium from soda lime glass was found to have a profound effect on characteristics like grain size, crystal texture and conductivity of CZTS thin films. Copper ion concentration also varied during the deposition and it was observed that the carrier concentration was enhanced when there was a deficiency of copper in the films. The effect of sodium diffusion and copper deficiency in enhancing the structural and electrical properties of CZTS films are presented in this paper. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The first fabrication of self-doped La1-xMnO3-delta films which are unique among the other La(1-x)M(x)MnO(3) (M = Ca, Ba and Pb) thin films showing giant magnetoresistance is reported. Ag-doped La0.7MnO3-delta films were grown on LaAlO3[100] substrates. These films show ferromagnetic and metal-insulator transition at 220 K and exhibit giant magnetoresistance (GMR) with Delta R/R(o) = 85% and Delta R/R(H) > 550%. Without silver addition these self-doped films are non-magnetic, Enhancement in GMR up to 8% has been observed in superlattices having alternate magnetic and non-magnetic La1-xMnO3-delta layers.


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technique, on both semi-insulating and semi-conducting CraAs substrates with (100) orientation, offset by 2° towards (110) direction. Systematic variation of As/Ga was performed to gain an understanding of growth process, type of formation and other related physical properties. The films were characterized by using the variety of techniques, such as SEM, EDAX, HRTEM, XRD, and PL. Optical and electrical properties of undoped CyaAs epilayers are presented with reference to the growth conditions and AsH3/TMGa ratio. Photoluminescence measurements of GaAs epilayers were recorded at 4.2K and shows the emission of free exciton and confirmed their high purity. The dominant residual impurities in GaAs are presented by using PL. Finally, electrochemical depth profiling exhibited almost homogeneous background carrier distribution and excellent abruptness between the thin GaAs epilayer and substrate.


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Thin films of Bi2VO5.5 (BVO), a vanadium analog of the n = I member of the Aurivillius family, have been prepared by pulsed laser deposition. The BVO films grow along the [001] direction on LaNiO3(LNO) and YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) electrode buffer layers on LaA- IO3(LAO) substrates as obtained from X-ray diffraction studies. The microstructure of the films and of the interfaces within the film and between the film and the substrate were characterized using transmission electron microscopy. The in-plane epitaxial relationship of the rhombohedral LNO on perovskite LAO was [100] LNO // [100] LAO and [001] LNO // [001] LAO. High resolution lattice images showed a sharp interface between LNO and LAO. However, the LNO film is twinned with a preferred orientation along the growth direction. The BVO layer is single crystalline on both LNO/LAO and YBCO/LAO with the caxis parallel to the growth direction except for a thin layer of about 400 Å at the interface which is polycrystalline.


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Deposition of durable thin film coatings by vacuum evaporation on acrylic substrates for optical applications is a challenging job. Films crack upon deposition due to internal stresses and leads to performance degradation. In this investigation, we report the preparation and characterization of single and multi-layer films of TiO2, CeO2, Substance2 (E Merck, Germany), Al2O3, SiO2 and MgF2 by electron beam evaporation on both glass and PMMA substrates. Optical micrographs taken on single layer films deposited on PMMA substrates did not reveal any cracks. Cracks in films were observed on PMMA substrates when the substrate temperature exceeded 80degreesC. Antireflection coatings of 3 and 4 layers have been deposited and characterized. Antireflection coatings made on PMMA substrate using Substance2 (H2) and SiO2 combination showed very fine cracks when observed under microscope. Optical performance of the coatings has been explained with the help of optical micrographs.