766 resultados para Stylocheilus Striatus (formerly Longicauda)


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A new physically based classical continuous potential distribution model, particularly considering the channel center, is proposed for a short-channel undoped body symmetrical double-gate transistor. It involves a novel technique for solving the 2-D nonlinear Poisson's equation in a rectangular coordinate system, which makes the model valid from weak to strong inversion regimes and from the channel center to the surface. We demonstrated, using the proposed model, that the channel potential versus gate voltage characteristics for the devices having equal channel lengths but different thicknesses pass through a single common point (termed ``crossover point''). Based on the potential model, a new compact model for the subthreshold swing is formulated. It is shown that for the devices having very high short-channel effects (SCE), the effective subthreshold slope factor is mainly dictated by the potential close to the channel center rather than the surface. SCEs and drain-induced barrier lowering are also assessed using the proposed model and validated against a professional numerical device simulator.


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We report a circuit technique to measure the on-chip delay of an individual logic gate (both inverting and non-inverting) in its unmodified form using digitally reconfigurable ring oscillator (RO). Solving a system of linear equations with different configuration setting of the RO gives delay of an individual gate. Experimental results from a test chip in 65nm process node show the feasibility of measuring the delay of an individual inverter to within 1pS accuracy. Delay measurements of different nominally identical inverters in close physical proximity show variations of up to 26% indicating the large impact of local or within-die variations.


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This paper highlights the microstructural features of commercially available interstitial free (IF) steel specimens deformed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) up to four passes following the route A. The microstructure of the samples was studied by different techniques of X-ray diffraction peak profile analysis as a function of strain (epsilon). It was found that the crystallite size is reduced substantially already at epsilon=2.3 and it does not change significantly during further deformation. At the same time, the dislocation density increases gradually up to epsilon=4.6. The dislocation densities estimated from X-ray diffraction study are found to correlate very well with the experimentally obtained yield strength of the samples.


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We study, in two dimensions, the effect of misfit anisotropy on microstructural evolution during precipitation of an ordered beta phase from a disordered alpha matrix; these phases have, respectively, 2- and 6-fold rotation symmetries. Thus, precipitation produces three orientational variants of beta phase particles, and they have an anisotropic (and crystallographically equivalent) misfit strain with the matrix. The anisotropy in misfit is characterized using a parameter t = epsilon(yy)/epsilon(xx), where epsilon(xx) and epsilon(yy) are the principal components of the misfit strain tensor. Our phase field, simulations show that the morphology of beta phase particles is significantly influenced by 1, the level of misfit anisotropy. Particles are circular in systems with dilatational misfit (t = 1), elongated along the direction of lower principal misfit when 0 < t < 1 and elongated along the invariant direction when - 1 <= t <= 0. In the special case of a pure shear misfit strain (t = - 1), the microstructure exhibits star, wedge and checkerboard patterns; these microstructural features are in agreement with those in Ti-Al-Nb alloys.


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In this paper, we propose a new load distribution strategy called `send-and-receive' for scheduling divisible loads, in a linear network of processors with communication delay. This strategy is designed to optimally utilize the network resources and thereby minimizes the processing time of entire processing load. A closed-form expression for optimal size of load fractions and processing time are derived when the processing load originates at processor located in boundary and interior of the network. A condition on processor and link speed is also derived to ensure that the processors are continuously engaged in load distributions. This paper also presents a parallel implementation of `digital watermarking problem' on a personal computer-based Pentium Linear Network (PLN) topology. Experiments are carried out to study the performance of the proposed strategy and results are compared with other strategies found in literature.


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The problem of electromagnetic scattering from an isotropic homogeneous chirally coated conducting cylinder is analysed. The cylinder is assumed to be illuminated by either a transverse magnetic or a transverse electric wave. Mie's analysis is used to evaluate the scattering characteristics. The computed results include the evaluation of the normalized scattering width and the absorption efficiency. The results show that there is a significant reduction in the normalized scattering width as compared to a RAM coated cylinder. This reduction has been attributed to increased absorption.


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Arcs of diffuse intensity appear in various shapes and positions in the diffraction patterns from the icosahedral phase, violating the parity rule for simple icosahedral (SI) symmetry. In the process of annealing treatment, the diffuse spots also evolve in the centre of the arcs and become sharp. These extra diffuse spots change the symmetry of the quasilattice from P-type to F-type. The ordered and disordered structures in quasicrystal have been linked to the ordered and disordered structures present in the crystalline alpha (Al-Mn-Si) and alpha (Al-Fe-Si) alloys.


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In this paper, we present a decentralized dynamic load scheduling/balancing algorithm called ELISA (Estimated Load Information Scheduling Algorithm) for general purpose distributed computing systems. ELISA uses estimated state information based upon periodic exchange of exact state information between neighbouring nodes to perform load scheduling. The primary objective of the algorithm is to cut down on the communication and load transfer overheads by minimizing the frequency of status exchange and by restricting the load transfer and status exchange within the buddy set of a processor. It is shown that the resulting algorithm performs almost as well as a perfect information algorithm and is superior to other load balancing schemes based on the random sharing and Ni-Hwang algorithms. A sensitivity analysis to study the effect of various design parameters on the effectiveness of load balancing is also carried out. Finally, the algorithm's performance is tested on large dimensional hypercubes in the presence of time-varying load arrival process and is shown to perform well in comparison to other algorithms. This makes ELISA a viable and implementable load balancing algorithm for use in general purpose distributed computing systems.


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Tethered satellites deployed from the Space Shuttle have been proposed for diverse applications. A funda- mental issue in the utilization of tethers is quick deployment and retrieval of the attached payload. Inordinate librations of the tether during deployment and retrieval is undesirable. The structural damping present in the system is too low to contain the librations. Rupp [1] proposed to control the tether reel located in the parent spacecraft to alter the tension in the tether, which in turn changes the stiffness and the damping of the system. Baker[2] applied the tension control law to a model which included out of plane motion. Modi et al.[3] proposed a control law that included nonlinear feedback of the out-of plane tether angular rate. More recently, nonlinear feedback control laws based on Liapunov functions have been proposed. Two control laws are derived in [4]. The first is based on partial decomposition of the equations of motion and utilization of a two dimensional control law developed in [5]. The other is based on a Liapunov function that takes into consideration out-of-plane motion. It is shown[4] that the control laws are effective when used in conjunction with out-of-plane thrusting. Fujii et al.,[6] used the mission function control approach to study the control law including aerodynamic drag effect explicitly into the control algorithm.


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The ergodic or long-run average cost control problem for a partially observed finite-state Markov chain is studied via the associated fully observed separated control problem for the nonlinear filter. Dynamic programming equations for the latter are derived, leading to existence and characterization of optimal stationary policies.


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The growth of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, their attachment to sulfide minerals and detachment during bacterial leaching are discussed in this paper. Growth of the bacteria has been measured by cell count of the supernatants of the mineral suspensions while attachment to minerals and detachment were measured by periodic protein estimations for both the solid and liquid phases, Even in the absence of the nutrients, bacterial growth occurs and increases the available cell population during leaching; such growth was greater in sphalerite suspensions than in galena suspensions, The bacterial attachment studies suggest that more cells are attached onto galena mineral surface than to sphalerite surface. The mechanisms of bacterial attachment and detachment are discussed.


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In this paper, we present an improved load distribution strategy, for arbitrarily divisible processing loads, to minimize the processing time in a distributed linear network of communicating processors by an efficient utilization of their front-ends. Closed-form solutions are derived, with the processing load originating at the boundary and at the interior of the network, under some important conditions on the arrangement of processors and links in the network. Asymptotic analysis is carried out to explore the ultimate performance limits of such networks. Two important theorems are stated regarding the optimal load sequence and the optimal load origination point. Comparative study of this new strategy with an earlier strategy is also presented.


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An explicit near-optimal guidance scheme is developed for a terminal rendezvous of a spacecraft with a passive target in circular orbit around the earth. The thrust angle versus time profile for the continuous-thrust, constant-acceleration maneuver is derived, based on the assumption that the components of inertial acceleration due to relative position and velocity are negligible on account of the close proximity between the two spacecraft. The control law is obtained as a ''bilinear tangent law'' and an analytic solution to the state differential equations is obtained by expanding a portion of the integrand as an infinite series in time. A differential corrector method is proposed, to obtain real-time updates to the guidance parameters at regular time intervals. Simulation of the guidance scheme is carried out using the Clohessy-Wiltshire equations of relative motion as well as the inverse-square two-body equations of motion. Results for typical examples are presented.


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The development of a microstructure in 304L stainless steel during industrial hot-forming operations, including press forging (mean strain rate of 0.15 s(-1)), rolling/extrusion (2-5 s(-1)), and hammer forging (100 s(-1)) at different temperatures in the range 600-1200 degrees C, was studied with a view to validating the predictions of the processing map. The results have shown that excellent correlation exists between the regimes exhibited by the map and the product microstructures. 304L stainless steel exhibits instability bands when hammer forged at temperatures below 1100 degrees C, rolled/extruded below 1000 degrees C, or press forged below 800 degrees C. All of these conditions must be avoided in mechanical processing of the material. On the other hand, ideally, the material may be rolled, extruded, or press forged at 1200 degrees C to obtain a defect-free microstructure.


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Pinning by second phase particles offers a potent means for limiting grain growth and enhancing superplasticity in alumina-based ceramics. In the present study, a colloidal technique was used to produce green bodies of alumina-yttria composites; at elevated temperatures, the yttria particles react with alumina to produce YAG particles. The densification and high temperature deformation characteristics of alumina-YAG composites were studied using conventional free sintering and sinter-forging, which involves the application of a compressive stress without any lateral constraints. It is shown that the YAG particles retard both densification and grain growth. The experiments indicate also that the presence of YAG particles does not significantly alter the stress exponent for creep deformation.