80 resultados para Self-reflexive Analysis


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Measurements of both the velocity and the temperature field have been made in the thermal layer that grows inside a turbulent boundary layer which is subjected to a small step change in surface heat flux. Upstream of the step, the wall heat flux is zero and the velocity boundary layer is nearly self-preserving. The thermal-layer measurements are discussed in the context of a self-preserving analysis for the temperature disturbance which grows underneath a thick external turbulent boundary layer. A logarithmic mean temperature profile is established downstream of the step but the budget for the mean-square temperature fluctuations shows that, in the inner region of the thermal layer, the production and dissipation of temperature fluctuations are not quite equal at the furthest downstream measurement station. The measurements for both the mean and the fluctuating temperature field indicate that the relaxation distance for the thermal layer is quite large, of the order of 1000θ0, where θ0 is the momentum thickness of the boundary layer at the step. Statistics of the thermal-layer interface and conditionally sampled measurements with respect to this interface are presented. Measurements of the temperature intermittency factor indicate that the interface is normally distributed with respect to its mean position. Near the step, the passive heat contaminant acts as an effective marker of the organized turbulence structure that has been observed in the wall region of a boundary layer. Accordingly, conditional averages of Reynolds stresses and heat fluxes measured in the heated part of the flow are considerably larger than the conventional averages when the temperature intermittency factor is small.


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An experimental study to ascertain the role of external electron donor in methylene blue sensitized dichromated gelatin (MBDCG) holograms has been carried out. The required volume holographic transmission gratings in MBDCG have been recorded using 633-nm light from a He-Ne laser. Three well-known electron donors, namely, N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF); ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA); triethanolamine (TEA), were used in this study. The variation of diffraction efficiency (η) as a function of light exposure (E) and concentration (C) of the electron donor under consideration was chosen as the figure of merit for judging the role of external electron donor in MBDCG holograms. A self-consistent analysis of the experimental results was carried out by recalling the various known facts about the photochemistry and the hologram formation in DSDCG and also DCG. The important findings and conclusions are as follows: (i) Each η vs E graph is a bell-shaped curve and its peak height is influenced in a characteristic manner by the external electron donor used. (ii) High diffraction efficiency/recording speed can be achieved in pure MBDCG holograms. (iii) The diffraction efficiency/recording speed achieved in electron donor sensitized MBDCG holograms did not show any significant improvement at all over that observed in pure MBDCG holograms. (iv) In electron donor sensitized MBDCG holograms, the electron donor used, depending on its type and concentration, appears to promote the process of cross-linking of gelatin molecules in a manner to either retain or deteriorate the refractive-index modulation achieved using pure MBDCG.


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In order to study the memory of the larger eddies in turbulent shear flow, experiments have been conducted on plane turbulent wakes undergoing transition from an initial (carefully prepared) equilibrium state to a different final one, as a result of a nearly impulsive pressure gradient. It is shown that under the conditions of the experiments the equations of motion possess self-preserving solutions in the sense of Townsend (1956), but the observed behaviour of the wake is appreciably different when the pressure gradient is not very small, as the flow goes through a slow relaxation process before reaching final equilibrium. Measurements of the Reynolds stresse show that the approach to a new equilibrium state is exponential, with a relaxation length of the order of 103 momentum thicknesses. It is suggested that a flow satisfying the conditions required by a self-preservation analysis will exhibit equilibrium only if the relaxation length is small compared with a characteristic streamwise length scale of the flow.


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Although incidence matrix representation has been used to analyze the Petri net based models of a system, it has the limitation that it does not preserve reflexive properties (i.e., the presence of selfloops) of Petri nets. But in many practical applications self-loops play very important roles. This paper proposes a new representation scheme for general Petri nets. This scheme defines a matrix called "reflexive incidence matrix (RIM) c which is a combination of two matrices, a "base matrix Cb,,, and a "power matrix CP." This scheme preserves the reflexive and other properties of the Petri nets. Through a detailed analysis it is shown that the proposed scheme requires less memory space and less processing time for answering commonly encountered net queries compared to other schemes. Algorithms to generate the RIM from the given net description and to decompose RIM into input and output function matrices are also given. The proposed Petri net representation scheme is very useful to model and analyze the systems having shared resources, chemical processes, network protocols, etc., and to evaluate the performance of asynchronous concurrent systems.


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A fully self-consistent formulation is described here for the analysis and generation of base-pairs in non-uniform DNA structures, in terms of various local parameters. It is shown that the internal "wedge parameters" are mathematically related to the parameters describing the base-pair orientation with respect to an external helix axis. Hence any one set of three translation and three rotation parameters are necessary and sufficient to completely describe the relative orientation of the base-pairs comprising a step (or doublet). A general procedure is outlined for obtaining an average or global helix axis from the local helix axes for each step. A graphical representation of the local helix axes in the form of a polar plot is also shown and its application for estimating the curvature of oligonucleotide structures is illustrated, with examples of both A and B type structures.


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A Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wire reinforced composite shell structure is analyzed for self-healing characteristic using Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM). SMA behavior is modeled using a onedimensional constitutive model. A pre-notched specimen is loaded longitudinally to simulate crack propagation. The loading process is accompanied by martensitic phase transformation in pre-strained SMA wires, bridging the crack. To heal the composite, uniform heating is required to initiate reverse transformation in the wires and bringing the crack faces back into contact. The pre-strain in the SMA wires used for reinforcement, causes a closure force across the crack during reverse transformation of the wires under heating. The simulation can be useful in design of self-healing composite structures using SMA. Effect of various parameters, like composite and SMA material properties and the geometry of the specimen, on the cracking and self-healing can also be studied.


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The mode I fracture toughness of concrete can be experimentally determined using three point bend beam in conjunction with digital image correlation (DIC). Three different geometrically similar sizes of beams are cast for this study. To study the influence of fly ash and silica fume on fracture toughness of SCC, three SCC mixes are prepared with and without mineral additions. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images are taken on the fractured surface to add information on fracture process in SCC. From this study, it is concluded that the fracture toughness of SCC with mineral addition is higher when compared to those without mineral addition.


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As the beneficial effects of curcumin have often been reported to be limited to its small concentrations, we have undertaken a study to find the aggregation properties of curcumin in water by varying the number of monomers. Our molecular dynamics simulation results show that the equilibrated structure is always an aggregated state with remarkable structural rearrangements as we vary the number of curcumin monomers from 4 to 16 monomers. We find that the curcumin monomers form clusters in a very definite pattern where they tend to aggregate both in parallel and anti-parallel orientation of the phenyl rings, often seen in the formation of beta-sheet in proteins. A considerable enhancement in the population of parallel alignments is observed with increasing the system size from 12 to 16 curcumin monomers. Due to the prevalence of such parallel alignment for large system size, a more closely packed cluster is formed with maximum number of hydrophobic contacts. We also follow the pathway of cluster growth, in particular the transition from the initial segregated to the final aggregated state. We find the existence of a metastable structural intermediate involving a number of intermediate-sized clusters dispersed in the solution. We have constructed a free energy landscape of aggregation where the metatsable state has been identified. The course of aggregation bears similarity to nucleation and growth in highly metastable state. The final aggregated form remains stable with the total exclusion of water from its sequestered hydrophobic core. We also investigate water structure near the cluster surface along with their orientation. We find that water molecules form a distorted tetrahedral geometry in the 1st solvation layer of the cluster, interacting rather strongly with the hydrophilic groups at the surface of the curcumin. The dynamics of such quasi-bound water molecules near the surface of curcumin cluster is considerably slower than the bulk signifying a restricted motion as often found in protein hydration layer. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The micro-level properties of different self compacting concrete (SCC) mixes with and without mineral admixures are studied. The study considers SCC as a two phase material consisting of matrix and aggregate. Micro indentation technique is employed to obtain the hardness of individual phases and to compute the micro-property (modulus of elasticity). Using a self consistent homogenization procedure, the micro-property is scaled-up to obtain the macro-property which is shown to agree with the experimentally obtained macro values. It is seen that there exists a smaller interfacial transition zone at different ages of curing across all the mixes due to the presence of more fines in SCC. Also, there is no significant change in the property of the SCC having no fly ash or silica fume beyond 28 days whereas a substantial change in the micro and macro properties are seen in the SCC having fly ash and silica fume.


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The self-assembly reaction of a cis-blocked 90° square planar metal acceptor with a symmetrical linear flexible linker is expected to yield a [4 + 4] self-assembled square, a [3 + 3] assembled triangle, or a mixture of these.However, if the ligand is a nonsymmetrical ambidentate, it is expected to form a complex mixture comprising several linkage isomeric squares and triangles as a result of different connectivities of the ambidentate linker. We report instead that the reaction of a 90° acceptor cis-(dppf)Pd(OTf)2 [where dppf ) 1,1′-bis(diphenylphosphino)- ferrocene] with an equimolar amount of the ambidentate unsymmetrical ligand Na-isonicotinate unexpectedly yields a mixture of symmetrical triangles and squares in the solution. An analogous reaction using cis-(tmen)Pd(NO3)2 instead of cis-(dppf)Pd(OTf)2 also produced a mixture of symmetrical triangles and squares in the solution. In both cases the square was isolated as the sole product in the solid state, which was characterized by a single crystal structure analysis. The equilibrium between the triangle and the square in the solution is governed by the enthalpic and entropic contributions. The former parameter favors the formation of the square due to less strain in the structure whereas the latter one favors the formation of triangles due to the formation of more triangles from the same number of starting linkers. The effects of temperature and concentration on the equilibria have been studied by NMR techniques. This represents the first report on the study of square-triangle equilibria obtained using a nonsymmetric ambidentate linker. Detail NMR spectroscopy along with the ESI-mass spectrometry unambiguously identified the components in the mixture while the X-ray structure analysis determined the solid-state structure.


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Assembly intermediates of icosahedral viruses are usually transient and are difficult to identify. In the present investigation, site-specific and deletion mutants of the coat protein gene of physalis mottle tymovirus (PhMV) were used to delineate the role of specific amino acid residues in the assembly of the virus and to identify intermediates in this process. N-terminal 30, 34, 35 and 39 amino acid deletion and single C-terminal (N188) deletion mutant proteins of PhMV were expressed in Escherichia coli. Site-specific mutants H69A, C75A, W96A, D144N, D144N-T151A, K143E and N188A were also constructed and expressed. The mutant protein lacking 30 amino acid residues from the N terminus self-assembled to T = 3 particles in vivo while deletions of 34, 35 and 39 amino acid residues resulted in the mutant proteins that were insoluble. Interestingly, the coat protein (pR PhCP) expressed using pRSET B vector with an additional 41 amino acid residues at the N terminus also assembled into T = 3 particles that were more compact and had a smaller diameter. These results demonstrate that the amino-terminal segment is flexible and either the deletion or addition of amino acid residues at the N terminus does not affect T = 3 capsid assembly, in contrast, the deletion of even a single residue from the C terminus (PhN188 Delta 1) resulted in capsids that were unstable. These capsids disassembled to a discrete intermediate with a sedimentation coefficent of 19.4 S. However, the replacement of C-terminal asparagine 188 by alanine led to the formation of stable capsids. The C75A and D144N mutant proteins also assembled into capsids that were as stable as the pR PhCP, suggesting that C75A and D144 are not crucial for the T = 3 capsid assembly. pR PhW96A and pR PhD144N-T151A mutant proteins failed to form capsids and were present as heterogeneous aggregates. Interestingly, the pR PhK143E mutant protein behaved in a manner similar to the C-terminal deletion protein in forming unstable capsids. The intermediate with an s value of 19.4 S was the major assembly product of pR PhH69A mutant protein and could correspond to a 30mer. It is possible that the assembly or disassembly is arrested at a similar stage in pR PhN188 Delta 1, pR PhH69A and pR PhK143E mutant proteins.


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The coordination driven self-assembly of discrete molecular triangles from a non-symmetric ambidentate linker 5-pyrimidinecarboxylate (5-pmc) and Pd(II)/Pt(II) based 90◦ acceptors is presented. Despite the possibility of formation of a mixture of isomeric macrocycles (linkage isomers) due to different connectivity of the ambidentate linker, formation of a single and symmetrical linkage somer in both the cases is an interesting observation. Moreover, the reported macrocycles represent the first example of discrete metallamacrocycles of bridging 5-pmc. While solution composition in both the cases was characterised by multinuclear NMR study and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), the identity of the assemblies in the solid state was established by X-ray single crystals structure analysis. Variable temperature NMR study clearly ruled out the formation of any other macrocycles by [4 + 4] or [2 + 2] self-assembly of the reacting components.


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The design and two-component [2 + 3] self-assembly of a series of new organometallic molecular prisms (3a-d) are described. Assemblies 3a,b incorporate 4,4',4'-tris[ethynyl-trans-Pt(PEt3)(2)]triphenylamine (1a) containing a Pt-ethynyl functionality as tritopic planar acceptor and organic ``clips'' 2a and 2b, respectively [where 2a = 1,3-bis(3-pyridyl)isophthalic amide; 2b= 1,3-bis(ethynyl-3-pyridyl)benzene]. In a complementary approach all organic tritopic planar donor ligand 2c [2c 4,4',4'-tris(4-pyridylethynyl)triphenylamine] was assembled with all organometallic ``clip'', 1,8-bis[{trans-Pt(PEt3) (2)(NO3)}ethynyl]anthracene (1b), to obtain prism 3c. A organometallic carbon-centered acceptor, 1,1,1- tris[4-{trans-Pt(PEt3)(2)(NO3)}ethynylphenyl]ethane (1c), has been prepared, and its prism derivative (3d) using an organic `clip'' is prepared. Assemblies (3a-d) were characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. 3a-d showed fluorescence behavior in solution, and quenching of fluorescence intensity (3a,3c-d) was noticed upon addition of TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene), a common constituent of many commercial explosives. A thin film of the assembly 3d made by spin coating of a solution of 3 x 10(-5) M in DMF on it 1 cm(2) quartz plate showed fluorescence response to the vapor of TNT.