108 resultados para Regulating Factors


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The region -160 to -127 nt of the upstream of CYP-2B1/B2 gene has been found to function as a negative cis-acting element on the basis of DNase-I footprint and gel mobility shift assays as well as cell-free transcriptional assays using Bal-31 mutants. A reciprocal relationship in the interaction of the negative and the recently characterized positive elements with their respective protein factors has been found under repressed and induced conditions of the gene. The negative element also harbors the core glucocorticoid responsive sequence, TGTCCT. It is concluded that the negative element mediates the repressed state of the gene under the uninduced condition and also mediates the repressive effect of dexamethasone, when given along with the inducer phenobarbitone in rats. Dexamethasone is able to antagonize the effects of phenobarbitone at as low a concentration as 100 mu g/kg body wt in these animals. (C) 1995 Academic Press,Inc.


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Insulin like growth factor binding protein 4 (IGFBP4) regulates growth and development of tissues and organs by negatively regulating IGF signaling. Among most cancers, IGFBP4 has growth inhibitory role and reported as a down-regulated gene, except for renal cell carcinoma, wherein IGFBP4 promotes tumor progression. IGFBP4 expression has been shown to be higher in increasing grades of astrocytoma. However, the functional role of IGFBP4 in gliomas has not been explored. Surgical biopsies of 20 normal brain and 198 astrocytoma samples were analyzed for IGFBP4 expression by qRT-PCR. Highest expression of IGFBP4 mRNA was seen in GBM tumors compared to control brain tissues (median log2 of 2.035, p < 0.0001). Immunohistochemical analysis of 53 tissue samples revealed predominant nuclear staining of IGFBP4, seen maximally in GBMs when compared to DA and AA tumors (median LI = 29.12 +/- A 16.943, p < 0.001). Over expression of IGFBP4 in U343 glioma cells resulted in up-regulation of molecules involved in tumor growth, EMT and invasion such as pAkt, pErk, Vimentin, and N-cadherin and down-regulation of E-cadherin. Functionally, IGFBP4 over expression in these cells resulted in increased proliferation, migration and invasion as assessed by MTT, transwell migration, and Matrigel invasion assays. These findings were confirmed upon IGFBP4 knockdown in U251 glioma cells. Our data suggest a pro-tumorigenic role for IGFBP4 in glioma.


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Although LH is essential for survival and function of the corpus luteum (CL) in higher primates, luteolysis occurs during nonfertile cycles without a discernible decrease in circulating LH levels. Using genome-wide expression analysis, several experiments were performed to examine the processes of luteolysis and rescue of luteal function in monkeys. Induced luteolysis with GnRH receptor antagonist (Cetrorelix) resulted in differential regulation of 3949 genes, whereas replacement with exogenous LH (Cetrorelix plus LH) led to regulation of 4434 genes (1563 down-regulation and 2871 up-regulation). A model system for prostaglandin (PG) F-2 alpha-induced luteolysis in the monkey was standardized and demonstrated that PGF(2 alpha) regulated expression of 2290 genes in the CL. Analysis of the LH-regulated luteal transcriptome revealed that 120 genes were regulated in an antagonistic fashion by PGF(2 alpha). Based on the microarray data, 25 genes were selected for validation by real-time RT-PCR analysis, and expression of these genes was also examined in the CL throughout the luteal phase and from monkeys treated with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to mimic early pregnancy. The results indicated changes in expression of genes favorable to PGF(2 alpha) action during the late to very late luteal phase, and expressions of many of these genes were regulated in an opposite manner by exogenous hCG treatment. Collectively, the findings suggest that curtailment of expression of downstream LH-target genes possibly through PGF(2 alpha) action on the CL is among the mechanisms underlying cross talk between the luteotropic and luteolytic signaling pathways that result in the cessation of luteal function, but hCG is likely to abrogate the PGF(2 alpha)-responsive gene expression changes resulting in luteal rescue crucial for the maintenance of early pregnancy. (Endocrinology 150: 1473-1484, 2009)


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Adult male bonnet monkeys exhibit nychthemeral rhythms in testosterone (T) secretion but the precise role of this heightened level of T secretion in regulating spermatogenesis is not known. Intranasal administration of microdoses (500 mu g or 250 mu g/day) of Norethisterone (IN-NET) to adult monkeys (n = 6) at 1600 h each day selectively and completely suppressed the nocturnal surge levels of serum T. Concomitant with this was a significant reduction (P<0.01) in serum LH but not FSH levels. DNA flow cytometric analysis of testicular biopsy tissue showed by week 10 of IN-NET treatment an arrest in meiotic transformation of primary spermatocytes (4C) to round/elongate (1C/HC) spermatids and by week 20 there was a complete absence of 4C, 1C and HC cells (with a relative accumulation in 2C cells). The accumulated meiotic (4C) cells at week 10 showed an increase (>80%, P<0.01) in coefficient of variation and a decrease in intensity of DNA-bound ethidium bromide fluorescence, parameters characteristic of degenerating 'apoptotic' subpopulation of germ cells. While two monkeys exhibited acute oligozoospermia 4 became azoospermic by 20 weeks of IN-NET treatment. A complete, qualitative reversal in the regressive changes in spermatogenesis and near-normal sperm output were apparent at the end of a 20-week recovery phase. These data demonstrate that prolonged, selective suppression of nocturnal surge levels of serum T secretion exerts a primary effect on meiosis in spermatogenesis leading to oligo/azoospermic status in adult bonnet monkeys.


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Plates with V-through edge notches subjected to pure bending and specimens with rectangular edge-through-notches subjected to combined bending and axial pull were investigated (under live-load and stress-frozen conditions) in a completely nondestructive manner using scattered-light photoelasticity. Stress-intensity factors (SIFs) were evaluated by analysing the singular stress distributions near crack-tips. Improved methods are suggested for the evaluation of SIFs. The thickness-wise variation of SIFs is also obtained in the investigation. The results obtained are compared with the available theoretical solutions.


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An experimental investigation by two-dimensional photoelastic technique is carried out to study the stress distribution and to determine the stress-intensity factors for arbitrarily oriented cracks in thin cylindrical shells subjected to torsion. A new method is employed to evaluate the pure and mixed-mode SIF's.


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Results of photoelastic investigations on single edge-notch tension specimens of varying notch angle and crack length are reported. The experimental results of Mode I stress intensity factors are compared with analytical results.


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n this paper, the influence of patch parameters on stress intensity factors in edge cracked plates is studied by employing transmission photoelasticity. Edge cracked plates made of photo-elastic material are patched on one side only by E glass-epoxy and carbon-epoxy unidirectional composites. The patch is located on the crack in such a way that the crack tip is not covered. Magnified isochromatic fringes are obtained by using a projection microscope of magnification 50, converted into a polariscope. Irwin's method is used to compute stress intensity factors from photoelastic data. The reduction in stress intensity factors is presented in graphical form as a function of patch parameters, namely stiffness, location and length. An empirical equation connecting reduction in stress intensity factor and these patch parameters is presented.


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An experimental study to ascertain the ductile-to-brittle transition (DBT) in a bulk metallic glass (BMG) was conducted. Results of the impact toughness tests conducted at various temperatures on as-cast and structurally relaxed Zr-based BMG show a sharp DBT. The DBT temperature was found to be sensitive to the free-volume content in the alloy. Possible factors that result in the DBT were critically examined. It was found that the postulate of a critical free volume required for the amorphous alloy to exhibit good toughness cannot rationalize the experimental trends. Likewise, the Poisson's ratio-toughness correlations, which suggest a critical Poisson's ratio above which all glasses are tough, were found not to hold good. Viscoplasticity theories, developed using the concept of shear transformation zones and which describe the temperature and strain rate dependence of the crack-tip plasticity in BMGs, appear to be capable of capturing the essence of the experiments. Our results highlight the need for a more generalized theory to understand the origins of toughness in BMGs.


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Several orientation and tracking systems employed in parabolic-cylindrical concentrators for focusing the direct solar radiation on the absorber tubes are analyzed from the technical and economic points of view. Case one, where the incidence factor was a function of declination and hour angle, showed that the maximum variations of incident factor from morning to noon was 0.5 at zero angle of declination. Case two, where the incidence factor was a function of declination, hour angle and latitude, showed the maximum variation of the incidence factor to be 0.128, which occurred during noon at the latitude of 30 degrees, corresponding to a change of declination from 0 to 23.5 degrees. In case three, the incidence factor, a function of declination only, showed that the maximum variation of the incidence factor corresponding to the change in declination from 0 to 23.5 degree was 0.0758. It is concluded that system three is the most efficient from the technical and economic point of view.


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The fatigue and fracture performance of a cracked plate can be substantially improved by providing patches as reinforcements. The effectiveness of the patches is related to the reduction they cause in the stress intensity factor (SIF) of the crack. So, for reliable design, one needs an accurate evaluation of the SIF in terms of the crack, patch and adhesive parameters. In this investigation, a centrally cracked large plate with a pair of symmetric bonded narrow patches, oriented normally to the crack line, is analysed by a continuum approach. The narrow patches are treated as transversely flexible line members. The formulation leads to an integral equation which is solved numerically using point collocation. The convergence is rapid. It is found that substantial reductions in SIF are possible with practicable patch dimensions and locations. The patch is more effective when placed on the crack than ahead of the crack. The present analysis indicates that a little distance inwards of the crack tip, not the crack tip itself, is the ideal location, for the patch.


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A high level of extracellular beta-lactamase activity was detected in cultures ofMycobacterium smegmatis SN2. The extracellular distribution of the enzyme varied with growth conditions such as additional carbon source and pH of the medium. Addition of chloramphenicol tothe culture inhibited the increase in the extracellular beta-lactamase activity. Cell wall damage or autolysis may be responsible for the extracellular beta-lactamase activity.


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A cDNA clone for cytochrome P-450e, a phenobarbitone-inducible species in rat liver, has been isolated and characterized. With the use of this cloned DNA, an attempt has been initiated to elucidate the factors regulating the cytochrome P-450 gene expression. Inhibitors of heme synthesis such as cobalt chloride and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole block the induction of cytochrome P-450e by phenobarbitone at the level of transcription. This is evident from the decrease in the rate of synthesis of cytochrome P-450e, a decrease in the levels of specific translatable messenger RNA, a decrease in the specific cytoplasmic and nuclear messenger RNA contents, and nuclear transcription of cytochrome P-450e gene, as revealed by hybridization to the cloned probe, under these conditions. It is proposed that heme is a general regulator of cytochrome P-450 gene expression at the level of transcription, whereas the drug or its metabolite would impart the specificity needed for the induction of a particular species.


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Abstract is not available.