190 resultados para Ratio Test Integer Aperture (RTIA)


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This paper considers the problem of spectrum sensing, i.e., the detection of whether or not a primary user is transmitting data by a cognitive radio. The Bayesian framework is adopted, with the performance measure being the probability of detection error. A decentralized setup, where N sensors use M observations each to arrive at individual decisions that are combined at a fusion center to form the overall decision is considered. The unknown fading channel between the primary sensor and the cognitive radios makes the individual decision rule computationally complex, hence, a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT)-based approach is adopted. Analysis of the probabilities of false alarm and miss detection of the proposed method reveals that the error exponent with respect to M is zero. Also, the fusion of N individual decisions offers a diversity advantage, similar to diversity reception in communication systems, and a tight bound on the error exponent is presented. Through an analysis in the low power regime, the number of observations needed as a function of received power, to achieve a given probability of error is determined. Monte-Carlo simulations confirm the accuracy of the analysis.


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We consider cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radios. We develop an energy efficient detector with low detection delay using sequential hypothesis testing. Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) is used at both the local nodes and the fusion center. We also analyse the performance of this algorithm and compare with the simulations. Modelling uncertainties in the distribution parameters are considered. Slow fading with and without perfect channel state information at the cognitive radios is taken into account.


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This paper considers cooperative spectrum sensing in Cognitive Radios. In our previous work we have developed DualSPRT, a distributed algorithm for cooperative spectrum sensing using Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) at the Cognitive Radios as well as at the fusion center. This algorithm works well, but is not optimal. In this paper we propose an improved algorithm- SPRT-CSPRT, which is motivated from Cumulative Sum Procedures (CUSUM). We analyse it theoretically. We also modify this algorithm to handle uncertainties in SNR's and fading.


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We consider cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radios. We develop an energy efficient detector with low detection delay using sequential hypothesis testing. Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) is used at both the local nodes and the fusion center. We also analyse the performance of this algorithm and compare with the simulations. Modelling uncertainties in the distribution parameters are considered. Slow fading with and without perfect channel state information at the cognitive radios is taken into account.


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This paper presents the formulation and performance analysis of four techniques for detection of a narrowband acoustic source in a shallow range-independent ocean using an acoustic vector sensor (AVS) array. The array signal vector is not known due to the unknown location of the source. Hence all detectors are based on a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) which involves estimation of the array signal vector. One non-parametric and three parametric (model-based) signal estimators are presented. It is shown that there is a strong correlation between the detector performance and the mean-square signal estimation error. Theoretical expressions for probability of false alarm and probability of detection are derived for all the detectors, and the theoretical predictions are compared with simulation results. It is shown that the detection performance of an AVS array with a certain number of sensors is equal to or slightly better than that of a conventional acoustic pressure sensor array with thrice as many sensors.


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This paper considers cooperative spectrum sensing algorithms for Cognitive Radios which focus on reducing the number of samples to make a reliable detection. We propose algorithms based on decentralized sequential hypothesis testing in which the Cognitive Radios sequentially collect the observations, make local decisions and send them to the fusion center for further processing to make a final decision on spectrum usage. The reporting channel between the Cognitive Radios and the fusion center is assumed more realistically as a Multiple Access Channel (MAC) with receiver noise. Furthermore the communication for reporting is limited, thereby reducing the communication cost. We start with an algorithm where the fusion center uses an SPRT-like (Sequential Probability Ratio Test) procedure and theoretically analyze its performance. Asymptotically, its performance is close to the optimal centralized test without fusion center noise. We further modify this algorithm to improve its performance at practical operating points. Later we generalize these algorithms to handle uncertainties in SNR and fading. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Selection of relevant features is an open problem in Brain-computer interfacing (BCI) research. Sometimes, features extracted from brain signals are high dimensional which in turn affects the accuracy of the classifier. Selection of the most relevant features improves the performance of the classifier and reduces the computational cost of the system. In this study, we have used a combination of Bacterial Foraging Optimization and Learning Automata to determine the best subset of features from a given motor imagery electroencephalography (EEG) based BCI dataset. Here, we have employed Discrete Wavelet Transform to obtain a high dimensional feature set and classified it by Distance Likelihood Ratio Test. Our proposed feature selector produced an accuracy of 80.291% in 216 seconds.


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Speech enhancement in stationary noise is addressed using the ideal channel selection framework. In order to estimate the binary mask, we propose to classify each time-frequency (T-F) bin of the noisy signal as speech or noise using Discriminative Random Fields (DRF). The DRF function contains two terms - an enhancement function and a smoothing term. On each T-F bin, we propose to use an enhancement function based on likelihood ratio test for speech presence, while Ising model is used as smoothing function for spectro-temporal continuity in the estimated binary mask. The effect of the smoothing function over successive iterations is found to reduce musical noise as opposed to using only enhancement function. The binary mask is inferred from the noisy signal using Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM) algorithm. Sentences from NOIZEUS corpus are evaluated from 0 dB to 15 dB Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in 4 kinds of additive noise settings: additive white Gaussian noise, car noise, street noise and pink noise. The reconstructed speech using the proposed technique is evaluated in terms of average segmental SNR, Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) and Mean opinion Score (MOS).


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The effect of the test gas on the flow field around a 120degrees apex angle blunt cone has been investigated in a shock tunnel at a nominal Mach number of 5.75. The shock standoff distance around the blunt cone was measured by an electrical discharge technique using both carbon dioxide and air as test gases. The forebody laminar convective heat transfer to the blunt cone was measured with platinum thin-film sensors in both air and carbon dioxide environments. An increase of 10 to 15% in the measured heat transfer values was observed with carbon dioxide as the test gas in comparison to air. The measured thickness of the shock layer along the stagnation streamline was 3.57 +/- 0.17 mm in air and 3.29 +/- 0.26 mm in carbon dioxide. The computed thickness of the shock layer for air and carbon dioxide were 3.98 mm and 3.02 mm, respectively. The observed increase in the measured heat transfer rates in carbon dioxide compared to air was due to the higher density ratio across the bow shock wave and the reduced shock layer thickness.


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This paper addresses the behaviour of compacted expansive soils under swell-shrink cycles. Laboratory cyclic swell-shrink tests were conducted on compacted specimens of two expansive soils at surcharge pressures of 6.25, 50.00, and 100.00 kPa. The void ratio and water content of the specimens at several intermediate stages during swelling until the end of swelling and during shrinkage until the end of shrinkage were determined to trace the water content versus void ratio paths with an increasing number of swell-shrink cycles. The test results showed that the swell-shrink path was reversible once the soil reached an equilibrium stage where the vertical deformations during swelling and shrinkage were the same. This usually occurred after about four swell-shrink cycles. The swelling and shrinkage path of each specimen subjected to full swelling - full shrinkage cycles showed an S-shaped curve (two curvilinear portions and a linear portion). However, the swelling and shrinkage path occurred as a part of the S-shaped curve, when the specimen was subjected to full swelling - partial shrinkage cycles. More than 80% of the total volumetric change and more than 50% of the total vertical deformation occurred in the central linear portion of the S-shaped curve. The volumetric change was essentially parallel to the saturation line within a degree of saturation range of 50-80% for the equilibrium cycle. The primary value of the swell-shrink path is to provide information regarding the void ratio change that would occur for a given change in water content for any possible swell-shrink pattern. It is suggested that these swell-shrink paths can be established with a limited number of tests in the laboratory.


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In species-rich assemblages, differential utilization of vertical space can be driven by resource availability. For animals that communicate acoustically over long distances under habitat-induced constraints, access to an effective transmission channel is a valuable resource. The acoustic adaptation hypothesis suggests that habitat acoustics imposes a selective pressure that drives the evolution of both signal structure and choice of calling sites by signalers. This predicts that species-specific signals transmit best in native habitats. In this study, we have tested the hypothesis that vertical stratification of calling heights of acoustically communicating species is driven by acoustic adaptation. This was tested in an assemblage of 12 coexisting species of crickets and katydids in a tropical wet evergreen forest. We carried out transmission experiments using natural calls at different heights from the forest floor to the canopy. We measured signal degradation using 3 different measures: total attenuation, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and envelope distortion. Different sets of species supported the hypothesis depending on which attribute of signal degradation was examined. The hypothesis was upheld by 5 species for attenuation and by 3 species each for SNR and envelope distortion. Only 1 species of 12 provided support for the hypothesis by all 3 measures of signal degradation. The results thus provided no overall support for acoustic adaptation as a driver of vertical stratification of coexisting cricket and katydid species.


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Flood is one of the detrimental hydro-meteorological threats to mankind. This compels very efficient flood assessment models. In this paper, we propose remote sensing based flood assessment using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image because of its imperviousness to unfavourable weather conditions. However, they suffer from the speckle noise. Hence, the processing of SAR image is applied in two stages: speckle removal filters and image segmentation methods for flood mapping. The speckle noise has been reduced with the help of Lee, Frost and Gamma MAP filters. A performance comparison of these speckle removal filters is presented. From the results obtained, we deduce that the Gamma MAP is reliable. The selected Gamma MAP filtered image is segmented using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Mean Shift Segmentation (MSS). The GLCM is a texture analysis method that separates the image pixels into water and non-water groups based on their spectral feature whereas MSS is a gradient ascent method, here segmentation is carried out using spectral and spatial information. As test case, Kosi river flood is considered in our study. From the segmentation result of both these methods are comprehensively analysed and concluded that the MSS is efficient for flood mapping.


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Experimental study of a small partial admission axial turbine with low aspect ratio blade has been done. Tests were also performed with full admission stator replacing the partial one for the same rotor to assess the losses occurring due to partial admission. Further tests were conducted with stator admission area split into two and three sectors to study the effects of multiple admission sectors. The method of Ainley and Mathieson with suitable correction for aspect ratio in secondary losses, as proposed by Kacker and Okapuu, gives a good estimate of the efficiency. Estimates of partial admission losses are made and compared with experimentally observed values. The Suter and Traupel correlations for partial admission losses yielded reasonably accurate estimates of efficiency even for small turbines though limited to the region of design u/c(is). Stenning's original concept of expansion losses in a single sector is extended to include multiple sectors of opening. The computed efficiency debit due to each additional sector opened is compared with test values. The agreement is observed to be good. This verified Stenning's original concept of expansion losses. When the expression developed on this extended concept is modified by a correction factor, the prediction of partial admission efficiencies is nearly as good as that of Suter and Traupel. Further, performance benefits accrue if the turbine is configured with increased aspect ratio at the expense of reduced partial admission.


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We report high aspect-ratio micromechanical structures made of SU-8 polymer, which is a negative photoresist. Mask-less direct writing with 405 nm laser is used to pattern spin-cast SU-8 films of thickness of more than 600 um. As compared with X-ray lithography, which helps pattern material to give aspect ratios of 1:50 or higher, laser writing is a less expensive and more accessible alternative. In this work, aspect ratios up to 1:30 were obtained on narrow pillars and cantilever structures. Deep vertical patterning was achieved in multiple exposures of the surface with varying dosages given at periodic intervals of sufficient duration. It was found that a time lag between successive exposures at the same location helps the material recover from the transient changes that occur during exposure to the laser. This gives vertical sidewalls to the resulting structures. The time-lags and dosages were determined by conducting several trials. The micromechanical structures obtained with laser writing are compared with those obtained with traditional UV lithography as well as e-beam lithography. Laser writing gives not only high aspect ratios but also narrow gaps whereas e-beam can only give narrow gaps over very small depths. Unlike traditional UV lithography, laser writing does not need a mask. Furthermore, there is no adjustment for varying the dosage in traditional UV lithography. A drawback of this method compared to UV lithography is that the writing time increases. Some test structures as well as a compliant microgripper are fabricated.


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Careful study of various aspects presented in the note reveals basic fallacies in the concept and final conclusions.The Authors claim to have presented a new method of determining C-v. However, the note does not contain a new method. In fact, the method proposed is an attempt to generate settlement vs. time data using only two values of (t,8). The Authors have used a rectangular hyperbola method to determine C-v from the predicated 8- t data. In this context, the title of the paper itself is misleading and questionable. The Authors have compared C-v values predicated with measured values, both of them being the results of the rectangular hyperbola method.