25 resultados para Protocol design


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An important issue in the design of a distributed computing system (DCS) is the development of a suitable protocol. This paper presents an effort to systematize the protocol design procedure for a DCS. Protocol design and development can be divided into six phases: specification of the DCS, specification of protocol requirements, protocol design, specification and validation of the designed protocol, performance evaluation, and hardware/software implementation. This paper describes techniques for the second and third phases, while the first phase has been considered by the authors in their earlier work. Matrix and set theoretic based approaches are used for specification of a DCS and for specification of the protocol requirements. These two formal specification techniques form the basis of the development of a simple and straightforward procedure for the design of the protocol. The applicability of the above design procedure has been illustrated by considering an example of a computing system encountered on board a spacecraft. A Petri-net based approach has been adopted to model the protocol. The methodology developed in this paper can be used in other DCS applications.


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Body Area Network, a new wireless networking paradigm, promises to revolutionize the healthcare applications. A number of tiny sensor nodes are strategically placed in and around the human body to obtain physiological information. The sensor nodes are connected to a coordinator or a data collector to form a Body Area Network. The tiny devices may sense physiological parameters of emergency in nature (e.g. abnormality in heart bit rate, increase of glucose level above the threshold etc.) that needs immediate attention of a physician. Due to ultra low power requirement of wireless body area network, most of the time, the coordinator and devices are expected to be in the dormant mode, categorically when network is not operational. This leads to an open question, how to handle and meet the QoS requirement of emergency data when network is not operational? Emergency handling becomes more challenging at the MAC layer, if the channel access related information is unknown to the device with emergency message. The aforementioned scenarios are very likely scenarios in a MICS (Medical Implant Communication Service, 402-405 MHz) based healthcare systems. This paper proposes a mechanism for timely and reliable transfer of emergency data in a MICS based Body Area Network. We validate our protocol design with simulation in a C++ framework. Our simulation results show that more than 99 p ercentage of the time emergency messages are reached at the coordinator with a delay of 400ms.


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In this two-part series of papers, a generalized non-orthogonal amplify and forward (GNAF) protocol which generalizes several known cooperative diversity protocols is proposed. Transmission in the GNAF protocol comprises of two phases - the broadcast phase and the cooperation phase. In the broadcast phase, the source broadcasts its information to the relays as well as the destination. In the cooperation phase, the source and the relays together transmit a space-time code in a distributed fashion. The GNAF protocol relaxes the constraints imposed by the protocol of Jing and Hassibi on the code structure. In Part-I of this paper, a code design criteria is obtained and it is shown that the GNAF protocol is delay efficient and coding gain efficient as well. Moreover GNAF protocol enables the use of sphere decoders at the destination with a non-exponential Maximum likelihood (ML) decoding complexity. In Part-II, several low decoding complexity code constructions are studied and a lower bound on the Diversity-Multiplexing Gain tradeoff of the GNAF protocol is obtained.


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Clock synchronisation is an important requirement for various applications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Most of the existing clock synchronisation protocols for WSNs use some hierarchical structure that introduces an extra overhead due to the dynamic nature of WSNs. Besides, it is difficult to integrate these clock synchronisation protocols with sleep scheduling scheme, which is a major technique to conserve energy. In this paper, we propose a fully distributed peer-to-peer based clock synchronisation protocol, named Distributed Clock Synchronisation Protocol (DCSP), using a novel technique of pullback for complete sensor networks. The pullback technique ensures that synchronisation phases of any pair of clocks always overlap. We have derived an exact expression for a bound on maximum synchronisation error in the DCSP protocol, and simulation study verifies that it is indeed less than the computed upper bound. Experimental study using a few TelosB motes also verifies that the pullback occurs as predicted.


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Multi-packet reception (MPR) promises significant throughput gains in wireless local area networks (WLANs) by allowing nodes to transmit even in the presence of ongoing transmissions in the medium. However, the medium access control (MAC) layer must now be redesigned to facilitate rather than discourage - these overlapping transmissions. We investigate asynchronous MPR MAC protocols, which successfully accomplish this by controlling the node behavior based on the number of ongoing transmissions in the channel. The protocols use the backoff timer mechanism of the distributed coordination function, which makes them practically appealing. We first highlight a unique problem of acknowledgment delays, which arises in asynchronous MPR, and investigate a solution that modifies the medium access rules to reduce these delays and increase system throughput in the single receiver scenario. We develop a general renewal-theoretic fixed-point analysis that leads to expressions for the saturation throughput, packet dropping probability, and average head-of-line packet delay. We also model and analyze the practical scenario in which nodes may incorrectly estimate the number of ongoing transmissions.


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Clock synchronization in a wireless sensor network (WSN) is quite essential as it provides a consistent and a coherent time frame for all the nodes across the network. Typically, clock synchronization is achieved by message passing using a contention-based scheme for media access, like carrier sense multiple access (CSMA). The nodes try to synchronize with each other, by sending synchronization request messages. If many nodes try to send messages simultaneously, contention-based schemes cannot efficiently avoid collisions. In such a situation, there are chances of collisions, and hence, message losses, which, in turn, affects the convergence of the synchronization algorithms. However, the number of collisions can be reduced with a frame based approach like time division multiple access (TDMA) for message passing. In this paper, we propose a design to utilize TDMA-based media access and control (MAC) protocol for the performance improvement of clock synchronization protocols. The basic idea is to use TDMA-based transmissions when the degree of synchronization improves among the sensor nodes during the execution of the clock synchronization algorithm. The design significantly reduces the collisions among the synchronization protocol messages. We have simulated the proposed protocol in Castalia network simulator. The simulation results show that the proposed protocol significantly reduces the time required for synchronization and also improves the accuracy of the synchronization algorithm.


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A general method for the preparation of novel disulfide-tethered macrocyclic diacylglycerols (DAGs) has been described. Overall synthesis involved stepwise protection, acylation, and deprotection to yield the bis(omega-bromoacyl) glycerols. In the crucial macrocyclization step, a unique reagent, benzyltriethylammonium tetrathiomolybdate (BTAT), has been used to convert individual bis(omega-bromoacyl) glycerols to their respective macrocyclic disulfides. DAG 6, which had ether linkages between hydrocarbon chains and the glycerol backbone, was also synthesized from an appropriate precursor using a similar protocol. One of the DAGs (DAG 5) had a carbon-carbon tether instead of a disulfide one and was synthesized using modified Glaser coupling. Preparation of alpha-disulfide-tethered DAG (DAG 4) required an alternative method, as treatment of the bisbromo precursor with BTAT gave a mixture of several compounds from which separation of the target molecule was cumbersome. To avoid this problem, the bisbromide was converted to its corresponding dithiocyanate, which on further treatment with BTAT yielded the desired DAG (DAG 4) in good yield. Upon treatment with the reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT), the DAGs that contain a disulfide tether could be quantitatively converted to their "open-chain" thiol analogues. These macrocyclic DAGs and their reduced "open-chain" analogues have been incorporated in DPPC vesicles to study their effect on model membranes. Upon incorporation of DAG 1 in DPPC vesicles, formation of new isotropic phases was observed by P-31 NMR, These isotropic phases disappeared completely on opening the macrocyclic ring by a reducing agent. The thermotropic properties of DPPC bilayers having DAGs (1-6) incorporated at various concentrations were studied by differential scanning calorimetry. Incorporation of DAGs in general reduced the cooperativity unit (CU) of the vesicles. Similar experiments with reduced "open-chain" DAGs incorporated in a DPPC bilayer indicated a recovery of CU with respect to their macrocyclic "disulfide" counterparts. The effect of inclusion of these DAGs on the activity of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) was studied in vitro. Incorporation of DAC 1 in DPPC membranes potentiated both bee venom and cobra venom PLA(2) activities.


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In this paper we have proposed and implemented a joint Medium Access Control (MAC) -cum- Routing scheme for environment data gathering sensor networks. The design principle uses node 'battery lifetime' maximization to be traded against a network that is capable of tolerating: A known percentage of combined packet losses due to packet collisions, network synchronization mismatch and channel impairments Significant end-to-end delay of an order of few seconds We have achieved this with a loosely synchronized network of sensor nodes that implement Slotted-Aloha MAC state machine together with route information. The scheme has given encouraging results in terms of energy savings compared to other popular implementations. The overall packet loss is about 12%. The battery life time increase compared to B-MAC varies from a minimum of 30% to about 90% depending on the duty cycle.


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A half-duplex constrained non-orthogonal cooperative multiple access (NCMA) protocol suitable for transmission of information from N users to a single destination in a wireless fading channel is proposed. Transmission in this protocol comprises of a broadcast phase and a cooperation phase. In the broadcast phase, each user takes turn broadcasting its data to all other users and the destination in an orthogonal fashion in time. In the cooperation phase, each user transmits a linear function of what it received from all other users as well as its own data. In contrast to the orthogonal extension of cooperative relay protocols to the cooperative multiple access channels wherein at any point of time, only one user is considered as a source and all the other users behave as relays and do not transmit their own data, the NCMA protocol relaxes the orthogonality built into the protocols and hence allows for a more spectrally efficient usage of resources. Code design criteria for achieving full diversity of N in the NCMA protocol is derived using pair wise error probability (PEP) analysis and it is shown that this can be achieved with a minimum total time duration of 2N - 1 channel uses. Explicit construction of full diversity codes is then provided for arbitrary number of users. Since the Maximum Likelihood decoding complexity grows exponentially with the number of users, the notion of g-group decodable codes is introduced for our setup and a set of necesary and sufficient conditions is also obtained.


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Design creativity involves developing novel and useful solutions to design problems The research in this article is an attempt to understand how novelty of a design resulting from a design process is related to the kind of outcomes. described here as constructs, involved in the design process A model of causality, the SAPPhIRE model, is used as the basis of the analysis The analysis is based on previous research that shows that designing involves development and exploration of the seven basic constructs of the SAPPhIRE model that constitute the causal connection between the various levels of abstraction at which a design can be described The constructs am state change, action, parts. phenomenon. input. organs. and effect The following two questions are asked. Is there a relationship between novelty and the constructs? If them is a relationship, what is the degree of this relationship? A hypothesis is developed to answer the questions an increase in the number and variety of ideas explored while designing should enhance the variety of concept space. leading to an increase in the novelty of the concept space Eight existing observational studies of designing sessions are used to empirically validate the hypothesis Each designing session involves an individual designer. experienced or novice. solving a design problem by producing concepts and following a think-aloud protocol. The results indicate dependence of novelty of concept space on variety of concept space and dependence of variety of concept space on variety of idea space. thereby validating the hypothesis The Jesuits also reveal a strong correlation between novelty and the constructs, correlation value decreases as the abstraction level of the constructs reduces. signifying the importance of using constructs at higher abstraction levels for enhancing novelty


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In this thesis work, we design rigorous and efficient protocols/mechanisms for different types of wireless networks using a mechanism design [1] and game theoretic approach [2]. Our work can broadly be viewed in two parts. In the first part, we concentrate on ad hoc wireless networks [3] and [4]. In particular, we consider broadcast in these networks where each node is owned by independent and selfish users. Being selfish, these nodes do not forward the broadcast packets. All existing protocols for broadcast assume that nodes forward the transit packets. So, there is need for developing new broadcast protocols to overcome node selfishness. In our paper [5], we develop a strategy proof pricing mechanism which we call immediate predecessor node pricing mechanism (IPNPM) and an efficient new broadcast protocol based on IPNPM. We show the efficacy of our proposed broadcast protocol using simulation results.


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In many applications of wireless ad hoc networks, wireless nodes are owned by rational and intelligent users. In this paper, we call nodes selfish if they are owned by independent users and their only objective is to maximize their individual goals. In such situations, it may not be possible to use the existing protocols for wireless ad hoc networks as these protocols assume that nodes follow the prescribed protocol without deviation. Stimulating cooperation among these nodes is an interesting and challenging problem. Providing incentives and pricing the transactions are well known approaches to stimulate cooperation. In this paper, we present a game theoretic framework for truthful broadcast protocol and strategy proof pricing mechanism called Immediate Predecessor Node Pricing Mechanism (IPNPM). The phrase strategy proof here means that truth revelation of cost is a weakly dominant-strategy (in game theoretic terms) for each node. In order to steer our mechanism-design approach towards practical implementation, we compute the payments to nodes using a distributed algorithm. We also propose a new protocol for broadcast in wireless ad hoc network with selfish nodes based on IPNPM. The features of the proposed broadcast protocol are reliability and a significantly reduced number of packet forwards compared to the number of network nodes, which in turn leads to less system-wide power consumption to broadcast a single packet. Our simulation results show the efficacy of the proposed broadcast protocol.


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Sensor network nodes exhibit characteristics of both embedded systems and general-purpose systems.A sensor network operating system is a kind of embedded operating system, but unlike a typical embedded operating system, sensor network operatin g system may not be real time, and is constrained by memory and energy constraints. Most sensor network operating systems are based on event-driven approach. Event-driven approach is efficient in terms of time and space.Also this approach does not require a separate stack for each execution context. But using this model, it is difficult to implement long running tasks, like cryptographic operations. A thread based computation requires a separate stack for each execution context, and is less efficient in terms of time and space. In this paper, we propose a thread based execution model that uses only a fixed number of stacks. In this execution model, the number of stacks at each priority level are fixed. It minimizes the stack requirement for multi-threading environment and at the same time provides ease of programming. We give an implementation of this model in Contiki OS by separating thread implementation from protothread implementation completely. We have tested our OS by implementing a clock synchronization protocol using it.


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