78 resultados para Phase I as Topic


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A systematic x-ray and neutron powder diffraction study of the giant tetragonality multiferroic (1-x) BiFeO3-(x) PbTiO3 have revealed that the compositions close to the morphotropic phase boundary present two different structural phase transition scenarios on cooling from the cubic phase: (i) cubic -> tetragonal (T-2) + tetragonal (T-1) -> tetragonal (T-1) and (ii) cubic -> tetragonal (T-2) + tetragonal (T-1) + rhombohedral (R3c) -> tetragonal (T-1) + rhombohedral (R3c). The comparatively larger tetragonality (c/a - 1) of the T-1 phase as compared to the coexisting isostructural T-2 phase is shown to be a result of significantly greater degree of overlap of the Pb/Bi-6s and Ti/Fe-3d with the O-2p orbitals as compared to that in the T-2 phase. The formation/suppression of the minor metastable rhombohedral phase seems to be governed by subtle play of local kinetic factors. In the scenario when the minor rhombohedral (R) phase is formed along with the tetragonal phases it is able to accommodate the large transformation stress in the system due to formation of the tetragonal phases, and prevent the solid from disintegration into powder after sintering. When the metastable rhombohedral phase is not formed, the large transformation strain ruptures the grain boundaries leading to fragmentation of the dense solid to powder. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4792215]


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Lithium ammonium sulphate (LAS) undergoes a phase transition at TC1=459.5K from a paraelectric phase (phase I) to a ferroelectric phase (phase II) and again at TC2=283K to a polar ferroelastic phase (phase III). Proton spin lattice relaxation time measured at 10 MHz in powdered LAS in the temperature range 480 to 77K shows discontinuous changes at the two transitions.


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Three new three-dimensional zinc-triazolate-oxybis(benzoate) compounds. [{Zn-3(H2O)(2)}{C12H8O(COO)(2)}(2)-{C2H2N3}(2)]center dot 2H(2)O(I), [Zn-7{C12H8O(COO)(2)}(4){C2H2N3}(6)]center dot H2O, (II), and[{Zn-5(OH)(2)}{C12H8O(COO)(2)}(3){C2H2N3}(2)] (III), synthesized by a hydrothermal reaction of a mixture of Zn(OAc)(2)center dot 2H(2)O, 4,4'-oxybis(benzoic acid), 1,2,4-triazole, NaOH, and water. Compound I has an interpenetrated diamond structure and II and III have pillared-layer related structures. The formation of a hydrated phase (I) at low temperature and a completely dehydrated phase (III) at high temperature suggests the importance of thermodynamic factors in the formation of three compounds. Transformation studies of I in the presence of water shows the formation of a simple Zn-OBA compound, [Zn(OBA)(H2O)] (IV), at 150 and 180 degrees C and compound III at 200 degrees C. The compounds have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, powder X-ray diffraction. thermogravimetric analysis, IR, and photoluminescence studies.


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A new two-stage state feedback control design approach has been developed to monitor the voltage supplied to magnetorheological (MR) dampers for semi-active vibration control of the benchmark highway bridge. The first stage contains a primary controller, which provides the force required to obtain a desired closed-loop response of the system. In the second stage, an optimal dynamic inversion (ODI) approach has been developed to obtain the amount of voltage to be supplied to each of the MR dampers such that it provides the required force prescribed by the primary controller. ODI is formulated by optimization with dynamic inversion, such that an optimal voltage is supplied to each damper in a set. The proposed control design has been simulated for both phase-I and phase-II study of the recently developed benchmark highway bridge problem. The efficiency of the proposed controller is analyzed in terms of the performance indices defined in the benchmark problem definition. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach generally reduces peak response quantities over those obtained from the sample semi-active controller, although some response quantities have been seen to be increasing. Overall, the proposed control approach is quite competitive as compared with the sample semi-active control approach.


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Individuals in distress emit audible vocalizations to either warn or inform conspecifics. The Indian short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx, emits distress calls soon after becoming entangled in mist nets, which appear to attract conspecifics. Phase I of these distress calls is longer and louder, and includes a secondary peak, compared to phase II. Activity-dependent expression of egr-1 was examined in free-ranging C. sphinx following the emissions and responses to a distress call. We found that the level of expression of egr-1 was higher in bats that emitted a distress call, in adults that responded, and in pups than in silent bats. Up-regulated cDNA was amplified to identify the target gene (TOE1) of the protein Egr-1. The observed expression pattern Toe1 was similar to that of egr-1. These findings suggest that the neuronal activity related to recognition of a distress call and an auditory feedback mechanism induces the expression of Egr-1. Co-expression of egr-1 with Toe1 may play a role in initial triggering of the genetic mechanism that could be involved in the consolidation or stabilization of distress call memories.


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A new soft-chemical transformation of layered perovskite oxides is described wherein K2O is sequentially extracted from the Ruddlesden-Popper (R-P) phase, K2La2Ti3O10 (I), yielding novel anion-deficient KLa2Ti3O9.5 (II) and La2Ti3O9 (III). The transformation occurs in topochemical reactions of the R-P phase I with PPh4Br and PBu4Br (Ph = phenyl; Bu = n-butyl). The mechanism involves the elimination of KBr accompanied by decomposition of PR4+ (R = phenyl or n-butyl) that extracts oxygen from the titanate. Analysis of the organic products of decomposition reveals formation of Ph3PO, Ph3P, and Ph-Ph for R = phenyl, and Bu3PO, Bu3P along with butane, butene, and octane for R = butyl. The inorganic oxides II and III crystallize in tetragonal structures (II: P4/mmm, a = 3.8335(1) angstrom, c = 14.334(1) angstrom; III: /4/ mmm, a = 3.8565(2) angstrom, c = 24.645(2) angstrom) that are related to the parent R-P phase. II is isotypic with the Dion-Jacobson phase, RbSr2Nb3O10, while III is a unique layered oxide consisting of charge-neutral La2Ti3O9 anion-deficient perovskite sheets stacked one over the other without interlayer cations. Interestingly, both II and III convert back to the parent R-P phase in a reaction with KNO3. While transformations of the R-P phases to other related layered/three-dimensional perovskite oxides in ion-exchange/metathesis/dehydration/reduction reactions are known, the simultaneous and reversible extraction of both cations and anions in the conversions K2La2Ti3O10 reversible arrow KLa2Ti3O9.5 reversible arrow La2Ti3O9 is reported here for the first time.


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Amyloid beta (A beta) is the major etiological factor implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD). A beta(42) self-assembles to form oligomers and fibrils via multiple aggregation process. The recent studies aimed to decrease A beta levels or prevention of A beta aggregation which are the major targets for therapeutic intervention. Natural products as alternatives for AD drug discovery are a current trend. We evidenced that Caesalpinia crista leaf aqueous extract has anti-amyloidogenic potential. The studies on pharmacological properties of C. crista are very limited. Our study focused on ability of C. crista leaf aqueous extract on the prevention of (i) the formation of oligomers and aggregates from monomers (Phase I: A beta(42) + extract co-incubation); (ii) the formation of fibrils from oligomers (Phase II: extract added after oligomers formation); and (iii) dis-aggregation of pre-formedfibrils (Phase III: aqueous extract added to matured fibrils and incubated for 9 days). The aggregation kinetics was monitored using thioflavin-T assay and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that C. crista aqueous extract could able to inhibit the A beta(42) aggregation from monomers and oligomers and also able todis-aggregate the pre-formed fibrils. The study provides an insight on finding new natural products for AD therapeutics. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two new vanadium-tungsten oxide hydrates of the formulas, H0.125V0.125W0.875O3.1.5H2O (I) and Ho.33V0.33W0.67O3.1/3H2O (II), have been synthesized by acid-leaching of LiVWO6 with aqueous HNO3/HCl. While phase I obtained by treatment of LiVWO6 with dilute HNO3/HCl possesses an orthorhombic structure (a = 7.77(3), b = 13.87(6), c = 7.44(3) angstrom) related to WO3.2H2O, phase II, prepared by refluxing LiVWO6 with concentrated HNO3, is isostructural with WO3.1/3H2O. Dehydration of II around 330-degrees-C yields a hexagonal phase (III, a = 7.25(4), c = 7.74(3) angstrom) isotypic with hexagonal WO3. Both land III exhibit redox and acid-base intercalation reactivity characteristic of layered and tunnel structures.


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Anisotropic emission of gravitational waves (GWs) from inspiralling compact binaries leads to the loss of linear momentum and hence gravitational recoil of the system. The loss rate of linear momentum in the far-zone of the source (a nonspinning binary system of black holes in quasicircular orbit) is investigated at the 2.5 post-Newtonian (PN) order and used to provide an analytical expression in harmonic coordinates for the 2.5PN accurate recoil velocity of the binary accumulated in the inspiral phase. The maximum recoil velocity of the binary system at the end of its inspiral phase (i.e at the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO)) estimated by the 2.5PN formula is of the order of 4 km s(-1) which is smaller than the 2PN estimate of 22 km s(-1). Going beyond inspiral, we also provide an estimate of the more important contribution to the recoil velocity from the plunge phase. The maximum recoil velocity at the end of the plunge, involving contributions both from inspiral and plunge phase, for a binary with symmetric mass ratio nu = 0.2 is of the order of 182 km s(-1).


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In developing materials with better tribological properties, it is always conceived that the addition of softer phase would result in better frictional behavior. In order to address this issue, we report here the results of fretting wear study on Cu-10 wt% TiB2 and Cu-10 wt% TiB2-10 wt% Pb composites, sintered using spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique. It was found out that the addition of softer phase i.e. 10 wt % Pb to Cu-10 wt% TiB2 composites has not resulted in the lowering of the coefficient of friction (COF). The combination of steady state COF (0.6) and wear rate (10(-3) mm(3)/N-m) was measured and such properties are even better than that obtained with TiB2 coatings reported in the literature. For Cu-10 wt% TiB2 sintered at different temperature, a lower wear resistance with increase in hardness is being measured. An attempt has been made to correlate the observed wear behavior with the surface and subsurface deformation. The formation of a wear-resistant delaminated tribolayer consisting of TiB2 particles and ultrafine oxide debris (Cu, Fe, Ti)(x)O-y was the reason assigned for the observed low wear rate of these composites. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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alpha-Synuclein aggregation is one of the major etiological factors implicated in Parkinson's disease (PD). The prevention of aggregation of alpha-synuclein is a potential therapeutic intervention for preventing PD. The discovery of natural products as alternative drugs to treat PD and related disorders is a current trend. The aqueous extract of Centella asiatica (CA) is traditionally used as a brain tonic and CA is known to improve cognition and memory. There are limited data on the role of CA in modulating amyloid-beta (A beta) levels in the brain and in A beta aggregation. Our study focuses on CA as a modulator of the alpha-synuclein aggregation pattern in vitro. Our investigation is focused on: (i) whether the CA leaf aqueous extract prevents the formation of aggregates from monomers (Phase I: alpha-synuclein + extract co-incubation); (ii) whether the CA aqueous extract prevents the formation of fibrils from oligomers (Phase II: extract added after oligomers formation); and (iii) whether the CA aqueous extract disintegrates the pre-formed fibrils (Phase III: extract added to mature fibrils and incubated for 9 days). The aggregation kinetics are studied using a thioflavin-T assay, circular dichroism, and transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that the CA aqueous extract completely inhibited the alpha-synuclein aggregation from monomers. Further, CA extract significantly inhibited the formation of oligomer to aggregates and favored the disintegration of the preformed fibrils. The study provides an insight in finding new natural products for future PD therapeutics.


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Phase diagrams for Nd2O3-H2O-CO2 and Gd2O3-H2O-CO2 systems at 1500 atm are given along with the results of selected runs in La, Sm and Eu systems. The stable phases in systems of La and Nd, are Ln(OH)CO3-B, Ln2O2CO3-II and LnOOH, in addition to the Ln(OH)3 phase at extremely low partial pressures of CO2 in the system. The systems become more and more complex with decreasing ionic radi and the number of stable carbonate phases increases. Ln2(CO3)3 · 3H2O orthorhombic (tengerate-like phase) is stable from Sm to Gd in addition to the other phases. The Gd(OH)CO3-A (ancylite-like phase) is hydrothermally stable at XCO2 greater-or-equal, slanted 0.5 while its hexagonal polymorph, Gd(OH)CO3-B is stable at low partial pressures of CO2 in the system.


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The phenomenological theory of hemispherical growth is generalised to time-dependent nucleation and growth-rates. Special cases, which include models with diffusion-controlled rates, are analysed. Expressions are obtained for small and large time behaviour and peak characteristics of potentiostatic transients, and their use in model parameter estimation is discussed. Two earlier equations are corrected. Numerically calculated transients which are presented exhibit some interesting features such as a maximum preceding the steady state, oscillations and shoulder.


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Proton spin—lattice relaxation time (T1) is measured in [N(CH3)4]PbX3 (X=Cl, Br, I) from 300-77 K at 9.75 MHz. All the compounds show discontinuous changes in T1 values (at 256, 270 and 277 K, respectively), indicating phase transitions. Single T1 minimum is observed in all the cases and the T1 variation is explained in terms of [N(CH3)4] and CH3 group dynamics. The activation energy Eα decreases from chloride to iodide (from 4 to 2 kcal/mol). In bromide and iodide, T1 is found to decrease with increase in temperature at higher temperatures, indicating the presence of spin—rotation interaction.


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An interesting topic for quite some time is an intermediate phase observed in chalcogenide glasses, which is related to network connectivity and rigidity. This phenomenon is exhibited by Si-Te-In glasses also. It has been addressed here by carrying out detailed thermal investigations by using Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetry technique. An effort has also been made to determine the stability of these glasses using the data obtained from different thermodynamic quantities and crystallization kinetics of these glasses. Electrical switching behavior by recording I-V characteristics and variation of switching voltages with indium composition have been studied in these glasses for phase change memory applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.