167 resultados para Optical polarization switching


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The polarization switching processes in radiation damaged ferroelectrics were studied by the Merz method. In irradiated triglycine sulphate and sodium nitrite, the switching time depends exponentially on the applied electric field. Irradiation increases the importance of nucleation and sideways motion of the domain walls in polarization switching.


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The effect of temperature and stoichiometry on the polarization switching rate in lithium niobate is presented. An increased polarization switching rate in congruent and near-stoichiometric lithium niobate (CLN and SLN) and SLN doped with 1.6 mol% Zn (SLN:Zn(1.6)) is observed using a pulsed field switching technique near the transition temperature (TO. Compared to CLN, the observed switching rate and domain wall mobility for SLN and SLN:Zn(1.6) are higher. The extra charge flow was observed during switching at high temperatures,and is attributed to the creation of defect dipoles and increase in ionic conductivity. Forward domain motion is expected to be the mechanism involved in switching. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glycine Phosphite [NH3CH2COOH3PO3], abbreviated as GPI, undergoes a para-ferroelectric phase transition from the monoclinic symmetry P2(1)/a to P2(1) at 224.7 K. We report here a systematic study of the polarization switching process in this crystal. Growth of these crystals from aqueous solution has been undertaken employing both solvent evaporation and slow cooling methods. Hysteresis loop measurements along the polar b-axis yielded a spontaneous polarization value of 0.5 muC/cm(2) and a coercive field of 2.5 kV/cm. Conventional Merz technique was employed for polarization switching studies, wherein bipolar square pulses were applied to the sample to induce domain reversal. The transient switching pulse that flows through the sample on application of the field was recorded. The maximum switching time required for domain switching was measured both as a function of electric field and temperature. The experimentally observed switching curves were fitted with the model based on the Pulvari-Kuebler theory of nucleation and growth of domains. From the experimental data, the values of mobility and activation field were obtained. It was observed that switching process in this crystal is predominantly governed by the forward growth of domain walls in the high field region. However, switching process in GPI crystal was found to be slower than that found in other glycine based ferroelectric crystals.


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BaTiO3 is shown to exhibit anomalous piezoelectric response, comparable to that of lead-zirconate titanate, by dilute Sn modification (1-4 mol%). Using a newly discovered powder poling technique it is shown that the mechanism associated with this anomalous strain response involves electric-field-induced switching of polarization vector from 001] towards 101] pseudocubic direction. This switchability is significantly enhanced by tuning the tetragonal-orthorhombic first-order criticality near to room temperature.


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The ferroelectric polarization switching was studied in DSP single crystal and Azoxybenzene liquid film using the method described by Merz (1954). The DSP single crystal samples were in the form of plates 0.5 mm - 1.0 mm thick. The Azoxybenzene liquid film samples had a thickness from 0.025 mm - 0.125 mm. Switching in DSP was observed in the temperature range +7°C to -30°C, while in Azoxybenzene it was observed from 30°C to 70°C.


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The phase transition in gamma-irradiated triglycine sulphate (TGS) has been investigated by using a method based on the measurement of thermal noise. The results of a study of the polarization switching characteristics of gamma irradiated TGS and sodium nitrite (NaNO2) have also been presented. The effect of irradiation on the phase transition and the switching processes has been discussed.


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Polarization switching processes in TAAP and DTAAP have been studied by the Merz method. The switching process in DTAAP is slower than in TAAP. The temperature dependence of switching time indicates that the crystal might contain groups of domain nuclei with different activation energies. X-ray irradiation causes an increase in the threshold field below which switching could not occur and decrease in the mobility of domain walls. Irradiation decreases the peak value of dielectric constant, Tc and increases the value of coercive field. Domain structure studies on TAAP crystals have shown that the crystals grow as both predominantly single domain and multi domains, depending on which the internal bias increases or remains unaffected upon irradiation.


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A study of radio intensity variations at seven frequencies in the range 0.3 to 90 GHz for compact extragalactic radio sources classified as BL Lacs and high- and low-optical polarization quasars (HPQs and LPQs) is presented. This include the results of flux-density monitoring of 33 compact sources for three years at 327 MHz with the Ooty Synthesis Radio Telescope. The degrees of 'short-term' (tau less than about 1 yr) variability for the three optical types are found to be indistinguishable at low frequencies (less than 1 GHz), pointing to an extrinsic origin for the low-frequency variability. At high frequencies, a distinct dependence on optical type is present, the variability increasing from LPQs, through HPQs to BL Lacs. This trend persists even when only sources with ultra-flat radio spectra (alpha greater than -0.2) are considered. Implications of this for the phenomenon of high-frequency variability and the proposed unification schemes for different optical types of active galactic nuclei are discussed.


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The results of the studies on the effect of rare earth Nd doping on the phase formation behavior and electrical properties of sol-gel derived Pb-1.05(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3 (PZT) thin films are presented. The perovskite phase is obtained up to 5 at. % doping and beyond that pyrochlore phase was found to coexist with the perovskite phase in all the films. The transition temperature of undoped lead zirconate titanate (PZT) film was found to be reduced with Nd doping. The Nd doped films also exhibited typical relaxor-type behavior and a diffuse phase transition, similar to that observed in relaxor materials. The introduction of Nd into the PZT lattice probably introduces disorder in the B site of ABO(3) lattice, which causes the observed dielectric relaxation. Efforts were made to isolate the irreversible component contributions in low field dielectric and high field polarization switching behavior. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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We report on the bacterial protein-based all-optical switches which operate at low laser power, high speed and fulfil most of the requirements to be an ideal all-optical switch without any moving parts involved. This consists of conventional optical waveguides coated with bacteriorhodopsin films at switching locations. The principle of operation of the switch is based on the light-induced refractive index change of bacteriorhodopsin. This approach opens the possibility of realizing proteinbased all-optical switches for communication network, integrated optics and optical computers.


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We propose and demonstrate a technique for electrical detection of polarized spins in semiconductors in zero applied magnetic fields. Spin polarization is generated by optical injection using circularly polarized light which is modulated rapidly using an electro-optic cell. The modulated spin polarization generates a weak time-varying magnetic field which is detected by a sensitive radio-frequency coil. Using a calibrated pickup coil and amplification electronics, clear signals were obtained for bulk GaAs and Ge samples from which an optical spin orientation efficiency of 4.8% could be determined for Ge at 1342 nm excitation wavelength. In the presence of a small external magnetic field, the signal decayed according to the Hanle effect, from which a spin lifetime of 4.6 +/- 1.0 ns for electrons in bulk Ge at 127 K was extracted.


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Three-dimensional (3D) resolution improvement in multi-photon multiple-excitation-spot-optical microscopy is proposed. Specially designed spatial filter is employed for improving the overall 3D resolution of the imaging system. An improvement up to a factor of 14.5 and sub-femto liter volume excitation is achieved. The system shows substantial sidelobe reduction (<4%) due to the non-linear intensity dependence of multiphoton process. Polarization effect on x-oriented and freely rotating dipoles shows dramatic change in the field distribution at the focal-plane. The resulting point-spread function has the ability to produce several strongly localized polarization dependent field patterns which may find applications in optical engineering and bioimaging.


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The electrical switching behavior of amorphous GexSe35-xTe65 thin film samples has been studied in sandwich geometry of electrodes. It is found that these samples exhibit memory switching behavior, which is similar to that of bulk Ge-Se-Te glasses. As expected, the switching voltages of GexSe35-xTe65 thin film samples are lower compared to those of bulk samples. In both thin film amorphous and bulk glassy samples, the switching voltages are found to increase with the increase in Ge concentration, which is consistent with the increase in network connectivity with the addition of higher coordinated Ge atoms. A sharp increase is seen in the composition dependence of the switching fields of amorphous GexSe35-xTe65 films above x = 21, which can be associated with the stiffness transition. Further, the optical band gap of a-GexSe35-x Te-65 thin film samples, calculated from the absorption spectra, is found to show an increasing trend with the increase in Ge concentration, which is consistent with the variation of switching fields with composition. The increase in structural cross-linking with progressive addition of 4-fold coordinated Ge atoms is one of the main reasons for the observed increase in switching fields as well as band gaps of GexSe35-xTe65 samples. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Amorphous thin film Ge15Te85-xSnx (1 <= x <= 5) and Ge17Te83-xSnx (1 <= x <= 4) switching devices have been deposited in sandwich geometry using a flash evaporation technique, with aluminum as the top and bottom electrodes. Electrical switching studies indicate that these films exhibit memory type electrical switching behavior. The switching fields for both the series of samples have been found to decrease with increase in Sn concentration, which confirms that the metallicity effect on switching fields/voltages, commonly seen in bulk glassy chalcogenides, is valid in amorphous chalcogenide thin films also. In addition, there is no manifestation of rigidity percolation in the composition dependence of switching fields of Ge15Te85-xSnx and Ge17Te83-xSnx amorphous thin film samples. The observed composition dependence of switching fields of amorphous Ge15Te85-xSnx and Ge17Te83-xSnx thin films has been understood on the basis of Chemically Ordered Network model. The optical band gap for these samples, calculated from the absorption spectra, has been found to exhibit a decreasing trend with increasing Sn concentration, which is consistent with the composition dependence of switching fields.


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This paper reports optical, photo-acoustic and electrical switching investigations of GeS2 amorphous thin films of different thicknesses, deposited on glass substrates in vacuum. The Tauc parameter (B (1/2)) and Urbach energy (E (U)) have been determined from the transmittance spectra, to understand the changes in structural disorder; it is found that B (1/2) increases whereas E (U) decreases as the thickness of the films increases. Based on the results, it is suggested that bond re-arrangement, i.e. transformation from homopolar bonds to heteropolar bonds, takes place with increase in thickness. The thermal diffusivity values of GeS2 thin films also show the presence of a chemically ordered network in the GeS2 thin films. Further, it is found that these films exhibit memory-type electrical switching. The observed variation in the switching voltages has been understood on the basis of increase in chemical order.