18 resultados para Neighbourhood


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A method for determining the mutual nearest neighbours (MNN) and mutual neighbourhood value (mnv) of a sample point, using the conventional nearest neighbours, is suggested. A nonparametric, hierarchical, agglomerative clustering algorithm is developed using the above concepts. The algorithm is simple, deterministic, noniterative, requires low storage and is able to discern spherical and nonspherical clusters. The method is applicable to a wide class of data of arbitrary shape, large size and high dimensionality. The algorithm can discern mutually homogenous clusters. Strong or weak patterns can be discerned by properly choosing the neighbourhood width.


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The heat and mass transfer for unsteady laminar compressible boundary-layer flow, which is asymmetric with respect to a 3-dimensional stagnation point (i.e. for a jet incident at an angle on the body), have been studied. It is assumed that the free-stream velocity, wall temperature, and surface mass transfer vary arbitrarily with time and also that the gas has variable properties. The solution in the neighbourhood of the stagnation point has been obtained by series expansion in the longitudinal distance. The resulting partial differential equations have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The results show that, in contrast with the symmetric flow, the maximum heat transfer does not occur at the stagnation point. The skin-friction and heat-transfer components due to asymmetric flow are only weakly affected by the mass transfer as compared to those components associated with symmetric flow. The variation of the wall temperature with time has a strong effect on the heat transfer component associated with the symmetric part of the flow. The skin friction and heat transfer are strongly affected by the variation of the density-viscosity product across the boundary layer. The skin friction responds more to the fluctuations of the free stream oscillating velocities than the heat transfer. The results have been compared with the available results and they are found to be in excellent agreement.


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This paper describes the application of vector spaces over Galois fields, for obtaining a formal description of a picture in the form of a very compact, non-redundant, unique syntactic code. Two different methods of encoding are described. Both these methods consist in identifying the given picture as a matrix (called picture matrix) over a finite field. In the first method, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this matrix are obtained. The eigenvector expansion theorem is then used to reconstruct the original matrix. If several of the eigenvalues happen to be zero this scheme results in a considerable compression. In the second method, the picture matrix is reduced to a primitive diagonal form (Hermite canonical form) by elementary row and column transformations. These sequences of elementary transformations constitute a unique and unambiguous syntactic code-called Hermite code—for reconstructing the picture from the primitive diagonal matrix. A good compression of the picture results, if the rank of the matrix is considerably lower than its order. An important aspect of this code is that it preserves the neighbourhood relations in the picture and the primitive remains invariant under translation, rotation, reflection, enlargement and replication. It is also possible to derive the codes for these transformed pictures from the Hermite code of the original picture by simple algebraic manipulation. This code will find extensive applications in picture compression, storage, retrieval, transmission and in designing pattern recognition and artificial intelligence systems.


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A new clustering technique, based on the concept of immediato neighbourhood, with a novel capability to self-learn the number of clusters expected in the unsupervized environment, has been developed. The method compares favourably with other clustering schemes based on distance measures, both in terms of conceptual innovations and computational economy. Test implementation of the scheme using C-l flight line training sample data in a simulated unsupervized mode has brought out the efficacy of the technique. The technique can easily be implemented as a front end to established pattern classification systems with supervized learning capabilities to derive unified learning systems capable of operating in both supervized and unsupervized environments. This makes the technique an attractive proposition in the context of remotely sensed earth resources data analysis wherein it is essential to have such a unified learning system capability.


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The surface water waves are "modal" waves in which the "physical space" (t, x, y, z) is the product of a propagation space (t, x, y) and a cross space, the z-axis in the vertical direction. We have derived a new set of equations for the long waves in shallow water in the propagation space. When the ratio of the amplitude of the disturbance to the depth of the water is small, these equations reduce to the equations derived by Whitham (1967) by the variational principle. Then we have derived a single equation in (t, x, y)-space which is a generalization of the fourth order Boussinesq equation for one-dimensional waves. In the neighbourhood of a wave froat, this equation reduces to the multidimensional generalization of the KdV equation derived by Shen & Keller (1973). We have also included a systematic discussion of the orders of the various non-dimensional parameters. This is followed by a presentation of a general theory of approximating a system of quasi-linear equations following one of the modes. When we apply this general method to the surface water wave equations in the propagation space, we get the Shen-Keller equation.


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Abstract. We have used chlortetracycline (CTC) as a fluorescent probe to detect the distribution of sequestered calcium in multicellular stages of Dictyostelium discoideum. Tips of late aggregates, slugs and early culminating masses fluoresce very strongly. Most of the fluorescence is intracellular in origin and emanates from a small number of intense punctate sources. The sources correspond in part to autophagic vacuoles viz. neutral-red staining, acidic digestive vesicles, and may also include intracellular organelles; cytoplasmic fluorescence is much weaker in comparison. The level of fluorescence drops in the middle portion of slugs and rises again in the posteriormost region, though not to as high a level as in the tip. This holds good irrespective of whether CTC is applied only in the neighbourhood of the aggregate centre, only in the aggregate periphery, or to the whole aggregate. We infer that there must be a good deal of mixing in the stages leading from aggregation to slug formation; thus the serial order in which cells enter an aggregate does not bear any relation to their ultimate fates. The other implication of our study is that calcium sequestration is much more extensive in prestalk and anterior-like cells than in prespore cells. These findings are discussed with regard to possible implications for pattern formation.


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The boxicity of a graph G, denoted box(G), is the least integer d such that G is the intersection graph of a family of d-dimensional (axis-parallel) boxes. The cubicity, denoted cub(G), is the least dsuch that G is the intersection graph of a family of d-dimensional unit cubes. An independent set of three vertices is an asteroidal triple if any two are joined by a path avoiding the neighbourhood of the third. A graph is asteroidal triple free (AT-free) if it has no asteroidal triple. The claw number psi(G) is the number of edges in the largest star that is an induced subgraph of G. For an AT-free graph G with chromatic number chi(G) and claw number psi(G), we show that box(G) <= chi(C) and that this bound is sharp. We also show that cub(G) <= box(G)([log(2) psi(G)] + 2) <= chi(G)([log(2) psi(G)] + 2). If G is an AT-free graph having girth at least 5, then box(G) <= 2, and therefore cub(G) <= 2 [log(2) psi(G)] + 4. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we have investigated the instability of the self-similar flow behind the boundary of a collapsing cavity. The similarity solutions for the flow into a cavity in a fluid obeying a gas law p = Kργ, K = constant and 7 ≥ γ > 1 has been solved by Hunter, who finds that for the same value of γ there are two self-similar flows, one with accelerating cavity boundary and other with constant velocity cavity boundary. We find here that the first of these two flows is unstable. We arrive at this result only by studying the propagation of disturbances in the neighbourhood of the singular point.


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This paper addresses the problem of secure path key establishment in wireless sensor networks that uses the random key predistribution technique. Inspired by the recent proxy-based scheme in [1] and [2], we introduce a fiiend-based scheme for establishing pairwise keys securely. We show that the chances of finding friends in a neighbourhood are considerably more than that of finding proxies, leading to lower communication overhead. Further, we prove that the friendbased scheme performs better than the proxy-based scheme in terms of resilience against node capture.


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A model equation is derived to study trapped nonlinear waves with a turning effect, occurring in disturbances induced on a two-dimensional steady flow. Only unimodal disturbances under the short wave assumption are considered, when the wave front of the induced disturbance is plane. In the neighbourhood of certain special points of sonic-type singularity, the disturbances are governed by a single first-order partial differential equation in two independent variables. The equation depends on the steady flow through three parameters, which are determined by the variations of velocity and depth, for example (in the case of long surface water waves), along and perpendicular to the wave front. These parameters help us to examine various relative effects. The presence of shocks in a continuously accelerating or decelerating flow has been studied in detail.


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Valinomycin is an important ionophore which exhibits a high conformational flexibility. The study of various conformations adopted by this molecule together with the study of flexibility in a given conformation can throw light on the ion transport by the ionophore across the membrane. Molecular dynamics (MD) studies are ideal to characterize the flexibility in different parts of the molecule and can also give an idea of various conformations adopted by the molecule at a given temperature. Hence MD studies at 100K have been carried out on the minimized crystal structure of the molecule to scan the possible conformations in the neighbourhood of the well known 'bracelet' like structure of uncomplexed Valinomycin, Properties, like the flexibility, average values, r.m.s. fluctuations of the various intramolecular hydrogen bonds are discussed. Energy minimization has been carried out on selected MD simulated points to analyze the characteristics of the unique conformation adopted by this molecule at this temperature.


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Plants exhibit certain intra-fruit positional patterns in the development of seeds. These patterns have been generally interpreted to be a consequence of resource and fertilization gradients. However, such positional patterns might also be shaped by the 'neighbour effect', wherein formation and development of a seed at any position might positively or negatively influence those of other seeds in the neighbourhood. In this article, we examine the role of such neighbour effect in shaping the positional pattern of seeds in the pods of Erythrina suberosa. The results suggest the existence of a positive neighbour effect leading to a higher frequency of seeds in contiguous positions.


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Supercapacitor properties of MnO2 are studied generally in aqueous alkali metal salt solutions, often in a Na salt solution. During electrochemical discharge-charge processes, Na+ ions from the electrolyte get reversibly inserted/deinserted on the surface of MnO2 particles, which leads to redox reaction between MnOONa and MnO2. In the present study, it has been shown that MnO2 exhibits enhanced capacitance behaviour in a rare earth metal salt solution, namely, La(NO3)(3) solution in comparison with NaNO3 and Mg(NO3)(2) aqueous solutions. The specific capacitance increases with an increase in charge on the solution cation (Na+, Mg2+ and La3+). It is proposed that the number of surface sites for adsorption of cations remains unaltered in all solutions. The surface insertion of cation facilitates the reduction of Mn4+ in MnO2 to Mn3+ equivalent to the charge present on the cation. As the specific capacitance is related to the quantity of charge that is exchanged between the solid MnO2 and the aqueous solution, the trivalent cation (La3+) provides greater specific capacitance than in Mg(NO3)(2) and NaNO3 electrolytes. Accordingly, the number of Mn(IV)/Mn(III) redox pairs involved in the neighbourhood of the adsorption site is one, two and three when Na+, Mg2+ and La3+ ions, respectively, are adsorbed. (C) 2011 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/1.3565177] All rights reserved.


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This paper is concerned with off-line signature verification. Four different types of pattern representation schemes have been implemented, viz., geometric features, moment-based representations, envelope characteristics and tree-structured Wavelet features. The individual feature components in a representation are weighed by their pattern characterization capability using Genetic Algorithms. The conclusions of the four subsystems teach depending on a representation scheme) are combined to form a final decision on the validity of signature. Threshold-based classifiers (including the traditional confidence-interval classifier), neighbourhood classifiers and their combinations were studied. Benefits of using forged signatures for training purposes have been assessed. Experimental results show that combination of the Feature-based classifiers increases verification accuracy. (C) 1999 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The role of B2O3 addition on the long phosphorescence of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ has been investigated. B2O3 is just not an inert high temperature solvent (flux) to accelerate grain growth, according to SEM results. B2O3 has a substitutional effect, even at low concentrations. by way of incorporation of BO4 in the corner-shared AlO4 framework of the distorted 'stuffed' tridymite structure of SrAl2O4. which is discernible from the IR and solid-state MAS NMR spectral data. With increasing concentrations, B2O3 reacts with SrAl2O4 to form Sr4Al4O25 together with Sr-borate (SrB2O4) as the glassy phase, as evidenced by XRD and SEM studies. At high B2O3 contents, Sr4Al14O25 converts to SrAl2B2O7 (cubic and hexagonal), SrAl12O19 and Sr-borate (SrB4O7) glass. Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+, Dy3+ has also been independently synthesized to realize the blue emitting (lambda(em)approximate to490 nm) phosphor. The afterglow decay as well as thermoluminescence studies reveal that Sr4Al14O25:Eu, Dy exhibits equally long phosphorescence as that of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+. In both cases, long phosphorescence is noticed only when BO4 is present along with Dy3+ and Eu2+. Here Dy3+ because of its higher charge density than Eu2+ prefers to occupy the Sr sites in the neighbourhood of BO4, as the effective charge on borate is more negative than that of AlO4. Thus. Dy3+ forms a substitutional defect complex with borate and acts as an acceptor-type defect center. These defects Eu2+ ions and the subsequent thermal release of hole at room temperature followed by the trap the hole generated by the excitation of recombination with electron resulting in the long persistent phosphorescence. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.