25 resultados para Multispectral photography


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We have developed a real-time imaging method for two-color wide-field fluorescence microscopy using a combined approach that integrates multi-spectral imaging and Bayesian image reconstruction technique. To enable simultaneous observation of two dyes (primary and secondary), we exploit their spectral properties that allow parallel recording in both the channels. The key advantage of this technique is the use of a single wavelength of light to excite both the primary dye and the secondary dye. The primary and secondary dyes respectively give rise to fluorescence and bleed-through signal, which after normalization were merged to obtain two-color 3D images. To realize real-time imaging, we employed maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum a posteriori (MAP) techniques on a high-performance computing platform (GPU). The results show two-fold improvement in contrast while the signal-to-background ratio (SBR) is improved by a factor of 4. We report a speed boost of 52 and 350 for 2D and 3D images respectively. Using this system, we have studied the real-time protein aggregation in yeast cells and HeLa cells that exhibits dot-like protein distribution. The proposed technique has the ability to temporally resolve rapidly occurring biological events.


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Among the multiple advantages and applications of remote sensing, one of the most important uses is to solve the problem of crop classification, i.e., differentiating between various crop types. Satellite images are a reliable source for investigating the temporal changes in crop cultivated areas. In this letter, we propose a novel bat algorithm (BA)-based clustering approach for solving crop type classification problems using a multispectral satellite image. The proposed partitional clustering algorithm is used to extract information in the form of optimal cluster centers from training samples. The extracted cluster centers are then validated on test samples. A real-time multispectral satellite image and one benchmark data set from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) repository are used to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed algorithm. The performance of the BA is compared with two other nature-inspired metaheuristic techniques, namely, genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization. The performance is also compared with the existing hybrid approach such as the BA with K-means. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the BA can be successfully applied to solve crop type classification problems.


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Over the last few decades, there has been a significant land cover (LC) change across the globe due to the increasing demand of the burgeoning population and urban sprawl. In order to take account of the change, there is a need for accurate and up-to-date LC maps. Mapping and monitoring of LC in India is being carried out at national level using multi-temporal IRS AWiFS data. Multispectral data such as IKONOS, Landsat-TM/ETM+, IRS-ICID LISS-III/IV, AWiFS and SPOT-5, etc. have adequate spatial resolution (similar to 1m to 56m) for LC mapping to generate 1:50,000 maps. However, for developing countries and those with large geographical extent, seasonal LC mapping is prohibitive with data from commercial sensors of limited spatial coverage. Superspectral data from the MODIS sensor are freely available, have better temporal (8 day composites) and spectral information. MODIS pixels typically contain a mixture of various LC types (due to coarse spatial resolution of 250, 500 and 1000 in), especially in more fragmented landscapes. In this context, linear spectral unmixing would be useful for mapping patchy land covers, such as those that characterise much of the Indian subcontinent. This work evaluates the existing unmixing technique for LC mapping using MODIS data, using end-members that are extracted through Pixel Purity Index (PPI), Scatter plot and N-dimensional visualisation. The abundance maps were generated for agriculture, built up, forest, plantations, waste land/others and water bodies. The assessment of the results using ground truth and a LISS-III classified map shows 86% overall accuracy, suggesting the potential for broad-scale applicability of the technique with superspectral data for natural resource planning and inventory applications. Index Terms-Remote sensing, digital


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Interfacial area measurement has been carried out experimentally by measuring the bubble size and holdup for air-sodium chloride solution system. The size of the bubble is predominantly established by the air hold up. High speed photography technique for bubble size measurement and gamma ray attenuation method for holdup measurements are followed. The measured values are compared with the theoretically predicted values. Interracial area as a function of the liquid flow rate and also its distance from the nozzle of the ejector has been reported in this paper. The results obtained for this non-reactive system are also compared with those of air-water system.


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Screen-less oscillation photography is the method of choice for recording three-dimensional X-ray diffraction data for crystals of biological macromolecules. The geometry of an oscillation camera is extremely simple. However, the manner in which the reciprocal lattice is recorded in any experiment is fairly complex. This depends on the Laue symmetry of the reciprocal lattice, the lattice type, the orientation of the crystal on the camera and to a lesser extent on the unit-cell dimensions. Exploring the relative efficiency of collecting X-ray diffraction data for different crystal orientations prior to data collection might reduce the number of films required to record most of the unique data and the consequent amount of time required for processing these films. Here algorithms are presented suitable for this purpose and results are reported for the 11 Laue groups, different lattice types and crystal orientations often employed in data collection.


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An analysis of inviscid incompressible flow in a tube of sinusoidally perturbed circular cross section with wall injection has been made. The velocity and pressure fields have been obtained. Measurements of axial velocity profiles and pressure distribution have been made in a simulated star shaped tube with wall injection. The static pressure at the star recess is found to be more than that at the star point, this feature being in conformity with the analytical result. Flow visualisation by photography of injected smoke seems to show simple diffusion rather than strong vortices in the recess.


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Rural population of India constitutes about 70% of the total population and traditional fuels account for 75% of the rural energy needs. Depletion of woodlands coupled with the persistent dependency on fuel wood has posed a serious problem for household energy provision in many parts. This study highlights that the traditional fuels still meet 85-95% of fuel needs in rural areas of Kolar district: people prefer fuel wood for cooking and agriculture residues for water heating and other purposes. However, rapid changes in land cover and land use in recent times have affected these traditional fuels availability necessitating inventorying, mapping and monitoring of bioresources for sustainable management of bioresources. Remote sensing data (Multispectal and Panchromatic), Geographic Information System (GIS), field surveys and non-destructive sampling were used to assess spatially the availability and demand of energy. Field surveys indicate that rural household depends on species such as Prosopis juliflora, Acacia nilotica, Acacia auriculiformis to meet fuel wood requirement for domestic activities. Hence, to take stock of fuel wood availability, mapping was done at species level (with 88% accuracy) considering villages as sampling units using fused multispectral and panchromatic data. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Image fusion is a formal framework which is expressed as means and tools for the alliance of multisensor, multitemporal, and multiresolution data. Multisource data vary in spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions necessitating advanced analytical or numerical techniques for enhanced interpretation capabilities. This paper reviews seven pixel based image fusion techniques - intensity-hue-saturation, brovey, high pass filter (HPF), high pass modulation (HPM), principal component analysis, fourier transform and correspondence analysis.Validation of these techniques on IKONOS data (Panchromatic band at I m spatial resolution and Multispectral 4 bands at 4 in spatial resolution) reveal that HPF and HPM methods synthesises the images closest to those the corresponding multisensors would observe at the high resolution level.


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The characteristics of the separated flow behind a diaphragm over a burning surface are investigated experimentally. This complex problem of practical significance involving recirculation, blowing and combustion reactions is studied in a two-dimensional combustion tunnel. The flame structure, recirculation patterns and heat transfer to the surface are presented for a range of values of free stream and fuel injection velocities as well as for different heights of the diaphragm. The trends of heat transfer vs axial distance are shown to be similar to those resulting from a non-reactive heated stream with a diaphragm. Treating the case of a boundary layer diffusion flame as that corresponding to the zero height of the diaphragm, the heat transfer augmentation due to recirculation is estimated. It is found that at considerable downstream distances (xfh > 3), the heat transfer rates with diaphragm overtake the rates from a developing boundary layer case. Flow visualization studies with particle track photography show that there are many similarities between the reactive and the non-reactive cases.


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Over the last few decades, there has been a significant land cover (LC) change across the globe due to the increasing demand of the burgeoning population and urban sprawl. In order to take account of the change, there is a need for accurate and up- to-date LC maps. Mapping and monitoring of LC in India is being carried out at national level using multi-temporal IRS AWiFS data. Multispectral data such as IKONOS, Landsat- TM/ETM+, IRS-1C/D LISS-III/IV, AWiFS and SPOT-5, etc. have adequate spatial resolution (~ 1m to 56m) for LC mapping to generate 1:50,000 maps. However, for developing countries and those with large geographical extent, seasonal LC mapping is prohibitive with data from commercial sensors of limited spatial coverage. Superspectral data from the MODIS sensor are freely available, have better temporal (8 day composites) and spectral information. MODIS pixels typically contain a mixture of various LC types (due to coarse spatial resolution of 250, 500 and 1000 m), especially in more fragmented landscapes. In this context, linear spectral unmixing would be useful for mapping patchy land covers, such as those that characterise much of the Indian subcontinent. This work evaluates the existing unmixing technique for LC mapping using MODIS data, using end- members that are extracted through Pixel Purity Index (PPI), Scatter plot and N-dimensional visualisation. The abundance maps were generated for agriculture, built up, forest, plantations, waste land/others and water bodies. The assessment of the results using ground truth and a LISS-III classified map shows 86% overall accuracy, suggesting the potential for broad-scale applicability of the technique with superspectral data for natural resource planning and inventory applications.


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Image fusion techniques are useful to integrate the geometric detail of a high-resolution panchromatic (PAN) image and the spectral information of a low-resolution multispectral (MSS) image, particularly important for understanding land use dynamics at larger scale (1:25000 or lower), which is required by the decision makers to adopt holistic approaches for regional planning. Fused images can extract features from source images and provide more information than one scene of MSS image. High spectral resolution aids in identification of objects more distinctly while high spatial resolution allows locating the objects more clearly. The geoinformatics technologies with an ability to provide high-spatial-spectral-resolution data helps in inventorying, mapping, monitoring and sustainable management of natural resources. Fusion module in GRDSS, taking into consideration the limitations in spatial resolution of MSS data and spectral resolution of PAN data, provide high-spatial-spectral-resolution remote sensing images required for land use mapping on regional scale. GRDSS is a freeware GIS Graphic User Interface (GUI) developed in Tcl/Tk is based on command line arguments of GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) with the functionalities for raster analysis, vector analysis, site analysis, image processing, modeling and graphics visualization. It has the capabilities to capture, store, process, analyse, prioritize and display spatial and temporal data.


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Urban population is growing at around 2.3 percent per annum in India. This is leading to urbanisation and often fuelling the dispersed development in the outskirts of urban and village centres with impacts such as loss of agricultural land, open space, and ecologically sensitive habitats. This type of upsurge is very much prevalent and persistent in most places, often inferred as sprawl. The direct implication of such urban sprawl is the change in land use and land cover of the region and lack of basic amenities, since planners are unable to visualise this type of growth patterns. This growth is normally left out in all government surveys (even in national population census), as this cannot be grouped under either urban or rural centre. The investigation of patterns of growth is very crucial from regional planning point of view to provide basic amenities in the region. The growth patterns of urban sprawl can be analysed and understood with the availability of temporal multi-sensor, multi-resolution spatial data. In order to optimise these spectral and spatial resolutions, image fusion techniques are required. This aids in integrating a lower spatial resolution multispectral (MSS) image (for example, IKONOS MSS bands of 4m spatial resolution) with a higher spatial resolution panchromatic (PAN) image (IKONOS PAN band of 1m spatial resolution) based on a simple spectral preservation fusion technique - the Smoothing Filter-based Intensity Modulation (SFIM). Spatial details are modulated to a co-registered lower resolution MSS image without altering its spectral properties and contrast by using a ratio between a higher resolution image and its low pass filtered (smoothing filter) image. The visual evaluation and statistical analysis confirms that SFIM is a superior fusion technique for improving spatial detail of MSS images with the preservation of spectral properties.


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Pixel based image fusion entails combining geometric details of a high-resolution Panchromatic (PAN) image and spectral information of a low-resolution Multispectral (MS) image to produce images with highest spatial content while preserving the spectral information. This work reviews and implements six fusion techniques – À Trous algorithm based wavelet transform (ATW), Mulitresolution Analysis based Intensity Modulation, Gram Schmidt fusion, CN Spectral, Luminance Chrominance and High pass fusion (HPF) on IKONOS imagery having 1 m PAN and 4 m MS channels. Comparative performance analysis of techniques by various methods reveals that ATW followed by HPF perform best among all the techniques.


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The widely used Bayesian classifier is based on the assumption of equal prior probabilities for all the classes. However, inclusion of equal prior probabilities may not guarantee high classification accuracy for the individual classes. Here, we propose a novel technique-Hybrid Bayesian Classifier (HBC)-where the class prior probabilities are determined by unmixing a supplemental low spatial-high spectral resolution multispectral (MS) data that are assigned to every pixel in a high spatial-low spectral resolution MS data in Bayesian classification. This is demonstrated with two separate experiments-first, class abundances are estimated per pixel by unmixing Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data to be used as prior probabilities, while posterior probabilities are determined from the training data obtained from ground. These have been used for classifying the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite LISS-III MS data through Bayesian classifier. In the second experiment, abundances obtained by unmixing Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus are used as priors, and posterior probabilities are determined from the ground data to classify IKONOS MS images through Bayesian classifier. The results indicated that HBC systematically exploited the information from two image sources, improving the overall accuracy of LISS-III MS classification by 6% and IKONOS MS classification by 9%. Inclusion of prior probabilities increased the average producer's and user's accuracies by 5.5% and 6.5% in case of LISS-III MS with six classes and 12.5% and 5.4% in IKONOS MS for five classes considered.


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Fusion of multi-sensor imaging data enables a synergetic interpretation of complementary information obtained by sensors of different spectral ranges. Multi-sensor data of diverse spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions require advanced numerical techniques for analysis and interpretation. This paper reviews ten advanced pixel based image fusion techniques – Component substitution (COS), Local mean and variance matching, Modified IHS (Intensity Hue Saturation), Fast Fourier Transformed-enhanced IHS, Laplacian Pyramid, Local regression, Smoothing filter (SF), Sparkle, SVHC and Synthetic Variable Ratio. The above techniques were tested on IKONOS data (Panchromatic band at 1 m spatial resolution and Multispectral 4 bands at 4 m spatial resolution). Evaluation of the fused results through various accuracy measures, revealed that SF and COS methods produce images closest to corresponding multi-sensor would observe at the highest resolution level (1 m).