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In this study, we combine available high resolution structural information on eukaryotic ribosomes with low resolution cryo-EM data on the Hepatitis C Viral RNA (IRES) human ribosome complex. Aided further by the prediction of RNA-protein interactions and restrained docking studies, we gain insights on their interaction at the residue level. We identified the components involved at the major and minor contact regions, and propose that there are energetically favorable local interactions between 40S ribosomal proteins and IRES domains. Domain II of the IRES interacts with ribosomal proteins S5 and S25 while the pseudoknot and the downstream domain IV region bind to ribosomal proteins S26, S28 and S5. We also provide support using UV cross-linking studies to validate our proposition of interaction between the S5 and IRES domains II and IV. We found that domain IIIe makes contact with the ribosomal protein S3a (S1e). Our model also suggests that the ribosomal protein S27 interacts with domain IIIc while S7 has a weak contact with a single base RNA bulge between junction IIIabc and IIId. The interacting residues are highly conserved among mammalian homologs while IRES RNA bases involved in contact do not show strict conservation. IRES RNA binding sites for S25 and S3a show the best conservation among related viral IRESs. The new contacts identified between ribosomal proteins and RNA are consistent with previous independent studies on RNA-binding properties of ribosomal proteins reported in literature, though information at the residue level is not available in previous studies.


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The evolutionary diversity of the HSP70 gene family at the genetic level has generated complex structural variations leading to altered functional specificity and mode of regulation in different cellular compartments. By utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system for better understanding the global functional cooperativity between Hsp70 paralogs, we have dissected the differences in functional properties at the biochemical level between mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 (mtHsp70) Ssc1 and an uncharacterized Ssc3 paralog. Based on the evolutionary origin of Ssc3 and a high degree of sequence homology with Ssc1, it has been proposed that both have a close functional overlap in the mitochondrial matrix. Surprisingly, our results demonstrate that there is no functional cross-talk between Ssc1 and Ssc3 paralogs. The lack of in vivo functional overlap is due to altered conformation and significant lower stability associated with Ssc3. The substrate-binding domain of Ssc3 showed poor affinity toward mitochondrial client proteins and Tim44 due to the open conformation in ADP-bound state. In addition to that, the nucleotide-binding domain of Ssc3 showed an altered regulation by the Mge1 co-chaperone due to a high degree of conformational plasticity, which strongly promotes aggregation. Besides, Ssc3 possesses a dysfunctional inter-domain interface thus rendering it unable to perform functions similar to generic Hsp70s. Moreover, we have identified the critical amino acid sequence of Ssc1 and Ssc3 that can ``make or break'' mtHsp70 chaperone function. Together, our analysis provides the first evidence to show that the nucleotide-binding domain of mtHsp70s plays a critical role in determining the functional specificity among paralogs and orthologs across kingdoms.


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The evolutionary diversity of the HSP70 gene family at the genetic level has generated complex structural variations leading to altered functional specificity and mode of regulation in different cellular compartments. By utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system for better understanding the global functional cooperativity between Hsp70 paralogs, we have dissected the differences in functional properties at the biochemical level between mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 (mtHsp70) Ssc1 and an uncharacterized Ssc3 paralog. Based on the evolutionary origin of Ssc3 and a high degree of sequence homology with Ssc1, it has been proposed that both have a close functional overlap in the mitochondrial matrix. Surprisingly, our results demonstrate that there is no functional cross-talk between Ssc1 and Ssc3 paralogs. The lack of in vivo functional overlap is due to altered conformation and significant lower stability associated with Ssc3. The substrate-binding domain of Ssc3 showed poor affinity toward mitochondrial client proteins and Tim44 due to the open conformation in ADP-bound state. In addition to that, the nucleotide-binding domain of Ssc3 showed an altered regulation by the Mge1 co-chaperone due to a high degree of conformational plasticity, which strongly promotes aggregation. Besides, Ssc3 possesses a dysfunctional inter-domain interface thus rendering it unable to perform functions similar to generic Hsp70s. Moreover, we have identified the critical amino acid sequence of Ssc1 and Ssc3 that can “make or break” mtHsp70 chaperone function. Together, our analysis provides the first evidence to show that the nucleotide-binding domain of mtHsp70s plays a critical role in determining the functional specificity among paralogs and orthologs across kingdoms.


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Translation initiation in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is mediated by Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES), which is independent of cap-structure and uses a limited number of canonical initiation factors. During translation initiation IRES-40S complex formation depends on high affinity interaction of IRES with ribosomal proteins. Earlier, it has been shown that ribosomal protein S5 (RPS5) interacts with HCV IRES. Here, we have extensively characterized the HCV IRES-RPS5 interaction and demonstrated its role in IRES function. Computational modelling and RNA-protein interaction studies demonstrated that the beta hairpin structure within RPS5 is critically required for the binding with domains II and IV. Mutations disrupting IRES-RPS5 interaction drastically reduced the 80S complex formation and the corresponding IRES activity. Computational analysis and UV cross-linking experiments using various IRES-mutants revealed interplay between domains II and IV mediated by RPS5. In addition, present study demonstrated that RPS5 interaction is unique to HCV IRES and is not involved in 40S-3 ` UTR interaction. Further, partial silencing of RPS5 resulted in preferential inhibition of HCV RNA translation. However, global translation was marginally affected by partial silencing of RPS5. Taken together, results provide novel molecular insights into IRES-RPS5 interaction and unravel its functional significance in mediating internal initiation of translation.


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The nucleotide sequence of cosmid B1790, carrying the Rif-Str regions of the Mycobacterium leprae chromosome, has been determined. Twelve open reading frames were identified in the 36716bp sequence, representing 40% of the coding capacity. Five ribosomal proteins, two elongation factors and the β and β'subunits of RNA polymerase have been characterized and two novel genes were found. One of these encodes a member of the so-called ABC family of ATP-binding proteins while the other appears to encode an enzyme involved in repairing genomic lesions caused by free radicals. This finding may well be significant as M. leprae, an intracellular pathogen, lives within macrophages.


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Natural products discovered from medicinal plants have played an important role in the treatment of cancer. In an effort to identify novel small molecules which can affect the proliferation of lymphoma cells, we tested methyl angolensate (MA), a plant derived tetranortriterpenoid, purified from the crude extract of the root callus of Soymida febrifuga commonly known as Indian red wood tree. We have tested MA for its cytotoxic properties on Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines, using various cellular assays. We observed that MA induces cytotoxicity in Daudi cells in a dose-dependent manner using trypan blue, MTT and LDH assays. We find that the treatment with MA led to activation of DNA double-strand break repair proteins including KU70 and KU80, suggesting the activation of nonhomologous DNA end joining pathway in surviving cells. Further, we find that methyl angolensate could induce apoptosis by cell cycle analysis, annexin V-FITC staining, DNA fragmentation and PARP cleavage. Besides, MA treatment led to reactive oxygen species generation and loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential. These results suggest the activation of mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. Hence, we identify MA as a potential chemotherapeutic agent against Daudi cells.


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The cell cycle phase at starvation influences post-starvation differentiation and morphogenesis in Dictyostelium discoideum. We found that when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a D. discoideum cDNA that encodes the ribosomal protein S4 (DdS4) rescues mutations in the cell cycle genes cdc24, cdc42 and bem1. The products of these genes affect morphogenesis in yeast via a coordinated moulding of the cytoskeleton during bud site selection. D. discoideum cells that over-or under-expressed DdS4 did not show detectable changes in protein synthesis but displayed similar developmental aberrations whose intensity was graded with the extent of over-or under-expression. This suggested that DdS4 might influence morphogenesis via a stoichiometric effect - specifically, by taking part in a multimeric complex similar to the one involving Cdc24p, Cdc42p and Bem1p in yeast. In support of the hypothesis, the S. cerevisiae proteins Cdc24p, Cdc42p and Bem1p as well as their D. discoideum cognates could be co-precipitated with antibodies to DdS4. Computational analysis and mutational studies explained these findings: a C-terminal domain of DdS4 is the functional equivalent of an SH3 domain in the yeast scaffold protein Bem1p that is central to constructing the bud site selection complex. Thus in addition to being part of the ribosome, DdS4 has a second function, also as part of a multi-protein complex. We speculate that the existence of the second role can act as a safeguard against perturbations to ribosome function caused by spontaneous variations in DdS4 levels.


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Parkinsons disease (PD) is the second most prevalent progressive neurological disorder commonly associated with impaired mitochondrial function in dopaminergic neurons. Although familial PD is multifactorial in nature, a recent genetic screen involving PD patients identified two mitochondrial Hsp70 variants (P509S and R126W) that are suggested in PD pathogenesis. However, molecular mechanisms underlying how mtHsp70 PD variants are centrally involved in PD progression is totally elusive. In this article, we provide mechanistic insights into the mitochondrial dysfunction associated with human mtHsp70 PD variants. Biochemically, the R126W variant showed severely compromised protein stability and was found highly susceptible to aggregation at physiological conditions. Strikingly, on the other hand, the P509S variant exhibits significantly enhanced interaction with J-protein cochaperones involved in folding and import machinery, thus altering the overall regulation of chaperone-mediated folding cycle and protein homeostasis. To assess the impact of mtHsp70 PD mutations at the cellular level, we developed yeast as a model system by making analogous mutations in Ssc1 ortholog. Interestingly, PD mutations in yeast (R103W and P486S) exhibit multiple in vivo phenotypes, which are associated with omitochondrial dysfunction', including compromised growth, impairment in protein translocation, reduced functional mitochondrial mass, mitochondrial DNA loss, respiratory incompetency and increased susceptibility to oxidative stress. In addition to that, R103W protein is prone to aggregate in vivo due to reduced stability, whereas P486S showed enhanced interaction with J-proteins, thus remarkably recapitulating the cellular defects that are observed in human PD variants. Taken together, our findings provide evidence in favor of direct involvement of mtHsp70 as a susceptibility factor in PD.


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Mitochondria are indispensable organelles implicated in multiple aspects of cellular processes, including tumorigenesis. Heat shock proteins play a critical regulatory role in accurately delivering the nucleus-encoded proteins through membrane-bound presequence translocase (Tim23 complex) machinery. Although altered expression of mammalian presequence translocase components had been previously associated with malignant phenotypes, the overall organization of Tim23 complexes is still unsolved. In this report, we show the existence of three distinct Tim23 complexes, namely, B1, B2, and A, involved in the maintenance of normal mitochondrial function. Our data highlight the importance of Magmas as a regulator of translocase function and in dynamically recruiting the J-proteins DnaJC19 and DnaJC15 to individual translocases. The basic housekeeping function involves translocases B1 and B2 composed of Tim17b isoforms along with DnaJC19, whereas translocase A is nonessential and has a central role in oncogenesis. Translocase B, having a normal import rate, is essential for constitutive mitochondrial functions such as maintenance of electron transport chain complex activity, organellar morphology, iron-sulfur cluster protein biogenesis, and mitochondrial DNA. In contrast, translocase A, though dispensable for housekeeping functions with a comparatively lower import rate, plays a specific role in translocating oncoproteins lacking presequence, leading to reprogrammed mitochondrial functions and hence establishing a possible link between the TIM23 complex and tumorigenicity.


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Background: Muscle-specific deficiency of iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster scaffold protein (ISCU) leads to myopathy. Results: Cells carrying the myopathy-associated G50E ISCU mutation demonstrate impaired Fe-S cluster biogenesis and mitochondrial dysfunction. Conclusion: Reduced mitochondrial respiration as a result of diminished Fe-S cluster synthesis results in muscle weakness in myopathy patients. Significance: The molecular mechanism behind disease progression should provide invaluable information to combat ISCU myopathy. Iron-sulfur (Fe-S) clusters are versatile cofactors involved in regulating multiple physiological activities, including energy generation through cellular respiration. Initially, the Fe-S clusters are assembled on a conserved scaffold protein, iron-sulfur cluster scaffold protein (ISCU), in coordination with iron and sulfur donor proteins in human mitochondria. Loss of ISCU function leads to myopathy, characterized by muscle wasting and cardiac hypertrophy. In addition to the homozygous ISCU mutation (g.7044GC), compound heterozygous patients with severe myopathy have been identified to carry the c.149GA missense mutation converting the glycine 50 residue to glutamate. However, the physiological defects and molecular mechanism associated with G50E mutation have not been elucidated. In this report, we uncover mechanistic insights concerning how the G50E ISCU mutation in humans leads to the development of severe ISCU myopathy, using a human cell line and yeast as the model systems. The biochemical results highlight that the G50E mutation results in compromised interaction with the sulfur donor NFS1 and the J-protein HSCB, thus impairing the rate of Fe-S cluster synthesis. As a result, electron transport chain complexes show significant reduction in their redox properties, leading to loss of cellular respiration. Furthermore, the G50E mutant mitochondria display enhancement in iron level and reactive oxygen species, thereby causing oxidative stress leading to impairment in the mitochondrial functions. Thus, our findings provide compelling evidence that the respiration defect due to impaired biogenesis of Fe-S clusters in myopathy patients leads to manifestation of complex clinical symptoms.


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Thrombocytopenia in methotrexate (MTX)-treated cancer and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients connotes the interference of MTX with platelets. Hence, it seemed appealing to appraise the effect of MTX on platelets. Thereby, the mechanism of action of MTX on platelets was dissected. MTX (10 mu M) induced activation of pro-apoptotic proteins Bid, Bax and Bad through JNK phosphorylation leading Delta psi m dissipation, cytochrome c release and caspase activation, culminating in apoptosis. The use of specific inhibitor for JNK abrogates the MTX-induced activation of pro-apoptotic proteins and downstream events confirming JNK phosphorylation by MTX as a key event. We also demonstrate that platelet mitochondria as prime sources of ROS which plays a central role in MTX-induced apoptosis. Further, MTX induces oxidative stress by altering the levels of ROS and glutathione cycle. In parallel, the clinically approved thiol antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and its derivative N-acetylcysteine amide (NACA) proficiently alleviate MTX-induced platelet apoptosis and oxidative damage. These findings underpin the dearth of research on interference of therapeutic drugs with platelets, despite their importance in human health and disease. Therefore, the use of antioxidants as supplementary therapy seems to be a safe bet in pathologies associated with altered platelet functions.


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Analysis of proteins of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) of Leydig cells from immature and admit rats by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) revealed the presence of several new proteins in the adult rats. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin to immature rats for ten days also resulted in a significant increase as well as the appearance of several new proteins. The general pattern of SDS-PAGE analysis of the SER proteins of Leydig cells resembled that of the adult rat. SDS-PAGE analysis of the SER proteins of Leydig cells from adult rats following deprivation of endogenous luteinizing hormone by administration of antiserum to ovine luteinizing hormone resulted in a pattern which to certain extent resembled that of an immature I at. Western Blot analysis of luteinizing hormone antiserum treated rat Leydig cell proteins revealed a decrease in the 17-alpha-hydroxylase compared to the control. These results provide biochemical evidence for the suggestion that one of the main functions of luteinizing hormone is the control of biogenesis and/or turnover SER of Leydig cells in the rat.


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The structural stabilizing property of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) in peptides has been widely demonstrated, More recently, TFE has been shown to enhance secondary structure content in globular proteins, and to influence quaternary interactions in protein multimers. The molecular mechanisms by which TFE exerts its Influence on peptide and protein structures remain poorly understood. The present analysis integrates the known physical properties of TFE with a variety of experimental observations on the interaction of TFE with peptides and proteins and on the properties of fluorocarbons. Two features of TFE, namely the hydrophobicity of the trifluoromethyl group and the hydrogen bonding character (strong donor and poor acceptor), emerge as the most important factors for rationalising the observed effects of TFE. A model is proposed for TFE interaction with peptides which involves an initial replacement of the hydration shell by fluoroalcohol molecules, a process driven by apolar interactions and favourable entropy of dehydration. Subsequent bifurcated hydrogen-bond formation with peptide carbonyl groups, which leave intramolecular interactions unaffected, promotes secondary structure formation.


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Understanding the mechanism by which an unfolded polypeptide chain folds to its unique, functional structure is a primary unsolved problem in biochemistry. Fundamental advances towards understanding how proteins fold have come from kinetic studies, Kinetic studies allow the dissection of the folding pathway of a protein into individual steps that are defined by partially-structured folding intermediates. Improvements in both the structural and temporal resolution of physical methods that are used to monitor the folding process, as well as the development of new methodologies, are now making it possible to obtain detailed structural information on protein folding pathways. The protein engineering methodology has been particularly useful in characterizing the structures of folding intermediates as well as the transition state of folding, Several characteristics of protein folding pathways have begun to emerge as general features for the folding of many different proteins. Progress in our understanding of how structure develops during folding is reviewed here.