48 resultados para Linear Models


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The effects of the initial height on the temporal persistence probability of steady-state height fluctuations in up-down symmetric linear models of surface growth are investigated. We study the (1 + 1)-dimensional Family model and the (1 + 1)-and (2 + 1)-dimensional larger curvature (LC) model. Both the Family and LC models have up-down symmetry, so the positive and negative persistence probabilities in the steady state, averaged over all values of the initial height h(0), are equal to each other. However, these two probabilities are not equal if one considers a fixed nonzero value of h(0). Plots of the positive persistence probability for negative initial height versus time exhibit power-law behavior if the magnitude of the initial height is larger than the interface width at saturation. By symmetry, the negative persistence probability for positive initial height also exhibits the same behavior. The persistence exponent that describes this power-law decay decreases as the magnitude of the initial height is increased. The dependence of the persistence probability on the initial height, the system size, and the discrete sampling time is found to exhibit scaling behavior.


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Designing and optimizing high performance microprocessors is an increasingly difficult task due to the size and complexity of the processor design space, high cost of detailed simulation and several constraints that a processor design must satisfy. In this paper, we propose the use of empirical non-linear modeling techniques to assist processor architects in making design decisions and resolving complex trade-offs. We propose a procedure for building accurate non-linear models that consists of the following steps: (i) selection of a small set of representative design points spread across processor design space using latin hypercube sampling, (ii) obtaining performance measures at the selected design points using detailed simulation, (iii) building non-linear models for performance using the function approximation capabilities of radial basis function networks, and (iv) validating the models using an independently and randomly generated set of design points. We evaluate our model building procedure by constructing non-linear performance models for programs from the SPEC CPU2000 benchmark suite with a microarchitectural design space that consists of 9 key parameters. Our results show that the models, built using a relatively small number of simulations, achieve high prediction accuracy (only 2.8% error in CPI estimates on average) across a large processor design space. Our models can potentially replace detailed simulation for common tasks such as the analysis of key microarchitectural trends or searches for optimal processor design points.


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Native species' response to the presence of invasive species is context specific. This response cannot be studied in isolation from the prevailing environmental stresses in invaded habitats such as seasonal drought. We investigated the combined effects of an invasive shrub Lantana camara L. (lantana), seasonal rainfall and species' microsite preferences on the growth and survival of 1,105 naturally established seedlings of native trees and shrubs in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Individuals were followed from April 2008 to February 2010, and growth and survival measured in relation to lantana density, seasonality of rainfall and species characteristics in a 50-ha permanent forest plot located in Mudumalai, southern India. We used a mixed effects modelling approach to examine seedling growth and generalized linear models to examine seedling survival. The overall relative height growth rate of established seedlings was found to be very low irrespective of the presence or absence of dense lantana. 22-month growth rate of dry forest species was lower under dense lantana while moist forest species were not affected by the presence of lantana thickets. 4-month growth rates of all species increased with increasing inter-census rainfall. Community results may be influenced by responses of the most abundant species, Catunaregam spinosa, whose growth rates were always lower under dense lantana. Overall seedling survival was high, increased with increasing rainfall and was higher for species with dry forest preference than for species with moist forest preference. The high survival rates of naturally established seedlings combined with their basal sprouting ability in this forest could enable the persistence of woody species in the face of invasive species.


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Real world biological systems such as the human brain are inherently nonlinear and difficult to model. However, most of the previous studies have either employed linear models or parametric nonlinear models for investigating brain function. In this paper, a novel application of a nonlinear measure of phase synchronization based on recurrences, correlation between probabilities of recurrence (CPR), to study connectivity in the brain has been proposed. Being non-parametric, this method makes very few assumptions, making it suitable for investigating brain function in a data-driven way. CPR's utility with application to multichannel electroencephalographic (EEG) signals has been demonstrated. Brain connectivity obtained using thresholded CPR matrix of multichannel EEG signals showed clear differences in the number and pattern of connections in brain connectivity between (a) epileptic seizure and pre-seizure and (b) eyes open and eyes closed states. Corresponding brain headmaps provide meaningful insights about synchronization in the brain in those states. K-means clustering of connectivity parameters of CPR and linear correlation obtained from global epileptic seizure and pre-seizure showed significantly larger cluster centroid distances for CPR as opposed to linear correlation, thereby demonstrating the superior ability of CPR for discriminating seizure from pre-seizure. The headmap in the case of focal epilepsy clearly enables us to identify the focus of the epilepsy which provides certain diagnostic value. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Complex biological systems such as the human brain can be expected to be inherently nonlinear and hence difficult to model. Most of the previous studies on investigations of brain function have either used linear models or parametric nonlinear models. In this paper, we propose a novel application of a nonlinear measure of phase synchronization based on recurrences, correlation between probabilities of recurrence (CPR), to study seizures in the brain. The advantage of this nonparametric method is that it makes very few assumptions thus making it possible to investigate brain functioning in a data-driven way. We have demonstrated the utility of CPR measure for the study of phase synchronization in multichannel seizure EEG recorded from patients with global as well as focal epilepsy. For the case of global epilepsy, brain synchronization using thresholded CPR matrix of multichannel EEG signals showed clear differences in results obtained for epileptic seizure and pre-seizure. Brain headmaps obtained for seizure and preseizure cases provide meaningful insights about synchronization in the brain in those states. The headmap in the case of focal epilepsy clearly enables us to identify the focus of the epilepsy which provides certain diagnostic value. Comparative studies with linear correlation have shown that the nonlinear measure CPR outperforms the linear correlation measure. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Processor architects have a challenging task of evaluating a large design space consisting of several interacting parameters and optimizations. In order to assist architects in making crucial design decisions, we build linear regression models that relate Processor performance to micro-architecture parameters, using simulation based experiments. We obtain good approximate models using an iterative process in which Akaike's information criteria is used to extract a good linear model from a small set of simulations, and limited further simulation is guided by the model using D-optimal experimental designs. The iterative process is repeated until desired error bounds are achieved. We used this procedure to establish the relationship of the CPI performance response to 26 key micro-architectural parameters using a detailed cycle-by-cycle superscalar processor simulator The resulting models provide a significance ordering on all micro-architectural parameters and their interactions, and explain the performance variations of micro-architectural techniques.


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The momentum balance of the linear-combination integral model for the transition zone is investigated for constant pressure flows. The imbalance is found to be small enough to be negligible for all practical purposes. [S0889-504X(00)00703-0].


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The relations for the inner layer potential &fference (E) in the presence of adsorbed orgamc molecules are derived for three hterarchlcal models, m terms of molecular constants like permanent &pole moments, polarlzablhtles, etc It is shown how the experimentally observed patterns of the E vs 0 plots (hnear m all ranges of $\sigma^M$, non-linear in one or both regions of o M, etc ) can be understood in a serm-quantltatlve manner from the simplest model in our hierarchy, viz the two-state site panty version Two-state multi-site and three-state (sxte panty) models are also analysed and the slope (3E/80),,M tabulated for these also The results for the Esm-Markov effect are denved for all the models and compared with the earlier result of Parsons. A comparison with the GSL phenomenologlcal equation is presented and its molecular basis, as well as the hmltatlons, is analysed. In partxcular, two-state multa-slte and three-state (site panty) models yield E-o M relations that are more general than the "umfied" GSL equation The posslblhty of vaewlng the compact layer as a "composite medium" with an "effective dlelectnc constant" and obtaimng novel phenomenological descnptions IS also indicated.


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The problem of identifying parameters of time invariant linear dynamical systems with fractional derivative damping models, based on a spatially incomplete set of measured frequency response functions and experimentally determined eigensolutions, is considered. Methods based on inverse sensitivity analysis of damped eigensolutions and frequency response functions are developed. It is shown that the eigensensitivity method requires the development of derivatives of solutions of an asymmetric generalized eigenvalue problem. Both the first and second order inverse sensitivity analyses are considered. The study demonstrates the successful performance of the identification algorithms developed based on synthetic data on one, two and a 33 degrees of freedom vibrating systems with fractional dampers. Limited studies have also been conducted by combining finite element modeling with experimental data on accelerances measured in laboratory conditions on a system consisting of two steel beams rigidly joined together by a rubber hose. The method based on sensitivity of frequency response functions is shown to be more efficient than the eigensensitivity based method in identifying system parameters, especially for large scale systems.


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Knowledge of drag force is an important design parameter in aerodynamics. Measurement of aerodynamic forces at hypersonic speed is a challenge and usually ground test facilities like shock tunnels are used to carry out such tests. Accelerometer based force balances are commonly employed for measuring aerodynamic drag around bodies in hypersonic shock tunnels. In this study, we present an analysis of the effect of model material on the performance of an accelerometer balance used for measurement of drag in impulse facilities. From the experimental studies performed on models constructed out of Bakelite HYLEM and Aluminum, it is clear that the rigid body assumption does not hold good during the short testing duration available in shock tunnels. This is notwithstanding the fact that the rubber bush used for supporting the model allows unconstrained motion of the model during the short testing time available in the shock tunnel. The vibrations induced in the model on impact loading in the shock tunnel are damped out in metallic model, resulting in a smooth acceleration signal, while the signal become noisy and non-linear when we use non-isotropic materials like Bakelite HYLEM. This also implies that careful analysis and proper data reduction methodologies are necessary for measuring aerodynamic drag for non-metallic models in shock tunnels. The results from the drag measurements carried out using a 60 degrees half angle blunt cone is given in the present analysis.


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State and parameter estimations of non-linear dynamical systems, based on incomplete and noisy measurements, are considered using Monte Carlo simulations. Given the measurements. the proposed method obtains the marginalized posterior distribution of an appropriately chosen (ideally small) subset of the state vector using a particle filter. Samples (particles) of the marginalized states are then used to construct a family of conditionally linearized system of equations and thus obtain the posterior distribution of the states using a bank of Kalman filters. Discrete process equations for the marginalized states are derived through truncated Ito-Taylor expansions. Increased analyticity and reduced dispersion of weights computed over a smaller sample space of marginalized states are the key features of the filter that help achieve smaller sample variance of the estimates. Numerical illustrations are provided for state/parameter estimations of a Duffing oscillator and a 3-DOF non-linear oscillator. Performance of the filter in parameter estimation is also assessed using measurements obtained through experiments on simple models in the laboratory. Despite an added computational cost, the results verify that the proposed filter generally produces estimates with lower sample variance over the standard sequential importance sampling (SIS) filter.


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The theoretical analysis, based on the perturbation technique, of ion-acoustic waves in the vicinity of a Korteweg-de Vries (K-dV) equation derived in a plasma with some negative ions has been made. The investigation shows that the negative ions in plasma with isothermal electrons introduced a critical concentration at which the ion-acoustic wave plays an important role of wave-breaking and forming a precursor while the plasma with non-isothermal electrons has no such singular behaviour of the wave. These two distinct features of ion waves lead to an overall different approach of present study of ion-waves. A distinct feature of non-uniform transition from the nonisothermal case to isothermal case has been shown. Few particular plasma models have been chosen to show the characteristics behaviour of the ion-waves existing in different cases


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The NUVIEW software package allows skeletal models of any double helical nucleic acid molecule to be displayed out a graphics monitor and to apply various rotations, translations and scaling transformations interactively, through the keyboard. The skeletal model is generated by connecting any pair of representative points, one from each of the bases in the basepair. In addition to the above mentioned manipulations, the base residues can be identified by using a locator and the distance between any pair of residues can be obtained. A sequence based color coded display allows easy identification of sequence repeats, such as runs of Adenines. The real time interactive manipulation of such skeletal models for large DNA/RNA double helices, can be used to trace the path of the nucleic acid chain in three dimensions and hence get a better idea of its topology, location of linear or curved regions, distances between far off regions in the sequence etc. A physical picture of these features will assist in understanding the relationship between base sequence, structure and biological function in nucleic acids.


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The linear spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet with exchanges J(1) and J(2) between first and second neighbors has a bond-order wave (BOW) phase that starts at the fluid-dimer transition at J(2)/J(1)=0.2411 and is particularly simple at J(2)/J(1)=1/2. The BOW phase has a doubly degenerate singlet ground state, broken inversion symmetry, and a finite-energy gap E-m to the lowest-triplet state. The interval 0.4 < J(2)/J(1) < 1.0 has large E-m and small finite-size corrections. Exact solutions are presented up to N = 28 spins with either periodic or open boundary conditions and for thermodynamics up to N = 18. The elementary excitations of the BOW phase with large E-m are topological spin-1/2 solitons that separate BOWs with opposite phase in a regular array of spins. The molar spin susceptibility chi(M)(T) is exponentially small for T << E-m and increases nearly linearly with T to a broad maximum. J(1) and J(2) spin chains approximate the magnetic properties of the BOW phase of Hubbard-type models and provide a starting point for modeling alkali-tetracyanoquinodimethane salts.


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This paper proposes the use of empirical modeling techniques for building microarchitecture sensitive models for compiler optimizations. The models we build relate program performance to settings of compiler optimization flags, associated heuristics and key microarchitectural parameters. Unlike traditional analytical modeling methods, this relationship is learned entirely from data obtained by measuring performance at a small number of carefully selected compiler/microarchitecture configurations. We evaluate three different learning techniques in this context viz. linear regression, adaptive regression splines and radial basis function networks. We use the generated models to a) predict program performance at arbitrary compiler/microarchitecture configurations, b) quantify the significance of complex interactions between optimizations and the microarchitecture, and c) efficiently search for'optimal' settings of optimization flags and heuristics for any given microarchitectural configuration. Our evaluation using benchmarks from the SPEC CPU2000 suits suggests that accurate models (< 5% average error in prediction) can be generated using a reasonable number of simulations. We also find that using compiler settings prescribed by a model-based search can improve program performance by as much as 19% (with an average of 9.5%) over highly optimized binaries.