27 resultados para Lagrangean Heuristics


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Modern database systems incorporate a query optimizer to identify the most efficient "query execution plan" for executing the declarative SQL queries submitted by users. A dynamic-programming-based approach is used to exhaustively enumerate the combinatorially large search space of plan alternatives and, using a cost model, to identify the optimal choice. While dynamic programming (DP) works very well for moderately complex queries with up to around a dozen base relations, it usually fails to scale beyond this stage due to its inherent exponential space and time complexity. Therefore, DP becomes practically infeasible for complex queries with a large number of base relations, such as those found in current decision-support and enterprise management applications. To address the above problem, a variety of approaches have been proposed in the literature. Some completely jettison the DP approach and resort to alternative techniques such as randomized algorithms, whereas others have retained DP by using heuristics to prune the search space to computationally manageable levels. In the latter class, a well-known strategy is "iterative dynamic programming" (IDP) wherein DP is employed bottom-up until it hits its feasibility limit, and then iteratively restarted with a significantly reduced subset of the execution plans currently under consideration. The experimental evaluation of IDP indicated that by appropriate choice of algorithmic parameters, it was possible to almost always obtain "good" (within a factor of twice of the optimal) plans, and in the few remaining cases, mostly "acceptable" (within an order of magnitude of the optimal) plans, and rarely, a "bad" plan. While IDP is certainly an innovative and powerful approach, we have found that there are a variety of common query frameworks wherein it can fail to consistently produce good plans, let alone the optimal choice. This is especially so when star or clique components are present, increasing the complexity of th- e join graphs. Worse, this shortcoming is exacerbated when the number of relations participating in the query is scaled upwards.


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In the modern business environment, meeting due dates and avoiding delay penalties are very important goals that can be accomplished by minimizing total weighted tardiness. We consider a scheduling problem in a system of parallel processors with the objective of minimizing total weighted tardiness. Our aim in the present work is to develop an efficient algorithm for solving the parallel processor problem as compared to the available heuristics in the literature and we propose the ant colony optimization approach for this problem. An extensive experimentation is conducted to evaluate the performance of the ACO approach on different problem sizes with the varied tardiness factors. Our experimentation shows that the proposed ant colony optimization algorithm is giving promising results compared to the best of the available heuristics.


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A simple yet efficient method for the minimization of incompletely specified sequential machines (ISSMs) is proposed. Precise theorems are developed, as a consequence of which several compatibles can be deleted from consideration at the very first stage in the search for a minimal closed cover. Thus, the computational work is significantly reduced. Initial cardinality of the minimal closed cover is further reduced by a consideration of the maximal compatibles (MC's) only; as a result the method converges to the solution faster than the existing procedures. "Rank" of a compatible is defined. It is shown that ordering the compatibles, in accordance with their rank, reduces the number of comparisons to be made in the search for exclusion of compatibles. The new method is simple, systematic, and programmable. It does not involve any heuristics or intuitive procedures. For small- and medium-sized machines, it canle used for hand computation as well. For one of the illustrative examples used in this paper, 30 out of 40 compatibles can be ignored in accordance with the proposed rules and the remaining 10 compatibles only need be considered for obtaining a minimal solution.


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In this paper, we exploit the idea of decomposition to match buyers and sellers in an electronic exchange for trading large volumes of homogeneous goods, where the buyers and sellers specify marginal-decreasing piecewise constant price curves to capture volume discounts. Such exchanges are relevant for automated trading in many e-business applications. The problem of determining winners and Vickrey prices in such exchanges is known to have a worst-case complexity equal to that of as many as (1 + m + n) NP-hard problems, where m is the number of buyers and n is the number of sellers. Our method proposes the overall exchange problem to be solved as two separate and simpler problems: 1) forward auction and 2) reverse auction, which turns out to be generalized knapsack problems. In the proposed approach, we first determine the quantity of units to be traded between the sellers and the buyers using fast heuristics developed by us. Next, we solve a forward auction and a reverse auction using fully polynomial time approximation schemes available in the literature. The proposed approach has worst-case polynomial time complexity. and our experimentation shows that the approach produces good quality solutions to the problem. Note to Practitioners- In recent times, electronic marketplaces have provided an efficient way for businesses and consumers to trade goods and services. The use of innovative mechanisms and algorithms has made it possible to improve the efficiency of electronic marketplaces by enabling optimization of revenues for the marketplace and of utilities for the buyers and sellers. In this paper, we look at single-item, multiunit electronic exchanges. These are electronic marketplaces where buyers submit bids and sellers ask for multiple units of a single item. We allow buyers and sellers to specify volume discounts using suitable functions. Such exchanges are relevant for high-volume business-to-business trading of standard products, such as silicon wafers, very large-scale integrated chips, desktops, telecommunications equipment, commoditized goods, etc. The problem of determining winners and prices in such exchanges is known to involve solving many NP-hard problems. Our paper exploits the familiar idea of decomposition, uses certain algorithms from the literature, and develops two fast heuristics to solve the problem in a near optimal way in worst-case polynomial time.


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The problem of automatic melody line identification in a MIDI file plays an important role towards taking QBH systems to the next level. We present here, a novel algorithm to identify the melody line in a polyphonic MIDI file. A note pruning and track/channel ranking method is used to identify the melody line. We use results from musicology to derive certain simple heuristics for the note pruning stage. This helps in the robustness of the algorithm, by way of discarding "spurious" notes. A ranking based on the melodic information in each track/channel enables us to choose the melody line accurately. Our algorithm makes no assumption about MIDI performer specific parameters, is simple and achieves an accuracy of 97% in identifying the melody line correctly. This algorithm is currently being used by us in a QBH system built in our lab.


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This paper proposes the use of empirical modeling techniques for building microarchitecture sensitive models for compiler optimizations. The models we build relate program performance to settings of compiler optimization flags, associated heuristics and key microarchitectural parameters. Unlike traditional analytical modeling methods, this relationship is learned entirely from data obtained by measuring performance at a small number of carefully selected compiler/microarchitecture configurations. We evaluate three different learning techniques in this context viz. linear regression, adaptive regression splines and radial basis function networks. We use the generated models to a) predict program performance at arbitrary compiler/microarchitecture configurations, b) quantify the significance of complex interactions between optimizations and the microarchitecture, and c) efficiently search for'optimal' settings of optimization flags and heuristics for any given microarchitectural configuration. Our evaluation using benchmarks from the SPEC CPU2000 suits suggests that accurate models (< 5% average error in prediction) can be generated using a reasonable number of simulations. We also find that using compiler settings prescribed by a model-based search can improve program performance by as much as 19% (with an average of 9.5%) over highly optimized binaries.


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We consider the hydrodynamic evolution of gas in the interstellar medium of the host galaxy of a quasar due to Compton heating by the QSO radiation. We show that a Lagrangean formulation of the problem is necessary. It is found that the "hydrodynamic time scale" becomes important compared to the Compton heating time scale. We also relax the "single fluid" approximation by considering the existence of clouds and taking into account the mass loss from stars. The results predict star burst activity, and thus we explain the blue colors of the active galaxies.


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We study the problem of minimizing total completion time on single and parallel batch processing machines. A batch processing machine is one which can process up to B jobs simultaneously. The processing time of a batch is equal to the largest processing time among all jobs in the batch. This problem is motivated by burn-in operations in the final testing stage of semiconductor manufacturing and is expected to occur in other production environments. We provide an exact solution procedure for the single-machine problem and heuristic algorithms for both single and parallel machine problems. While the exact algorithms have limited applicability due to high computational requirements, extensive experiments show that the heuristics are capable of consistently obtaining near-optimal solutions in very reasonable CPU times.


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his paper addresses the problem of minimizing the number of columns with superdiagonal nonzeroes (viz., spiked columns) in a square, nonsingular linear system of equations which is to be solved by Gaussian elimination. The exact focus is on a class of min-spike heuristics in which the rows and columns of the coefficient matrix are first permuted to block lower-triangular form. Subsequently, the number of spiked columns in each irreducible block and their heights above the diagonal are minimized heuristically. We show that ifevery column in an irreducible block has exactly two nonzeroes, i.e., is a doubleton, then there is exactly one spiked column. Further, if there is at least one non-doubleton column, there isalways an optimal permutation of rows and columns under whichnone of the doubleton columns are spiked. An analysis of a few benchmark linear programs suggests that singleton and doubleton columns can abound in practice. Hence, it appears that the results of this paper can be practically useful. In the rest of the paper, we develop a polynomial-time min-spike heuristic based on the above results and on a graph-theoretic interpretation of doubleton columns.


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A number of companies are trying to migrate large monolithic software systems to Service Oriented Architectures. A common approach to do this is to first identify and describe desired services (i.e., create a model), and then to locate portions of code within the existing system that implement the described services. In this paper we describe a detailed case study we undertook to match a model to an open-source business application. We describe the systematic methodology we used, the results of the exercise, as well as several observations that throw light on the nature of this problem. We also suggest and validate heuristics that are likely to be useful in partially automating the process of matching service descriptions to implementations.


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A new class of nets, called S-nets, is introduced for the performance analysis of scheduling algorithms used in real-time systems Deterministic timed Petri nets do not adequately model the scheduling of resources encountered in real-time systems, and need to be augmented with resource places and signal places, and a scheduler block, to facilitate the modeling of scheduling algorithms. The tokens are colored, and the transition firing rules are suitably modified. Further, the concept of transition folding is used, to get intuitively simple models of multiframe real-time systems. Two generic performance measures, called �load index� and �balance index,� which characterize the resource utilization and the uniformity of workload distribution, respectively, are defined. The utility of S-nets for evaluating heuristic-based scheduling schemes is illustrated by considering three heuristics for real-time scheduling. S-nets are useful in tuning the hardware configuration and the underlying scheduling policy, so that the system utilization is maximized, and the workload distribution among the computing resources is balanced.


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The paper examines the suitability of the generalized data rule in training artificial neural networks (ANN) for damage identification in structures. Several multilayer perceptron architectures are investigated for a typical bridge truss structure with simulated damage stares generated randomly. The training samples have been generated in terms of measurable structural parameters (displacements and strains) at suitable selected locations in the structure. Issues related to the performance of the network with reference to hidden layers and hidden. neurons are examined. Some heuristics are proposed for the design of neural networks for damage identification in structures. These are further supported by an investigation conducted on five other bridge truss configurations.


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MATLAB is an array language, initially popular for rapid prototyping, but is now being increasingly used to develop production code for numerical and scientific applications. Typical MATLAB programs have abundant data parallelism. These programs also have control flow dominated scalar regions that have an impact on the program's execution time. Today's computer systems have tremendous computing power in the form of traditional CPU cores and throughput oriented accelerators such as graphics processing units(GPUs). Thus, an approach that maps the control flow dominated regions to the CPU and the data parallel regions to the GPU can significantly improve program performance. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of MEGHA, a compiler that automatically compiles MATLAB programs to enable synergistic execution on heterogeneous processors. Our solution is fully automated and does not require programmer input for identifying data parallel regions. We propose a set of compiler optimizations tailored for MATLAB. Our compiler identifies data parallel regions of the program and composes them into kernels. The problem of combining statements into kernels is formulated as a constrained graph clustering problem. Heuristics are presented to map identified kernels to either the CPU or GPU so that kernel execution on the CPU and the GPU happens synergistically and the amount of data transfer needed is minimized. In order to ensure required data movement for dependencies across basic blocks, we propose a data flow analysis and edge splitting strategy. Thus our compiler automatically handles composition of kernels, mapping of kernels to CPU and GPU, scheduling and insertion of required data transfer. The proposed compiler was implemented and experimental evaluation using a set of MATLAB benchmarks shows that our approach achieves a geometric mean speedup of 19.8X for data parallel benchmarks over native execution of MATLAB.


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Technology scaling has caused Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) to emerge as a major circuit reliability concern. Simultaneously leakage power is becoming a greater fraction of the total power dissipated by logic circuits. As both NBTI and leakage power are highly dependent on vectors applied at the circuit’s inputs, they can be minimized by applying carefully chosen input vectors during periods when the circuit is in standby or idle mode. Unfortunately input vectors that minimize leakage power are not the ones that minimize NBTI degradation, so there is a need for a methodology to generate input vectors that minimize both of these variables.This paper proposes such a systematic methodology for the generation of input vectors which minimize leakage power under the constraint that NBTI degradation does not exceed a specified limit. These input vectors can be applied at the primary inputs of a circuit when it is in standby/idle mode and are such that the gates dissipate only a small amount of leakage power and also allow a large majority of the transistors on critical paths to be in the “recovery” phase of NBTI degradation. The advantage of this methodology is that allowing circuit designers to constrain NBTI degradation to below a specified limit enables tighter guardbanding, increasing performance. Our methodology guarantees that the generated input vector dissipates the least leakage power among all the input vectors that satisfy the degradation constraint. We formulate the problem as a zero-one integer linear program and show that this formulation produces input vectors whose leakage power is within 1% of a minimum leakage vector selected by a search algorithm and simultaneously reduces NBTI by about 5.75% of maximum circuit delay as compared to the worst case NBTI degradation. Our paper also proposes two new algorithms for the identification of circuit paths that are affected the most by NBTI degradation. The number of such paths identified by our algorithms are an order of magnitude fewer than previously proposed heuristics.